Christian Friendship Sad

"I got all of the money! If anyone says anything to the cops, you won't be able to say anything after!" Adam cackled. My arms were raised above my head, and my eyes were wide in play-fear.

"O-okay, sir. We-we won't t-t-tell. I promise," I stuttered. Adam laughed one more time, then he ran out of the room with the briefcase. A minute later, Adam came dashing back in, giggling.

"That was awesome, Nikki. I-"

Adam was cut off short when we heard a shout from downstairs.

"Nicole! Adam! Dinner!" Adam's mom yelled. I grinned at Adam as we both ran down the hall, then the staircase. My legs got me to the dining room faster than Adam did. He came in right behind me, panting.

"Pizza and breadsticks, homemade. Just how you two like it." Jo nodded, proud of herself. Like she said, there were two homemade pizzas (one Hawaiian and one Meat Lovers), and sixteen made-from-scratch breadsticks. The greasy aroma of her cooking filled the air, and it was like Heaven to my senses. Adam and I sat down next to each other, and Jo sat down across from us.

"Thanks, Ma. It means a lot to me that you let me stay here this weekend while my parents are gone...Again," I said, upset. Jo and Adam went silent for a minute. They knew what I meant, and even though we were okay with talking about with each other, it was still hard to.

"Oh, it's not problem. You know we love having you here. And, it keeps Adam from playing those stupid video games all day." Jo eyed him wearily; you could tell that he truly was playing video games a lot.

"Mo-om! Can we just say Grace and eat?" Adam reached over and put my hand in his. Jo grabbed my other hand, then Adam and Jo joined hands.

"Dear Lord, thank you for the food before us, and the friends and family around us. We are so blessed to have you in our lives, to have each other in our lives. Thank you. Amen."



I let go of Jo and Adam's hands, immediately pouncing on the delicious meal. Adam wasn't far after me, and soon all three of us were wolfing down the meal.

One hour later, Adam and I were on the couch, watching It's A Long Way From Here. It was actually a movie that Adam and I directed, written, and produced together a few months before. It was about a young girl (our friend Liliona) growing up, wishing she could be an artist, but her parents make her become an accountant. In the end, she breaks free, moves to Paris, and accomplishes her dream job.

Back to the story. We were sitting there, munching on popcorn, when the doorbell rang. Coming from the kitchen, Jo walked to the front door and opened it. My mother was standing there, a stern and tear-streaked face.

"Give me my darn daughter. Right now, Jo. I don't want to wait. Nicole! Come here!" my mother scolded. Frightened, I grabbed Adam's hand and leaned against him. He squeezed my hand tightly while Jo stepped out of the way as Mother pushed past her, into the living room.

"Ni-cole! Get your filthy butt over here! We're going away! Right now! And you better know that you'll never be seeing your father again!" My mother clenched her fists and stared at me, fire in her eyes. I could tell that she was daring me. Daring me to stay where I was. Daring me to disobey her.

I took that dare like you take money out of your grandparents' hands.

Jo could tell that I wasn't moving, so she moved quickly and stepped in front of Mother before she could do anything to me or Adam.

"Now, Gianna. there's no need to overreact. Why don't we-" Jo was immediately cut off by my mother again. We could all tell she wouldn't let anyone talk sense.

"Shut up, Jo! I am not freaking overreacting! I want my daughter, and you're going to give her to me, and that's final!" Mother began to walk towards me again. Jo stopped her again. You could see the fire in both of their eyes.

"Gianna, if you don't stop right now, I won't hesitate to call the police. I may be your friend, but this is getting out of control. Just, go back home. Get a good night's rest, and come back in the morning. Then we'll talk," Jo ordered. I could feel Adam's heavy, fearful breathing on my neck. The two of us were both shaking down to the bone.

"This isn't the last you'll hear of me."

"Yeah, I know. At some point you'll have to pick up your daughter."

When you first see her, Jo looks like a sweetheart. And she is, don't get me wrong. But, if you get that woman mad...You better watch your back. And my mom knew that. That's exactly why she walked out of Jo's house with one last final, livid glare.

"Adam, Nicole, go upstairs. Get a movie on in Adam's room. I'll... be right there." Jo attempted to smile as Adam and I slunk upstairs.

Nine years later...

"Nikki! Adam's here! And it looks like he drove the Convertible!"

A smile spread across my face, ear to ear. After applying a bit of dark red lipstick, I slung my purse over my shoulder and strutted out of my room.

"Coming!" I began my descent down the stairs, making sure not to trip while in my heels. Once I got to the bottom, I heard a gasp. My head snapped to the right, and Daddy was standing there.

"You look beautiful, honey. That is a beautiful color on you. Now, go ahead. Spin, spin!" Daddy cried. My smile spread wider as I spun around and my black, flowy, knee-length dress flew around me. I only stopped when I got dizzy.

Honk! Honk!

Daddy smiled at me, excitement in his eyes. He loved Adam like a son. Maybe in a few years he would be.

"Alright, go on, sweetheart. I love you. Have fun. Be safe. Back by midnight!" His smile got wider (if it was possible) as I pecked him on the cheek, then swirled out of the door.

