Contest #177 shortlist ⭐️


Asian American Fiction Friendship

In the steamy air of Mizuna’s kitchen, beads of sweat trickle down the 30-something Japanese job candidate’s face.

“Which restaurants have you worked in in New York?” I am holding the afternoon interview to replace the fifth prep cook who’s left this year for higher pay elsewhere.

“None.” He shakes his head. “In Japan. Soba.” He gestures kneading dough with his hands. 

In the kitchen the hiss of the gas burners is constant. With his limited English and my very basic Japanese, this conversation isn’t really going anywhere. I point toward the fry counter and raise my eyebrows.

“Chahan. Gyoza,” he says and then proactively points toward the basin of boiling water, “ramen.”

Bingo! Right answer.

There’s no time for small talk in the restaurant business. I usually grill people if are they are going to be able to handle the pressure in the kitchen, show up at work on time, and suss out any criminal background or drug problems they might have.

Kaz, short for Kazuki, smells faintly of beer and his eyes look tired. But thick, tight muscles bulge around his shoulders and back, not a meth user. He looks as if he could sling a 100 lb side of pork over his shoulder if we didn't get our meat preprocessed.

“So Kaz.” The big question. “Do you have a work visa?”

“I have…a student visa,” he says. 

I've lost two line cooks this month. I decide a student visa is good enough. We can pay him in cash.

In fact 2003 has been a great year to open a ramen shop in New York. A trend in new Japanese culinary options is in full swing. Eating at a sushi bar and talking about how unique it is is your dad’s generation's thing. 

The new Japanese food wave started in 1994. Nobu opened his restaurant in Los Angeles and introduced new tastes such as black cod with miso to his celebrity clientele. Chef Masa also became known as chef to the stars in LA. Soon foodies in New York also wanted a taste of the action.

We started in the East Village, just around the corner from St Mark’s place, the new culinary mecca for young professionals in the city. And by ‘we’ I mean me. After a year in Japan I wanted to bring back the authentic food culture I found in Tokyo’s shitamachi and pull America out of the era of Benihana. No one in Japan eats at Benihana.

“You’ve got to weigh out all the ingredients,” I say to Kaz, “50g of sauce in each bowl.” I point to the little plastic cups of sauce lined up. He starts work the same day of his interview. It takes about 10 minutes to teach him the basics of working the line.

Dried noodles into the boiling water. 4 minutes. Get a bowl ready. Dump the noodles in. Pour 4 cups of pork broth over. And then the toppings. A laminated guide with photos is taped up behind the counter. It's easier than repeating myself to every new hire.

I can teach him the rest later if he sticks around.

“Brian-san.” Kaz gets my attention. He’s holding a Japanese electronic translator in his hand. “Garlic.”

I show him where we store the garlic paste. 

Six o’clock soon turns around and we get busy serving the after work rush. It’s a Friday night and I’ve stocked up on double of everything. Two vats of base stock are simmering.

Base stock is the secret to good ramen. That’s what I learned at ramen school. Every morning I devote an hour to boiling 50 lbs of pork and chicken bones with flavorings and skimming off the scum at steady intervals.

Out front, there’s a line of customers. The first six months of Mizuna were a slow grind, but now things are kicking, and we’re finally making revenue above expenses. I hope to someday pay back dad on the $100k he put into my business plan.

After a week, Kaz has learned all the tricks and is working on autopilot, and I can relax.

Every restaurant plays music to make the monotonous work more bearable. We take turns choosing the tunes during prep hours.

I hear something awful.

“Livin’ La Vida Loca is NOT allowed in this restaurant,” I shout over the noise. I push the next song button on the CD player. A management veto. 

Third Eye Blind’s “Semi-Charmed Life” begins playing. That's more like it.

That week I overhear a customer talking to Kaz.

“Can you watch my kid for a second?” The man indicates he needs to go to the toilet.

Kaz is giving him a blank stare, I got to teach this new hire English. I make a mental note to practice a few English expressions with him every day.

