I wake up feeling warmer than I did before I fell asleep. I pat around trying to feel around for Ben. He’s not there. My eyes blink open in surprise…ugh I feel like crap.
Ben must have woke up earlier. I rub my stuffed up nose that I can barely smell out off, there is a huge mirror right in front of me and I look like a mess. Like, a mess. My hair is blown out of all proportions, my eyes have bags under them and my lips are cracked. Embarrassing.
I groan and pull myself out of bed taking myself to the bathroom. I grab a rubber band tying up my hair. I feel like I did something really embarrassing yesterd-
The memories flood back like a wave, slapping me in the face. “AHHHHH” I scream smacking my forehead against the window. What the heck is wrong with me… Asking him to say my name? Ugh I’m embarrassed to call myself me.
“Elle?” Ben’s voice calls out my name as he knocks on the bathroom door. “You okay?”
“I’m fine sorry, just um–testing out my voice” I say.
“Okay” he says and I hear him leave.
That's right, his parents want us to do that. Its just stupid and ridiculous that they still feel the need to try to control us.
I sigh and brush my teeth… I will not let them, no more. Enough of this. Enough with these wack traditions. Enough!
I place my brush back…washing my face so that I actually look like a human. I make my way out of the bathroom to find Ben standing there. Looking just perfect.
“Good morning” he says.
“Hi..” I respond back feeling myself turn hot. Ugh…I laid in his arms too. He stares at me for a minute.
He then pulls his hands on both my cheeks making me meet his eyes.
“W-what” I stammer in surprise. He pulls away.
“Just trying to make sure you're okay, I– Yesterday your okay right?” he asks with a worried expression. He’s worried about me..? My heart thumps harder, I seem to fall for him more and more.
“Oh! I’m fine!” I say with a smile.
“I’m just making sure. I don’t want you taking any of that on yourself, so please don’t” he says back.
“Same goes for you” I say and that brings a smile to his lips. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the kitchen. We pass the window and I see the layers of snow covering the streets.
“Since we are stuck at home…I was thinking maybe we could decorate this place, it is home for now.” I say squeezing his hand.
“Good idea, there’s actually construction paper in one of the drawers.” he says pulling a hand through his hair.
“Why would there be construction paper here?” I ask him, curiously. He pulls another hand through his hair letting go of my hand.
“When I heard we were going on this trip…I guess I wanted to impress you or something and I heard you loved to draw so I guess I just bought it. In case we were bored or something like that” he says messing with the pan on the stove.
“You’re always thinking about me…” I say fiddling with my fingers. I’ll get him something, soon. When I figure out what he likes. When did he even get all these facts about me from.
“Always.” he says with a side grin. Then he starts cutting up vegetables. I stand there shocked…ugh I’m gonna die young from all this heart pounding.
“Do– do you you like to play video games?” I ask him as I pull at the drawers he told me it was in. He definitely likes video games, I know he does!
“No, not really? They’re boring.” he says.
“What! How do you not like video games! I bet you haven’t even played” I turn in shock.
“Oh I definitely have, they’re too easy. Every game has a pattern and eventually I figure it out.” he says as his long eyelashes bling as he blinks.
“No!” I say refusing to believe it.
“What? Are you mad cause I’m better than you at playing” he says with a teasing grin.
“No! We haven’t even played before, I would beat you in one go!!” I yell. I take pride in my skills.
“Yeah alrighttt! Don’t get butt hurt when I beat you.” he responds back.
“You won’t beat me trust me” I say sitting on the couch folding my legs as I cut the paper with the design scissors. I smell the air as I hear the food sizzle in the pot.
“That smells soooo good. I’m sorry I know I said I would cook…” I say as I feel the rough beautiful paper.
“It's okay, you’re sick. And besides I’d do this any day.” he says. I might as well use this chance to get to know him better
“How did you learn how to cook so well?” I ask as I lay down each fragment of different colors in order. I like when it is organized, it makes me feel really happy.
“Well…I guess I was just so used to watching my mom do it, and soon when my parents were …busy? I just tried my best to cook on my own and I finally got the hang of it.”
“That's nice. Can you teach me how to cook sometimes.” I ask him..as I draw a leaf.
“We are going to be living together for the rest of our lives, there’s no way I couldn’t” he says. He then visibly stops and immediately turns around.
