Coming of Age Drama Fiction

Author’s Note: This is a collab I did with the awesome author Katelyn Howell. I put her link in the comments below, please check out her part (Addie’s POV) and the rest of her amazing stories. She is going to continue this story as a series, so that explains the ending. Thanks for being here, I hope you enjoy it. Have a spectacular day!


I’m woken up in the morning by the chime of a text on my phone. I dizzily pull myself out of bed and snatch the device from my bedside table, swiping it open. One message shows up on the top of the home screen, partially covering the background of my friends and I smiling for a picture at the fair.

What’s the address?

My conversation from the night before becomes rushing back to me, almost making me regret what I’ve started. What will my Dad think when he finds out I invited our birth mom to the school party tonight? I can’t even begin to imagine.

I never told him the first time she reached out to me on social media. The first time we exchanged phone numbers online and I added her to my contacts. The most recent time when she asked to meet us in person, and I agreed.

I don’t remember her ever watching out for us, taking care of us. Dad doesn’t like to talk about her much. He doesn’t like to remember how she left him. Telling him she was too young to be a proper mother to us, telling him we were better off without her. After that, she left our lives for good. Or so they thought.

My twin sister Addie doesn’t know either, our mom reached out to me, not her. I changed our birth mother’s name on my phone to a guy’s name, that way if my sister sees she’ll just assume I’m chatting with some boy from school. She would never expect anything more.

I hop up from my bed and quickly respond to the message, typing in the address of our school. Then I go about my morning routine, perfecting my hair and putting together a cute outfit. When I get downstairs I smile innocently at Dad, smiling brightly and posing while they admire my outfit.

I pull a stool up to the table and pour myself a bowl of cereal, adding marshmallows and a generous amount of milk. Addie sits across from me, pushing around her food with her spoon and yawning. She’s still in her pajamas and half-asleep. 

After we eat she follows me upstairs, waiting for me to help her get ready for school. Who only knows what she would wear to school if she didn’t have my help. An onyx-black, silky dress lays at the bottom of my bed, ready for my sister to wear to the party tonight.

“You like it?” I ask, waiting for her reaction. She never preferred wearing any fancy. As long as it was comfortable and served the purpose, she didn’t care what it looked like.

“Yeah, I guess,” she replies, biting her lip to hide a satisfied grin.

“Wonderful! Now, what are we going to do with your clothes?” I ask, leading her down the hallway to her room where we spend the next half hour preparing for school. 


I got one message during the day. From our birth mom.

Thank you. I’ll be there.

I guess there’s no going back now, she’ll be there tonight whether we like it or not. I can only hope Dad isn’t too furious. 

After school, I retreat to my bedroom to prepare for the dance. I tried to eat something earlier but only felt queasy. I’m starting to wonder if I ever should have invited her. Once my makeup is done flawlessly, my hair is brushed, and I’m dressed, I walk over to my dresser. 

Inside the jewelry box that sits underneath my lamp is a shining, necklace adorned with three reflective gems.

Dad gave it to me a few years ago, telling me it was the only thing our mother left behind. She took everything with her when she left, except this one necklace. He says each of the gems represents a piece of her family before everything went wrong. One for Dad, one for Addie, and one for me. I loop it around my neck, the final piece to my outfit. If everything goes right tonight, maybe our family can be whole again.

Addie comes upstairs once I’m finished preparing, so I can fix up her hair. As she enters the bathroom, she eyes the curling iron in my hand like it is a sharpened weapon. I can already tell the next hour of fashioning will be painful for both of us. 


As kids wander around, laughing in groups and holding drinks, I anxiously watch the edges of the room. Our mom never said when she would be here, I feel like I am waiting out a catastrophe. 

After a restless half-hour, a younger woman with the same color as Addie and I approaches my sister across the room. As the woman speaks the guarded look on Addie’s face turns to one of anger. She yells something at the stranger and points at me.

I watch the scene cautiously as the woman then turns and makes her way toward me. As she gets closer, I can see the similarities in our appearance. Our chocolate brown eyes match almost exactly. Our eyes, Dad always told me I had my mother’s eyes.

