Adventure Coming of Age Thriller

I hate everything now, from my mum and her freaky robot buddy to the skyscrapers and glassy towers surrounding me. Now I'm just left in the backseat, Po rolling around on my lap, his tongue lolling around stupidly, his wide black eyes glinting as he played around with the dangling pendant from my sore neck. His fluffy white coat hairs straying on the leather car seats, he was a Maltese, got him for my birthday when he was days old. Well after Rex died, my pug.

I just stared out the window, I decided not to rest my face on my hands, I didn't want to smudge the dark eyeshadow I applied with so much effort. I didn't have any friends, just Po and myself. I watched as a flight zoom by, pearly white against the light cobalt blue sky. Mum's taking me to the Robot museum over in Tokyo, just a bunch of rubbish on how robots came to be. Mum's a scientist, specifically specialised in making some bots who basically do nothing. They aren't even aesthetic! I'm going to honestly say, they look like pieces of metal put together to look humanoid with a dead lunatic face. Nothing special.

I dragged my loaded shock orange suitcase from the Uber, my patchwork bag slung over my shoulder as I went on after Po as he galloped exited towards my mum, his cut short hair flowing behind as his hairy ears flapped madly. I lifted the suitcase over slabs of concrete, my dark red sneakers digging into the gravel while my suitcase stuck into the loose grey rubble at the scarred wheels.

I saw my mum. Dark hair, streaking bold amber eyes, wide monolid with glinting white teeth and dramatically short bobbed hair, curled lightly, dark and ultramarine.

I gave a quiet wave at my mother who just stood smiling wildly, the ugly robot waved continuously, beeping with hi's, electric blue smiley face on his tv like screen, apparently its face.


Mum said this morning we'd be going to the museum. Got too late last night according to her. I grabbed my phone by rubber cat ear of the pink case, swiping through to see if my old friend I had in 5th grade messaged me, just in case she remembered. I sighed, disheartened with my latest message from my old gran who I replied to last night with a cheery "Thank You, Grandma".

I was surprised, pets were allowed to enter, although they could be left at a small playground.

"Well, uh Aimi! I'll look after Po for the afternoon, you can take BiBot with you to explore the museum! Uh, come back by 6:30pm, a bit before would be better.", my mother smiled wide and enthusiastically, but I wasn't.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I put Po down, giving him a last kiss before strutting away, the stupid robot trailing behind.

I looked down at my phone, the map of the Museum screenshotted into my iPhone. I pushed my uneven bangs behind my ornamented ears, stray hairs of dusky purple against my tanning face. Out of utter frustration, I exhaled sharply, my eyelashes twitching uncomfortably, the phone vibrating with "battery low" labelled clearly. I dumped my phone into the ample pockets of my jumper, irritated and agitated by how lost I was feeling.

I slumped down on the wooden bench, my hands resting against the wood, face sullen, eyelids drooping with the loss of excitement.

"Uh!!! Nothing is going to turn out right! It's all because of these horrible robots!!!", I bellowed, kicking the canister bin mercilessly that scraps of wasted tissue came flying out but all that really happened was that a thickening pain jabbed through my foot, my nails ached out of deep passions of seething agony.

I shrivelled down to my bench, clutching my foot, squeezing the rushing pain that bubbled through my veins. Silent, acidic tears trailed down my light freckled cheeks, mingling with the beaded sweat of anxiousness. I scrunched my nose, screwing my eyes into a lather of tightness. I didn't know what to do. I whimpered, arching my back as the tears flowed freely for no one was going to stop them.

"I know... that if you were still here... I wouldn't be like this, mum wouldn't be like this, even life would have been better. Why'd you leave me, dad?", I wept, crystal tears rolled down, slipping into the fabric of my tights.

"Miss Aimi. I am here for your assistance, please order me something", Bibot spoke up, bowing its head low towards my feet.

My eyes turned sharply to its face, my eyes fiery and my blood pumping with fury.

I stood up, my leg firm on the ground ignoring the pain.

"You know what, I actually do have an order for you and that is to shut your irritating mouth up and leave me alone!!!", groaned, picking my backpack up and limped towards a bright red door.

I turned halfway, pivoting to look back at the lifeless creature.

"And I'm sure I won't need a bit of your assistance, I'm fine on my own. Thank you", I stated curtly, nose stud heating up from the hot air I blew from my nose. I pushed open the door that clearly stated... "Authorised Personnel Only"

I felt like nothing for a moment. Just going down and down until I'd finally hit the floor. Jut my heartbeat soaring and an unconscious feeling of nothing slipped into my soul. I felt something hit hard against my face, my forehead precisely and I rushed right into something, missing the ball pit. I rubbed my hand against my forehead, trying to soothe the struck pain until I realised the blaring red button that said, "do not press".

