Submitted to: Contest #73

sticky notes

Written in response to: "Write about someone who gets proposed to five times on Christmas Eve."

Romance Sad Contemporary

Sticky notes littered his bedroom wall. Yellow, green, blue, and the hot pink that used to be yours. He kept a pen in his pocket, a black ball point, and a notepad in the other one. 

He forgot a lot of things.

Simple things, like what he ate for breakfast, and important things too, like doctor appointments.

He remembered the day you two met though.

One of the only long-term things he remembered.

He didn’t remember what you were wearing or the place, but he remembered the feelings. The scramble of getting your number on his phone because he was afraid that if he wrote it in his notepad, he’d forget about it until next year.

You had laughed at his haste, but complied, writing in Someone for the name.

He texted you to make sure it was right, and you parted ways soon after. 

He never changed your contact name. 

He forgot to turn his alarm on that night, forgot to feed his tiny fish, forgot to take out the trash.

But he remembered to text you good night.

Your love was fast. 

He didn’t forget you.

Sometimes he’d forget why he was feeling so giddy, why his heartbeat was acting up. But then he’d look down and see he was talking with you.

You were always patient with him. Always.

Sometimes you’d ask him a question and he’d blank out and ask you to say it again. You knew the whole conversation was out of his head by then. He’d write down his favorite parts though.

You moved from texting to calling in summer. He’d put you on speaker and sit low on his couch, writing down the important things, things you might bring up later.

You moved to facetime in the fall. He sat in the seat in front of his window, the orange and red leaves serving as a beautiful background. He didn’t want you to see his sticky notes, and they were everywhere else. 

In the winter, you started seeing more face to face. In coffee shops, bookstores, libraries, wherever you could meet. Before you’d part, he’d read you a poem he’d written every single time. You’d touch foreheads and then leave. It was a sweet little routine.

His memory grew worse. He forgot to eat sometimes, set on the fact that he must’ve eaten earlier. Even when he remembered, his fridge was mostly empty, since he forgot to shop for groceries. 

You moved in when sweater weather was over.  You didn’t have much. Two boxes filled with clothes, and one with your other things, like your lotion collection and stationary. You didn’t have to go out to meet each other anymore, you were in the same house.

He often sat cross-legged on the couch, with a blank expression, and you’d join him, laying your head on his shoulder.

About the sticky notes, you said nothing, only sometimes you added on. You added ‘I love you’ and ‘Smile’ amongst the ‘Brush your teeth’ and ‘Feed the fish’.

When he ran out of poems, you’d tell him ideas of what you could do together. 

You tried hiking together, but he tripped on a rock, earning a scar running along his arm. 

You had blown on it, kissed it ever so softly, your eyes clouding with worry. He didn’t like blood, didn’t like the way it dripped bright red against his pale skin. 

He only wore long-sleeved sweaters after that. Rarely let you drag him out. The only times he did was to see you smile. To watch your dimples come and go.

You loved getting ready, wearing fancy clothes, and painting your makeup like a masterpiece.  You had only come with two boxes but by that summer you had over a closet-full of clothes. 

He forgot to rinse his plate, forgot to brush his teeth, forgot to buy new glasses, but he remembered what you liked, remembered to get you something if he was ever out alone.

You memorized his face, every freckle, every crease. He memorized your laugh and your soft touch.

The scar stayed, a red line reminding him not to go out. One of the only things he didn’t really need reminding on.

If he was feeling okay, then you would spend the day talking. About everything and nothing, and all the in betweens. About politics and animals and sometimes the sticky notes. 

While you spoke, he didn’t keep the notepad near him. He started to be afraid to lose the authenticity of just hearing your voice. If he wrote it down, he would miss the light in your eyes and smirk in your smile.

He bought the ring very suddenly. It was early morning, and you were still asleep, tangled in the covers. The night before had been a talking night. His hair was starting to grow long, and you told him to cut it. He had put it in a ponytail and said he liked it that way, though you probably still remember. 

Deep down, he does too.

The ring was simple, in case he would forget where he put it and lose it.

You always loved christmas. Green and red were your favorite colors at the time. Weeks earlier, you had bought a tree and ornaments. An angel for the top.

The first time he asked it was morning. The golden light was still barely peeking in through the white curtains, the birds were still stretching. He had grabbed your hand as you poured your bitter coffee and slipped the ring on your finger. He was short for words so you kissed him instead, the taste of mint evident because he finally remembered to brush his teeth. 

