Thriller Horror Fiction

“Star’s look nice, huh?” Denver’s eyes wander to Lea’s in a silent plea. Her head perks to the noise, but she barely acknowledges him. Gripping the fabric of his jeans on both knees, he lowers his gaze. That was the last attempt he had in him. Now there’s just silence clinging to the stale tension separating them.


He furrows his brow. For a long time, the voices were only whispers. 

Why now?


She’ll kill you.

Biting down on his bottom lip, Denver glares across the yard—the graveyard. This was Lea’s idea. She wanted to see their sister’s grave before they moved. At the time, it seemed a good idea. Now, the Autumn chill is more foreboding than any night before. 

And the voices aren’t helping.

Standing from their long-occupied bench, Denver pockets his hands. He can’t sit still anymore.

Their sister—Penny—was his twin, but everyone assumed she was Lea’s; nothing could break the bond between the two of them.

She’s plotting behind your back.

Kill her first.

Just run! I want to live!

He knows he shouldn’t listen, but a trickle of fear is splitting icy veins along his amygdala. A deep inhale, then another. His feet draw him to the left and again to the right before he’s setting into a steady pace—from one end of the bench to the other. Lea still ignores him. This is typical behavior.

She has a knife.

Kill her. Kill her!


“—AH!” Denver’s exclamation surprises her. His trembling fingers fumble for the earbuds in his pocket. That’s when her calm hands clasp around his, placing the earbuds in for him. Her palms press to his cold cheeks, tears welling. 

Then they drop, deadweight at her sides. A glare replaces the brief smile.

“Can’t you control yourself?” The words, colder than the night air, stab through his chest, where a collection of wounds are already on display. His eyes quiver as he backs away from her.

He didn’t kill Penny. His memories of her death are muddled, but he knows he wouldn’t. Couldn’t. Even if everyone else thinks he did.

She steps around him, stumbling down the dirt path leading home. And, even with her innate ability to hurt him, he follows her. He wouldn’t forgive himself if something happened to her. 

Like Penny.

She killed her—

Before the onslaught can continue, Denver thumbs the volume up on his music. Louder, louder, louder! When it feels like the music will burst his brain out through his eyes; he stops. He doesn’t want to think. And even if he wanted to, he couldn’t. Since Penny died, his thoughts haven’t been his own despite the voices being quiet.

He can’t hear the leaves crunch underfoot as he walks, he can’t hear the wind biting through his thin military jacket, and he can’t hear the wisp of a foreign breath behind them. 

But Lea can. Her eyes survey the path home, blocked by thick mist and darkness. The moon was consumed by clouds hours ago, but she had just kept willfully sitting there. If their parents hadn’t decided to take them away from Penny…She sighs.

Slowing her pace, she waits for Denver to drift to her side. But he’s matching her every step, purposefully keeping his distance. The indescribable sorrow he must feel is evident in the purple bruising of his otherwise beautiful eyes. His lack of sleep is likely the cause of his “relapse.” It’s the word her mother keeps using, pretending it’s an addiction they can cure. 

She knows better than to convince herself of that.

Returning her gaze to the sidewalk, Lea chews her bottom lip. She glances from the sidewalk at her feet to the winding cement across the street. 

And then she’s screaming. 

That, Denver hears over his music, but he tears the earbuds free anyway.

“What?!” his surprised cry echoes after hers, his fear tending to hers, a loving embrace. When she doesn’t reply, he passes her. Lying not ten feet from them is a body, its breath ragged. But from this distance, he can’t discern its genus. So he just continues forward. The voices crescendo as his fear accelerates.

She’s killed again.

You have to stop her.

Or she’ll kill us, too!

With a few steps closer, Denver feels his heart seize. Whoever is lying there is now twisting horribly. Bending, cracking, groaning. Not a fan of horror films, this is a sight unseen for him.

“Denver?” Lea calls after him.

“Call the police,” he chokes out. His feet meld to the walk beneath him, refusing to continue that last few feet across the road. But Lea huffs, a fog of breath mixing with the mist around them. Turning to the side, she rolls her head over her shoulder, then tucks it into her scarf. With eyes closed, she releases a sharp breath through her nose. She knows fear feeds into his hallucinations. 

He’s not frightening her this time.

“I was just surprised. That’s all. It’s probably an animal. A deer, or something,” she reassures him. But it passes over noise-consumed ears.




He isn’t sure if it’s the voices or his own subconscious, but he continues to ignore it. From his jacket pocket, he withdraws a switchblade. His parents had made him promise he’d stop carrying it. They’ve always been convinced he’ll one day use it on Lea. None of them have faith he’s not a danger to anyone—save for himself.

When the blade catches the soft glow of the streetlamp, Lea dives forward. Her hands clamp around her brother’s wrist. “Hey!” her warning finally breaks through. His eyes slide to meet hers.

