Beth Connor

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Nov, 2020

Beth hasn't submitted any stories yet!

Author bio

Copyright © 2024 Beth Connor - All Rights Reserved. Using content without written permission is prohibited. Contact me here: Check out the website: Longer Works (found wherever books are sold): Secrets of Misthaven Light Bridging the Heart The Curse at White Pines Bridge of Blood and Thorn Prodigy of Flame Micah and the Candles of Time Hollow City Contributions to Anthologies: Whispers in the Mycelium The Golden Gull Beth Connor lives in Pacific Northwest with her husband, two teenagers, and three dogs. She has a passion for the arts and has spent the last 25 years in many roles. She has been telling stories in one way or another since she was a small child. In addition to writing, Beth has been involved in theatre and dance since a young age and made a career in choreography and dance education. She also hosts and contributes to the podcast Crossroads Cantina by writing and narrating short stories. (It features a bunch of Reedsy Prompts Writers!)