“I’ll keep an eye on him,” I say to the customer, “we get a lot of children eating here.”

When he gets back to his seat he looks relieved his 2 year old hasn’t disappeared in his absence. “Thanks bud.”

“No problem, anytime.” A good chance he’ll convert into a return customer if we can help him with his childcare issues. We get a lot of odd customer service requests like this. And I’ve answered a million questions on what goes into different types of ramen. 

Kaz works like a machine in the kitchen so I can forgive him for not being good with customer service. The only other weak point I can see are his slippery fingers. But a broken dish now and then costs almost nothing for the restaurant.

Serving Asian cuisine also has a plus side. Fewer food complaints. When I worked summers in New Haven, if a steak was over-salted or a burger undercooked, the odds were high it would be sent back. For Asian food, if the sauce is off, they just think that’s the way it's supposed to be.

I know myself if It's off as I’m half Japanese on my mother’s side. Being half works great for the restaurant biz. People want to see an Asian face behind the counter of a Japanese restaurant, right? But outside me, there’s not many Asian-Americans willing to work odd hours in a restaurant. Almost all of our employees have been immigrants.  

Monday nights are my day off.

At Zum Schneider on Avenue C, I meet my very American friend Brad from university. There’s not many people available for a drinking night out on Monday. But to be honest, Brad can be a bit of a dick sometimes.

“Come to the Buddha Bar with me on Friday? There will be hot girls there,” he says.

“I have to run the restaurant.”

“Can’t you take a night off?”

I take the first sip of beer and skip answering his question. The German pilsner has a crisp sour bite with a hint of flowers. The first sip is always the best.

“Running a restaurant, you meet a lot of hot women there?” Brad is continuing with the same topic.

“Not much time for talking,” I say, “Buy yeah, a lot of women come in.”

“I’ll hang out sometime.” He takes a gulp of his beer too. “From being an international relations major, to running a restaurant, how did that happen?”

“I know, I know. Almost everyone who studied PolySci or international relations at Brown now works in NGOs in DC or New York. But I wanted to do something real. Reconnect to my roots. That’s why I went to Japan to teach English.”

“Do you speak Japanese?”

“Before I went to Japan, almost none. My mother is Japanese. But she wanted us to be American, so we spoke English at home. I felt like I was missing something. There’s a reason why they call it a ‘mother tongue’ you know.”

While I was in Japan I found learning the language to be more of a challenge than I expected.

“You should watch Tanpopo,” I say. A film about a woman starting a ramen restaurant.

Over the course of the evening, I try to educate Brad a bit about the humanities. He needs to learn there’s more to life than making money on Wall Street.

Brad may party at the Buddha Bar on Friday nights but I need to have my fun in the restaurant where I work 16 hours a day 6 days a week.

It’s 1am, and we have to clean up the restaurant before we can go home. I put on “Push It” by Salt n’ Pepa. Kaz needs to learn how to loosen up. I try to entice him to dance while we wipe the tables and put the chairs up. As I’m thrusting my hips at Kaz, a young woman walking past the window looks in at me. Our gaze meets, and we both laugh through the window joyfully at each other before she walks off.

The next morning in the dining room, Dolly Parton is gently serenading our customers. We play soft rock during peak hours. It relaxes the diners.

“Good looking guy like you,” I say to Kaz, “you’ve got a girlfriend or anything?”

“I need money to get married,” he chuckles. Things are different for Japanese. I’ve noticed his English has been getting better after working in the restaurant a few weeks.

A buddy of Kaz’s that comes to the restaurant tells me Kaz sometimes goes to a Japanese hostess bar in midtown. Expensive. I don’t think he’s going to pickup a girlfriend out of the working girls there. But at least, he’s interested in women.

On occasion, he shows up in the morning with different Japanese cooking ingredients and whips up a new recipe. I pick and choose from what I think will work with American customers.

