We Could Tie a Rope Behind the Ship

Submitted into Contest #270 in response to: Start or end your story with two people discussing an important matter over a meal.... view prompt


Fantasy Funny Adventure

"We have to go to Izen!" Lady Nimmo pointed her roasted chicken leg at everyone around the campfire. "I agree Captain Wington is a little much, but who else do you know that has his own ship?" She said before taking a bite out of her chicken leg.

Everyone reluctantly agreed, even though they knew they would be subjected to Captain Wington's weight-to-oar fixations.

"Will he?" Flimlet asked. He grabbed a potato off the pan and took a huge bite before thinking. His eyes jumped wide open. He didn't want to spit it out, so he attempted to cool the hot bite of potato by breathing vigorously through his mouth full of food.

Lady Nimmo stifled a laugh, absentmindedly jabbing her drumstick towards Flimlet. "He will. He wouldn't dismiss a request from the Duchess of Jorton, Selywn's newest city." She gave him a coy smile, "I know when to change my hat when I have to." She daintily tore off another bite of chicken.

Jor looked deep in thought as he chomped on the stem of his unlit pipe. "I've been thinking. What do we do when we rescue Oakaford? If we remove the belt, will it kill him? Erase his memories? Or something worse? Blow up?"

The party was dumbfounded. It never occurred to them that it might be dangerous to remove the belt. Lady Nimmo pointed her drumstick towards Jor, "How do we find out?" She couldn't talk without moving her hands, so the drumstick swung around vigorously. 

Captain Arrow gently removed the chicken leg from her outstretched hand, "Okay, before I talk, let's put this back on your plate. I don't feel like losing an eye today." She looked at him sardonically. "During my pirating days, I've come across a few cursed items. The Order of the Tellmarians was behind all of them. They create cursed objects for a hefty price. My guess is they are the only ones who would know what would happen."

"Do you know where we can find them?" Jor asked.

"They live in Mavtor, a city on the western shore of the Sea of Grindle. It's perfect for their line of work. It's not part of any nation, nor does a king rule it: a counsel called The Sight rules without mercy. I don't like going there. They have more laws than anyone could possibly know. One could accidentally find themselves in jail, or worse, the gallows."

"I've been there many times," Jor paused, "well, we never left our ships. Selwyn has a port there, but we rarely disembarked into the city.

"Could we meet with the Order without losing Lammerous?" Flimlet asked.

"Lammerous will have to sail to Mavtor. It's the only port to restock his food and water supplies. Besides, we have to try. We need to know what will happen to Oakaford if we are able to remove - I mean, when we remove the cursed belt."

"Could we possibly beat Lammerous to Mavtor?" Lady Nimmo asked.

"The White Tsunami is the fastest ship in the Selwyn Navy. It's possible. It matters how far ahead they are," Jor said.

They finished eating with grim expressions. How far is Lammerous? How fast is his ship? Can they reach Oakaford in time? They broke camp and redoubled their pace.

They arrived in Izen and quickly found Captain Wington in his office. Only Lady Nimmo, Captain Arrow, and Jor entered.

"Hello, hello!" Captain Wington greeted them before they got halfway through the door. "I can't believe it, the heroes of Selwyn." They all shook hands. "Come into my office and have a seat." He pulled out a chair for Lady Nimmo. "I'm so glad to see you again, Lady Nimmo." He stuttered, "My apologies, I mean, Duchess Nimmo. News of your promotion has spread all over Selwyn."

Captain Wington sat behind his deck on a chair constructed from several oars. "I'm so excited. Now tell me why you came for a visit?"

They told him everything in detail, including their need for his ship. Unfortunately, Captain Wington was unable to comply. He had orders to escort several grain ships to Selwyn because pirate activity was at an all-time high. The captain apologized profusely.

"Are you going anywhere near Mavtor?" Jor asked.

"We will resupply there. Why do you ask?" Captain Wington said.

"Is there any way we can catch a ride?"