“Mom? Is that you?” she nods, tears in her eyes. Her body shakes as she comes forward, reaching out her arms. She drops them back to her sides again, unsure if it is alright to hug me. I run into her arms, sobbing into her shoulder.

“Yes, Ash. It’s me,” she whispers in my ear, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear.

Farther off I can make out Addie staring at us with a shocked, betrayed look on her face. She runs for the door tripping in her high heels and disappears out the room.

“I can’t believe after all this time…” I trail off, not knowing what to say. No words, no matter how polished, could encompass this moment.

“I know, darling. I know,” she repeats, her words soothing my uncontrollable tears. I know I’m making a scene, but I couldn’t care less.  

We stand there for a while, just holding each other. As the party carries on around us, we cry in each other’s arms.


“What are you doing here?” Dad’s sharp voice interrupts the moment as he comes storming over to us.

“Please listen-” Mom starts, desperate to explain. Seeing Dad after all these years apart must be hard on her, I can see it in her eyes.

“Get out of here! Don’t make me call the police!” Dad shouts, brandishing his phone in front of us.

“Don’t, Mark! Please!” Mom begs, her voice breaking at the end.

“Then why are you here?” 

“Dad-” I plead, ready to take full responsibility for all of this. I don’t want him to hate mom, not again.

“Silence, Ashlyn!”

“I- I just wanted to see my kids!” 

“Why did you go to Ashlyn then?” he demands, not sounding anything like his usual self. He never raised his voice at us, not until now.

“Addie told me to.” 

“Mom went to you first?” I ask Addie.

“W-What?! N-no!” Addie screams, seeming to despise all three of us at the moment.

“Margret, you need to go home.”

“But what about the kids?” she asks, looking between my broken expression and Addie’s resentful one.

“You're not seeing them ever again,” he says, his tone leaving no room for an argument.

So much for the whole family.

So much for the happy ending.

February 01, 2021 04:55

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13:42 Feb 01, 2021

I love that last line! Excellent attention to detail here, with each element perfectly matched!


Maya -
13:46 Feb 01, 2021

Thanks so much, Ethan!!! :)))


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Katie May
13:24 Feb 01, 2021

Oh.My.Glory!!! This is AMAZING! The part where her mom went to Ashlyn instead, its like you have been screamed awake. Anywho, great job! I really enjoyed doing a collab with you!!! :DDD


Maya -
13:28 Feb 01, 2021

Thanks, your part was really awesome, too! I enjoyed doing the collab as well! :) Also, I'm really excited for you to continue the series! :DDD


Katie May
13:38 Feb 01, 2021

Me too!! :D


Maya -
13:38 Feb 01, 2021



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Danny -
07:41 Feb 01, 2021

Oh wow, great story, as always...lol for some reason the ending...hmm, how do i say this....i loved the ending, dont get me wrong....it's just that- umm, you couldnt have ended this any better than you have, it was great! and well, yeah...(wow, making a comment look awkward should be an accomplishment) I really thought the dad was going to accept the mom back into their lives.... Is it bad I was hoping he wouldn't? welp, umm...yeah, also, nice title choice! you write soo fast, how did you come up with this sooo quickly..


Maya -
12:49 Feb 01, 2021

Thank you, Danny! :) The reason the ending ended on a kind of bad, unfinished note is I think Katelyn is going to continue this as a series. XD


Danny -
13:11 Feb 01, 2021

Oh yeah, she wrote tbc the end of her part... Soooooo, I guess so Great job :))))))


Maya -
13:12 Feb 01, 2021

Thanks! :) Is it the nighttime for you now? XD


Danny -
13:13 Feb 01, 2021

Yeah, it is! :DD it's morning where you live right now?


Maya -
13:14 Feb 01, 2021

Yeah, I have school really soon. Lol our timezones are almost EXACT opposites. :DDD


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Radhika Diksha
18:11 Feb 02, 2021

New story out, would love your feedback on it.


Maya -
18:20 Feb 02, 2021

Yay! I'll read it soon! :)


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B. W.
20:52 Feb 01, 2021

new thread?


Maya -
22:26 Feb 01, 2021

Sure! What do you wanna talk about? Btw sorry about Ayy being rude. :/


B. W.
05:11 Feb 02, 2021

Not sure, ya got any random questions? And Eh i guess its fine, maybe they won't show up next time we play and stuff.


