Creative Nonfiction

Hey Reeders,ย 

I am an alternate account, however this is not used for upvoting, downvoting, following or any of those aspects on Reedsy. The only reason I followed so many of you is so that you can see this message. Iโ€™m taking a different approach. It has been suggested a few times that we have a Reedsy account used for giving advice and support. This is my attempt to create one.ย 

Anyone can comment here if they have a problem they would like support or help with, or if they just want to talk it over. You could come here if you have been feeling bad about your writing lately and you would like feedback or suggestions. If you have been struggling to find the motivation to write lately or you havenโ€™t been able to find any ideas. Or, for a slightly different reason, if you have been going through something in your personal life and you would like a friend to work through it with.

Anyone with any opinions and views is welcome, anyone can be included in this if they would like to be. Iโ€™ll do my best to help with anything you might be facing. Donโ€™t hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

I guess weโ€™ll see how this goes, and if it ends up having any effect. Iโ€™m not sure if this will help, but I sure hope it will.ย 

I will not include some uplifting quotes, because I need more words and I love quotes:

โœฟ โ€œYou are more than who you were. You can start over anytime. Like today.โ€ -Unknown

โœฟ โ€œIf you stumble, make it a part of the dance.โ€ -Unknown

โœฟ โ€œIf you feel like youโ€™re loosing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and they still stand tall and wait for better days to come.โ€ -Unknown

Okay, I hope this helps guys. If you have a problem, Iโ€™ll try to help in any way I can.

~Anonymous <3

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I'm also going to include a link for Reedsy's tips on overcoming Writer's Block:


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March 07, 2021 16:28

You must sign up or log in to submit a comment.


Ivy Spade
16:36 Mar 09, 2021

Hi, I bet you get a lot of comments and requests. But I was wondering, do you have any advice on making story titles? I often struggle with coming up with titles. Also, thank you for making this account! I can see you helping a bunch of people. Keep it up and good luck! :3


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Anne Ryan
15:08 Mar 09, 2021

Please read mine if you have time, thanks.


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Kate Enoch
07:02 Mar 09, 2021

On your bio you said 'Kate' (Done). Are you talking about ME or another Kate? Just curious... If it's another Kate, would you read my VERY FIRST story and tell me what you think?


That was another Kate, but sure. I'll add you to the list (and specify the list a little lol), so I'll read your first story as soon as I get the chance! <3


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Kemani Grey
06:45 Mar 09, 2021

I think its amazing that you have taken this kind of thing upon yourself because I can be very confused about this whole process.


Kemani Grey
07:44 Mar 10, 2021

Mainly the whole submission process. Sometimes I think I can submit on Friday but then the competition can close on Friday. I just thought that when I still see the hours running the competition is still on but it seems it's not sometimes.


You have until 11:59 EST on Fridays to submit a story, as long as the time is still counting down you have more time. :)


Kemani Grey
19:44 Mar 10, 2021



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Kemani Grey
07:44 Mar 10, 2021

Mainly the whole submission process. Sometimes I think I can submit on Friday but then the competition can close on Friday. I just thought that when I still see the hours running the competition is still on but it seems it's not sometimes.


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Sia S
05:37 Mar 09, 2021

I would appreciate feedback! :))


Sia S
15:06 Mar 09, 2021



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Antonio Jimenez
02:48 Mar 09, 2021

Hey I would love for you to check out my stories and leave some feedback. Thanks!


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Gerald Daniels
18:41 Mar 08, 2021

Isn't it so annoying when you write a story that you think's really great, and then you read something that is?


Gerald Daniels
13:23 Mar 09, 2021

Quite often; I put my heart and soul into a little story the other day, then (foolishly) sat down to read the first two chapters of Daphne Du Mauriers 'Frenchmans Creek,' then slumped off sulkily into the garden determined never to write anything again.


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Cal Carson
18:35 Mar 08, 2021

Hey, wanted to say, cool initiative. I've been needing some feedback and critique recently, but more like what's wrong with my story, not just praise. Do you think you could help me out? If so, can you check out my latest story "The Surface of Reality?"


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17:40 Mar 08, 2021

Thank you so much for making this, I love the idea behind this account!