“When it charges, run.”

“Denver. It’s a dead deer.”

“Listen to me”—He shoves her behind him as the corpse lifts, waist first—“and run.” In a split second, the black street that separated him from his assailant eases into a thin line. Blue as the jays that drink there in the spring, the river that runs behind their home glimmers. Trees glow with the sun. Grass tickles the skin of his once jean-clad legs. Boots to sandals. And the monster, Penny, with arms wide.


His mind chants.


His mind begs.

“Run,” Penny says through sickeningly wide lips.

“Run!” he agrees. And then his blade sinks into her yellow frock. Through tanned skin—through flesh—through bone. Her warm, beautiful scent of summer gives way to a warm, nauseating scent of bile. Blue eyes engorged with sunlight become white orbs blinded with hunger.

“Denver!” There’s a satisfaction in hearing Lea concerned over him. It’s shallow, but it’s imprinting. Ripping his blade free, he delves it in again, higher. From shoulder to throat.

Hack it dead!

Bleed it. Bleed her! Bleed them.

He shoves the corpse to the ground where it squirms. Breathe. Breathe. He inhales sharply, trying to calm the fear overwhelming him. But it’s short-lived. A clawed hand clamps around his ankle. Then another. A firm tug.

“Mom!” Lea’s voice rings out, phone to her ear.

He slams to the ground.

“Denver’s having an episode, we…a-an episode.” Lea presses her free hand to her face. “No, I’m okay. But he’s not. I think he’s seeing those things again.” She looks at her flailing brother over her shoulder. He’s on the ground now, shuffling backward. When he’s like this, she always keeps her distance. If she doesn’t, she’s afraid she’ll end up like Penny. Glancing away, she clears her throat. “S-spending the night at Penny’s grave was a bad idea.”

Knife still firmly in hand, he thrashes. It cuts through. Two detached hands now dangle from his jeans. In disgust, he swats them aside. His heart pounds. His eyes vibrate. His teeth grind.

They’re plotting. Always plotting.

Kill her while you can.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, he tightens his grip on the knife. 

That yellow frock. 

Penny liked the dark. She liked horror films and horror-adapted romance films. Yet, she wore yellow. Only yellow. Explicitly yellow. That’s why they clashed. One who is yellow can never mesh with one who is green. All that’s left is brown—Lea. But brown and yellow could be tan. Sun-kissed skin. Sand. Brown and green can only be brown.

Even so, even through the violent words and the fighting, Penny and Denver’s relationship was different. They were connected. As tears blur his vision, he pushes himself to his hands and knees. 


And then from the corner of his eye, he sees another. 

The misty blue street is swallowed by inky black—only the monster and Lea remain, dangling in the darkness. The monster lumbers from the bushes, knife in hand, and races for her. With her back to them, she stands there, chatting with her mother. Her blonde hair lengthens, her voice rises in pitch. The brown jacket tucked around her stains yellow. Blue flashes from beneath her lashes. 

“Penny!” He lunges. He catches the monster’s ankle with both hands. It gives him a hard shove. But he’s not letting go. Lifting his blade, he sinks it into the monster’s achilles. It screams. Whirling on him, its foot contacts under his chin. The impact is great. Real. Painful. He yelps as his teeth clack.

“D-Denver?!” Penny’s voice envelopes him. Not this time. No, he’ll save her. 

Kill her!

The monster moves to kick him again. He wraps both arms around its leg. He tugs. It slips. And they end up on the ground together. But the monster isn’t giving up. It's roaring in anger, slurring, moaning, growling. 

“Mom.” Lea clutches her phone with both hands, stumbling backwards. “C-call the police.”

“I’ll kill you.” The all too human voice shouts. Bending over her brother, holding him by the throat, is a very real man. But she’s frozen. Denver lashes out, losing hold of his switchblade. And then headbutts the man. His eyes are blazing with fury, determination. 

He’s not the meek little boy she remembers him to be.

The monster raises its knife, aiming to stab through Denver’s shoulder. With a newfound strength, he shoves its arm aside. He rips the other hand from his throat, kneeing it hard in the ribs. With it wounded, he bites the knife free from its hand. He doesn’t care about the taste, the disgust—they have to live.

Grab the knife! 

End it!

With a choked breath, he clutches the fallen knife. He stares the monster in the eyes. For a moment, those white orbs melt to black. For a moment, they shine with the light of the streetlamps. And then he strikes. He stabs the knife down into the monster; he thrusts until the hilt meets flesh.

It gags, blood oozing from deep within.

The buzz of the streetlamps eases into his mind. It flickers until the inky black world relinquishes to the misty blue street. He stares at his bloody palms. His eyes focus on the red splatters before shifting to the thing beneath him. His heart meets his throat. Gasping for air, he jumps back, landing hard on the sidewalk. 