Maya -
12:44 Feb 02, 2021

Hmm, what are some of your hobbies? Yeah, hopefully. :)


B. W.
16:01 Feb 02, 2021

Besides writing, I guess I like reading and listening to music, what about you?


Maya -
16:33 Feb 02, 2021

Same, also I like some sports and art sometimes. :)


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Felicity Anne
19:13 Feb 01, 2021

Hey Maya!! I read your bio!! 🦔


Maya -
19:52 Feb 01, 2021

Aw, thanks, Felicity! 🐀🐀🐀 Also, btw, I think it's so cool your family is adopting! :)


Felicity Anne
20:51 Feb 01, 2021

No problem!! :) Aww thank you!! I'm so excited!!


Maya -
22:28 Feb 01, 2021

Yeah, it sounds really amazing! :)


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. .
17:26 Feb 01, 2021



Maya -
17:32 Feb 01, 2021

Thanks! Any critique? :)


. .
17:33 Feb 01, 2021



Maya -
17:33 Feb 01, 2021

Okay, thanks!!! :DDD


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Sapphire 🌼
16:36 Feb 01, 2021



Maya -
16:37 Feb 01, 2021

Thx! XD I just saw 100 hedgehogs staring at me, it was so scary! XDDD


Sapphire 🌼
16:38 Feb 01, 2021

Ahahaha XD


Maya -
16:39 Feb 01, 2021



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13:24 Feb 01, 2021

Wow! This story was amazing! Both POVs are just stunning and beautifully written! I thought the ending was great, and the story had me hooked the whole way through. Great job on this one Maya! Edit-I misread something lol If you saw the longer version of this comment, don't read it :P


Maya -
13:29 Feb 01, 2021

Thanks so much, Karina! (pretty name btw, should I call you that now? :D) I didn't see the other version of the comment. XD


17:35 Feb 01, 2021

Aw, thank you so much! You can call me Karina...since that is my real name :P


Maya -
17:38 Feb 01, 2021

Okay! :P Btw, there's a new group on Reedsy that I'm one of the founders of. We play skribble (online pictionary) most days at 3:30 EST, including today. You could join if you would like. :)


17:39 Feb 01, 2021

Ooh, how do you join?


Maya -
17:43 Feb 01, 2021

Yay! You just put ♥♥♥ ᏕᏦᏒᎥᏰᏰᏝᏕ ᎦᎧᏒᏋᏉᏋᏒ ♥♥♥ in your bio ( if you want ). I had a list of our members in a story/ message thingy but I can't edit it anymore. :/ I'll send you the link later today (at 3:30 EST) so you can play if you want. :) :DDD


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Lilliane Wei
05:18 Feb 01, 2021

Amazing story, Maya! The anticipation and emotion was done perfectly, illustrating the situation perfectly and simply. Although I admit I may be a bad reader if one of my first thoughts when I realized what the situation was was a wicked 𝘰𝘩 𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘪𝘵. But I really loved the story and I'll be sure to check out Katelyn's version from Addie's POV. lily


Maya -
05:20 Feb 01, 2021

Thanks so much, Lily! Lol that's hilarious! XD


Lilliane Wei
05:23 Feb 01, 2021



Maya -
05:24 Feb 01, 2021



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Maya -
04:59 Feb 01, 2021

Thanks for reading! Addie's POV: https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/contests/79/submissions/52983/ Katelyn Howell's page: https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/katelyn-howell-d7c323/


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Danny -
01:00 Feb 03, 2021

Hellooo, how are you? :D Valentines is coming up (well, not really, but ehhhhhh..), any plans? I wanna make chocolate <3


Maya -
01:05 Feb 03, 2021

Hiiii :DDD <3 Oooh yesss, I'm not sure! I'm excited, though! That sounds fun!!!!!


Danny -
01:06 Feb 03, 2021

Oohhh same :)) hmm, do you like white chocolate better than milk chocolate, or the other way around?


Maya -
01:10 Feb 03, 2021

:))) I would probably pick milk chocolate or dark chocolate. What would you say?


