Science Fiction Suspense Thriller

Ben had a smoking addiction, and he wanted to quit. Sometimes Ben would smoke twelve-packs of cigarettes within two hours. Sometimes Ben would smoke so much that when he went to use the bathroom, his urine would smell like cigarette smoke. Ben smoked for comfort, but also now and then something supernatural would happen to Ben’s body after he would come in contact with a cigarette. 

Ben pretended he couldn’t understand what was happening to him, but he knew. It all started a few months ago at a funeral service where Ben had to attend. Ben had to attend the funeral service because it was his funeral. He was supposed to be dead, and he remembered the terrified screams at his funeral when he climbed out of his casket holding a cigarette. Ben told his daughter that he couldn’t remember how he died, nor could he figure out why his body started changing after he smoked. 

Ben’s thirty-two-year-old daughter Simona planned to take a vacation from her job so that she could spend some quality time with her dad. 

She was heartbroken over his sudden death. She didn’t understand how her father could have suffered a massive heart attack, especially since he was in excellent physical condition and didn’t smoke or drink before he died. Simona would go and work out with her father at a local fitness center every week. She thought that she would have her father forever since he had the body of a heavyweight champion with perfect six-pack abs.

Simona always thought her father looked cool and sexy for his age. He looked and dressed like a rap star, with a bald head, tattoos flowing down his bulky arms, and metal piercings in his ears.

He knew how to wear a tank top and jeans, and sometimes when he was out in public, young women would walk up to him and flirt with him, thinking that he was a young guy until they would notice the slight gray in his beard. It always amazed Simona that her father looked young for his age. It also amazed her to see how muscular, strong and healthy her father was for his age and how he never drank or smoked a day in his life.

Simona never thought that she would lose her father to a heart attack. Also, she never thought in her wildest dreams that she would witness her father stepping out of his casket at his funeral with a lit cigarette in his hand. It was a traumatizing experience for Simona. It was an experience that she would never forget. 

How’s my dad alive? Is it a ghost? Why is he smoking? Where did he get a cigarette? Those were just some questions that were rummaging through Simona’s mind. Simona never understood how and why her father developed a smoking addiction after coming back from the dead. Ben pretended that his memory was hazy on how he died and he pretended not to know where his smoking habit came from. Ben also tried to keep Simona in the dark on how something supernatural would happen to him after he would smoke.

Sometimes Ben would think about his past life and he struggled to keep his past hidden from his daughter. Ben felt guilty for killing a man and assuming his identity.

He felt guilty for lying to Simona for a while and making her believe she had her father back. After a while, Ben’s guilt got to him and he revealed to his daughter the truth about himself. It was kind of hard for him to continue lying to Simona, especially after she witnessed him do something terrifying after he smoked a cigarette. It surprised Ben how well Simona took the truth. 

The only thing she said to her father after he revealed the truth to her was..."Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?" Simona said that to her father before she fainted. Luckily, Simona’s father caught her before she could hit the bathroom floor. Ben caused his daughter to faint when he smoked in front of her one night in her bathroom and caused her entire house to vibrate. Not only did the house vibrate from the result of Ben smoking but also blue fire shot out of Ben’s mouth and eyes, which terrified Simona, to where she blacked out and could hardly remember anything when she woke up the next day.

When Simona came back to consciousness, she lay in her bed and not remembering how she got there. She had no memory of her father picking her up and carrying her to the bed. As time rolled past, Simona remembered what her father told her, and what she witnessed him do in her bathroom after smoking a cigarette. But she thought it was all a dream until she witnessed her father do it again.

Before passing out, Simona remembered her house was shaking, and she thought it was an earthquake in her dream. She was so frightened by what she saw her father do before passing out that when she came back to consciousness; she didn’t remember seeing fire shooting out of his eyes and mouth. 

Her state of shock caused her mind to snap and reject the surrealism behind what she saw her father do. Simona was forced to confront the truth again when she witnessed her father do something incredible on three separate occasions. The first occasion was when Simona went with her father to visit her mother’s grave and watched as her father lit up a cigarette before bringing her mother back from the dead. Simona was traumatized, but she didn’t faint this time.

The second occasion was when she witnessed her dad decapitate a serial killer after smoking. Simona would never forget how she watched her father rip the killer’s head off with his bare hands after lighting up a cigarette. She thought that after being kidnapped by a killer; she was going to die that night and never see her two-year-old son again.