I feel my chest beat faster. ‘Our whole lives’ I didn’t even think of that. I used to think we would at sometime along the line divorce or something– that was back when I didn’t know he felt the same way. Squee! Stop smiling Elle. STOP IT!
“Elle, here..” he says handing me my plate.
“Oh right thank you” I say feeling embarrassed, its strange having him serve me but I also kind of like it. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and warm chocolate milk. Its times like these where I am so happy I got married to Ben. He’s so sweet, I need to do more, I want him to be happy he's married me..
“I’ve been meaning to ask…” Ben says slowly.
“Yes” I ask with curiosity.
“That girl– the one at the store. Did something happen between you too?” he asks he stares at me then looks away. “If you don’t want to tell me it’s fine. Just curious” he mumbles.
Should I tell him that she took his picture?? I wonder why he’s curious in the first place.
“Well, yes actually. Um…she well– she was or is interested in you. Actually she liked you at first glance. And she told me, cause she tells me everything” I mumble the last part. “And well, she took a picture of you.”
“Oh?” Ben says raising his eyebrow. He doesn’t seem mad just surprised.
“Yeah. And I guess I got mad that she was talking about you in that way. Cause you’re my–” I stop…glance at him a small smile comes to his lips..I look away really quickly.
“Anyways! I deleted the picture. And I guess she hates me now.” I say with a shrug feeling my cheeks flush. A hand touches my head, his hand.
“Thanks for looking out for looking out for me. I appreciate it” he says, smiling in my face. Gosh! Not fair.
“A-anytime” I stutter.
We eat in mostly silence and then we would bring up something funny from our engagement days and we would laugh. Turns out I misunderstood most of his actions and he misunderstood most of mine. His food is delicious, as always. I still feel really sick, but not so sick where I like faint from exhaustion.
“How are you feeling?” he asks me reaching a hand out but I grab his hand before it touches my forehead.
“FINE! Lets decorate!” I say with a bright smile.
“With what? You barely did anything” he says. I smack his arm.
“Yes I did! I did the orange leaves!” I say back.
“Yeah that’s the only thing you did” he says with a smirk grabbing the scissors from my hand his hand lingering on mine for a minute.
“Well good luck with those scissors, my hands are so sore” I say getting up as I take his plate and mine. I stand to quickly, and you know how that goes when you’re sick.
“Woah” Ben says steadying me.
“I’m sorry” I say pulling away putting my hand on his chest.. He holds both my wrist wit one hand and puts a hand on my forehead
“You’re burning up again” he says.
“Yeah this will probably go on for a week or so…its goes up and down and up and down. It's fine.” I say.
“No, its not” he says letting go. “We have to get you some medicine.” he goes to the coat rack. I look outside the window the snow is coming down again.
“No!” I say grabbing his arm. “Its snowing again, its dangerous.”
“So is you’re cold, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” he says trying to drag away but not wanting to hurt me at the same time.
“No” I say running in front of him and wrapping arms around his waist. He’s strong but I am too. He grabs my shoulders gently trying to pull me off.
“I don’t want you putting yourself in danger for me. So don’t! I’m fine, there is no need for you to go out in a starting storm. What if you catch a cold? What if you don’t come back? What if you fall off a cliff?”
“That's not gonna happen, Elle” he says eventually wrapping his arms around me.
“I don’t care just don’t go. I’m fine. I promise. Ben please” I say desperate. Just the thought of him out there scares me. What if I lose him?
He is quiet for a second…then he speaks. “Okay, I won’t go... for now.”
“Really!?” I say letting go, he puts his coat back on the rack.
“Yeah, but you have to promise me you will rest, like honestly rest. Wear warm clothes, and socks too. And eat only warm things, no eating pop tarts, or I’ll quit buying you candy!”
“Okay okay!” I whine. I turn around to go get my socks but then I feel like he'll immediately dash out the door so I grab his hand and take him with me. He sighs with a laugh.
I pull on my socks and cover myself so that I am nice and snuggly. Then we go back on the couch and I lean on him locking my fingers..
“I told you I’m not going anywhere right now.” he says his voice deep and low, almost as in a whisper.
“I know” I say as I turn on the tv. We sit there and watch Hallmark, Thanks giving movies and Christmas. It feels so good, so nice being next to him. I am already feeling the Christmas spirit and its FALL! He releases his hand from mine and lets me lean in fully wrapping his arms around me.