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This is a really great idea and it's going to help out so many people! I appreciate what you are doing for everyone, thank you. I also wanted to know if you would be willing to check out my most recent story? I've been wanting some critique and haven't gotten any, but I feel like there is something missing from it, or it may not make a lot of sense. Anyways, it's pretty short (barely 1k words), and I know you have a lot of stories to read, so no rush at all! Thanks again :)


Thank you! And of course, I'll check out your story. I added you to my list. :) <3


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16:09 Mar 08, 2021

Thank you! What a coincidence too... I've had writer's block for a while now and am trying to get back into "the swing of things" or whatever you say :)


No problem! Oh, that's good to hear you're going to start writing again. :) Do you need help with anything? <3


18:55 Mar 08, 2021

Oh, Thanks! Im waiting for some inspiration, I'll keep you posted on how its going. ๐Ÿ˜Š


18:56 Mar 08, 2021

Sry for the repeats, I deleted them


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15:00 Mar 08, 2021

Heyy!!! Thanks for the follow although your identity must remain secret XDD!! Can you read my most recent story, "Restart Button" and give feedback??? Thanks!!!


No problem! Sure, I added you to my list of stories to read. <3


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Palak Shah
14:04 Mar 08, 2021

Hi could you please give me some feedback on my recent stories Thank you for doing this and making reedsy a more positive place to be. ~Palak Shah


Palak Shah
10:53 Mar 09, 2021

Thank you so much :))


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Kaylee Tinsley
13:08 Mar 08, 2021

Hi! I would love for you to read my stories! I have two thus far... mind to give them a read when you get the chance? :)


Kaylee Tinsley
18:47 Mar 09, 2021

Thanks!! <3


Advice Account 2.0 read your story and left feedback. :) <3


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Jay DMer
13:00 Mar 08, 2021

You added me and I added you back:) Since your an advice account, then why not, you should give me advice on whatever story you'd like:) They're all good, to me, and I like it when others comment. Thanks ~Jay DMer


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12:58 Mar 08, 2021

Dear AA, I have my friends not listening to me as often as they did. I feel like Iโ€™m invisible. What do I do?!


Hi <3 This is just an idea, but maybe instead of trying to figure out why they're not listening by yourself, you could just bring it up. Maybe if it's out in the open, and they understand how they're making you feel, they'll be able to offer an explanation or rectify how they're acting. That way you could have a clear answer. <3


16:48 Mar 09, 2021

Ok Iโ€™ll try that! Thank u!


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Amara Tillington
11:25 Mar 08, 2021

Can I be on your list? And do you have any tips for writer's block besides the link? I'm still so stuck...


Sure, I added you! Hm, maybe you could change what genre or format you're writing in, that way the change might inspire some ideas. Or you could just try small writing exercises, like writing something short (100 words for example) and seeing how it goes. Small steps could writing a story less challenging. <3 Do you have any story ideas recently?


Amara Tillington
00:42 Mar 10, 2021

Not really... Your advice sounds good! I'll try it!


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I was gonna make one, but... Thank you! It is a little strange to constantly be followed by alternate accounts, but you have good intentions and will probably help a lot of people. Who are you really? Where do you post? Are you Maya? She had a form asking about ways to improve Reedsy or something like that...


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Amy Jayne Conley
09:52 Mar 08, 2021

Thanks so much for setting this up! <3 You're a real MVP!! One of the issues I'm having lately is that I've zero motivation to write. I have ideas for the prompts and what not, and if I sit and think I can imagine a kind of 'screenplay' in my head about what happens. For some reason, I can't get it onto paper. It feels like writing it out is too 'slow', and what I write doesn't seem to be what's going on in my own head. It's really weird. I've tried the writer's block things, too, but it doesn't seem to be a writer's block. It seems to be w...


Thanks! <3 Ohh, that's difficult. Have you tried writing out an outline for the story step by step so once you start to actually write it you have a plan? Or you could try just sitting down and writing a rough, rough draft, as choppy or incomplete as it may be. Then with a lot of editing, you might be able to get it to the place you would like. <3


Amy Jayne Conley
13:51 Mar 09, 2021

Another perk of writer's laziness, I have ZERO desire to plan! Never have liked planning. But I do like the idea of just writing - not thinking about story or plot or anything, just writing words and then going back to it later! Let's give that a go. Thanks so much, Anonymous lovely person! <3


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