But when she heard her father charging down the basement stairs of the killer’s home, she quickly realized that she was wrong about dying. Simona never forgot how the killer, who was about to stab her, was down on his knees, sobbing and begging for her father not to kill him. The killer, who was a Devil worshiper and a male stripper, got both of his arms broken before losing his head, literally.

The third occasion was when Ben rescued Simona’s two-year-old son, Tyshawn, from her burning car, which caught fire at a gas station from a runaway suspect in a stolen vehicle crashing into a gas pump. Ben reached through the fire and miraculously pulled his grandson out of the backseat of his daughter’s car after smoking a cigarette.

Simona was tremendously grateful that she didn’t lose her baby that day. While holding and kissing her son, Simona never forgot how she watched her father smoke another cigarette, before putting the fire out on her car and repairing her silver Toyota Mirai back to new again, just by waving his hand at the car.

Simona also never forgot how she watched her father beat the crap out of the guy who ran into her car. The wanted terrorist didn’t have a prayer when he, unfortunately, crossed Ben’s path. There was something about Ben’s smoking that would sometimes turn him into a superman who was covered in blue fire. Ben’s smoking habit activated something inside of his body that would transform him from being a man to something beyond human. 

Ben had to tell his daughter the truth. He wanted to keep his identity a secret to Simona, but circumstances wouldn’t allow him. Ben eventually had to tell his daughter that he wasn’t who she thought he was. He had to tell her that his real name was Rameses and that he was using a human body as his permanent covering. Ben was Rameses, who was a retired hitman and a former Star Command police captain whose job was to serve and protect in another galaxy. 

Rameses admitted to Simona that he wasn’t human and that he came from another star system. He also told Simona that his planet was more corrupt than Earth, and was being overrun with criminal activity and a corrupt government who relied on sacrificially killing the innocent to keep organizations within the government thriving.

Rameses told Simona that he had to leave his planet because his life was in danger. He told her that his smoking addiction comforted him and that it was his drug of choice after a criminal kingpin killed his wife and daughter. Guilt constantly stabbed Rameses in the heart for stealing Simona’s father and living a new life through his eyes.

Smoking made Rameses powerful, but there were others out there who were more powerful than him. Rameses admitted to Simona that he lived a double life. He told her he pretended to uphold the law on his planet as a police captain. But behind closed doors, Rameses was a ruthless interstellar hitman who was paid by his mob boss to kill when necessary.  

Rameses admitted to Simona that he killed her father by sending a death signal to his heart so that he could enter his body and hide his identity. He explained to Simona that he used to be a corrupt Star Command police captain, who retired and was running from an interstellar crime boss who they called the Repo-man. 

Rameses explained to Simona that the Repo-man wanted him dead because he attempted to kill the mob boss to get revenge for the death of his wife and daughter. He told Simona that the crime boss killed his wife and child because he refused to continue working for him. Rameses attempted to beat the Repo-man to death, but he ended up getting shot at by one of the mob boss’s security guards. He killed the security guard, so not only was he in trouble for injuring the Repo-man, but he was also in trouble for killing one of the mob boss’s men. Rameses knew that after putting his mob boss in the hospital and killing one of his men, he had to leave his planet and hide his identity. 

The stress of losing his wife and daughter and running from his mob boss caused Rameses to fall into his smoking addiction to comfort his soul. Rameses told Simona that Earth was the only place he could think of escaping and hiding after attempting to kill the Repo-man, who was a crime lord over the largest interstellar crime syndicate in the universe. Rameses also explained the job that he used to do for the Repo-man after he retired as a police captain.

The job was stealing cars off of earth that only used gasoline and shipping them to a warehouse so that they could siphon the gasoline out of the fuel tanks and converted it into a narcotic called NX9. Rameses explained how NX9 was a hallucinogenic type drug and that non-human drug dealers made millions of dollars from selling it to drug-addicted customers across the universe.

NX9 was very expensive, and it cost a thousand dollars in Earth currency for one ounce. Rameses was getting paid two million dollars a year in interstellar currency by the Repo-man to steal millions of cars from Earth, with the help of other paid non-human interstellar criminals. Every car that was stolen for the day was to be shipped to a mobile space station-based chop shop warehouse, where the cars were stripped down and their fuel tanks removed.