“He—” he whimpers, but the words stick.

It’s enough to awaken Lea from her shock. 

“Oh god.” Her arms clutch his shoulders from behind and for the first time in months, his childhood nickname leaves her lips. “Dennie! What the hell?! Where did that creep come from?!”

“That’s—” He still can’t produce a full thought. Penny’s smell envelopes his nose as he sucks in a sharp breath. And then she’s washed away with the cold moisture soaking through their clothing. 


“Is he dead?” Lea’s words snap him into place. The voices die back to a hiss. His thoughts are full, complete. And in the blur of his memories, the face of that man is clear.

“He killed Penny.”

“It’s okay,” Lea promises. Those dark bruises under his eyes are puffy with tears. She’d been forced to bring him to the graveyard with her, but now, she’s glad he came. With guilty hands, she tucks his head against her chest. He won’t hurt her. He would never hurt her. “It’s okay.” 

In the distance, sirens wail but his focus is on the now lifeless deer across the street. Where the breath heaved through its trembling chest, it's now still. And beside it, Penny, in her yellow frock. Her blue eyes slide to meet his. She smiles. 

And fades.

October 27, 2020 21:06

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Lani Lane
20:28 Oct 28, 2020

I'M FINALLY READING YOUR STORIES. Not to be dramatic, but I'm sorry for my empty promises... :( BUT I'VE FINALLY MADE IT. YES, Molly, a horror!!! Yes yes yes. "The indescribable sorrow he must feel is evident in the purple bruising of his otherwise beautiful eyes." Looooove this. The whole "episode" scene--just so impressed by all the intense descriptions. This story kept me engaged and on edge the whole time. I also love that I was constantly asking questions, eager for the answers. :) Some thoughts... 1. Ok, don't quote ...


Molly Leasure
18:27 Oct 29, 2020

HAHA don't worry about it ~ Yay! I'm glad it was engaging. I was a little worried that it might start a bit slow, but I wanted so much to add the tension between them. I just couldn't bring myself to chop down any of that detail. IT WAS NEEDED! xD No, no these are great edits!!! I will be implementing them right away. As for the — on the "Ah!"...I'm not sure, either. It made sense to me because the voices are technically "speaking" and he's interrupting their "speech." BUT who am I to know such things? XD I'm bad at punctuation...


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Lina Oz
04:41 Oct 28, 2020

Ooooh this one is too good. I'm a fan of the dark and serious and grim, and that's exactly what this is––with horror and suspense thrown in the pot, too. At first––as I'm sure it was intended––I had no idea what was going on. Who's who? What are the voices? Twins? But you pace the story extremely well, so that I was slowly able to grasp what was happening, what with Denver's supposed delusions/hallucinations/episodes (that turned out to save the life of his sister) and her trying to control the situation. I absolutely loved the psychological...


Molly Leasure
18:42 Oct 28, 2020

Well geez, out here giving me all the praise in the world. I'm going to get the most massive head in existence at this point xD. Thank you, thank you, and a grand: thank you. Yay! I'm glad you liked that paragraph. (Cue rant) I wanted to showcase how a person with PTSD of some kind might search for something normal, something concrete—just facts. So when he was panicking, I wanted to show how he would start focusing on what he KNEW. Penny liked yellow. And in his mind, yellow equates to sunshine and helps to make him feel safe. (As a person ...


Lina Oz
13:45 Oct 29, 2020

I love it. That’s definitely next level writing and communicating. And yes, he absolutely deserves it!!


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Sam Reeves
19:44 Nov 05, 2020

It's so creepy, I love it! I loved how you expressed all the psychological things, it really added to the character and the tension. I also liked the way you portrayed the relationship with Denver and Lea, how she didn't believe him and didn't trust him to finally seeing what he's been going through and having a level of understanding towards him. As for critique, I don't have much, only that I had to read it a second time to really get the perspective changes between Denver and Lea near the end. But I still understood the story and loved i...


Molly Leasure
01:51 Nov 06, 2020

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the relationship between Denver and Lea. It's always nice to know I portrayed them exactly how I wanted to! And sorry for that little bit of confusion in knowing who's eyes you were seeing through, but it was a bit of a personal choice...so I'm not terribly sorry ;). I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to write a comment ~


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02:10 Nov 05, 2020

Molly, Molly, Molly. What a brilliant tale! So excited was I, that I found myself reading at a frenetic pace at first. On my second read through, I loved this story even more. I especially enjoyed: "Now there’s just silence clinging to the stale tension separating them." I was completely bowled over by: "Blue as the jays that drink there in the spring, the river that runs behind their home glimmers." What a beautiful line. I really dig your phrasing. You clearly love words and have an enviable talent for the discovery of their optimal co...