"Hi, Nikki! You ready?" Adam called. He was in the front seat of the Convertible, just like Daddy had said. The top was down; most likely so that we could still get the slight breeze in the humid, summer, night air.

"I'm more than ready. This is our senior prom, after all. Oh, and Daddy said he's gonna take pictures once we get back because he 'doesn't want to bombard us'." I opened the passenger side door and slid in, closing the door again.

"Alrighty then. We're off to the races!"

Adam and I looked into each other's eyes for a moment before we sped off to the interstate, towards Clearwater High.

November 20, 2020 02:23

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23:38 Nov 29, 2020



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03:24 Nov 23, 2020

Hi! First of all amazing story! It is so unique and full of awesome description. I like the ending especially. Also, you probably aren't going to see this for a while but I hope you are okay! I read your bio and I hope that I can talk to you soon! I miss our (few but very awesome and fun) convos!


23:37 Nov 29, 2020

Hello! First of all, thank you for your concern! I am great now! I love your convos, too!


16:41 Nov 30, 2020

No problem! That's good! :) And thank you! I will love to see what you think.


18:45 Nov 30, 2020

^^ No problem!


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20:09 Nov 27, 2020

Also, if you wouldn't mind, (whenever you get back) I just posted a new story and would love it if you could check it outtt!!


23:37 Nov 29, 2020

I don't mind! I'll read it once I get the chance!


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THIS IS FREAKING INTENSE Hello Brooke! Ya got another awesome story!


21:04 Nov 20, 2020

XD Hi, Celeste! Thank you! Btw, I will give you feedback on your writing ASAHP.


21:23 Nov 20, 2020

You're welcome!


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Yay! I loved it! The starting was really enthusiastic, I actually thought that it was apart of the plot! Keep up the great work! ~SS


11:26 Dec 22, 2020

Thank you so much!


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03:07 Dec 03, 2020

This made me laugh, Celeste. I am glad and appreciative that you love me, because I adore you and your writing as well. -Hermione P.S. (as Brooke) AWWWWWWWWW THANK YOU SO MUCH




03:09 Dec 03, 2020

😊 P.S. (as Brooke) XD You just made my day!




03:12 Dec 03, 2020

That genuinely makes me very happy to hear. P.S. (as Brooke) :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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Zilla Babbitt
14:05 Nov 22, 2020

Good idea to twist the beginning into a couple of kids just playing cops and robbers. It gives it a realistic feel -- I know I played stuff like that with my brother when we were growing up. We'd also go outside half-naked at five years old or so and eat malabar spinach raw, pretending to be "Indians." It was fun. Anyway, this is a sweet little day-in-the-life story, and I like it. It's cute that those two kids playing together eventually got together. A nice happy ending. My only critique would be to put the "flashbacks" into italics, m...


23:40 Nov 29, 2020

Thanks so much, Zilla! It means SO MUCH to me to hear this from an outstanding author like yourself. Also, I am so glad that my writing could connect with your childhood! :D XD That makes sense. I'll make sure to do it next time.


Zilla Babbitt
23:47 Nov 29, 2020

Of course!


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B. W.
03:35 Dec 03, 2020

Hola amiga


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Lilliane Wei
06:33 Nov 30, 2020

Hi, Brooke! I really love your take on the prompt. When I saw them last week, I never would've thought to spin it like you did! I really liked how it flowed, very smooth and precise. Although I was wondering what happened after that night Nicole spent with Adam. Also you seem to have forgotten a few words here and there. Otherwise, I really enjoyed reading it! -Whirlwind


18:46 Nov 30, 2020

Hey, Whirlwind! Thank you so much! It means a lot to me. -Brooke


Lilliane Wei
18:46 Nov 30, 2020

Of course! 😁


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B. W.
21:17 Nov 29, 2020

Hey, how are you?


23:34 Nov 29, 2020

Hi! I'm great now! :D


B. W.
23:40 Nov 29, 2020

yay ^^


23:40 Nov 29, 2020



B. W.
23:40 Nov 29, 2020

I'm glad your back


23:53 Nov 29, 2020

Me, too. :)


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Judith Buskohl
19:55 Nov 26, 2020

I love reading your story especially knowing that Gionna didn't take her daughter home that night. The mother was mad and hard telling what would happen. Great story.


23:35 Nov 29, 2020

Thank you so much, Judith!


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Lonnie Larson
03:17 Nov 26, 2020

Good story. Very fast paced. Interesting how you made it out to be a game at first. I hoped that Nicole and Adam would remain friends. Keep it up.


23:35 Nov 29, 2020

Thanks so much, Lonnie! (I love your name, by the way.)


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B. W.
00:57 Nov 25, 2020

how are you?


23:35 Nov 29, 2020

Good! You?


B. W.
23:40 Nov 29, 2020

I'm just kinda bored


23:40 Nov 29, 2020



B. W.
23:41 Nov 29, 2020

Though im working on my novels again


23:53 Nov 29, 2020

That's good!


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Echo Sundar
20:13 Nov 23, 2020

This story is so so so amazing and I'm not just saying that. I love how you made the first part of the story a game that was really creative and then you tied it back up nine years later. It was so fun to read!!


