Submitted to: Contest #50

Killer Chase

Written in response to: "Write a story told entirely through one chase scene."

Adventure Thriller Funny

August glanced nervously behind him. He was running out of time and energy. However, he could not give up running at such a crucial point of time.

His black, silky, wavy hair bounced repeatedly, blocking his beautiful brown eyes. Sparkling beads of sweat flew from his tall, lanky body. His breath was coming out in wheezes now, but he didn't care. His survival mattered more.

He looked behind him once more. There was a complete mob of people after him now.

A familiar voice shouted out to him, "August! Come back here!"

Yep. His mother was chasing him- with the whole neighborhood.

August pleaded his feet to work faster. "Come on, come on, come on...!" he whispered, apparently, to his legs. They were not in a particular mood to save him, though. They seemed to have waged war with the rest of his body and also, his life.

His mind drifted back to what had happened that day.

He had returned home from school, and was rather ecstatic. He had won second place in an elocution contest. He had never been good at public speaking, so this was quite an achievement.

He was leaping around in excitement very vigorously, and was not paying much attention to his surrounding. He pulled his backpack off his shoulders and flung it towards a corner of the living room.


It went and hit the expensive Ming vase with scientific precision. He wasn't able to celebrate his accuracy, though. He was more worried about how his mom would react to the loss of an expensive item.

Karma caught up with him real fast, too. His mom returned before he could fix the mess. She took one look at the smashed remnants and strode directly into her bedroom. She came out a few minutes later, went into the kitchen, and came out holding a knife.

"August..." she began. His hair stood on end. Without another word, he dashed out of the house.

And now, he was in trouble. She had followed him successfully, and the neighbors had entered the fray without actually knowing why they were pursuing him.

He looked left and right for an outlet. There had to be some way to throw them off his trail. He did find a small alley and dived right into it. He rushed into the second shop and hid in there, fully puzzling the lady who was running her business. As he had expected, the whole mob went straight past the store without giving it so much as a glance. He sighed in relief and ran out again.

But Karma stepped in again, grinning maliciously.

The shopkeeper yelled at the top of her lungs, "The kid hid in my shop! He's going the opposite direction now!"

August scowled at her. "WHAT WRONG DID I DO TO YOU?" he yelled furiously back at her and started running again, the mob back at his heels.

His emergency reserve of energy was depleting fast. He took in a few gulps of air and took off at top speed again. This was not even what he had always dreamt of! If he were being chased by gangsters, that would have been much cooler!

He turned in three different alleys, and successfully left half the pursuers behind. All the time, he was forming an apology in his head. Different explanations of how the vase broke popped up in his brain, but all of them were lame.

He looked over his shoulder once more. This was bad... they could keep on chasing him to the ends of the earth if they wanted to, and would eventually catch up with him. He had to try a different tactic.

He plunged into another store, from where he never came out. His mother and the neighbors arrived just a second later. His mom scanned the whole area.

"He must have entered a shop again. Search all the shops! Fast!"

All of them obediently nodded and began their hunt. She herself entered the store August had run into. But except for a few women, there was no trace of a lanky young boy.

A person stepped out from a dressing room. His mom huffed. Another woman. She continued looking all over the shop and began interrogating the owner. The woman who had just arrived clutched her clothes and said, "I like this piece. Here's the money."

And she laid a small bundle of notes on the counter and walked casually out of the shop.

As soon as she was outside, the 'woman' took off her wig and burst into peals of laughter. What she didn't realize was that her mother was standing right behind her.


The pretend woman went stiff with nervousness.

"Wh-Who are you calling August? I'm- I'm Mary," he replied.

His mother chuckled. "I'd recognize your frame, gait and explosive laughter anywhere, son. You can't fool your own mother."

He gulped and turned around slowly.

She opened her mouth to speak, but it was a golden opportunity he couldn't miss. He fled right from the scene, leaving her cursing behind him. She started chasing him again, without the rest of the people this time.

"AUGUST!" she shouted. "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?"

He rolled his eyes even as he ran. She was trying to be funny, wasn't she?

"DON'T KID ME, MUM! YOU KNOW VERY WELL WHY!" he screamed back. She looked nonplussed. "DO I, NOW?"

He huffed. She wanted to listen from his own mouth, right? Well, that might make her stop running after him.


