Creative Nonfiction

Hey Reeders,Β 

I am an alternate account, however this is not used for upvoting, downvoting, following or any of those aspects on Reedsy. The only reason I followed so many of you is so that you can see this message. I’m taking a different approach. It has been suggested a few times that we have a Reedsy account used for giving advice and support. This is my attempt to create one.Β 

Anyone can comment here if they have a problem they would like support or help with, or if they just want to talk it over. You could come here if you have been feeling bad about your writing lately and you would like feedback or suggestions. If you have been struggling to find the motivation to write lately or you haven’t been able to find any ideas. Or, for a slightly different reason, if you have been going through something in your personal life and you would like a friend to work through it with.

Anyone with any opinions and views is welcome, anyone can be included in this if they would like to be. I’ll do my best to help with anything you might be facing. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

I guess we’ll see how this goes, and if it ends up having any effect. I’m not sure if this will help, but I sure hope it will.Β 

I will not include some uplifting quotes, because I need more words and I love quotes:

✿ β€œYou are more than who you were. You can start over anytime. Like today.” -Unknown

✿ β€œIf you stumble, make it a part of the dance.” -Unknown

✿ β€œIf you feel like you’re loosing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and they still stand tall and wait for better days to come.” -Unknown

Okay, I hope this helps guys. If you have a problem, I’ll try to help in any way I can.

~Anonymous <3

β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯ β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯

I'm also going to include a link for Reedsy's tips on overcoming Writer's Block:


β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯ β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯

March 07, 2021 16:28

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Skyler Woods
05:52 Mar 08, 2021

Hi, I saw that you followed me, and I was wondering if you would like to check out my YouTube channel? I narrate supernatural stories each week from other authors. I'd love to have you as a subscriber. The link is below. ❀ https://youtube.com/c/AfterDarkFairyTales


Ooh, that sounds really interesting! Since I'm younger, I can't subscribe or comment on youtube (Sorry!) but I would love to check it out! <3


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Maryann Hammond
02:25 Mar 08, 2021

Also would you consider reading my story! It's called 'The brightest one there'


Of course, I'll add you to the list in my bio. :)


Maryann Hammond
02:51 Mar 08, 2021



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Maryann Hammond
02:24 Mar 08, 2021

Hey! you're such a sweet person for helping like this! If you don't mind, all i need is a friend. ~M


Thank you! Of course, we can be friends. <3 Tell me if you want to chat anytime. :))


Maryann Hammond
02:53 Mar 08, 2021

aww, thank you sm! <3


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Virginia Hair
23:09 Mar 07, 2021

Could you read my stories and give some suggestions please? I would really appreciate that!


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Rebecca Cole
22:40 Mar 07, 2021

I think this is such a wonderful idea, and I'd love to help if there is ever anything I can do, just let me know! I also love the dance quote <3


Thank you! Aw, that's sweet of you. I'll tell you if I think of something, maybe just giving feedback on stories. Me too! <3


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Greg Gillis
22:02 Mar 07, 2021

Thank you for taking on this difficult task. I am sure that plenty of writers will take you up on the offer.


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Elizabeth Inkim
22:01 Mar 07, 2021

This is so sweet and caring. I just wanted to let you know I wrote a story called "Ouroboros". I think the dialogue is a little stiff, and I am unsure if the ending is predictable. Do you think you could give it a read when you have the time?


Thank you! I would love to read it, I put your name on the list of people's stories to read in my bio. <3


Elizabeth Inkim
22:24 Mar 07, 2021

Yes, of course. No rush. I love feedback of all kinds


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This is a great idea! You're so kind to take your time out of your day to do this!


Thank you! Tell me if you ever need anything. <3


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I have been unmotivated to write for the last couple of weeks. I posted today for the first time in a while, but feel it can be improved. Can you a) read and then criticize my latest story, and B) give advice for writer's block? Thank you. This account is great btw!


