Submitted to: Contest #81

The Anima App (Part 7)

Written in response to: "Write about a first date that surprises both people, but in different ways."

Lesbian Teens & Young Adult Urban Fantasy

"Don't just stand there and gawk," Vedette demands of people spreading to watch the scene behind us. "Move, now!"

Her commanding tone parts the crowd as she pulls us through the crowd, looking pissed.

"I'm sorry your house burned down again," she tells me, not sounding sorry at all. "But you need to keep running"

"Why?" Carson asks her. "Mayweather's dead. Wasn't she the only one trying to kill Caddy"

"Idiot," Vedette whacks him on the head, pumping her legs harder to get ahead of us. "Caddy probably alerted a thousand people of her presence. Mayweather wasn't first, and that's not going to be the last we see of her. The fucking idiot just made this a thousand times harder"

"The fucking idiot is also right here"

"Just run!" Carson shouts at us. "God... why can't you two just get along?"

"Uh," I tell him. "Because she's a psycho who tried to kill me an hour ago"

"I'm also the only thing keeping you alive. So, if you want to stay alive, you'll have to follow everything I tell you"

"How are we going to get away in time?" Carson asks, staring into my eyes.

"Well," Vedette answers him as she checks his watch, completely distracted. "We need some train tickets. We could hop from train to train until we reach Chicago"

"Chicago?" I ask. "Why there?"

"I doubt you even know the rich history of this world, correct?"


"Precisely my thoughts," Vedette narrows her eyes as we weave through traffic, avoiding incoming taxis nearly smashing straight through one. A chorus of honks meets my middle finger and my own melody of screams. "Well, perhaps I'm overdue an explanation.

"Have I spoken of Aman's challenge? That would be a good place to start"

"Yeah," Carson mumbles. "But could you repeat it? I don't really understand"

"Do we have to decipher a riddle again?" I groan.

"Just because you don't understand my words with your comically small mind doesn't mean that other people don't. Anyway, this is not the first world we have all inhabited. Many more have existed before, with near replicas of our souls. Well, your souls; I wasn't born with one"

"Well that clears it all up," I laugh, taking in the city before us as we dash through a busy street. Orange lights taint the stormy sky as fat droplets splash down onto the ground. Honestly, I'm so numb right now that I can't even understand what I'm saying. Everyone feels like they're talking to me through an entire ocean. Maybe I'll feel it later. Maybe I'll finally realize that Ms. Trachard's...

Why does everyone die because of me? Am I really that important?

"Just ignore me," I tell Vedette, sensing her hateful stares. "I'm being stupid"

"It's hardly different from your normal behavior. The Anima Goddess was worshipped beyond belief, thus granting her ascension. She rose beyond her old world to create a new one, this world. She gave birth to her daughter Toruń, the first vessel of Anima. She'd be your ancestor. Somehow, the Goddess of knowledge's lineage turned to you"

"Yeah," I brag. "Guess that means I'm smart"

"Well, not exactly. Toruń once was a wife to Lucifer, the demon god. That resulted in a big mess for the timeline that we still haven't sorted through. Long story short, Toruń was the first vessel of Anima, but she wasn't the last. Every one hundred years, a child gains power. That child was you. Normally, we wouldn't put much stock into protecting you. However, it seems as if you're the strongest person to have Anima, in sense of control"

Really? The girl that's only managed to create a bubble and somehow heal her best friend is the strongest Anima user there is? Stronger than a goddess? And what about control? Where'd that come from?

"The Anima has grown tired of this endless plight of destroying and creating worlds. She decided to create a new rule; anyone with Anima will be destined to stand against Aman to stop him from taking this world to the next, a world named Earth"

"Earth? Like... ground?"

"Yes. Aman has already succeeded in stealing people and culture from that world. The main component of the rite of ascension is for the chosen god to have mass popularity. Around 100 years ago, Aman almost succeeded; he told the people of that time that they were from a different world, which was true. His lie was that they would be able to return to their old lives. Aman would enslave everyone if he was given the chance. If he does succeed, his power will grow beyond comprehension"

"So what's the deal with him?" Carson asks. "Why hasn't he killed Caddy himself?"

"Aman is dead," Vedette reports. "In fact, after that travesty, all gods were killed. I am only able to speak to my time god, Nœl because he has created his own pocket of time, Cogshire"

"Then we won!" I pump my fist, tired of everyone's dreary expressions, only farther saturated by the raindrops tearing down onto us. "He can't do anything, right?"

