authors note: Hey y'all! Hope you guys all are having a fabulous Friday. I Just wanted to say a few things before you get your read on.
- This is dedicated to my bestest friend EVER, Lilah Blackburn.❤️❤️❤️
- QOTD: Apple or Samsung?
- If you don't get all of this, don't worry there are a lot of inside jokes (like the prince's first and last name and others) so that's why.
- This was just for fun. I thought it'd be cute and I was bored. I wrote this in like an hour so it's not good.
- When I say creative nonfiction I mean it hasn’t happened yet, but it WILL. Im Determined. I shall WILL it into existence.
It was a lovely Christmas Eve, the pure white snowflakes were falling, sleigh bells jingling, and the princess of Genova was not happy. Her father, Reginald, had plans to set up an arranged marriage.
”But I don't want to!” Lilah protested.
”Dear daughter, you must! It is the legacy, that on your eighteenth birthday you shall be married to a foreign prince, ” the king said. At that, the princess ran away to the wooded forests that stretched beyond the castle. Sighing, a frustrated Reginald let her daughter go, knowing she would eventually come back. Lilah flew down the hallway and out the door until she saw the forest in her hazel colored eyes. When she saw the trees she began to slow down, and breath more steadily. Lilah was not your typical talk-to-animals-and-wear-big-sparkly-dresses type of princess. She would rather be riding horses or climbing trees with the boys. She wouldn't be able to stand it if she were married to a prissy boy who thought she had to be all proper and fancy. Lilah pushed the thoughts out of her head as she made her way up the treehouse that she found upon moving to the castle. It wasn't the most beautiful or elegant, her father offered to have another one built, but Lilah rejected. The treehouse held too many memories of a young princess who would rather be outdoors than dancing in a ball. After cooling down slightly, the princess made her way back to the castle. She had just seen the clearing in the trees when, suddenly, a large blur sped past her. Upon closer inspection, she saw a boy, about her age, gripping the neck of a horse, trying to stay on. Despite his greatest efforts, Lilah could see he was slipping. She ran to the stables where she grabbed her horse, Celeste, and jumped on bareback. She had spent enough time on Celeste that she didn't need a saddle. Her legs gripped the silky bay’s sides as she urged him into a gallop. With the speed of a race car she caught up with the boy and cut off the path of his horse. The mount reared up, tossing said boy into the brush. Lilah winced as she saw him land with a thump in the thick sticker bushes.
”Ouch, ” she heard. Peering from inside the bushes was a medium-sized boy with blonde hair and braces.
”Are you alright?” she called. For a moment the boy was silent taking in the girl's beauty. Her middle-length wavy hair flowed around her shoulders and the leaves on the top of her head looked like a halo to him.
”Ye- yes, I'm quite alright thanks to you, ” he said sheepishly.
”And who might you be?” The princess asked.
”My name's Kevin Rostin, ” he responded. ”And who are you?” the princess chuckled at the strange last name.
”I’m prin-, ” Lilah paused, not wanting Kevin to know she was a princess. ”I’m Lilah, ” she said instead.
”Anyhow, what were you doing on that horse? You don't look like you know how to ride at all.”
”I don't, ” he answered honestly. ”My… Friend, said that I needed to learn to ride.” The princess shrugged.
”Alright, well I should be off.”
”Don't go!” Kevin called.
”Why not?”
”Well, I just thought we could get to know each other more. You seem really sweet an- and smart, and your beautiful, and-. Well, I should probably stop talking, ” he stuttered. The princess felt heat rise to her face and she looked away promptly. After she was in her room, Lilah spilled everything that had happened to her favorite handmaid, Abby. After she finished Abby asked,
”Well he sure seemed to like you? Do you like him?”
”No, no of course not!” Abby wiggled her eyebrows at the princess. Lilah looked away, knowing that she really did like Kevin, but knew it could never be.
The next day was Christmas, and today Lilah would meet all the princes her father had found. Not to her surprise, the princess did not like any of them. They each had the same proper attitude and tried too hard to woo the princess. At the end of each ”date”, all four of the princes proposed. And each time she curtly said ”no”. For she only had eyes for Kevin. Her father was upset that she had said no and continued to try and find princes for her. Whilst all this was going on, Kevin and Lilah we're secretly dating. She didn't even tell Abby. After a year of dating, Kevin knew he had to make his move. They were on a ride through the woods, when Kevin stopped. ”Is everything alright dear?” Lilah inquired. Without answering, he got on one knee.
”Lilah, I loved you ever since you rescued me last year. You are so much different than any other girl I hath ever met. Would you be my Lilah Rostin?” The princess’s eyes brimmed with tears as the words ”yes” escaped her lips.