Danny -
01:12 Feb 03, 2021

yeah, I like milk chocolate better.... I don't eat a lot of dark chocolate, though :)))


Maya -
01:19 Feb 03, 2021

Lol one time my family went on a tour at a chocolate place and they had 100% chocolate. It was interesting and actually not that bad. XD


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Nora K.
00:25 Feb 03, 2021

Hey, Maya! You have shared with our community so many bewilderingly breathtaking stories and poetry! Out of all, here are a few personally best-loved! 1: Those Who Showed Me The Way 2: Endings and New Beginnings 3: High Expectations Your writing is paced so freely and peacefully, values and beautiful morals hidden deep beneath wonderful simplicities and serenities, and your poems are extraordinary and miraculous. It is such a privilege to read your pieces, and I am always thrilled to read your latest of works. You are amazing! Thank you fo...


Maya -
01:09 Feb 03, 2021

Ohmigosh thank you so, so much, Nora! That means so very much to me, you're so unbelievably sweet! Thank you for being such an amazing friend on Reedsy!!! :DDD <333333333333333333


Nora K.
00:56 Feb 04, 2021

Happy to help! Thanks so much! :)


Maya -
00:58 Feb 04, 2021

Thank YOU! :) Also, just curious, did I ever tell you who my brother on Reedsy is?


Nora K.
01:05 Feb 04, 2021

You are so, so welcome! That’s so cool! :)


Maya -
01:07 Feb 04, 2021

:DDD My brother is Isaac. XD


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16:38 Feb 02, 2021

Y E S i csan make it todayyyy


Maya -
16:39 Feb 02, 2021

Yayyyyyy :DDDDDDDDDDDD I'm hoping Ayyy won't come. XD


16:42 Feb 02, 2021

Me too XDDDD


Maya -
16:54 Feb 02, 2021

I'm gonna put the link at the bottom of my bio (instead of sending it out) so he might not see it. XD


16:54 Feb 02, 2021



Maya -
16:55 Feb 02, 2021



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Pika Okoye
11:02 Feb 02, 2021

Hi Maya, The story's fab, perfect combinbation and the ending is awesome too. 👍 Have you read my latest story "Keep the secret"?😊


Maya -
12:46 Feb 02, 2021

Thank you, Prakriti! :) I'll check out your story as soon as I get the chance. :)


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Sapphire 🌼
21:40 Feb 01, 2021

Maya, Don't blame yourself for what happened, I'm sure he's just a spammer or weirdo They probably hacked the link and accidentally joined ours or sometihng


Maya -
21:41 Feb 01, 2021

Yeah, he's annoying. I just wish we knew who it was. :/ Lol he's definitely a weirdo.


Sapphire 🌼
21:41 Feb 01, 2021

Ikr me too


Maya -
21:42 Feb 01, 2021



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Danny -
23:24 Feb 06, 2021

Aww, nice name...and profile :))


Maya -
00:04 Feb 07, 2021

Thanks! :) Have you watched the movie Soul? How was your day? :)))


Danny -
00:05 Feb 07, 2021

I have! It was great :)) How was yours?


Maya -
00:06 Feb 07, 2021

That's good!!! Mine was great, too! :) Who's your favorite character from Soul?


Danny -
00:09 Feb 07, 2021

Soul twenty-two! She's my favorite too :)) Hmmm, lol it might be fun to change our names into disney names :b


Maya -
00:10 Feb 07, 2021

:))) Yeah! A few people did, Bill started it then me, Isaac, Brooke, and Lily did. You want to? XDD


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Lilliane Wei
18:03 Feb 05, 2021

Hey, Maya! What do you think of the new prompts?


Maya -
18:12 Feb 05, 2021

I really love them! Hbu? :)))


Lilliane Wei
18:35 Feb 05, 2021

I think they're super cool! I just don't know what to do with them, haha.


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Hey Maya!!! This story is AMAZING!!!!!| I loved it so much!!! Great work(as always)!!! 🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔!!!


Maya -
18:09 Feb 02, 2021

Thank you so much, Varsha!!!!!! :DDD <333


of course!!!! :DD


Maya -
18:31 Feb 02, 2021



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Lilliane Wei
08:03 Feb 02, 2021



Maya -
12:45 Feb 02, 2021

Lol thanks! :)


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