“Warmer?” he asks me softly.
“Yeah” I mutter back actually I am burning up at the moment. My eyes linger on the paper we both cut out of fall leaves and things that represent the season. I breathe out through my nose…my eyes slowly closing as I grip Ben’s shirt.
I wake up…my eyes fall on the table.
The table is empty, decorations gone.
And so is Ben.
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I made a new story ^^ could ya check out 'A strange night' and leave some feedback?
I'M SORRYY!! Time was running out and I actually like how I ended this chapter it was really slick..I"M SORRY!
~ As you know there will be a Part 6..either this week or whenever. I'm actually trying to get away from technology for awhile..so I don't know if I will write this week we will just have to see.
~ Ummm yes I'm going to start putting ~Elle~ ~Ben~ at the top...I kinda want to do..Elle again. Cause I feel like leaving it like that is not healthy😂 while Elle is freaking out I am just over here writing Ben..is that okay? Tell me which I should do. Keep the same pattern 'Ben-Elle-Ben-Elle' or do 'Elle-Elle-Ben' what do yall think..
~ Yess today was the end of the quarter and I barely got this in! The things I do for reedsy😅. But yes I promised I would write one and I did!!
~ As always thank you for reaadiinnngg! And commenting and liking your all amazing!!!
Ps. Should I make this into a novel??? I mean Ive already wrote like 5 pieces of this soooo what do yall think??? "Nah just keep on writing little pieces or YES people will love it!"
This is a serious crime. I'm calling the police. You cannot, I repeat caNOT end something like that.
I guess I can talk about how I felt beFORE that.
As always, I love Elle and Ben and they're so cute like seriously you are awesomeee at romance my heart was fluttering through it alllll.
They literally are the cutestttt
There were a bit of spelling and grammar stuff though.
"around his test." waist?
And a buncha Is not capitalized. Sorry I'm too lazyyy to point every single one outtt.
You better write the next part NOW. LIke NOW.
Oh my gosh, goo for ittt, I would read it.
If it wasn't too expensive lol.
Bye now!
Sleep with your eyes open tonight cause I will haunt you until you write the next part man.
~ SUnnyyyy
Thank youuu!
Yes I just reread the whole thing over and corrected most of the mistakes I just needed to get it in before the contest ended.
Yesss since school is over and I don't have any hovering homework..I shoullddd🤭
Oh yeah I don't know how the whole process goess..I'm just like wondering if I should. Well I'll figure it out when winter break arrives.
Thank you for reading as always Sunnyyy!
~ Snow*~
I dunno if I can forgive you yet...
Alrighty awesome!
No prob! My actual pleasure :)
I also liked the ending, it makes the reader desperate to read the next part, like it’s making me now…WRITE THE NEXT PART, UGOCHIIII!!!
-Yay!! Part-6!! Tell me whenever it comes out!!
-I would say write from Elle’s perspective!! But I would also love to read from Ben’s perspective...
-Yeah, you did and it is really amazing- no, SUPERB!! I just love their relationship, so sweet!! Your stories, like I have already told you, are just-😶 (in a good way)
I feel them, Ugochi!! I wish I could write like that!!
-I noticed some typos tho, like ‘around his test’, I think it should be ‘waist’ here. And mistakes in using ‘its’ and ‘it’s’.
YEAH!! You should surely make a novel!! I would definitely read it!!
P.S. Don’t you have a ship name for Ben and Elle?
P.P.S. I also want to do a romance story, but ya know I’m not good at it… so, maybe you could help me with it?
Thankkk youuuu Deepshikha!
I will!! Whenever I do. Actually I really want you to read "Kinda Hurt. Okay?" cause its like a poem and I wanna see what you think.
Thank youu! That is why I write stories so that people can find a deeper meaning ya know? And You can't write like that. YOU WRITE BETTER!! I believe in you! Don't put yourself down🥺
Yes I reread it right after I posted it I just needed to make sure it was in! I fixed all the typos I found including that! But thank you!
You think so? Yeahhh!
Sunny called them 'Belle' and I think that kinda stuck and I like it. So Belle.
REALLY! It feels like everyone wants to do romance today!! It makes me so happy!! I would definitely help you! Is there something specific you need help with?
P.S I missed you!! Don't ever say your leaving again!!!!🥺
You're welcome!!
Yay!! I'll read it today(?) I'm kinda less busy today so, yeah probably today.