When winter comes, one morning he brings in Myoga. I’ve seen these small purple bulbs before but didn’t know what they're used for. Kaz cuts them into wafer thin slices and adds them into our gyoza dumplings. It adds a piney tang I’ve never tasted before. 

I find a piece of white chalk, pull out the step stool, and add ‘Winter Special - Myoga Gyoza’ to the menu. He looks especially proud to see that. 

Later that day during the lunch rush, we are dishing out ramen and even a few servings of the new gyoza. A loud clatter rings out. It’s loud enough to make every customer turn around and search for its source. Kaz is standing above shards of broken ceramic and steaming soup spreading across the floor. His hands are shaking. 

“I need to go home,” he says.

“Ok,” I say. A man has pride. He dropped a ramen yesterday too. Maybe he just needs to have a few beers, or blow off some steam at that hostess bar I heard about. I hope he gets back by the night rush.

He doesn’t show up. Early the next morning, when I open the front door of Mizuna, I see something on the floor. It’s a photo of myself and Kaz standing behind the counter. Written on top in red marker is the word ‘Memories’ with a heart after it, like a girl would draw.

For days, Kaz doesn’t reply to any of my calls or messages.

I can’t cook solo for long. We hire a new cook. Restaurants go through a lot of employees, cooks and servers come and go. Thousands of bowls of ramen are served. I no longer think about our best line chef, except for glancing at the photo taped up over the bar when I need to reach something up high.

More than a year later, sometime in 2005, an older Japanese couple come into the restaurant. They order two bowls of miso ramen. 

“Eeee~ Brian?” the Japanese man asks. 

“Yes?” I say.

“Kazuki,” he points at himself, “Kazuki’s father.”

It takes me a second to figure out he’s talking about our line chef.

He pulls out a sheet of paper. He’s translated something.

“Kazuki had…A.L.S.,” he says the words one by one. “He’s died.” He explains further. I find out that Kaz left his hometown when he was diagnosed with the initial symptoms. His childhood dream was to live in New York they say. I do as much as I can to sympathize with his parents, but there’s really not much I can do. I try to give them the photo of myself and Kaz above the bar but they tell me to keep it. After staying a while, they say thank you for helping Kaz realize his dream in New York and bow deeply when they leave.

Perhaps I realize I'm missing something or that life is short. Later that year, I meet an amazing woman, Melissa. She’s also from Connecticut. We talk about reconnecting to our roots there, starting an organic farm. Maybe its time to start a new chapter. I’ve been approached by agents a few times to buy the business. My dad starts introducing me to his friends from academia, some who run non-profits in our home state. Even if the starting pay is not high, contributing to a good cause would be fulfilling. I could try that for a year and spend more time with Melissa while we search for our next project together.

December 22, 2022 08:25

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Tommy Goround
01:57 Dec 25, 2022

Congratulations. Highly recommended.


05:40 Dec 25, 2022

Thanks and you gave me some v helpful feedback on the way.


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Suma Jayachandar
13:58 Dec 23, 2022

Scott, The details of Japanese culture and cuisine are so authentic. ( I'm guessing it comes from your extensive travel and I envy you a bit). Apart from that the story has a nice mood and tempo to it till the final gut punch. The way in which the POV character moves on in his life towards the end is also realistically portrayed. For me it worked really well. Critique wise, the paragraph beginning with 'I’m thrusting my hips at Kaz,' felt a bit disconnected to me. Maybe add a line before that? But overall it's a fine, tender story rooted i...


14:27 Dec 23, 2022

Thanks for reading Suma. After not looking at the story for 24 hours I fully see that edit you mentioned, and have add a sentence to connect it better. You feedback is super useful, as a writer we sometimes have an image in our mind of a scene, that the reader might not necessarily have. And yes, I lived in Japan and the characters in many ways are an amalgamation of people I've known over the years. I only worked in a restaurant for 4 months when I was a uni student, but it feels like 5 years it was such an intense experience! In japan I ...