She screeched to a stop.

"Why would I care about a Ming vase?" she said breathlessly. He halted too.

"Wait... so isn't that why you were chasing me?"

His mom frowned at him. "I never started chasing you. You were the one who rushed out on seeing me."

"Well- you had a knife! You looked ready to murder!"

"The Ming vase can go to the trashcan for all I care. I didn't say anything since you were already cleaning up."

He walked further towards her.

"Why the knife, then?"

She giggled. "Oh, that? I was about to ask what you wanted for dinner."

Posted Jul 10, 2020

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73 likes 30 comments

02:18 Jul 20, 2020

Love this!


Authoring Studio
07:41 Jul 20, 2020

It means a lot to me 💜😊


Orenda .
13:42 Jul 16, 2020

My God, i was really confused over why a mother would run after her son for breaking a freaking vase and then i also thought something dark's related to it lmaoo...but I loved it so much..i was laughing all the way haha..Great job!!

p.s. do you mind giving a feedback to my recent submission? Thanks..
and by the way nice to see a fellow kpop stan, i'm an exo-l btw:))


Authoring Studio
03:23 Jul 17, 2020

I Stan BTS, EXO, Monsta X, Ateez, Wanna One, Stray Kids, TXT
So I'm part of too many fandoms😂
Who's your bias btw? Mine is Kai


Orenda .
05:48 Jul 17, 2020

I stan many grps as ultimate bias is Baekhyun..You'll know feomy prof. pic


Authoring Studio
06:41 Jul 17, 2020

Oh ya


Maya Reynolds
20:01 Jul 25, 2020

This was so good! I too thought that there was a deeper side of the story... so I was surprised at the ending!


Authoring Studio
01:43 Jul 26, 2020

Haha thanks a ton! Your appreciation means a lot to me 💜


Deborah Angevin
22:58 Jul 15, 2020

Loved the ending! It was a very enjoyable read, Pranati!

Would you mind checking my recent story out, "Orange-Coloured Sky?" Thank you!


Authoring Studio
06:41 Jul 16, 2020

Thanks 😊💜
Sure, I'll read your story!


Corey Melin
21:23 Jul 11, 2020

Quite the entertaining and funny story. Running all over for a reason that turned out null. Good read


Authoring Studio
01:36 Jul 12, 2020

Thank you 😊💜


Khizra Aslam
14:40 Jul 11, 2020

This is such a sweet and funny story with an unexpected ending! ❤👏it made me smile and I almost escape the reality I am in. I was so in depth. 😂


Authoring Studio
01:34 Jul 12, 2020

Thank you! It felt nice reading the appreciation.


22:57 Jul 26, 2020

This was so well done Pranati! Exciting and with quite an unexpected ending. This was so cool 😎 I will read more of your work!! If you don't mind and if you have some time, please check out one of my stories to offer some feedback Thank you. Keep writing!


Authoring Studio
02:05 Jul 27, 2020

Thanks and sure! :D


P. Jean
00:55 Jul 23, 2020

Good twist at the end!


Authoring Studio
10:20 Jul 23, 2020

Thanks 😊


Mry M
08:26 Jul 20, 2020

That is very very funny hahahaha


Authoring Studio
13:18 Jul 20, 2020

Thank you so much 😊💜


Mackenzie Meetz
22:08 Jul 19, 2020

I felt like a mother chasing her son with a knife was completely over the top, but the end had me laughing. I loved the descriptions as well. Great job!

Also, would you mind checking out my story? Thank you and good luck:)


Authoring Studio
07:34 Jul 20, 2020

Thanks 😊💜
I'd love to see your story!


Dylan Thayer
17:59 Jul 18, 2020

I was so confused and then it all came together at the end. Well written.


Authoring Studio
07:45 Jul 19, 2020

Glad you like it 😁


12:10 Jul 18, 2020

I loved it.


Authoring Studio
15:05 Jul 18, 2020

I am happy you did😊


T.M. Kay
18:27 Jul 14, 2020

What a great and funny story.


Authoring Studio
13:35 Jul 17, 2020

Thank you :) I'm glad you liked it.


Jessie Nice
09:57 Jul 14, 2020

Ha! What a good ending. Love this :)


Authoring Studio
00:48 Jul 15, 2020

Glad you like it 😊


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