Friendship Drama

Should I betray you? I donโ€™t think I can.

Giving up our friendship just to get a win?

They say friendship doesnโ€™t last forever

But somehow I thought we would always be together.

Will I be the break of our long built friendship?

I always knew I sang better, I donโ€™t mean to brag but I knew it once I opened my lips.

My dream, my life. My voice is all I can provide.

But I want you by my sideโ€ฆ

Music brought us together

Will it divide usโ€ฆforever?

We made a promise, hoping our friendship will prevail.

โ€œIf one of us fails, we both failโ€

But why did I have to be chosen?

Why did I stand frozen,

when they asked me to choose between my friendship or my dream?

This question is probably easy to you it may seem.

But to me I am dying, my heart is hammering,

my face is covered in sweat.

This is like choosing life or death

I watch my friend sing her heart out

I hear her off tune notes

But I smile and nod as I give her a couple of my advice-ful quotes

I canโ€™t tell her.

It will crush her.

But I should tell her, Iโ€™m not a liar.

The hardest part was calling out your name.

You smiled, its such a shame.

I told you everything, and I watched your eyes fill

I waited for them to spill

but you wiped them away and just like that

She decided we should quit and my heart went flat.

I smiled as I felt the rock of guilt lift off my chest.

But I laid there blood slipping out my veins

We packed our clothes like every other said

you remained straight faced as my eyes were glossy red

Why did you have to have the same dream as me?

If only you were born with a tone as horrid, I would be free.

But such is reality,

the crusher of dreams.


You left somewhere, to a place unknown

Tell me, why arenโ€™t you answering your phone?

I am not in the mood

but let me once again, go the extra measure for you.

The hallways are empty and cold

I pass a mirror, my eyes reveal bags underneath. I never thought Iโ€™d leave here looking so old.

The only sound is my shoes squeaking the tiles

and murmurs coming from the room filled with files.

Why do I hear a familiar voice?

Why does that voice sound like yours, why does it rejoice?

We are leaving, our train leaves at five,

why are you talking to the judges with the world in your eyes.

Why are you hugging them with the biggest smile

We are leaving, our train leaves at five

My eyes are dull filled with death, why does yours look alive!

We are leaving, our train leaves at five!

If I die, you die. We were both supposed to die!

We are leaving, our train leaves at five!


I am leaving, your life starts at five.


You come out of the room, judges surround you.

You look horrified. Ouu

You look like you want to apologize.

Small in size, eyes viciously hiding. Were you always like this?

I gave up this opportunity for our friendship

But now I find out you were given the same tip.

And you chose your dream.

Over me.

It sounds right but,

but let me once again, go the extra measure for you.

Well then, I guess I will be at home the next time I sing.


My head bounces as the train grooves

I havenโ€™t made any moves

My eyes blink as I leave without you

I would have been proud of you.

If you hadnโ€™t tricked me.

All I asked for was honesty

If you had told me you were chosen I would have willingly went home

but you tricked me with those tears.


I wonder when you started thinking of this betrayal


All your life.

I stuff my hands in my pockets, the sweater you gave me

A paper comes out with my hand

A note from you

An explanation? Lets hope you say whatโ€™s true.


Letter from "Friend"

I knew.

I knew all along,

Whenever we sang our song.

You were too soft

But even being fragile comes with a cost

You were like a dove, white on the inside, innocent.

You made it easy, thinking of this plan didnโ€™t cost me a cent.

I knew you were chosen with me, the judges couldnโ€™t fool me.

Me? over you? Was a joke.

So I hid under my cloakโ€ฆ

Waiting for you to spill.

You watched my forceful fake tears fill my eyes.

Thatโ€™s all it took for you to take my lies.

Unlike you, I refuse to give up my dreams for you.

Friendship to me is a stepping stool to my dreams in the sky that shines blue

In other words. I used you.

Donโ€™t misunderstand.

I love you, you have to understand.

I am not ashamed of crushing you to reach the top

I know your sad. Or mad, I wonโ€™t tell you to stop.

Unlike you, I am not afraid of losing youโ€ฆ

because there will always be anotherโ€ฆ

another bestfriend. And we will be bestfriends โ€œforeverโ€

You see, Forever is an unforeseen future, an unforeseen end

Our forever has come, โ€œfriendโ€

While you chose me, I chose myself.

I must sound like a psycho.

But you know, Iโ€™m not one to lie. Ohโ€ฆ

Wait. Never mind.

Anyways. My future starts at five

This is Goodbye.


I close your letter,

I press my head against the seat feeling the day

You didnโ€™t let personal feelings get in the way.

Although there is a better way to go about itโ€ฆthan lying and tricking.