2.9 billion gallons of gasoline went through conversion each year and its chemical elements had to be restructured to create the narcotic NX9. Rameses admitted to Simona that he stole her car three months before he killed her father. He admitted to Simona that he was the one who stole her red metallic Nissan Rogue. Simona didn’t get too angry about Rameses stealing her car since it was a used car that still ran on gasoline.

Rameses admitted he gave her father a massive heart attack so that he could take over. He told her he was a murderer and that he was sorry for what he did, but he was desperate. Rameses thought he could still be Simona’s dad.

He told Simona to still see him as her dad and that he would never leave her, her son, and her mother. Rameses promised Simona that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her, her little boy, and her mother, like he allowed the Repo-man to kill his wife and daughter. He promised Simona that he wouldn’t let it happen again. Rameses wanted Simona to see him as her father since he was in her father’s body, and at first, Simona could do it. 

At first, Simona took it well, and she felt that she never lost her dad. She was happy at first as she went back to her normal routine of going to the fitness center every week with her father and going out to dinner with him and her mom. Simona went to Disney World with her son and her father and she never forgot how her father made her son laugh by carrying the child on his shoulders and wearing a Mickey Mouse hat. 

Simona also went to the Super Bowl with her father, and on the same day, she and her dad went to a concert to see her favorite rap star, Chance The Rapper. Chance The Rapper died from old age years ago, but Simona could still watch the rap artist perform on stage as a young man as a hologram. Simona enjoyed spending time with her dad again. The young woman was content until one night while spending time with her dad, she got drunk and went off on a tirade, realizing that Rameses could never be her dad, even though he was in her father’s body.

Rameses had to endure getting the hell beat out of him that night. Rameses was powerful enough to vaporize Simona, but he would never dream of harming her, and he understood she was still angry at him for what he did to her father. That night Rameses saw how fragile the human body was. It surprised Rameses that his nose was already bleeding from Simona, slapping him and punching him in the face a few times. Rameses also never experienced pain before, and it was a very unpleasant sensation that he never wanted to feel again. Simona later apologized for beating up on her fake alien father and she cried in his arms for the rest of the night. 

“You’re in my father’s body, but you’re not him! You’re nothing but an asshole who killed him!” Simona spitted her words at her imposter father. “You’re an animal for what you did! You turn into a freak every time you smoke and that scares me! I don’t care if you turn into superman after you smoke, you’re still a freak! You’re nothing but a piece of sh*t to me!” Rameses would never forget the hurtful words Simona said to him that night through her tears while hitting him in his face and chest and shoving him around the living room.

Rameses saw a vision of Simona’s tirade before it happened because he could occasionally see one day into the future, and he saw the night that Simona was going to get drunk and angry with him for stealing her father’s body. Simona’s mom, Diane, didn’t get angry or scared of Rameses after he revealed to her what he was and what he could do after consuming nicotine. 

After getting resurrected from the dead, Diane saw Rameses as an angel from heaven who was occupying her husband’s body and had a smoking addiction that turned him into a sexual beast in the bedroom. She felt a little guilty for not wanting her real husband back, because the real Ben wasn’t a sex god in the bedroom, unlike Rameses, who gave Diane multiple orgasms night after night.

Posted Jul 30, 2021

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81 likes 37 comments

Onyxx Moon
17:31 Jul 30, 2021

Fascinating premise. Talk about your disfunctional family! I'm rooting for them to work out their problems and stay a family.


Skyler Woods
17:32 Jul 30, 2021

Me too!


Daniel R. Hayes
16:37 Aug 09, 2021

This was amazing Skyler!! I love the creativity here, and it is written so well. I'm always very impressed at your writing skills! Great job as always :)


Skyler Woods
19:30 Aug 09, 2021

Thank you!! I was a little nervous about this one because I thought it would be too crazy to read! 😆


Daniel R. Hayes
22:14 Aug 09, 2021

You know I love crazy :) You've read my Mr. Macabre stories so you know I ain't lyin' lol :)


Skyler Woods
01:19 Aug 10, 2021



Charli Britton
02:01 Aug 08, 2021

Oh wow, very interesting concept, I really liked that!


Skyler Woods
21:25 Aug 08, 2021

Thank you so much!! I was actually a little nervous about this story. I wasn't sure if anyone would like it. 😄


Charli Britton
12:46 Aug 09, 2021



Aidan Romo
22:47 Mar 25, 2025

I admire how bold this story is, and how it wasn't afraid to go into the insane directions it did! This was delightful and bizarre, in the most unexpected, fun way!


