Funny Fantasy Suspense

Ridin’ around in my automobile. Tryin’ not to fall asleep at the wheel. Round and round and round I go. Where I’ll land nobody knows.

Caught in a spin cycle. Spinning my wheels. Never any end in sight. Think I’m getting ahead then some guy on a steel horse passes me by. Heck, the rate I’m going even that construction guy pushing the wheelbarrow is catching up to me.

Endless, I’m tellin’ ya. Hopeless. I put in my paces, smile at the faceless faces hiding under haute hats all so I can chase that elusive money bag, pick up my salary and get on the move again. What chance do I have? Every step forward can lead to three steps back.

Even though I’m livin’ large on the Mediterranean don’t mean I got an ocean front view. As the crow flies I can maybe see the boardwalk but down here where the shoe leather hits the avenue there are a lot of twists and turns along the way.

It is bad enough I struggle to pay the rent but then I’m forced to pay utilities, too. Electric, water, whatever— it never ends. Don’t forget about the tax man. He is coming after me as sure as death stalks about. At least I don’t own enough to get hit with those extra luxury taxes someone is always trying to pin on a fellow.

Once in a while the community may try to help you out with unexpected dividends or prizes or something big like free bail money. Sure, sure, who’s perfect? I have landed in jail a few times. So I didn’t pay my speeding tickets, sue me. This fast car is everyone’s favorite. Got to show what it can do sometimes. I have a reputation to uphold, after all. But you can bet I’ll never win any beauty contests and my consulting fees are a mere pittance in the scope of this city’s living expenses.

Maneuvering around these corrugated city streets and avenues is stressful. No wonder I have doctor fees and hospital bills. I don’t even have kids yet have to pay school fees. Who is gonna be around to collect that mandatory life insurance policy when it matures?

There is on-going new construction everywhere one looks. Bright shiny hotels spring up overnight. Someone always has their hand out expecting me to help pay for their good fortune. And don’t get me started on the Slum Lords that extort exorbitant payments in their row after row, street after street of exclusively owned turf. Who wrote those rules? A good old player like me can’t even land in a safe haven anywhere near their neighborhoods.

There aren’t many shortcuts either. I’m from the wrong side of the tracks, so to speak, so if I try to take a short ride on one of the rails I usually have to pay twice the normal fair fare. Those greedy owners make all the rules. They’ve got their cannons out gunnin’ for ya, all right. Down on the Atlantic I’ve even seen a battleship! A battleship! This calls for all out war!

Right now I’m gonna slip into the shadows, find a parking place and pop into a friendly watering hole to have myself a bit of the good stuff, maybe just a thimbleful, and iron out some plans on how to escape this spin-cycle. It will take an enterprising winning strategy. I slide onto an empty stool next to a sad-sack, dog-faced patron nursing a short one and only to be polite ask, “So how’s the rat race going?”.

“It’s a dog eat dog world out there and this ol' Scotty is down t' his last buck. Best o' luck t' ye, Laddie.” He laps up the rest of his swill, pulls out a crumpled paper bill and slips it under his over-turned glass and proceeds to turn both his pockets inside out for emphasis. Then he slunked off his stool and out the door. I swear if he had a tail it would have been tucked between his legs.

That image fuels my resolve. Think, think now. Give it the old non-college educated how-to-get-‘er-done know-how and get ‘er done! It is not my first trip around this block so I should know what’s coming and take advantage of all avenues. Sure the unexpected will be turned over but there should be as many favorable aspects as there are unfavorable hazards. All I can do is be prepared to ride out the onslaught, build up my reserves and fight back. Oh, and keep from going bankrupt in the process, of course.

First I better count my blessings, er, assets. Besides my classic convertible what do I own? How much cash do I have in the bank? Any dividends coming my way? How many paydays do I have coming up? How much can I save? Any windfalls expected to befall me? Anyone owe me money? Do I have any building loans maturing? How much can I afford to buy and what will be the return on those investments and how fast? Can I qualify for building loans to put up some housing on my properties? What are the rules about trading or selling or creating an alliance with someone with more experience than I have? Whew! Guess I should have gone for that CPA license after all!