I am sighing.

Unlike me, you donโ€™t settle in guilt

Your decisions are forced so your flower stands tall never wilting.

But your a rose,

you wrap around others with your thorns until their death is close.

You suck the life

so that you can reach the top.

Why not live in harmony?

If I didnโ€™t get it then maybe it wasnโ€™t for me in the first place.

I will handle this pain with grace.

These days I happen to rememberโ€“ Do you remember our song?

The song we loved most of all?

Though you did me wrong

Here is our favorite song

I sing to you one last time.

I wish you blue birds in the spring.

To give you heart a song to sing..

And then a kiss but more than thisโ€ฆ

I wish you love.

And in July a lemonade

To cool you in a leafy glade

I wish you health, and more than wealth,

I wish you love

My breaking heart and I agree

That you and I could never be

So, with my best, my very best

I set you free

I wish you shelter from the storm

A cozy fire to keep you warm

But most of all, when snowflakes fall

I wish you love.

For love is the only thing I can give you,

instead of hate, I will love.

To my bestfriend.

This is indeed the end.

November 07, 2020 05:01

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YES I'm posting another story! Yes I am busy! Yes I am reading everybody's story that I promised I would to myself! Yes yes! I am balancing it out okay? Anyways. Well welcome to another story, another poem. Another life, another tragedy. By the way this isn't real. I made it up, I was sitting there in math and it just clicked. I shall make this quick. I don't really have much to say though๐Ÿ˜… - MY 19th STORY!! YAY! Lowkey feel like this is corny, but what do yall think? - Uhhhh yes this story came to mind because of how you could c...


Ariadne .
07:13 Nov 10, 2020

Ugochi! You didn't tell me you posted another story! It could be that you got bored of my praise lmao ๐Ÿ˜‚ So... now that I'm here, I suppose you'll just have to deal. This. Was. Too. Good. For. Words. I'm noticing you're on a poetry streak. Or did you always write a lot of poetry? New fan here, need to go through the rest of your stories. I promise I will though, it'll just take a while. I know you can relate to a million open tabs with all the stories you need to get to lol ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


I could never get tired of praise especially YOUR praise! Ugh this just means sooo much cause cause I was literally staying up doing my homework really really quick and I found out it was due NEXT week Tuesday! Like I coulda been doing other things with my life๐Ÿ’ขbut then I saw your comment and I was like ahh๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ŠSO THANK YOUUU! You just saved my night! Aw thank youuu! And yes I started writing poetry in 4th grade then I stopped and took it back up in 8th and when things didn't go as planned with that boy๐Ÿ™„ I stopped again. But I started up ag...


Ariadne .
00:44 Nov 11, 2020

Aw. Well then, I'll shower you with praise all the time, my friend. <3 I'm glad to be your saviour! :) Ooh, that's cool! I don't consider myself a poet at all, but two of my poems have been published in an anthology -- in in 4th grade and one in 7th. Then I stopped for the longest time, thinking I lost my poetic abilities. Reedsy brought that back and I think I'm okay now. A lot of room for improvement, but getting there. Of course I am! :)


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Phebe Emmanuel
05:39 Nov 07, 2020

Oh, you didn't have to mention me... ๐Ÿ˜š I love this poem, it's so heartfelt and touching. I hate to pry, but does this relate to you personally? You don't have to answer that. It's so sweet that you mentioned me, thank you!


Its fine I wanted too๐Ÿ˜Œ Thank youuu! And to answer your question, yes and no. I mean all my stories are connected to me personally but yeah I guess it does. Cause like I just realized I could care alot about a friendship and someone else could not feel the same, and yes during quarantine I had a lot of time to think on the topic and yeah I found out that people don't HAVE to care about me the way I care about them its their choice as it is mine. But if they're not matching my energy its kinda time to go..or separate. So yeah it does! It act...


Phebe Emmanuel
05:51 Nov 07, 2020

I totally understand. Quarantine has done wonderful things for all of us(or most of us). I hope you find the people in your life who care! :)


Thank youuu, Phebe! And yeah its just that. I have never been betrayed like thatt๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚like ever. Wait is it Pheb-bee or Phebe I'm saying Phebee and I just wanna make sure I am thinking that right


Phebe Emmanuel
06:43 Nov 07, 2020

It's the same way you would say Pheobe, except in the Bible it's spelled Phebe and I'm Christian , so I was named that way.


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Yay! Another story. I really like this one. It has a poetic feel to it which is really cool.


Aw thank you so much Blair!


Hey! Would you like to go on an upvote for upvote spree anytime soon?


Sureee but your points might come in late cause I'll do them when I have the time, which will be soon!