I'll definitely read your newest story as soon as I get the chance, I added you to the list in my bio. There's a link at the bottom of this message for writer's block tips, maybe check that out? Thanks! <3


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That Asian Creep
21:09 Mar 07, 2021

Thanks for the inspirational quotes and useful links!


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. .
20:22 Mar 07, 2021

Hey Ad ( gonna call you that) I was wondering how you would go about making a normally boring setting seem interesting and captivating.


Hm, one time I heard this piece of advice a short story writer gave in an online class. She said she makes a list of unique/ strange objects (for example, furniture, decorations, clothing). Like a vase with a unique shape, or a painting of an interesting scene, then tries to incorporate them in her stories. And when she does she crosses them off the list. Could that work? <3


. .
20:42 Mar 07, 2021

Ooh, that does sound great!! Thanks a ton!! I think I know who you are lol


. .
20:56 Mar 07, 2021

You seem like Zilla but I’m probably wrong... I always am with which alt account is her talking


Oh lol, I'm not her. But I'm honored you thought I was. Lol :)


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19:57 Mar 07, 2021

Awww I love this idea and how positive it is! Thank you, wonderful person <3 Also, if you don’t mind, could you give me feedback on one of my newer stories? Thank you so much! Bye! πŸ˜„


No problem! Of course, I'll put you on my list of stories to read. <3 Bye!


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This is such a great idea! Really would help so many people so thank you for this! I would love to talk to you whenever I need help. Also I would love it if u could read my latest story. <33 Have a wonderful day!


Thank you! I would love to read your story! You too! <3


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Kate Winchester
18:33 Mar 07, 2021

If you have time, I would love feedback on one of my stories. 😊


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No problem! Tell me if you need anything. <3


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Susannah Webster
18:00 Mar 07, 2021

This is such a cool idea! I love that you're doing this. I think it could help people. Thanks for reaching out to me, I won't hesitate contact you if I need help. :) - SW


Thank you, I hope so! Yes, please do tell me if you need anything. <3


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B. W.
18:00 Mar 07, 2021

This is a nice thing and I love what you're doing, I guess I might need a little bit of help or advice with something


Thank you! What is it you need help with? <3


B. W.
18:21 Mar 07, 2021

No prob and It's just kinda that I don't feel like any of my stories are that great. I feel like a lot of them are bad and I just dunno why anyone likes em.


Is there a particular reason you don't like your stories? Could it possibly be that telling yourself your stories are bad is a way of putting yourself down, since so many other people love reading them? <3


B. W.
19:49 Mar 07, 2021

I just feel like I've never been good at writing, well I don't really think I'm good at a lot of things, but right now it's the writing thing. My first story was just plain terrible though, and I'm surprised anybody even liked that one. Whenever anybody tells me that one of my stories is great and all that, I just don't understand how it is. My other stories are of course a bit better than my first one, but I still feel like they're bad. I've sometimes considered about deleting some of them.


Well, if you don't like your story that makes sense. You've improved so much since then. Maybe if you could identify small details you don't like about your writing and you could change your style a little. Don't delete your stories, though, so many people out here take enjoyment in reading them.


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B. W.
23:59 Mar 07, 2021

Also, I'd like to take a small guess on who you are if that's alright, are you maybe Laiba?


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17:46 Mar 07, 2021

Wow this is an amazing cause, thank you for making this account. That's amazing.


No problem! Thank you for writing your beautiful stories on here. On my other account, I read your stories frequently and I love them! <3


22:42 Mar 07, 2021

Really, thank you so much! I understand if you prefer to remain anonymous, but what is your other account?


I'll send you a random message from my other account, just don't tell anyone. :)


. .
22:57 Mar 07, 2021

Ok please me too??? You might be a good friend...


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Ellie Yu
17:34 Mar 07, 2021

I really love this idea! Best wishes to you!


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Sia S
17:34 Mar 07, 2021

You filled me with fuzzy feelings inside. Thank you <33


Sia S
00:21 Mar 08, 2021



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