Boy, one can’t be timid to play this game! No one warned me it would be this cut-throat. It is like my life depends on it. Oh, wait. My life does depend on it. I will be ousted if I can’t make some gains. No one wants to be ousted. I may never get another chance at beating the odds. I have got to go for it. So buy, buy, buy. Borrow to the hilt and hope it makes all those other token people pay for the privilege of passing through my properties. Splurge on a couple of railroads. That pays pretty good. Take a chance or two. My birthday is soon, that aught to pay off. Maybe that inheritance will come through from Great-Uncle Richie.

It didn’t take me long to add the cold Baltic to my Mediterranean and my cash flow trickled in enough that when I was sent to Boardwalk by chance I purchased that, then a walk through the Park Place cornered that market so I was well on my way to hotel tycoon status. I got hold of the beautiful Marvin Gardens, Ventnor Avenue and even the Atlantic one and once improvements were accomplished there was no holding back. I could purchase the old B&O Railroad and three states, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky Avenues.

Now the glint off that battleship sitting on the Atlantic holds no threat. I won this battle. Stopped the never-ending cycle. Now, anyone else wanna play?

April 04, 2023 01:13

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RJ Holmquist
20:39 Apr 07, 2023

My wife and I have been on a monopoly kick for the last couple weeks! It is tough cycle to break out of. What a good take on the prompt!


Mary Bendickson
23:21 Apr 07, 2023

Did it take you long to figure it out since you have been playing recently? I was thinking of classic treasures then saw our box high on a shelf but it was a more modern take so I had to research some of it again.


RJ Holmquist
23:39 Apr 07, 2023

It did take me several paragraphs to put all the hints together, but it was a fun "ohhhhhh" moment.


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Kevin V
02:09 Apr 07, 2023

This is really, really clever, Mary! Took me a minute (I can be kind of slow at times) to realize this was a monopoly board. It's been a very long time, but I believe you nicely interwove every piece, space, and Chance card into this! Seems there was another type of card, but I can't remember it. I loved owning developed Baltic and Mediterranean Avenues. Didn't make much, but they really annoyed my opponents! And I also loved the car. I think everyone wanted that car. I believe this is my favorite story of yours so far. Thank you for shar...


Mary Bendickson
02:52 Apr 07, 2023

It was the community chest. I talked about the community helping out. I did miss several of both kinds of cards but got in most, I think, of the old and newer pieces. Was thinking classic because of the treasure type theme.


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Rebecca Lewis
16:14 Aug 02, 2024

Hey, I loved your Monopoly-themed story! It captures the frustration and determination of trying to make it in the game. Your casual, chatty style is great. Your protagonist has a strong, unique voice. You’ve nailed the Monopoly metaphors. The bit where you interact with the sad-sack guy at the bar is a nice touch. There are some funny moments, which I enjoyed. It’s a fun and creative piece. Great job capturing the essence of the Monopoly struggle!


Mary Bendickson
16:57 Aug 02, 2024

Thank you so much!


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McKade Kerr
19:28 Apr 29, 2024

I love all the little references to the game! Well done!


Mary Bendickson
19:34 Apr 29, 2024

Thanks for checking it out and liking. Lots of fun doing that kind.


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Graham Kinross
10:54 Jul 15, 2023

Never played this version of Monopoly but it sounds like fun. I hear the game was originally intended to demonstrate the evils of capitalism… I like how light this is. There are so many deep, serious and depressing stories on here, including many of mine, that is is a refreshing break. Thank you.


Mary Bendickson
12:13 Jul 15, 2023

Thanks and you are welcome.


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Joe Smallwood
03:00 Apr 27, 2023

I didn't catch on until just about the last line. Duh! Really clever. Wish I could come up with cute storylines like that! Here is what Chatgpt (AI) thought of it: The short story "Monotony" is a cleverly written piece that conveys the struggles and challenges of modern life through the lens of a person driving around in their car. The author uses a stream-of-consciousness narrative style to give voice to the protagonist's thoughts and feelings as they navigate the complex and sometimes treacherous landscape of contemporary society. The st...