Skyler Woods
02:24 Mar 26, 2025

Oh thank you so much!


Tom Skye
14:50 Feb 10, 2024

This was a fun. Read. Lot of cool ideas in there and the story motored along. Funny ending as well that came out of nowhere 😂 Rameses the stud 😂

Great work. Thanks for sharing


Skyler Woods
18:44 Feb 10, 2024

You're so welcome. Knowing that you enjoyed this one puts a huge smile on my face. 😄


Skyler Woods
03:57 Mar 25, 2025

Hey Tom! I just wanted to tell you that I have a short story collection eBook on Amazon. The link is below. Please let me know what you think and share it if you can. It contains some of the stories I posted on my author blog along with some new ones!


Helen A Howard
10:53 Dec 26, 2023

A wild ride!!


Skyler Woods
19:16 Dec 26, 2023

So glad you liked this one! Thank you!


Martin Ross
14:56 Nov 06, 2023

Great cross-genre tale, and it makes me wonder what my chainsmoking folks were capable of😉. I can identify from a coffee standpoint. The flow and internal meditations melded wonderfully, and I’m happy to hear that Chance will still be going strong years from now (the Beatle’s “new” AI song hit me reading it). I liked your using pop culture to help bring a wild story down to Earth at points. Nice! I know this one was a while back, but I hope to see you turning out more like this soon, and will read back through your “shelf.”👍👍


Skyler Woods
16:32 Nov 06, 2023

Thank you. ❤️
I'm happy that you liked it. And yes, hopefully Chance will still be going strong in the future of holographic highways and flying cars. 😄


Martin Ross
18:42 Nov 06, 2023

One of my favorites was his financial advice cameo in Lonely Island’s “YOLO” video.🤣


Skyler Woods
20:41 Nov 06, 2023

Yes 😂


Skyler Woods
03:58 Mar 25, 2025

Hey Martin! I just wanted to tell you that I have a short story collection eBook on Amazon. The link is below. Please let me know what you think and share it if you can. It contains some of the stories I posted on my author blog along with some new ones!


Judith Jerdé
01:19 Oct 30, 2023

Skyler, woah... Great story. Thank you for liking my story. Lemonade, Witchcraft, and Mr. Jones


Skyler Woods
03:04 Oct 30, 2023

I'm so happy you enjoyed it. Thank you. Your story was awesome, so I couldn't resist giving it a like. Lol


Skyler Woods
03:59 Mar 25, 2025

Hey Judith! I just wanted to tell you that I have a short story collection eBook on Amazon. The link is below. Please let me know what you think and share it if you can. It contains some of the stories I posted on my author blog along with some new ones!


Josephine Harris
11:58 Oct 29, 2023

Love, love, love this universe you’ve created. I’m sure you know it could do with a little paring but style is style. This could be a movie. Following.


Skyler Woods
18:08 Oct 29, 2023

Aww, thank you. 😊
I was a little nervous with this one after I wrote it. Lol


Andrew Evans
14:32 Dec 25, 2022

I love this Skyler. Very imaginitive, fast paced and made me visualise the characters. Makes me want to know more! Merry Christmas.


Skyler Woods
19:30 Dec 25, 2022

Thank you so much! I tried to make it fun to read! 💗


Andrew Evans
12:57 Dec 26, 2022

It was haha!


Graham Kinross
11:11 Nov 24, 2021

You have an amazing imagination. Good story.


Skyler Woods
18:45 Nov 24, 2021

Thank so much! ❤


Mary Bendickson
19:29 Oct 29, 2023

Thanks for liking my Where the Wild Things Aren't. This one of yours is a little too far out there for my tastes. I'll come back and look at another one sometime soon.

Thanks for liking my 'Pitfall'
And 'Led into Temptation'


Sia S
11:02 Nov 06, 2022

new story


Michael Danyluk
17:14 Jul 17, 2022

Devil Worshipper and male stripper hahaha Those damn Devil worshipping male strippers, they're the worst.


Skyler Woods
21:07 Jul 17, 2022

I know right? So glad you enjoyed it. :)


Ed Vela
03:09 Jul 05, 2022

After the intricacies of THIS story, I doubt if u'll like MY latest, but...

Latest adventure in the Luger/Pyke saga...


Skyler Woods
11:55 Dec 08, 2021

If anyone would like to subscribe to my channel, then just copy and paste this link!


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