"Well," Vedette stares at me as if I'm stupid. "That cannot be the case. The Anima Goddess's prophecy tells us that children will be born with Anima until this cycle ends. Aman may be dead, but Nœl has already spread his suspicions"

"Ooh," I yawn. "Tea"

"I am a time traveler, one able to travel through time"

"Thanks, captain obvious"

"Time deities are unable to travel through time, except through mass sacrifice. Nœl believes a time traveler will attempt to become a deity when someone close to them dies. They will return to the beginning of time to take Nœl's place. If this happens, Aman will have a second chance to apply his knowledge. He will have a new chance to begin the rite of ascension"

"Ah, and then the world's fucked?"

"Basically. Aman may have more time travelers at his disposal. Either that or Mayweather hired more people to kill us. Or she isn't alive. But that's okay because Nœl isn't even answering me with a straight answer!"

"Vedette," Carson puts a hand on her shoulder, turning her so she has to stare into his eyes. “You need to calm down”

“You’re right,” Vedette sighs, breathing in and out slowly. “You’re... I’m sorry. It’s just hard. I’m all alone with... with you two!”

“Wow,” I stare at her, deadpan. “You’re really making it hard to feel bad for you”

“A train departs for Chicago in just a few minutes,” Carson pushes his phone back down his pocket, coughing to get our attention. “So... what’s so special about Chicago? I doubt we’re going for some sort of pizza”

“You east coast dimwits,” Vedette rolls her eyes, shaking her head. “There’s more pizza in the world than your flimsy little pieces of grease. When the Anima goddess first created the world, she split it into many different parts, attempting to create a parallel of the other world that we would inhabit next, if Aman is to win. She did so in an attempt to ease the translation. A fruitless attempt, really.

“When Aman began to bring in more people from the next world, he split the world further from the Anima goddesses vision. Countries began to grow even more divided than before. Nations were jumbled into his own visions. When he died, the land reverted to its natural state. What you know as North America used to be split between many different parts. If we are to stay along the border, we can hop from country. After we make it to Chicago, we’ll steal a car and th-”

“Um,” Carson raises his hand in protest. “Steal?”

“I doubt Caddy has any qualms about it. Rid yourself of any fear. From here on out, we’re going to be living on the line.

“If you wish to return to school, then I suggest you leave immediately. We won’t need your company. In fact, it may be for the best; you have less of a chance to die if you aren’t with me... then again... someone could kill you behind my back...”

Before Vedette can descend further into her paranoia, Carson interrupts her. “Why do I need to stay alive? I mean... besides obvious reasons”

“If you die, I will be greatly grieved. In this depressive state... I may do some unsavory things”

“Don’t you dare kill yourself,” Carson chides.

“No... I’d make a god of myself. I’m already cross with Nœl... I can’t even imagine what it would be like if you were to die. I’d be out of control. I’d kill people just to become a goddess myself. You mustn’t die, Carson. I am the only one who is even a little disposable”

“No,” Carson places a hand on her shoulder, lifting her head before tears can fall. “You’re just as valuable as both of us. How long do you think we’d last without you?”

“I’m sure Caddy would love to see me die,” Vedette sniffs. What a bitch.

“Oh yes,” I murmur, not even trying to limit the acid in my tone. “I wuv you, Vedette. Don’t die”

“You don’t have to be such a bitch,” Carson crosses his arms. I just shrug; it’s not like I’m not everyone’s enemy already. At least now someone literally wants to kill me.

“Let’s just get on the train before it leaves,” Carson murmurs, grabbing the back of my coat. “Vedette, how much money do you have?”

“Just enough,” she checks her pockets, nodding graciously. “I could always make more. It isn’t very hard”

“What do you mean, make more?” I ask, crossing my eyes.

“Must I explain even the simplest of details?” Vedette huffs, pulling out a thin card. “Have you heard of Tarot cards before?”

“Not really,” I begrudgingly admit, sighing in relief as we pass under an awning, protecting us from the rain.

“They tell your past present and future. A reader could interpret your fortune depending on which way they cards faced, but I’d rather not delve that far in. My card magic is barely adept yet, so I can only muster up this simple spell. I can place three cards down before me. I can only use one at a time”

“What about the other ones?”

“They’re up for anyone for around a week. Then they return to me. Here, I might as well begin the ritual inside”

Carson runs off to grab a few tickets, leaving us shivering alone, soaking wet.

“Why did you want me to die?” Vedette asks, trying to stay calm. Her face goes red when I stare back. “What did I do?”

“I mean, do you really think you were trying to be nice?”