You were going to go and see the big tree in the city. It was only out the 24th and 25th and you wanted to go both days. It was the one time you didn’t need to persuade him. 

You took the ring off to shower. 

After you were almost ready, you saw him with the ring in his hand, a blank expression that you knew so well plain on his face.

He actually asked that time, his words tumbling out in a jumbled mess. Nothing like the poet he was. 

The third time was the worst. He had stopped you as you were walking, getting ready to ice skate. He looked sad, and his pale skin was paler than usual. You had caressed his cheek and pressed foreheads like you used to and you continued to pick up your skates. 

The fourth time was on the ice. You were the one who fell for once, and as he caught you, he whispered the question in your ear. It was the most romantic one in your eyes. You wished it wasn’t ruined by your brain yelling at you that he was sick. That he probably wouldn’t remember later, that he might just forget you later. 

The fifth time was when you were back at home, untangling your hair from the unnecessary amount of bobby pins it had suffered through. You had cried softly into your pillow that night. 

It was supposed to be perfect, but life disagreed. He had apologized in the morning, and when you tried to wave it off, he told you he heard you crying. Half of his sticky note wall came down that day. 

He was so tired of forgetting.

He wanted to love you with all his heart, mind, and soul, but he was busy trying to make sure to keep himself alive.

And his fish.

But it was both of your fish then, and you made sure to remind him it was okay, that you still loved him. 

The bad days were still there. 

But so were the good days.

So were the good days.

Posted Dec 26, 2020

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97 likes 149 comments

Great job Sunny! A new story!!!! This was a beautiful masterpiece, SAD, ROMANTIC but WONDERFUL!!!!!



Amany Sayed
03:03 Dec 28, 2020

Thanks so much! Aw, thank youuu. The perfect trio of words ;)


You are very WELCOME!!!!!! :)


Hi Amany! I just went through your blog!!! It's really nice!!! Oh and I subscribed too! I get an email, right?

Oh and I created a blog but I need to post and edit actually.


Amany Sayed
04:46 Jan 02, 2021

Why. Have. I. Not. Answered. You! You've been commenting on like all of them(it's you right?) and I'm so grateful and it brightens my day to read them. I'm so glad you enjoy it! Yes, you're supposed to, but most of them go to spam :( It would actually help if you would check your spam and click something that says it's not spam so they can start getting out of there.

Send me the link when you're ready~ I'd love to check it out!


Yep, I have!!! You are so welcome!!
OH! Ok, I'll check it! And I definitely will send it to you!

Thank you! :)


Yep, I have!!! You are so welcome!!
OH! Ok, I'll check it! And I definitely will send it to you!

Thank you! :)


The part of you who loves this story is the part I completely I agree with, because this is such an amazing story! Also, you should definitely consider turning it to a short novella, because this has every quality of it! Also, I can see why you made him get a memory loss.

Also, Happy (kind of early) 2021 to you too! :)


Amany Sayed
00:46 Dec 28, 2020

Ha, thank you so much! Yay cool!



My pleasure Amany! :)


That Asian Creep
10:31 Dec 29, 2020

Wow this is a great story. I liked how it was sad and romantic. I wrote a story recently called “The end... a long holiday”. I would love feedback from experienced writers like yourself... thanks


Amany Sayed
14:42 Dec 29, 2020

Thank you so much! Oh, I wouldn't call myself experienced, but I'll definitely check it out!


Amaya .
05:03 Jan 06, 2021

im so freaked out about the Georgia election you might not live in the US idek but I'm so nervous and scared and yeah this stuff affects me way too much and i need someone to talk to idk if ur on rn


Amaya .
22:48 Jan 03, 2021

when's ur 2021 bio coming out? im excited loll


Maya W.
15:29 Dec 31, 2020

Amanyyyy. Omg, this was beautiful. Just beautiful. You're completely right, this could be turned into a novella someday. I love the title, too. And I just love the two characters and the way that they interact through the narrator's memories. It's just so beautiful. The only thing I don't understand is how it fits with the prompt - are there five proposals in this? Idk. I don't really know if it matters.

I wrote one for this prompt, too! And I just published one (plus a three more) that's sorta similar to this. Would you mind checking one or both or all of them out, if you have the time?


Amany Sayed
02:47 Jan 02, 2021

Thanks so much Maya! Yay, thank you. Yes, there are! I even mentioned their numbers in sucsession.

Of course, sorry this is such a late reply. I'll get to them when I can!


Maya W.
02:50 Jan 02, 2021

That's fine!


Hallie Blatz
16:47 Dec 29, 2020

This was so sweet! I loved it!