I just upvoted you 100+! If you cant do anything close to that (Or any at all) then I completely understand! :) You honestly deserve it a lot anyways.


Thank you so much Blair! I will try to get you just as much or even moreee๐Ÿ˜Œ


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Alrighty Blair I think you were in 4100's now your in the 4600s I upvoted every comment! Thank you for upvoting meeee!!! YOU deserve it!(stole this from Phebe๐Ÿ˜‚the phrase.)


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Okay! No problem! If you cant do them also then that is totally fine!! I will go upvote you now!


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Hi!! I just posted a new story and would love it if you could check it out (If you want to and have the time) It not it is totally okay!!


Okay okay! I'll check it out!


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Rayhan Hidayat
06:24 Nov 08, 2020

Lovely. Hereโ€™s the spicy stuff: >Figurative language. I lost it but the part that went โ€œwrapped in thornsโ€ was amazing imagery >The handling of darker themes >The portrayal of the betrayer โ€œfriend.โ€ I feel like only a psycho would deny that theyโ€™re a psycho after explaining why friendship is fleeting and meaningless haha Hereโ€™s the stuff that could use some spicing up: >The structure. Iโ€™m not sure, but does it alternate between the bad friend and the good friend? If it does, I think you need to clear that up >I think there was a l...


Aw thank youu! And to answer your question for the structure, Okay let me try to explain um so basically it is from the good friend who doesn't wanna betray their friend. But anyways the friend ends up betraying her instead. And I wanted to put that friends point of view in it..so yeah. I'll try to go and make that clear And okay I'll go change that right now! Thank you for reading SO much of my stuff in just a couple of days. I know I wouldn't have been able to do it if I were you..๐Ÿ˜‚ but thankkk youuu!


Rayhan Hidayat
07:33 Nov 08, 2020

Ohhhh ok I see. Thatโ€™s adds a very interesting layer of complexity to the storyโ€”I guess I was expecting the stories in this prompt to be straightforward, which is maybe why I overlooked that


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Rayhan Hidayat
07:36 Nov 08, 2020

And not worries! Itโ€™s been a while since I read your stuff. Thanks so much for the shoutout btw ๐Ÿ˜™


Anytime! And sorry for the confusion!


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Waiittt I can't find the eyebags under eyes!! Is it this... "I pass a mirror, my eyes reveal eyebags underneath. I never thought Iโ€™d leave here looking so old." Is that what you were talking about?


Rayhan Hidayat
07:32 Nov 08, 2020

Thatโ€™s the one! Itโ€™s a very minor gripe really


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Amany Sayed
16:46 Nov 18, 2020

U-Undeniably amazing G-Gorgeous O-Optomistic C-Caring H-Helpful I-Imaginative GOOOO UGOCHIIII


WOWWW that was randomly amazing!! Thank youuu! A - Aesthetic! M - Majestic! A - Amazing! (can't forget Amaazing!) N - Noble! Y - YOU ARE YOU! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Œ


Amany Sayed
19:02 Nov 18, 2020

I saw that little thing you wrote to Aerin and I was like 'This girl is so sweet and kind and omg sdlkfjasdklfj she needs to know it' Haha, thank you I love it :)


Aww thank youu๐Ÿ˜Š, I try I try! Your welcome! Lots of Snow, Ugochi!


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B. W.
06:13 Nov 11, 2020

heya, i made a new story ^^ could ya check out "Sweet revenge" and leave some feedback?


Sorry B! I know I haven't been responding to your stuff or reading your stories, I promise I will get to them soon!


B. W.
17:28 Nov 12, 2020

its fine ^^


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Sia S
07:25 Nov 09, 2020

Hiya Snow. What's up?


Hey Sia! Nothing much, how about you?


Sia S
14:27 Nov 09, 2020

Not much either.


Are you just bored..you giving me bored or tired vibes๐Ÿค”


Sia S
16:26 Nov 09, 2020



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Sia S
16:26 Nov 09, 2020

But, wow! For all I know, you might be sitting on the other side of the WORLD and you know that


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚I guess I'm just a really empathetic person. And your energy didn't really match how you usually act it, I felt like something might have been wrong. So why are you tired..is it school work? And stuff


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B. W.
01:36 Nov 08, 2020

i got a new story out ^^


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Amany Sayed
22:35 Nov 07, 2020

Aughhh this was impressiveee. "You see, Forever is an unforeseen future, an unforeseen end Our forever has come, โ€œfriendโ€" This actually made me widen my eyes I loved this part so well written. Keep writing!


Thank youuu Amany! Yeah I loved that part tooo๐Ÿ˜Œsurprised such words could come from me. Thank ya for reading!