“Sure,” Vedette nods. “I’m not the nicest person. And I know I only care about the cause. But this is for your own good”

“Why is everything for my own good? Why don’t I get to decide anything myself?”

“You don’t deserve to do anything on your own because your a fucking idiot. You would have jumped off a roof the night Carson told you everything. It was only because of luck that you’re still here today”

“I’m almost an adult!” I scream back, knowing that I look like an idiot. “What if I don’t want to be alive?”

“Stop it!” Carson rushes back toward us, tickets in hand. “Listen, I got the tickets for the train. Vedette has enough money that we can afford two cabins”

“You clod!” Vedette reaches back her hand to smack him. “You weren’t supposed to spend that much! We only need one cabin!”

“If we need money, I’m sure your tarot cards will give it to us. But for now, you two need to work on your attitudes”

“You can’t be serious,” I mutter, crossing my arms. “She’s a bitch! Is it my fault that I can’t stand her?”

“She’s trying to protect you! She’d put her life on the line to save you, and this is how you thank her! Vedette, I want you and Caddy to take the bigger cabin and perform your magic. Then talk it out. I’m not dealing with your shit for the entire train ride”

“Apologies,” Vedette bows, brushing off her anger. “At least some of us can come to our senses. Caddy, please follow me”

I growl, hesitantly trudging behind her, shoving my hands into my pockets. Carson recounts our money, looking toward the food at the end of the train.

“I’m going to get some food,” Carson calls back to us before Vedette can shut the door to our room. 

“I hope for your case I do get lucky and get a tarot card related to material wealth,” Vedette hisses back before slamming the door shut.

“Well, we might as well get this over with...” I cross my legs, following her as she sits on the floor, setting her deck up neatly on a small tea table. A loose glimmer of warm light shines from the dull bulb above us, barely reaching past the heavy crimson curtains covering each window. Vedette pulls out a match, striking it to produce a single flickering flame. Her wavering hand shakes as she drops it toward two incense burners. The sickly smell of lavender engulfs the room, giving me an instant headache.

“Hey,” I poke at her. “Why don’t you get a crystal ball, just to set up your entire witch aesthetic?”

“It’s fortune reading,” Vedette mumbles. “Not witch-y stuff”

“Hmm, you’re right; I didn’t see you melt out in the rain”

“Are you ever serious?” 

“Are you ever not?”

Vedette shakes her head, tossing away the conversation. “There are three cards placed in front of me,” she relays, throwing down three cards. “Many have deduced that this displays the past, present and future. That’s the case here.

“Time travelers have no relative timeline. Well, except for this one. My future alone is decided by these cards. I choose one path of the three I have been given, and I face the consequences”

“But how do you know this is real?”

“I don’t have a choice in what’s real and what’s not. I can only control what is right in front of me.

“The card usually dedicated towards past is the descent. All of us are villains at hearts. Or perhaps villains are people at heart. I’ve never figured that out. This card resembles the hard choices we make at the last second. In other words, this card is the world of latent opinions and doing what’s right.

“The present is how we adapt. It’s usually taken when we can afford to. It’s a relatively safe option to change up our plans while we still can. To live in the present is to constantly adapt and flow to get through the day. Were we to stay the same, we would break”

“I understand,” I interrupt, ignoring the sour expression on her face. “I could fit into every crowd in school because of that”

“Then you might not appreciate the future’s card. This is the path to heroism, the way we become the ‘best’ version’s of ourselves”

“What’s wrong?” I ask, slowly shifting toward her. “You sounded a little weird at the end there”

“It’s a little thing called sadness,” Vedette sniffs, turning back to the cards. “I’m sure you’ve felt it before”

“I’m drowning in it,” I tell her, the words losing their muster as they fall flat. Why is Carson taking so long?”

“I’ve never taken a card to the path of heroism. It often requires great sacrifice and planning. You have to throw away everything you’ve ever done. You give back to the world, and you get...”



“No, tell me”

“That’s all there is!” Vedette screams. “There’s nothing! There is no light at the end of the tunnel!”

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“You were born a hero; everyone has to love you”

“Uh, that’s not how it works,” I tell her, growing defensive at her baseless claims. Who does she think she is, telling me everyone loves me? Clearly, that’s not the case. I don’t even have a boyf-

Oh. Shit.

“Not everyone loves me just because I’m the hero,” I rub my converses against each other , staring down at the jeans I chose in what seems like a lifetime ago. “I just choose to ignore them.

“I didn’t get to choose to be the hero. Do you think I want to be here, running away from another home? I don’t belong anywhere, and now I have to save a world that doesn’t love me back. But I stick it through because I have to. Because it’s right.

