Creative Nonfiction

Hey Reeders, 

I am an alternate account, however this is not used for upvoting, downvoting, following or any of those aspects on Reedsy. The only reason I followed so many of you is so that you can see this message. I’m taking a different approach. It has been suggested a few times that we have a Reedsy account used for giving advice and support. This is my attempt to create one. 

Anyone can comment here if they have a problem they would like support or help with, or if they just want to talk it over. You could come here if you have been feeling bad about your writing lately and you would like feedback or suggestions. If you have been struggling to find the motivation to write lately or you haven’t been able to find any ideas. Or, for a slightly different reason, if you have been going through something in your personal life and you would like a friend to work through it with.

Anyone with any opinions and views is welcome, anyone can be included in this if they would like to be. I’ll do my best to help with anything you might be facing. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

I guess we’ll see how this goes, and if it ends up having any effect. I’m not sure if this will help, but I sure hope it will. 

I will not include some uplifting quotes, because I need more words and I love quotes:

✿ β€œYou are more than who you were. You can start over anytime. Like today.” -Unknown

✿ β€œIf you stumble, make it a part of the dance.” -Unknown

✿ β€œIf you feel like you’re loosing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and they still stand tall and wait for better days to come.” -Unknown

Okay, I hope this helps guys. If you have a problem, I’ll try to help in any way I can.

~Anonymous <3

β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯ β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯

I'm also going to include a link for Reedsy's tips on overcoming Writer's Block:


β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯ β™‘γ€€β™₯γ€€β™‘γ€€β™₯

March 07, 2021 16:28

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Cathryn V
18:53 Mar 07, 2021

Wow, that sounds like a huge undertaking. I have two questions. How are the stories judged, as in, do people sit around a virtual table and discuss or is there a group of master judges? Sometimes I do not see the winning story as better than many others. I realize it is subjective, but with over a thousand entries, how does it work? Why does the site list over a thousand stories submitted for a week, and then when the contest ends, there are so few stories listed? I have loads of other questions, but I think that's enough for now. Thanks!


Seeing that I'm just another person on the site, I don't know the exact answers to your questions, but this is how I think it works: I think there are a group of judges that are each assigned a certain amount of stories to read. Then I think they read them all (and approve them if they fit the prompt) and afterward they discuss which ones sort of stood out to them. Then they pick one winner, and the shortlisted ones are basically the ones that had a chance at winning but didn't. I might be wrong about this, sorry! Maybe you could check the F...


Benji Bobo Β©
00:46 Mar 08, 2021

I got a letter from reedsy they asked me to be a judge, although I had to be over 18 which im not. It works like this, every judge is assigned with 20 to 30 stories every week on Saturday. They have to finish reading and approving by Thursday. They each get to pick one favourite story and select it as shortlist, then on Friday they decide on the best of the shortlists to determine the winner. :)


Benji Bobo Β©
16:05 Mar 10, 2021

No problem


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Benji Bobo Β©
16:05 Mar 10, 2021

No problem


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Cathryn V
15:22 Mar 08, 2021



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Amy Jayne Conley
09:49 Mar 08, 2021

I also noticed the thing about the numbers of submissions! But I have a theory (cos I kept a check on things) - I believe the total submissions changes because each one has to be approved. So, if you check on a Wednesday before submission deadline ends, the submission count seems to be a lot less than if you check on a Friday - or even the week after. And then obviously the email Jenn sends has a larger number too! Just a thought, I have no idea if it's the case or not. But I love the community!


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Radhika Diksha
16:54 Mar 07, 2021

That's so nice. I loved your initiative. Great job. Will contact you soon.


Thank you! Please do contact me if you need anything. <3


Radhika Diksha
17:41 Mar 07, 2021

ok, can you read my stories and point out what's missing in them. And like I don't have any friends, so can I talk to you once in a while.


Definitely! Which story, in particular, would you like me to look at if you have a preference? I'm sure you do have friends here, but sure! Anything you would like to talk about? <3


Radhika Diksha
18:08 Mar 07, 2021

How about my story "viral stories". No, I don't have here. Right now I am good. But if I feel sad, can I talk to you.


Gotcha, I'll read that right away. Of course, you can talk to me anytime. <3


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Claudia Morgan
16:50 Mar 07, 2021

This is such a sweet concept! Thanks for working to make Reedsy a more positive place!


No problem! Thanks for sharing your writing with everyone here! <3


Claudia Morgan
17:42 Mar 07, 2021

<3 thanks!


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How can I message the Reedsy team or Jenn??? Thanks, it's a bit of an emergency!!!


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Hello!!! This is one of the most beautiful things that happen on reedsy!!! Thank you for lending a helping hand to other people who need it. I would really appreciate your help at one point when I need it!!! Thank you so much AA!!! Can I call you that? Thanx :)


Thank you! I'll help you at any time you need. Sure, you can call me that. Btw I love your name! <3


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Gosh gosh gosh, I'm not having any issues right now, but: Thank you so much for making this account! Its really needed. Hmmmmmmmm I have a feeling of who you are. Just....got a feeling. Anyway, thank you, whoever you are!