Suma Jayachandar
08:41 Dec 24, 2022

Yes, it reads smoother now🙂


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Lily Finch
01:39 Dec 23, 2022

Scott, while this is sad about the ALS it is also uplifting. The connection of the cultures from the get-go is clear. In the end, it is very clever to have Kaz's parents stop by the restaurant. Relaying some tidbits about food history was wise and helped the story along. This story is witty and cleverly written; the connections to culture over food amaze me, and you pulled it off so neatly packaged. Well done! This is not your typical kind of story but it is equally amazing. LF6


02:54 Dec 23, 2022

Thanks for reading Lily, happy to hear the little diversion into culinary history added something to the story. Relieved that the heavy drama could also be uplifting in some ways.


Lily Finch
13:29 Dec 23, 2022

Always a pleasure to read your work, Scott. No problem at all. LF6


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Katy B
19:12 Dec 22, 2022

A funny, realistic, busy, yet gentle and sad look at immigration. One of my favorite lines is "Kaz works like a machine in the kitchen so I can forgive him for not being good with customer service." A quick, clean revelation that the narrator still thinks of Kaz transactionally, as if not speaking English is something to be forgiven; it really makes the ending more powerful. Thank you for sharing!


02:52 Dec 23, 2022

Thanks for commenting Katy. That's very insightful what you say about immigration. In a longer version I'd def have a Kaz pov chapter and give him more agency in the story. The tv series 'Little America' was so good at showing the POV of immigrants and humanizing their perspective, I hope to write something like that in the future.


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AnneMarie Miles
15:59 Dec 22, 2022

Yeaaah! More music this week, I love it! You got your Salt N Pepa!! ;) This is well written, Scott. You have a unique way of telling a story but it works. It all melts together and in the end, we are left with this sad conclusion: Kaz died. Yet, youstill you leave us on a hopeful note. Your MC is touched by his experience with Kaz but still moves on, never forgetting him. Isn't that just how life goes? Great job.


02:39 Dec 23, 2022

Thanks for reading Anne;) Haha, I think your story inspired me to write a story with a 90s pop music thread in it, with a sitcom dance scene. The story is based on an amalgation of people i've known and stories I've heard, and people just have to move on like you say.


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Delbert Griffith
13:04 Dec 22, 2022

What a powerful story of two cultures connecting over food! It's my belief that if we sit down to eat meals and share stories with our perceived enemies, we would have enemies any longer. I like how you tied in some culinary history with the story. It was very informative and it really added spice (sorry) to the tale. I felt so bad for Kazuki and his parents. A.L.S. is a fucking horrible disease and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I also like Brian's direction in life. He's all about living a quality life. Nice! Great story, Scott. You hav...


13:27 Dec 22, 2022

Thanks, happy to hear this works as its very different from my other stories. I've always been amazed by the raw poetry of Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential, and hoped to try to write a food story someday. And the ALS bit, that came from a sad story I heard from a friend who knew a bartender who dropped a glass one day, and then soon found out he had only 6-12 months left. I never met him, but never forgot how tragic that was to happen to a young guy. Happy to put a bit of his memory into this. And thanks v much for spotting the edit, ...


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Graham Kinross
12:39 Jan 30, 2023

Brad is a very American name, like Chad or Zack. A.L.S ? Damn. That’s colder than iced buckwheat noodles. It’s weird to think about all of the people we meet and then when you hear that something happened to them after. Poor Kaz.


03:09 Jan 31, 2023

Yeah, ALS happened to a friend of a friend of mine, Sad story. He was an expat bartender in Tokyo, and dropped a glass one day. I thought it would be more relatable to move the story to America. Yes, there are some names that are very american or british. Living in asia for 20 years, and esp in hong kong, I feel like I'm living in both cultures and can get a laugh out of one of our American names. "Hi I'm Randy."


Graham Kinross
04:01 Jan 31, 2023

Don't forget Fanny Craddock, and Dick Whittington. Sorry to hear about your friend. That sucks.