Mary Bendickson
04:04 Apr 27, 2023

Maybe there is still hope for us mere mortals:) Thanks for spending time to read and comment and follow all of my ramblings. Hope you weren't too bored. There are so many talented people here. I do mean to try that grammar help when my tech-support hubby can help. Thought I had a grasp on it but evidently...


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Michał Przywara
20:41 Apr 10, 2023

Heh :) It seemed like a fairly sad take on struggling in the modern world and just trying to make a buck, but there were some incongruous things. The initial line about being charged extra for rails, some hints that despite money trouble, there were also a lot of assets. It finally clicked when I hit the paragraph starting "First I better count my blessings, er, assets." :) And now looking back on the earlier stuff, it all takes on extra meaning :) There's something about Monopoly that lends itself well to such stories. Maybe because i...


Mary Bendickson
00:38 Apr 11, 2023

Ah, thanks, Michal. Nice comments coming from your talent means so much. I am always curious when it clicked for people. Thought I was being too obvious too soon but that seems just right. Didn't have a clue what to write this week but then saw a box of Monopoly on my shelf and what is more of an endless cycle than that? Thanks for reading and commenting.


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Rissa Bee
02:48 Apr 10, 2023

What a genius story! I love it!


Mary Bendickson
03:24 Apr 10, 2023

Why, thank you, kindly. When I read talent like yours I am humbled.


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Geir Westrul
21:00 Apr 09, 2023

Very clever. It wasn’t until the last third of the story that it dawned on me this was a monopoly game (at street level). Excellent!


Mary Bendickson
21:56 Apr 09, 2023

Thanks. That was my hope that it took a little while to figure it out.


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Richard E. Gower
00:46 Apr 06, 2023

Mary, you really had me going with this piece....pulled me through the story like I had a ring in my nose....I was trying to get my head around who exactly was this character, what were his life-issues and how was he going to deal with them, and then, bang!...turns out to be a Monopoly game. Brilliant, and met the prompt in a walk. Excellent! Cheers! RG


Mary Bendickson
01:31 Apr 06, 2023

Oh, so pleased you liked it. Can't get much more stuck in a cycle than an endless game of Monopoly:) May I ask when did you have it figured out?


Richard E. Gower
18:35 Apr 06, 2023

Well, silly me, I probably would have twigged to the game much earlier if I had kept the title in mind (...clever, BTW) but the first clue for me as I read through was "token people", then when I saw "Great-Uncle Richie" I (figuratively) slapped myself on the forehead and fell flat on my back on the floor. -:) RG


Mary Bendickson
21:47 Apr 06, 2023

I figuratively hope you didn't hurt anything except your pride!


Richard E. Gower
23:03 Apr 06, 2023

Nothing that I would figuratively admit to........-:)


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Viga Boland
19:14 Apr 04, 2023

Mary, this is your best piece yet. Pure genius as someone else said. Wow…damn impressive. You need to write more stuff like this. Loved it. Bravo! 👏👏👏


Mary Bendickson
19:42 Apr 04, 2023

I cherish your praise!


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Kendall Defoe
17:44 Apr 04, 2023

Damn clever work! And I prefer the dog or the top hat!


Mary Bendickson
18:07 Apr 04, 2023

All classic treasures. Thanks.


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15:50 Apr 04, 2023

Oooo I really liked this one! Took me a minute to understand, but once I did, I realized how genius this plot twist was! Monolpoly games are endless, and come to think of it, that's probably everyone's connotation with the game! Lovely execution of a great idea.


Mary Bendickson
15:56 Apr 04, 2023

Thanks for the compliment, Alexandra. Kind of threw in Monopoly because I was trying to think of a classic treasure to fit the prompt, then it just happened.


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Michelle Oliver
11:05 Apr 04, 2023

A game of monopoly with a winner? What is this voodoo you speak of? As far as my family is concerned it is the un-winnable game! A great poetic beginning that had me scratching my brain until it all clicked into place. Great work!


Mary Bendickson
12:53 Apr 04, 2023

Exactly what I was going for. Wanted to name it monotony monopoly but that would have given it away too soon. Had to win to get off cycle, right?


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