Yeah, your stories are really deep...
Really? You write stories with lots of emotions and I'm never able to do that😭😭
YOU SHOULD MAKE A NOVEL!! Really, it would be amazing!!
'Belle' is nice...
Yeah, please help me!!
I also missed you. I was kinda stressed, I didn't know what to do...sorry, I won't leave again.
Yeah yeah whenever you get the time.
Well I guess I am just really in tune with my feelings..😌 You could! Maybe give it a try..
Yeahhhh I'm just not sure howww too🥺I don't think any of my work is 'professional' I suppose... like I don't know the process.
Hmmm do you want cheesy cringey..romance? Or Heartbreak? Or getting-together? One-sided love? Misunderstanding love? Hate turns into love? There is honestly alot!!
Yeahhh I get that, if you need a break don't be afraid to say that. Just put taking a breakkk! I'm sure no one will be upset. But if you need space from here you can always go and do that. There is so much stressful stuff in the world. Does writing help you feel better? Or no.
I can give it a try but how??
That's really a lot! But maybe I can do a sequel to 'Magic of Love'? What do you think?
Hmm... I'll do that from next time.
Yeah, writing is everything to me... it sure helps me feel better.
So like are we getting Part 6? Cause I miss them and these prompts are pretty flexible hehe
I see a little something something. Though it HAS to be from Ben's view cause thats the only way its gonna work...
That okay??
Um YES! I actually really like Ben's pov. It's cute how he does random things cause he's nervous around her, and always thinks she's cute when she's mad and stuff. Who am I kidding, I love them both. Anyway, I'll be waiting, don't even hesitate a teeny bit before telling me when it's done!
Heya, i made a new story ^^ could you please check out "He isn't real...or is he?" and then leave some feedback?
thanks ^^ remember to leave feedback
Ugochi! Hi, just checking in because... I check in on people; like making sure everything's going great. How have you been? It's been a while and I wanted to drop by :)
Hey R.K.!.😭 that is so nice of you to do!
I wanted to check up on you too but then I forgot..sadly
But yes I'm doing good just busy thank you for stopping by it means alot! How about you? Are things going good for you too? Or no?
Yup things are great! Are you writing anything this week (Spooky week)? I'm excited to see if you have any new stories.
Maybe maybeee, since like its about to be Halloween maybe I needa put down my fears of horror and write something real spooky hopefully I don't chicken out!
How about you? I feel like your gonna write something AMAZING!
Nope, I wrote something this week, but I'm busy for the next couple of weeks. I'll still read if you post though. And call me Ru.
Ohhh cool, i'll try to read your story when I have the time I have like 3 things due tonight AND i'm trying to get a story in soo like😔..hopefully I make it. And okay, Ru, I wanna ask if that stands for something but like I feel like you wanna keep that private.
And okay thank you!!
how are ya?
I'm doing great just really busy!! How about you??
I dunno, i just feel bored and kinda lonely
Oh, why? Cause there is nothing to do and there is no one to talk too??
Ugh I can’t believe Ben doesn’t like video games. I think this is the cutest one so far 😙
I have never played video games so that was based off of that😅😅
Oh lol, I guess it’s not for everyone. On the other hand, my latest story is literally about a video game 😅
Ohhh I actually have a tab opened for your story I was actually waiting to read it! 😂😂
Oh ok no rush 😅
Hey, i actually just made a new story a little while ago ^^ could you possibly check out "Saving a friend" and then leave some feedback?
Ooh! Great job. It had really good descriptions but... THE CLIFFHANGER! It was really good (Well obviously REALLY bad for me because I want to know what happens next!!!)
Aww thank youuu Blair!!
And ha! The next one will probably come out next week...well with this weeks prompts! yeah! So stay tuned!
Thank you so much for reading though!!
Are you bringing out a new story this week?
Of courseee!
I will! Let me know when it comes out.
No problem!
Um, lol. Probually not but maybe, idrk.
Yup I will!
And okayy well tell me whenever you put a story out!
Thank youuu!
Okie Dokie, I will.
Hey Blair! I updated it!! so when you have the time can you check it out? Thank ya!!
henylooo, I've a new story out. Mind reading it sharing your valuable feedback? Thanksss
Mkay! Give me a few minutes!
YAYAYAYAYAY thank you!