04:24 Jan 31, 2023

they would have been a great couple!


Graham Kinross
05:21 Jan 31, 2023

They’d go together like jigsaw pieces I’m sure.


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Tommy Goround
02:18 Jan 07, 2023

Hey! Remember how I wanted you to do the story longer to make the punch harder .. Because when the dad comes from Tokyo it's like meeting that person on the quick and all of a sudden they're like we're best friends forever... I was trying to tell some about the story and I realized, "the quick BFF actually works," because the guy was isolating himself and would not have normal relationships. Remember the prostitute ding ding So when his dad shows up from Tokyo and he's only been gone maybe a year or whatever (and even though the narrator...


02:42 Jan 07, 2023

THanks for having a rethink. There's a bit of a moral message that we should be kind to everyone in our lives, we just don't know how important we are to them. The only part of my story I didn't like was the little diversion to have beers with the wall street friend, who's not connected to the story in any way and was just there for some exposition.. but I think every story needs a change of pace in the middle before coming back to the main thread.


Tommy Goround
02:48 Jan 07, 2023

Need him to amplify what I just said. 1) the owner goes through several Cooks 2) he cannot get attached 3) he goes out with other people instead of just his Cooks. Conversely: 1) the cook makes no relationships in the light. 2) The prostitute represents a relationship that is temporary and done in darkness. 3) the parents of the cook have limited information though their son has been gone for a while... He is following a dream. The narrator is part of that dream


02:58 Jan 07, 2023

that's true. there's a theme in this that the MC doesn't have any real friends or relationships.. his life is a bit empty, having beers with a wall street guy he doesn't really like on a monday highlights that. Many stories have bit about to prostittues to hghlight the MC's emptiness too. Light. that's interesting too. everything in this story happens in the dark until the ending. I think you've talked me into rewriting this for the New Yorker.. after all it is a new york story.


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Amanda Lieser
18:16 Jan 04, 2023

Hi Scott, Oh this one was so lovely! I loved the way you incorporated food into this piece. I loved the way you chose the setting. I thought it was absolutely gorgeous how you ended this piece and created an air of beauty. Boy, you made me hungry! Nice job! Congratulations on the shortlist!


00:48 Jan 05, 2023

Thanks Amanda, happy you liked it. I've enjoyed so many books and articles about food, something about all those 5 senses imagining something, so thought I'd give it a try. Hope you can have a nice raamen sometimes this month;)


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Chris Campbell
02:42 Dec 31, 2022

Congrats, Scott! Well done!


12:37 Dec 31, 2022

Thanks Chris! Happy this all worked.


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Laurel Hanson
19:50 Dec 30, 2022

A gentle, lovely story about the immigrant experience and achieving dreams.


00:52 Dec 31, 2022

Thanks for reading, nice to hear you enjoyed it.


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Wendy Kaminski
19:50 Dec 30, 2022



00:51 Dec 31, 2022

Thanks Wendy😃


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Tommy Goround
18:09 Dec 30, 2022

Gonna be a good Friday. Quick, go give some HKD to a priest. 13¢


00:50 Dec 31, 2022

Will wish for a mr goround win in 2033:;


Tommy Goround
02:10 Dec 31, 2022

Oh the money? I don't know. The guys in India in Nigeria only steal from you people that got paid by reedsy. The rest of us shortlisters and quiet folks don't seem to get robbed as often. :)


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AnneMarie Miles
16:20 Dec 30, 2022

Woohoo!! Congratulations Scott, this was awesome! 🎉


00:47 Dec 31, 2022

Thanks Anne!


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Delbert Griffith
15:47 Dec 30, 2022

A well-deserved shortlist recognition, Scott. Congrats and kudos, my friend!


12:36 Dec 31, 2022

Thanks Delbert, and look forward to seeing your writing as well in 2023!