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This is so beautiful! There are no other words to describe it. This is heartbreaking and makes me want to cry! Ugochi, this is so amazing!


Aww thank you Kylie! Means sooo much!๐Ÿ˜ญ


I don't know why I didn't like this in the first place! I could have sworn I did! Anyway, I was rereading this, and it's still so good!


Wow I didn't see this! My bad! And really again?! Thank youuuu!


Haha, it's fine! And yes, I reread it and was about to comment, but then I was like, "Wait, I already SEE my comment!" lol


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B. W.
10:29 Nov 07, 2020

Hey, this was a really great story and ya did a great job with it as well ^^ so ill give it a 10/10 :)


B. W.
17:14 Nov 07, 2020

no prob


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Orenda .
18:54 Nov 23, 2020

heyloo Chi, waddap! Chi reminds me of my dead birb haha. I'd lost her exactly two days after i rescued her. Wednesday was the day i buried her. ๐Ÿฅฒ Sob story


Hey Orendaa(I can't think of another shortening since its all been made!) And a dead birb? Really๐Ÿ˜‚ Wowww, that sounds traumatizing. Whats up though?!!


Orenda .
03:31 Nov 24, 2020

just call me Ren ๐Ÿ˜Œ yeah.. it messed up my brain composition. I'm okay, nothing special. Been busy all the way xD what about you? Everything okay?


Okay, Ren! Oh well thanks giving is coming up hopefully you can get some restt! Oh me well I am just itching for break! Like I was just so busy but today I finished all of my workkk! So I am pretty happy! Hows the writing??


Orenda .
07:00 Nov 24, 2020

yess yay, good to hear that! i haven't been writing anything muahaa. The prompts are terrible.


Yess yes they areee! Sometimes I wish i was the prompt maker! And are you gonna write any novels and thing's like that


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Malz Castell
11:33 Nov 18, 2020

This was heart wrenchingly beautiful. Well done. :)


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Thea Nereus
23:10 Nov 17, 2020

I love how you wrote poetry! Very unique! I have been taking a poetry leddons and I adore them. I like how it didn't rhyme the whole way through, and how you ended the poem.


Oh and if you don't mind can you like the story, thank ya!


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Yes poetry is amazing, thank youuu Thea!


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. .
21:01 Nov 16, 2020

This was very good, and it's a poem, right? I really loved it, and it had an amazing plot. I really think that you are a person that immerses themselves in the characters in order to understand them better. Maybe you could add some backstory, too, but I loved it. Could you check out my submission for this prompt, My Anthem, and my new stories for contest 68?


Yess! Aw thank you! And yes you are completely right! I do that all the time! Hmm maybe! Sure when I get the chance too I will like and comment! Oh do you mind liking this too? Thank ya! Also should I just call you Litlover? Or do you have something else you would rather me call you?


. .
21:29 Nov 16, 2020

You can call me Luke!


Oh fancy! Alright thank ya Luke!


. .
21:38 Nov 16, 2020



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Wow Ugochi!! This was so good! The figurative language was on point. I really liked the format you used, it almost felt like I was going through the thought process with your character! Amazing job! And tysm for mentioning me in your bio! So completely different topic, but could you make me a cover? I can send you some info abt my story through nano if that works? I dont want to spoil anything! Thanks! -Luna


Omg thank youuuuu! Of course your amazing! Yes yes! I will try! I been waiting for this day my whole life๐Ÿ˜‚ Yeah send it on Nano!


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B. W.
06:48 Nov 10, 2020



B. W.
07:30 Nov 10, 2020

how are ya?


I'm doing good. How bout you??


B. W.
07:52 Nov 10, 2020

eh, im sorta good


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Sia S
07:57 Nov 07, 2020

Ohmigosh! This is lovely!!!!!!! You, Ugochi Nwauwa, are AWESOME!


Aww thank youu Sia!๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š SO are youuu!


Sia S
17:21 Nov 07, 2020

Awww lovely! See, I told you, you're too awesome to exist. Btw, check out my bio!


I am November and December๐Ÿ˜Œ


Sia S
17:52 Nov 07, 2020

Hehe lolll same here, I'm a December, july and August


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K. A Bogers
17:32 Jun 23, 2021

Poetic. Nice. :]


Thank you so much KB!


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22:34 Nov 29, 2020

I just wanted to tell you, I shortened my paragraphs like you suggested. You really have helped me with your suggestions last week. Thank you. Also, I think I've said this before, I love your unique story/poems!


Aw really I'm glad I could help! I see you have written a new story, I'll go read that! Thank you sooo much Aubrey!


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Radhika Diksha
15:26 Nov 27, 2020

A new story is out please do read it and give your honest feedback on it.


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