I didn't understand what was going on until I realised things didn't feel right. My phone vibrated uncontrollably while white eyes watched intently into mine. The silvery figure moved out the curtains, a monstrous robot, humanoid with a rogue twisted smile and a dagger out his arm...

February 22, 2021 10:42

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Angel {Readsy}
07:06 Apr 28, 2021

I feel blue ; " , tears trailed down my light freckled cheeks".


... I'm surprised I had moved you emotionally!


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Angel {Readsy}
07:04 Apr 28, 2021

I wish I have here , Wandsworth, keats, Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Byron, they are writing at readsy and I am writing comments for them and paying my tribute and respect to them


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Angel {Readsy}
06:59 Apr 28, 2021

Very cute description of a mother I admire it " I saw my mum. Dark hair, streaking bold amber eyes, wide monolid with glinting white teeth and dramatically short bobbed hair, curled lightly, dark and ultramarine"


Haha! Thank you!!!


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Angel {Readsy}
06:57 Apr 28, 2021

e and a dagger out his arm.......what ? Why? Is it an END ?


yeah... sorry... This particular story was VERY rushed, mostly because I didn't know how to end it.


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Hi, Silver. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but... The thing you wrote in your bio about Bridget Summers? That was not okay, sis. I get you may be angry about what happened between you two, but that doesn't mean you dedicate half of your bio to thrashing her. That's just plain cyberbullying, dude. I have been in contact with Bridget, she's the reason I read your bio. Honestly, I believe her more than you right now, because she didn't dedicate over half of her bio to dragging your name through the dirt. Heck, she doesn't even say that pe...


(BTW, I'm not saying anyone is in the right or wrong for whatever happened between you two. I'm just saying you shouldn't have put that in your bio.)


Thanks, Carolina. Yes, I get what you mean. Last night I was really upset cause over the course of a day, she had done a lot of things that have hurt me. She first came up, sent a rude message, telling me to delete my account, that I was trying too hard and I won't be as good as everyone else. Once I told her to leave me alone, she sent another horrible message. After I deleted my messages cause I wanted to remove my contacts with her. She decided to post my stories on her account and said I hurt her. Yes, my bio is harsh because that was no...


I understand all that you're saying. it's hard to know who to believe, because of all the deleted messages. as well as the fact bridget deleted the stories on her account. Its okay to have it in your bio for people to just avoid her, but next time be a little nicer? I totally understand everything that you're saying, and if i were in your position, i would want to avoid her, too! thanks for clearing things up for me. like i said before, its hard to know who to believe, but i'm gonna try and sort everything out in my mind. -C


Thanks, Carolina. I've decided to ignore her.


thats probably the best you can do right now.


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Angel {Readsy}
09:08 Apr 28, 2021



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Angel {Readsy}
12:07 Apr 28, 2021

No need to sort everything out in mind.....SS is grown up


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Amany Sayed
18:06 Feb 22, 2021

"They aren't even aesthetic!" I literally burst out laughing here. It's very hard to make me laugh ;) It was a good read, albeit a little confusing. Your pacing is a little fast. It's easy to see you have the story planned out vividly in your mind, but you struggled slightly putting it to words. The ending is confusing, but exciting. A fun read :D


Haha, thanks!!! Yeah, I can definitely agree with the pacing and how it's confusing. I tried typing it a little fast and it was a little rushed. I didn't have a particular plot and I went about with changing it at times so it might be a little out of place and the ending was really last minute because I wanted to end the story. Thank you again for the amazing feedback!!! I've been trying to focus more on my writing now!!! ~SS


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13:03 Feb 22, 2021

This was an awesome read and a great story! Loved it!


Oh, Thank you so much!!!


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Amara Tillington
22:43 Apr 20, 2021

Reminds me of next gen!


yeah! I watched it like 2 years ago... Honestly, it was a good movie!


Amara Tillington
14:27 Apr 21, 2021



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09:35 Mar 04, 2021

I really liked the way you described the robot. You vividly wrote the story in the beginning. I can really picture every words you had written and that's a very good quality of a great writer. But the end was a bit confusing and I think you rushed the ending. It was worth reading. All the very best.


Thank you very much! Aww, that's so nice of you to say! And yes, I can definitely agree on the rushing because I didn't know what to do and I had to submit it a little early as possible so I don't have it pending with all the homework I have from school. But thank you for reading!!! Happy Writing!! ~SS


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