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Zack Powell
00:18 Dec 30, 2022

Sometimes it's hard to believe that you had no writing experience prior to Reedsy, Scott, because your style is so smooth. Felt like I'd only just started reading by the time the story was already over. My eyes floated gracefully to the last paragraph and, like a good meal, I was left wanting more. I think this could be a compelling novel or novella if you ever wanted to expand it. I can already see the movie playing out in my head (it's a little like Beaches, if you've seen that one, but with two men instead of women, and set in a restauran...


02:42 Dec 30, 2022

Thanks for reading and commenting Zack. When I write these types of stories, I'm definitely picturing it visually like a tv sitcom, so its interesting that you picked up on that! Yes, 12 months of binging youtube writing videos and posting here I guess I've learned a few tricks, especially in the show-don't-tell zone. I'm still working on slowing things down, someday I will write a one scene story;)


Zack Powell
17:48 Dec 30, 2022

Congrats on the shortlist, Scott! Well-earned and well-deserved for this one.


00:49 Dec 31, 2022

Thanks zack! Happy to have made it.


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Rebecca Miles
10:22 Dec 29, 2022

Great characterisation here. You deftly picked out a few telling details that really helped developed context too; I particularly liked the undertone of humour here: Kaz, short for Kazuki, smells faintly of beer and his eyes look tired. But thick, tight muscles bulge around his shoulders and back, not a meth user. He looks as if he could sling a 100 lb side of pork over his shoulder if we didn't get our meat preprocessed. Later, you continued with good setting development: I liked the detail of the tacked up photos for each new chef; it rea...


02:48 Dec 30, 2022

Thanks for reading, and happy to hear you enjoyed it. I do try to put in a lot of little details from my 3 months as a restaurant worker in Wisconsin, combined with many years of living in Asia. Interesting to hear about Chinese food in Germany. I just spent a a few weeks nearby working remotely in Innsbruck Austria and 'schnitzl' seemed to be the default meat option everywhere! Really enjoyed the bread and cafes, and great cheese.


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Susan Catucci
19:13 Dec 28, 2022

This story works on so many levels, many that surprised and enticed me along the way. The restaurant world is just as you depict and the New York scene, especially so. Language barriers is just part of the mix and people who need to get a job done adapt. I was genuinely concerned when Kaz had his emergency (due to slippery fingers - not really) and had to leave. The ending broke my heart in the most delicious way. Reminds us that our work families have backgrounds and lives and you never know what. A gentle, profound ride that I th...


01:49 Dec 29, 2022

Thanks so much for reading and your kind comment. Happy you noticed the photo with the heart, I didn't know if that was out of left field, but that was the sort of thing I saw in Japan with friends and coworkers that was slightly different and an interesting cultural difference.


Susan Catucci
13:15 Dec 29, 2022

And lovely.


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Rama Shaar
11:24 Dec 28, 2022

I love this story! Kazuki is very likeable but so is the narrator. The ending was bittersweet and hopeful! Well done 👏


01:51 Dec 29, 2022

Thanks Rama, I usually write silly satire, and don't write many dramas so happy to hear I got the tone right.


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Cindy Strube
20:44 Dec 27, 2022

Right off, the steamy kitchen is compelling. You’ve given the details of preparing ramen in a way that makes the slightly exotic seem comfortable and familiar. It’s about the coming together of different cultures and languages. The little hints about Kaz being clumsy… all add up when his father reveals that he has died of ALS. That’s pretty hard-hitting, as I knew 3 men who have died with it - one just recently. All seemed to be quite fit, until they started having symptoms, so this part: “his eyes look tired. But thick, tight muscles bulge...


03:35 Dec 28, 2022

That's sad to hear you know 3 people who had ALS. I had heard a second hand story of a middle age bartender dropping glasses, and thought it was so tragic.


Cindy Strube
06:46 Dec 28, 2022

It gave a unique aspect to the story of Kaz. I think it’s good to bring attention to diseases and disabilities in our writing now and then!


Cindy Strube
17:15 Dec 30, 2022

Congrats on shortlist! 🎉


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