Wear Your Crown (WARNING: mention of suicide and rape)

Submitted into Contest #85 in response to: Write about someone fighting to change their city neighborhood for the better.... view prompt




I want to ask you something.


How are you?

I don't want the generic "good" or "fine".

...how are you really?


Some of you may be going through a tough time.

And that's okay.

Because you have pulled through. You have fought. And you have made it this far.

Wanna know how I know?

Because you are here, right now, reading this. You are here, living, breathing...


Let's keep it that way, okay?

Because I know that some of you want to just give up.

I know that some of you feel like you're not worth it. Like you're not worth the air you're breathing.

But guess what?

It doesn't mater whether or not you're gay or homophobic.

It doesn't matter whether you're black, white, or asian.

It doesn't matter whether or not you're muslim, christian, or an atheist.

It doesn't matter whether or not you're fat or skinny.

Society is always changing their minds...

You're fat, lose weight.

You're skinny, eat more.

You have a bulgy body, you eat too much.

You have the perfect body, hide it.

You're white, then shut up because everything you say is racist.

You're black, you think everything is about yourself.

So why conform to society's standards if society's standards is just the opposite of yourself?

Another thing...

Some of you may be feeling a certain way, having thoughts no one wants to have...

Feeling like giving up because you aren't worth it...

Because you're not meant to be on this Earth...

Because you're not worth the air you're breathing...

Because nobody would care if you're gone...

Well guess what.

I care.

I care about you.

I would notice if you were gone.

I would be crying in my bed knowing that the angels in heaven would go silent at the loss of a prince/princess.

Because guess what?

They are singing that you are alive.

They are singing that you are fighting.

... don't let them go silent.


Don't give up.

Don't go down the dark road of sadness because once you go down there's no turning back...

Please, you are worth it. You are worth everything in the world and you just don't know it. You just don't see it.

Repeat after me.

I am loved.

I am cared for.

I am appreciated.

...why do I say this? Why do I spend the time to type all of this out for only a few people to see?

Because I was there.

Because I felt like I wasn't loved.

Because I felt like I wasn't cared for.

Because I felt like I wasn't appreciated.

Because I cursed myself for every useless breath I took.

Because I didn't think I deserved to be here.

Because I was once at my lowest point, from the loss of my baby brother to when a boy tried to take the one thing I could call my own...


I know your pain.

I know your hurt.

And I know it's hard.

But please.

Don't give up.

Because if you had given up you wouldn't be reading this and I wouldn't be writing this and the angels wouldn't be singing...

If you need to talk, talk. If you need to cry, cry. If you need to scream, scream. Just don't bottle it up. Don't keep it inside. Because if you keep it inside, it will suffocate you from the inside out.

Don't give up. Please. Don't take away the one thing that can never be given back.

This is for everyone. This is for all those authors and judges and random readers. This is for those who feel like their life it finally going right and those who feel like ending it all.

If you ever need to talk, I am here. Tell me how you are really doing, rant, vent, whatever you need to do.

I am giving you the opportunity that I never had.

I know you are struggling. I know it's hard.

But God has given you a crown made of gold and jewels.

... so why don't you wear it?

If you feel the same way, copy this into your bio:

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

I am loved. I am appreciated. I am cared for. And so are you.

March 19, 2021 14:59

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I wrote this because I wasn't in the best place in life. My father was in jail and stopped calling, my step-father was in the hospital close to a heart attack, my little sister was sick, my closest friends abandoned me... it was all too much. I was close to giving up. And I almost did. I wrote down what I needed to hear during my lowest moment. I wrote down what could've stopped me from taking my own life, something that can never be given back. I almost gave up. No one knew because they assumed I had the perfect life. No one helped me. I ...


Abigail, I'm so sorry this happened to you..๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’” I want to thank you for doing this, you really have made my day!๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™ I hope things go well for you, your family, and friends๐Ÿฅบ If they get worse, yolu can always talk to us. We'll always be here for you when your struggling And please, DO NOT GIVE UP๐Ÿ˜ฒ "Put your crown on"๐Ÿ˜Œ


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16:17 Mar 19, 2021

Since this is not a typical story I see on Reedsy, I'm gonna... *throws my regular comment format out the window* I needed this story. It was so encouraging and inspirational. I loved it. Thanks for making my day a little better ๐Ÿ˜Š


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Maddie's Closet
23:27 Mar 31, 2021

Abigail, Thank you for this. The pandemic has taken me away from my friends. (I miss Matthew, Lucca, Jake, Annabelle, Ellie, Carmen, and Giuliana.) Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it. โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ #Live๐ŸšดLearn๐Ÿ‚And๐ŸŽถLoveโค๏ธ - Starlight


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Sia S
15:29 Mar 21, 2021

thank you. I really needed this abi. (can I call you that?) I would love to be friends :)


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wow- this was absolutely beautiful thank you so much for creating this and putting this out into the world. I really needed this and I'm sad I didnt read it sooner. This needs to be said more and not locked up. Thank you Abbie for addressing these topics and speaking up. amazing job<3


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โค๏ธ #AcceptWithoutAgreeing!


Definitely! I feel like we all judge others based on our beliefs, and that totally sucks. I've seen people getting harrassed on their political beliefs.


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I've been going through a stressful thing irl rn, and this is definitely what I needed. Tysmm it made me cry a little ๐Ÿ˜… Count on me to spread this to everyone I know <3


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TJ Squared
23:23 Mar 20, 2021

wow. Absolutely priceless. It was really great, really deep, and really what we need to hear. Thanks for slapping truth in the face. Thanks for standing up and speaking out. Thanks for leading a new rebellion. Thanks for being bold. Thanks for being you. But truly, amazing. It needs to be heard more, needs to be written more, needs to be advertised more, spoken more, proclaimed more, demolished less. I wonder what stopped me from reading this sooner (maybe it had something to do with the title...maybe not...) Love it!


TJ Squared
20:39 Mar 21, 2021

yeah. and the warning about suicide...that kinda threw me off...


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23:11 Mar 20, 2021

This is beautiful- thank you for this. And it reminds me of my favourite poem. "Welcome to society, We hope you enjoy your stay, Also please feel free to be yourself, As long as it's in the right way, Make sure you love your body, Not too much or we'll tear you down, We'll bully you for smiling, And then wonder why you frown, We'll tell you that you're worthless, That you shouldn't make a sound, And then cry with all the others, As you're buried in the ground, You can fall in love with anyone, As long as it's who we choose, And we'll let...


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Oh god. This gave me like... actual chills. Kinda reminds me of one of my stories... very accusatory, but also comforting. Mixed emotions mean that it does effect people a lot though! Great job!


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Wowww Great job Abigail :) The title fits so well too ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜™ ~ Amethyst


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15:49 Mar 19, 2021

Hey :) I really liked and needed this... I'm writing a story and I was wondering if you wanted to be in it :) if so please fill out this form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xJryETZYRVfCvcCXhdQxQOU6EIqTTa77hf8KXABo_0w


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