“I’ve never been a firm believer in what’s right and what’s wrong. But if everyone’s relying on me, then I’ll do it. It’s all karma, right?”

“I’m a villain,” Vedette repeats. “I choose only what’s the best option for me. I don’t pay attention to love or feelings. I’m a mess inside, and I try to hide. I can’t ever even flip over that future card because I’m scared of what I’ll see. I don’t want to throw it all away; to lose everything to become better seems like a curse”

“It’s a curse,” I breathe out, staring down at her tanned face. “But it’s one hell of a story”

And just like that, I feel her plush lips against mine, shifting up as her hands venture into my lap, pulling onto my back. 

And somehow, I’m kissing back. I don’t even know what I’m doing, but Vedette seems to be a mess too. Our eyes open, staring into each other.

We fall apart at the same speed we connected, pieces of our souls flying apart into the world, scattered and broken.

Vedette’s phones breaks the silence, echoing in the cramped room.

“It’s Nœl,” Vedette whispers, her voice hoarse and afraid. “He’s coming to take you”

Posted Feb 17, 2021

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33 likes 13 comments

Radhika Diksha
11:44 Feb 21, 2021

2 new stories would love your feedback on it.


Sapphire 🌼
05:56 Feb 22, 2021



(also......have I found another halsey fan......? SUPALONLEY is perfect bw)


13:03 Feb 22, 2021

Omg yesss...
There were few songs in this made specifically for scenes that didn't really match the playlist at first, and I'm so glad I decided to make it geared more toward Caddy!
Control/walls can talk is so perfect to write to btw


Sapphire 🌼
18:23 Feb 22, 2021


I thought I was the only one who listened to control and nightmare while I wrote lol!!!!! I love the playlist (the cover is a bit....*ahem* but I LOVE IT!)


19:27 Feb 22, 2021

Ooh... yeah girl in red’s covers... I tried to change it to a picture of a caddy aesthetic, but it’s not saving.


Sapphire 🌼
19:44 Feb 22, 2021



Sapphire 🌼
23:37 Feb 18, 2021

*gasp* Am I late?

Well blame the twenty five deadlines and projects that I am currently suffocating in.

I seriously can't get over your added humor, like your stories can literally cure depression for at least five seconds. (Milliseconds

I think "comically small mind" is gonna be like the catchphrase for Caddy's name or something, literally one of the best descriptions I've read.

One thing I would say is that at a point of this, it felt slightly like and info dump, and the humor kinda suppressed that feeling, but the residue of it is there (what am I even saying) It didn't bother me too much, but I figured you'd want some useful critique instead of me just saying "great job!"

Anyway, great job with this! (Yes, I know I'm contradicting myself)


00:16 Feb 19, 2021

You’re late? Late for... a very important date?
Okay, let’s talk about that info dump. Yeah, I understand it exist. Yes, I know it’s annoying. These short stories are one of three openers to my big series, and I have to find a way to explain everything. Of course, this ends up with three slightly different sum ups of this world’s history. I could have made it all extra and even do it with a song or something (to borrow/parody a song from my other stories would have been perfect way to transition into this, but I didn’t have enough words left, so I cut it out. You can also blame the reedsy word count for the lack of a cat by Vedette’s side) Thanks for the critique!


Sapphire 🌼
00:23 Feb 19, 2021


It's not "annoying" per se and I understand the need to explain everything. I mean, without the info dump, the story would be confusing as heck. LOL I would love to hear the song if you ended up making one. We need some sort of philosopher to find a way to make info dumps less of a....dump. Where are you now Socrates? *waves fist up at the sky* (sorry you're probably sitting there staring at the screen in mild confusion/amusement)

No Problem!


00:26 Feb 19, 2021

No, I’ve been there, trust me. I would add songs to this, but all of them begin later. Right now, I’m already planning one for the next addition I’m working on for the larger series. Please don’t ask why I’m working on Caddy’s backstory at the same time I’m working on the present of my story, else I’ll have to indulge in a tasteless backstory of stress and multitasking. Lol.


Sapphire 🌼
00:32 Feb 19, 2021

Ah, well that's pretty cool!

gahhh don't put too much on your plate, and take as much time as you need. And sometimes it's better to multitask, so I don't really blame you. Just don't overwork yourself or become too stressed :) (why do I sound like a therapist??)


Ari Berri
15:24 Feb 22, 2021

This is awesome! Can't wait for the next one!


16:07 Feb 22, 2021

thank you!


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