Molly Leasure
00:24 Nov 06, 2020

Jason, Jason, Jason. GEEZ. You always swoop in here to make me feel like I've somehow lifted mountains and replanted trees in their stead. At this rate, I'm going to continue thinking I have inhuman strength. But, seriously, thank you so much for coming and reading this story! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! And those lines in particular. They were some of my favorites, too :). I'm trying to tackle more genres...I tend to stick with the ones I like (horror, thriller, action). I need to branch out, haha. P.S I'm looking forward to when your ne...


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Itay Frenkel
01:42 Nov 02, 2020

Whoah, that was really something, and I mean that in the absolute best way! I loved how confusing everything was, but at the same time, there were several points you mentioned to keep things anchored. For example, you often wrote about somebody's eyes, or colors, or lights, which helped me envision the story clearer. Assigning different colors, like yellow, brown, and green to the characters helped me differentiate them. I had a bit of trouble keeping up with the point of view, but that might have been a good thing, I don't know, honestly I'...


Molly Leasure
01:31 Nov 03, 2020

Wow!! Thank you so much :). I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I hoped to keep it a little confusing for the reading, because it's confusing for the characters as well. Neither of them is seeing what the other can see, so I wanted to bring that across in the story...(small rant! Haha) And I'm glad that worked, but was still followable!!


Itay Frenkel
03:39 Nov 03, 2020

Yeah, I felt like you had a really good balance between confusion and keeping the scene very grounded and real, which made it all the more terrifying. Also, you managed to incorporate a lot of back-story without slowing things down, amazing! p.s If you have time, could you check out my new story "Circus Life?"


Molly Leasure
00:16 Nov 06, 2020

Well, thank you so very much!! It's a never-ending learning process with getting enough back story for the story to make sense, but not so much that it bogs down the flow. So hard, sigh. Haha. I'd be glad to! (Sorry about the slow reply!)


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Sapphire 🌼
14:46 Oct 28, 2020

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh wow I was swimming in the story, waiting to see what happnes next. I love reading serious and dark stories and since it's from you, I know it'll be a good one. You should write more of these! And yes I agree with what Tom Bradbury said, I think you should've made Penny and Jenna a bit more different so they don't seem the same. It's a bit hard to see the contrast between these two, but otherwise, an amazing chilling story!


Molly Leasure
18:44 Oct 28, 2020

Thank you so very much! I'm glad I could drag you into my wild, crazy world ;). I'm already thinking on a new name for Jenna, I was thinking it sounded too...well, just not quite right. Thank you for the feedback, taken to heart! I'm glad you enjoyed it ~ and don't worry, most of my stories end up dark, haha!


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Tom .
00:13 Oct 28, 2020

Ooh it is bloody good... There are a couple of changes of views; from brother to sister. You have to concentrate to catch them. I know you have a different font for the voices, I have no idea if three fonts would work; One for the sister, one for the brother one for the voices. It could be messy! As at one point the two characters are seeing different things, it needs some differentiation. But yet again, I really liked it. EDIT= Penny and Jenna are too similiar. They should be contrasting like Ermentrude and Clarabell. LOL


Molly Leasure
18:30 Oct 28, 2020

HAHA oh my gosh, I just died laughing. I will definitely think of another name to call Jenna xD. Mayyyyyyyybe not Ermentrude (but hey, those are pretty good witch names if there's ever a witch story!). Yeah, I was trying out omniscent third person, because I usually write in first/second person. So, I guess I wasn't quite, entirely successful with my attempt xD. BUT thank you for giving me some food for thought! And thanks for reading, haha!


Tom .
19:28 Oct 28, 2020

I live in Normandy, France. The home of the best butter and cream in the world. It is shipped to Mitchellin Star restaurants the world over. Ermintrude and Clarabell are fantastic cow names. We even have a local phrase here in Normandy called 'Vache' (french for cow) meaning 'wow' or 'oh shit'.


Molly Leasure
18:17 Oct 29, 2020

What the heck?! You live in the coolest places!!! Here I thought I recognized the cow name Clarabell...only to realize it was Clarabell the CLOWN. Yikes. Not the same, haha! I used to study French long, long ago, but I have never once heard that. That's amazing xD!


Tom .
19:37 Oct 29, 2020

I live in ;literally the most boring place known to man. But. That But is just a bit of something of else. A bit of magic, a bit of halloween. sometimes just the sound of the wind passing through the wood. Sometimes the next story.


Molly Leasure
07:15 Oct 30, 2020

Well, I think everyone thinks where they live is boring when they live there long enough. You don't see it in the eyes of others anymore xD. But you have certain places or things about it that you like and that inspire. For me, it's the mountains we have here.


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Molly Leasure
21:06 Oct 27, 2020

Decided to write a serious one, for once.


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