"I would if I could. But we must not be weighed down. If I allow your party to board, our weight-to-oar ratio will be thrown off, and our speed will be considerably reduced. We must get to those grain ships quickly."

They left the captain's office dejected. They attempted to charter a ship but lacked the funds. Flimlet suggested confiscating one. The stumpers suggested tying a rope to the back of the White Tsunami, floating behind them all the way to Mavtor. The humans had to remind them that they don't float. However, the stumpers' idea gave Jor an idea.

"Let's sneak aboard the White Tsunami," Jor said. "If I know sailors, they'll spend tonight in the local pubs. It's a tradition before setting off for a long voyage. All we need to do is determine which ones belong to the White Tsunami. We'll buy them lots of drinks, sing lots of songs, and laugh the night away. And, of course, we'll tuck them into their beds in an inn far from here. Then, in the morning, we take their place manning an oar."

All but one voted for Jor's plan. Flimlet voted for his own.

Jor's plan went perfectly. They rented a cart and hauled the passed-out sailors to an inn just outside Izen. They borrowed their uniforms and stealthily made it back to the White Tsunami. Finally, they snuck onboard and waited in the belly of the ship, pretending to sleep off one too many drinks.

In the morning, the party started questioning Jor's plan. Rowing was hard work. However, no one complained. Oakaford was worth the many rows it took to get him back. They just hoped their rowing would be fast enough to beat Lammerous to Mavtor.

October 05, 2024 03:02

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Mary Bendickson
21:40 Oct 06, 2024

Must have missed one. Very behind on reading. Wishing them well.


Daniel Rogers
21:52 Oct 06, 2024

Thank you. I just started season two, so you're not far behind.


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Darvico Ulmeli
22:04 Oct 05, 2024

Here I am sealing with them Nice work.


Daniel Rogers
02:50 Oct 06, 2024

Thank you


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McKade Kerr
14:46 Oct 27, 2024

Gotta love these guys! You’re doing some awesome world building. I’m super far behind, but I’m hoping to catch up over the next little bit, I don’t want to miss out on their adventure! Also, the scene of Flimlet eating food that was too hot and then blowing out his mouth killed me! 😂 Keep humor like that coming!


Daniel Rogers
02:48 Oct 29, 2024

Thank you, will do 🤣👍


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08:49 Oct 09, 2024

Oh, dear. Oakaford's fate is still hanging in the balance. More to come. I hope the next prompt enables you to write the continuing yarn. Ingenious plan! Enjoyed reading.


Daniel Rogers
01:19 Oct 11, 2024

Thank you. It does 😜


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Suzanne Jennifer
13:59 Oct 08, 2024

Another great chapter in the fantastic adventures of Lady, or should I say Duchess, Nimmo. This was entertaining and tickled my funny bone in a few places. I want to join this group and sail along.


Daniel Rogers
01:08 Oct 09, 2024

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. 😀👍


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Trudy Jas
12:19 Oct 08, 2024

Aw, you couldn't stay away, could you? :-) Awas fun to travel with your lot.


Daniel Rogers
01:12 Oct 09, 2024

No I couldn't. It's just so much more fun writing in my fantasy world than the real one. 😂


Trudy Jas
03:20 Oct 09, 2024

I get it, totally, get it. :-)


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David Sweet
14:25 Oct 07, 2024

Always amazed how you are able to work prompts and create a chapter in under 3000 words. I know you are having fun with your writing.


Daniel Rogers
01:29 Oct 09, 2024

Thank you, and you're correct. I'm having a blast, although, sometimes it's work. 🤣👍


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Trudy Jas
16:58 Oct 10, 2024

Heay Daniel, just so you know, Jonathan Foster's review is AI generated.


Daniel Rogers
01:21 Oct 11, 2024

Thank you for the heads up 😀👍


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Heather Rogers
22:41 Oct 09, 2024

Leave it to Jor to come up with a plan involving a pub! 🤣


Daniel Rogers
02:56 Oct 11, 2024

Yes, I see a theme developing . 🤪


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