Hello new friend! I’m here to repay your kindness - and I’m so glad that I came to read this story! Although an older submission I absolutely love how you use your dialogue to drive the plot rather than only internal musings. You have such a unique voice in your writing - I find it rare for an author to emphasize so much back and forth between the characters and yet you executed it very well. I hope to see new stories from you soon!!
Awww thank you! Thats a compliment I have never heard before😊Thank you so muchhhh! I also want to read new stories of yours soon!!
By the way, are you doing NaNoWriMo this November? ;)
YES! Me and Luna are..! I'm nervous cause I have never done it before. How about you?
Awesome!! I am!! Don't be nervous, it's a lot of fun! Are you doing the Young Writers one or the main one?
Oh yay! And yeah I'm on both😅its actually a long story but I fall under the young writers program, but I wanted to be able to follow people and stuff like that so I decided to sign up for the main one it looks and seems more cooler. You?
I'm doing both as well!!
Yay!! Have you started??
This could be a romance novel.
Thankkk youu!!
UGH you sure you can't just telllll meeeeee
Crush Crisis part. 2 out!!
Crush Crisis part. 2 out!!
YOULL KN0W IN PT. 2!!!!!!!!
I'm going to give this story a 10/10 :)
Wow! a 10/10??? Thankkk youu, BW!!
Yep, a 10/10 :) you deserved it ^^
Ummm hi! I don't know if this is my place to even say anything about this..cause I feel like its none of my business🤐 but...I read some of your comments..you know the 'fight' between Fox and others..
Ummm I feel like they were trying to express they're religion but were slightly not being..exactly helpful just the way they were saying it...but anyways it was weighing on my heart to say something, since I am a Christian. I really don't want you to misunderstand or anyone.
But if you want me to leave it alone or like your over the situation..I won't take offense just forget I said this. kay!
I don't think it was much of a fight though :/ I'm also a christian but i don't care that much and I completely support them because a lot of reasons. Did i upset you or anything though?? I knew this would probably happen. I agree with them not being really helpful or anything the way they were saying it in that and some of the other stuff.
Yeah no not a fight just a difference of opinion.. and I see.
Nooo no you definitely didn't upset me😂 thats not really something that would make me mad. And I don't think you made them mad either.. so no need to beat yourself up about it. I just felt a really strong need to talk to you about it..in a more approachable way.
I think what they meant to say was that-- and you probably already know this. Was that like Christianity doesn't really..um support the LGBTQ+ thingy. And I think a bunch of people take this as "OMG THEY HATE US!!" and nooo thats not it. We've just always been taught..a certain way so for some of us its just hard to wrap our mind around.
Its like being told.. 2 + 2 = 4 all your life you've believed 2 + 2 is 4! Then someone comes and says 2+2 = 5...and your like huh? Then everyone starts saying 2 + 2 = 5!! and your just confused..cause you've always been told 2 + 2 = 4.
Thats how it is, and like you kinda have to remember alot of countries do not support LGBTQ+ as openly as America does..and alot of people on here will not get that. Ya know??
Hope none of that was rude..
If that sorta kinda makes sense...
YES this would make a great novel! I'd totally buy it (as long as you bought mine first, lol). But seriously, not cool dude.
Thank youuu! I am broke like literally 24/7 I wanna buy peoples books but-😂😂 I would totally buy your novel though!! Hehe🤭
omg im soo late lol
No worrriesss I just updated it!
😂😂 I'm sorrryyy!!
Elle should definitely be again.
Def turn it into a novel. I LOVE it!
YAY! I'm happy you liked it!!
Yeah I'm seriously thinking of going for that, everyone has been saying that.
😅Everyone has been saying that...I feel like I won't make everyones expectations😅..like UGH so much thinkkinnngg
Hey this is really good. You should definitely do it
That cliff hangerrr dudeeeeeee part 6? I loved the overall cringeyness and everything!!
Thankkk youu!! Haha cringe😂
Haha loll
Part-5!! Yay!! Reading it now!!
Yay!! Hi Deepshihka!! Welcomeee backk!
Yeah!! And Hi!!
Hold up.
Lol, most of it is written by Keerththan... I was very busy, I didn't got time to write... And don't read it yet, I'm still re-reading it and editing...
Oh okay!!
Aww this was so sweet and sad. I noticed you repeated words a couple times, but the story was amazing!❤
Thank youuu so much! And I did??