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Jasey Lovegood
00:02 Mar 08, 2021

Hi there! Could u please give me some feedback on one of my stories, included in my bio? I think they’re some of my best works, and I would like to know your thoughts! Thank you :)


Sure, I would love to read your stories. I'll add you to the list in my bio. :) <3


Jasey Lovegood
06:34 Mar 08, 2021

Thank you!


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Meera Lakshmi
16:59 Mar 24, 2021

Hey, I was commenting somewhere else but then I realized you have this account. This downvoting and karma thing is getting out of hand. I got downvoted twice, both 100 points. It's making me sad and depressed. I love reedsy so so much. But I don't know what to do. I spend a ton of time upvoting friends only to have those efforts go down the drain. Please give me some advice.


Meera Lakshmi
17:14 Mar 24, 2021

Please. My friends are getting downvoted by the second. Aerin is in 4th. I can't keep up her points are disintegrating.


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David Brown
02:49 Mar 15, 2021

Question: How do you get more people reading your stories? I feel like I have some really good stuff (albeit it’s not romance or teen or woke progressive - like It seems the judges are preferential.) My stuff is classic sci-fi and fantasy shorts (tributes to Rod Serling, H.P. Lovecraft, Aldous Huxley, Robert Heinlein, etc.) that require a complex intellect to appreciate. I guess I’m wondering if the number of likes has any bearing on choosing a winner or shortlisters. If so, how do you get more people reading your contributions? If not, then...


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TJ Squared
23:07 Mar 11, 2021

wow. What you are doing is really awesome. I've been feeling a little...I wouldn't say unmotivated, but rather...idk, stressed, but not really...idk...it's a weird feeling. What you are doing is probably giving writers hope again, so I wanted to thank you (whoever you may be) for that :) -A friend, Lone Wolf


TJ Squared
20:51 Mar 15, 2021

:)))) Some encouragement would be nice...encouragers need a break too :)


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Party Pancakes
17:08 Mar 11, 2021

Hi, I'm halfway through my first year of middle school. Do you have any advice for me on survival, relationships, tests, etc? Thx :)


Emma Harris
03:55 Mar 12, 2021

In middle school, relationships don't matter!!!! You can just throw away those thoughts! I wouldn't even worry about relationships until the last year of high-school! For tests, just study as hard as you can. Don't put off working hard and find ways that you can remember what you need to learn. Everyone remembers things in different ways so just find a way that fits you best! Middle school can be hard for some but you should be fine. Just be kind to everyone and don't worry about little things that don't matter (getting one bad grade, relati...


Party Pancakes
15:22 Mar 12, 2021

Thank you!


Emma Harris
05:35 Mar 13, 2021

Happy to help!!


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Emma Harris
05:35 Mar 13, 2021

Happy to help!!


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Emma Harris
05:35 Mar 13, 2021

Happy to help!!


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Kristen Barney
14:44 Mar 11, 2021

Thank you! I needed to hear words of encouragement about life, not just about writing. I've been working for a temp agency and they terminated my assignment just before I would've been able to work for the company itself. I've been out of work for a week, and my income is the major source of money in our household. Maybe this will turn out to be a good thing. The job I had was EXTREMELY physical. I had nothing left when I got home, except for increasingly hard to ignore aches and pains. I haven't been writing much at all, and wh...


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13:45 Mar 11, 2021

I'm really sorry I couldn't do any of the stories today :'(((((((((((((((((( tears, im sooo sorry (i feel like i've been saying that a lot today and i sound annoying lol) adfdjlskdjflksdjf just reading this makes me bleh aflsdkjflskd disgoosting me im really sorry :'(( D:


Aw don't feel bad about it, it's totally fine. <333


Maya -
19:22 Mar 31, 2021

Yep lol


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Amara Tillington
11:24 Mar 08, 2021

I need some help. I can't really come up with a good story. I tried the writer's block tips but I'm still stumped. Could you give me some advice?


Amara Tillington
00:42 Mar 10, 2021



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Rodrigo Juatco
07:40 Aug 04, 2021

Thank you for offering this account. Writing is a solitary, often lonely, proposition. Can use all the support I can get. Much appreciated.


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Svara Narasiah
09:36 Jun 28, 2021

What an amazing idea! I love the concept of just having an account to give advice to anyone who needs itβ€”thank you! Would you mind reading my story, Wanderlust, and perhaps give me some feedback on it? :)


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Dhwani Jain
09:24 Jun 26, 2021

Hey, Can you please read my stories and my blog and tell me how they are? Here's the link to my blog: www/djdhwanijain.wordpress.com


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Plz sign my petition to help save helpless cows and spread the word: http://chng.it/tmwTRXTcgq


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Dhwani Jain
12:01 May 28, 2021

Hello Advice Account (I don't know your real name, so...) Well, I am new at Reedsy. So, I would like to receive some feedback from others here. How can I do that? Also, please give your feedback too on my stories. https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/dhwani-jain/


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19:38 May 08, 2021

This is amazing, Thank you for making yourself available to help others. πŸ˜€πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒ


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