Amany Sayed
00:16 Dec 30, 2020

Thanks so much!


M. Dupré
15:38 Dec 29, 2020

Oh my God, this is beautiful. Nice to see a story where a couple meets in the autumn of their lives. It's too easy to make the relationship one-sided, but you pull it off without doing so.

The bits of modern tech alongside sticky notes provide believable contrast.

People with Alzheimer's grow tired of forgetting. Unfortunately, the effort to remember is exhausting, as well.


Amany Sayed
00:16 Dec 30, 2020

Thanks a ton!



M. Dupré
01:23 Dec 30, 2020

You're welcme, Amany.

Can you do me a favor and tell me how to make my story visible? If I go to "EDIT" my story there are "yes" and "no" radio buttons. Which one do you have selected? Thanks!


Amany Sayed
01:57 Dec 30, 2020

It's the yes, and no prob!


M. Dupré
02:17 Dec 30, 2020


I don't think my story is approved yet, so it's not visible outside of my author page. This is my first-ever prompt, so I'm still figuring things out.


M. Dupré
17:11 Dec 30, 2020

It's been approved and is visible now...yay !

Thanks again :-)


Orenda .
05:33 Dec 27, 2020

Why didn't I get notified your story was out? 😤 welp, only after liking a story, do I realise it's new and I haven't read it as yet xD

You have no right to hate this, Amany. This is utterly beautiful. Your writing is magnificent. So many emotions and I loved it. You nailed this one. I'm so exultant to have read this, no lies. Wonderful job! I love you even more for writing this. <3


Kristin Neubauer
10:55 Dec 26, 2020

This was beautiful, Amany. In one sense, I agree with you - that it would be a lovely novella. But I also think it is exquisite as a short story. I love how the story began after he lost his memory - we don’t really need to know why or how because the story is about the love between them despite his decline. I am really working to study character-based stories in an effort to improve mine, and I learned quite a bit from this one. Thank you!


Amany Sayed
16:17 Dec 26, 2020

Thank you so much. I was worried about the lack of detail in that sense, but I'm glad it all worked out. Aw, I'm always happy to be of help. This means more than you think to me, and thank YOU for reading.


01:09 Jan 07, 2021

That was beautiful, I loved it so much


Amany Sayed
01:17 Jan 07, 2021

thank you!


15:47 Jan 09, 2021

Oh um... can you maybe check out my story if you have the time please? It's my first one, so I don't know if it's any good or not


Camylia Cavasos
00:12 Jan 07, 2021



Amany Sayed
00:20 Jan 07, 2021

Thank you but please don't cry! <3


Orenda .
18:32 Jan 05, 2021

heylo, my story's out. Feel free to check it out whenever you want. Drop some feedback too!


Blueberry Elf
18:13 Jan 05, 2021

absolutely beautiful story! I would definitely read this as a novella.


Amany Sayed
18:46 Jan 05, 2021

Thanks so much! Means a lot!


Ariadne .
04:40 Jan 05, 2021

Oh my word, this was so beautiful. I wish I got to read this sooner. You should definitely continue this into a novella.

Also, dang -- your bio is amazing. I love it! <3


Amany Sayed
05:36 Jan 05, 2021

Ria, you made me smile, calm down, and then smile again. Thank you for your time!

Thanks, made my night <3


Hey there!!!
I just wanna stop by and say that I love your bio! It's such a good one for this year, and love the sunflower!! :)


Amany Sayed
16:17 Jan 04, 2021

Aw thank you!


No problem! :)


02:42 Jan 04, 2021



Amaya .
20:53 Jan 03, 2021

my voting thing started working on your blog, so now I can vote! yesterday bullet journal was winning and now self care is dominating omg


i loved this story!!!
this definitely wasnt how i imagined the prompt when i saw it
you did a really nice job of making this story
i enjoyed reading it and i dont usually read romance


Amany Sayed
04:29 Dec 29, 2020

yay thank you!
it was EXACTLY how I imagined it ;)
Thank youuuu
Haha, I get that a lot.
Your bio is very aesthetic I had to follow. See you around Reedsy!


thx i made my bio in the morning when i got up and liked how it came out
see you around!


17:03 Dec 26, 2020

wowee wow.
love this
i dont normally read romance, but you write it so I don't cringe in the inside XD
- Amethyst


Amany Sayed
17:31 Dec 26, 2020

aw, thank you!
one of the greatest compliments a romance writer can get ;)


17:47 Dec 26, 2020



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