After telling her handmaid the news, Abby promptly swatted her on the head before saying
”I knew it! I knew it!” and danced around like a little girl. She might be been the happiest of them all. Even the king was happy for her, and found Kevin to be a wonderful man. The soon to be queen and king lived happily ever after.
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thank youuuu
I loved it. Amazing!! :)
upvote spree?
Let's do it
I'll do a lot for you
Then I shall do the same for you.
thanks ^^
how are you?
I’m good! You?
I guess im fine
You guess?
Why do you guess?
(hi downvoter)
What do you guys think of Kelah for the ship name???
I like it :) It sounds like a real name.
heyyy abby, how ya doin? (it's danny, btw lol)
lol i'm so bored
heyy! Im good. You?
Yeah, I am too. Will you be posting new stories this week?
Good. And I really hope so. I haven't done one in a while. will you be?
Lol I was going to, but I kept on stalling, and now I don't think I even want to finish it.. if you do post one, what will it be about?
lol. If I do one it will be on the prompt: Start your story with one character trying to convince another to take up their favorite hobby.
I have an idea for it that I rly wanna do.
I disagree with you Abby, this story was WONDERFUL! Adorable Christmas magic and the ending was spectacular!
Aw thank you!!
an amazing story with a cute ending!
Oh thank you!!
you are welcome :)
The story is loaded with Love, love, and love. It was an entertaining + Feel good story.
By the way, I want to thank you for liking all of my stories. I would love your feedback on some.
Thank you!!! I will check out your stories now.
Omg REALLY ABBY?! Lol 😂. Great job I don’t know where you got that idea but ok.
Oh yes, really. I shall will it into existence. And yeah, I WONDER where I got that idea.Winkwinkwinkwink. Are you cool with Kelah for the ship name?
Why not 😂
Omg Abby!
1. Awww, that's so cute! I hope Lilah sees it! :)
2. Samsung, lol
3. Idk what to say for this but I didn't wanna skip it!
4. Yayyyyy, one week 'till Christmas!
5. This story is so cute, don't worry, I don't think it's cringe at all.
This was such a cute story, I love how you included Lilah!!! :D
I'm so glad Christmas is coming. My neighbor was literally talking about summer, and I was like- woah kid slow down! Summer is a few miles away.
Kevin x Lilah, they're so cute together, I'm glad they have such a happy ending :)
Btw, I'm trying to get you on the leaderboard!
1. Aw thank you!
2. Lol apple for me.
3. Haha
4. Oh I'm glad. It's my first romance ever (and I mean ever lol)
Oh thank you again!
I'm sooooo excited for Christmas too!!!
And omg Imma tell Lilah rn. Soooo in real-life Kevin is the dude I'm tryna get her together with.
Omg thankyouthankyouthankyou that would mean soooooo muchhhh.
Oh, you've never written a romance before? I definitely think you should try more. :)
Lol, I have to update my bio every day until Christmas, and my b-day
Ooh, then I ship them, lol.
Yeah, it's no problem, you deserve it!
Oh, thank you! I might make this a series not sure.
Oof haha
Awww your the best 😋
Ooh, I think you should make this a series!
how are ya?
Good! You?
I guess im fine
Wow, Abby, this was such a fun story! I loved the happy ending (happy endings are perfect for the holidays). Your characterization was great. You managed to keep it concise, not disrupting the flow of the story, while still allowing for me to tell apart Lilah, Abby, Kevin, and the king, so great job! There's just one thing I would say, constructively, though feel free to ignore me because it's a personal stylistic choice: maybe add a few more descriptions. You have some lovely ones; "Her legs gripped the silky bay’s sides as she urged him into a gallop. With the speed of a race car she caught up with the boy and cut off the path of his horse," stood out to me because it really illustrated Lilah's skill at riding. Maybe if you could include a few more descriptions like that in the future it would prevent your piece from feeling rushed, but I also did like how much plot you packed into a shorter story, so it's really up to you!
Thank you for the comment! I will work on that.
new thread, though basically your part of the story would be the girl getting the bird and trying to do stuff with it, along with other stuff though the bird doesn't want to do any of it or be near her, you can do anything else as well though. My part of the story would be the bird starting to try and escape and all that along with some other things.
Ohhh, so we each kinda do half the story?
yeah, something like that
Okay... I think I understand a little bit more.
when do ya think you'll be able to do it?
Hmm, it depends on how long I end up making it. I kind of don't know until I start it. It's night here so I'll start tomorrow and try to get it done within a few days. Also, what should the girl's name be? I have a few suggestions but wdyt?
Orenda (now I'm using reedsy names 😆)
Diara there not that good but ya