23:36 Nov 29, 2020

Aw, thanks so much, Rachel!


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Amaya .
18:49 Nov 22, 2020

hey Brooke you okay?


23:39 Nov 29, 2020

Hey, Amaya! I'm amazing now! :D


Amaya .
00:49 Nov 30, 2020

yayy :)


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B. W.
20:37 Nov 21, 2020

i'll give it a 10/10 :)


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20:14 Dec 08, 2020

Why is this tagged as a Christian story?


21:47 Dec 08, 2020

I just tagged it as that because the characters say Grace before every meal, believe in God, and pray.


21:52 Dec 08, 2020

Gotcha, makes sense. 🙂


18:53 Dec 09, 2020



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B. W.
18:19 Dec 05, 2020

Hello Hermione ^^ I'm quite surprised to see you and the others on here as well


18:20 Dec 05, 2020

Hello, Luna! I know! It's crazy how many of us have gotten onto this website at the same time.


B. W.
18:23 Dec 05, 2020

Do you think Ron or Harry would join as well?


18:24 Dec 05, 2020

Possibly. But I don't think either of them are interested in writing, or have time to.


B. W.
18:27 Dec 05, 2020

Maybe we could try to convince one of them to join? I think they'd like it ^^


18:29 Dec 05, 2020

Maybe! I'll talk to Ron. I can ask Ginny to talk to Harry about it.


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B. W.
04:40 Dec 05, 2020

Hey- maybe you could help me? What you and some of the others are doing seem a bit fun and I really wanna do it as well, though I don't know that much stuff about Harry Potter :/ I could maybe do it with something else but I don't know what.


16:23 Dec 05, 2020

Hello, B.! It's nice to talk to you. I'm not sure what you mean, but maybe someone else could help? -Hermione P.S. (as Brooke) Basically, all we're doing is changing our name to any Harry Potter character and pretending we're them. You could change your name to Luna Lovegood. She is a fun, quirky Hogwarts student who is always talking about Nargles (nobody knows what they are), and reading the Quibbler (a magazine her dad edits/writes).


B. W.
17:31 Dec 05, 2020

Oh dear, sorry about that, though maybe we could still talk? You seem a little fun? ^^ (I could do try to do that then, though I really hope I don't mess up something with how she acts :/ maybe you could be the first to talk to me when I change it? I'll do it soon)


17:33 Dec 05, 2020

Oh, it's okay! Of course we can talk. It would be my pleasure. ^^ P.S. (as Brooke) Yeah, I can talk to you first. Then I can give you some tips on how to talk like her, and it'll all be good! ^^


B. W.
17:36 Dec 05, 2020

So what do you usually like to do? What are ya doing here? I hope these aren't a lot of questions for ya ^^ (I'm changing it now, so maybe once its changed you could go to one of my stories to explain how to do the stuff and all that?)


17:42 Dec 05, 2020

Well, I like to read, write, hang out in the library, help Harry and Ron, punch Malfoy in the face, and snap back and forth with Pansy Parkinson. I just wanted to try this out because I love writing, and was looking for something to do. Oh, I don't mind! P.S. (as Brooke) Yeah, I'll go over there right now.


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Amaya .
03:14 Dec 04, 2020

Hello Brooke! I was so confused like "who is this random person who suddenly is high up on the leaderboard" haha


03:16 Dec 04, 2020

Hello, Amaya! I'm sorry, but you must be confused. I'm Hermione Granger. I have met Brooke, but I'm definitely not her. And also, I take that as a compliment that you noticed I'm high on the leaderboard. So, thank you.


Amaya .
04:24 Dec 04, 2020

Oh, hello Hermione! I have a secret to tell you as well: my name isn't Amaya. Amaya was my code name, so no one from Hogwarts would recognize me! I'm Ginny Weasely! You know, your boyfriend's sister and your best friend's girlfriend! ! We did a lot of stuff together, including saving the world. My muggle form is a huffleclaw, even though im a Gryffindor.


14:10 Dec 04, 2020

I should've known. (; How are you, Ginny? Harry and the kids doing okay? On a not-so-happy note, I heard from someone that Harry was giving this girl some looks and you were angry...Is this true?


Amaya .
16:01 Dec 04, 2020

Yup, doing great! Hopefully no other hogwarts kids come by this and find out about me being Ginny. Lily has a fever though, hopefully she gets over that. Luckily we know it's not that crazy muggle sickness they can't seem to control, since wizards can't get it. Oh, well, yes I was angry, but I was angry for a different reason. Harry would never, he's a Gryffindor after all. I was annoyed at how he didn't let me pick any of the children's names, and insisted even though I was completely against Albus Severus. Come on Hermione, I'm sure yo...


17:05 Dec 04, 2020

That's good! Why not? Publicity thing, I'm guessing? Oh, that's too bad. Yes, I heard about that. It's too bad. :( But, I agree that it's a good thing Lily doesn't have it. Oh, I see. Yes, I understand. Ron and I went back and forth on what we should name Rose. Finally we agreed on Rose. It's good that you two are fine now. My family and I are doing great as well!


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Avery G.
20:27 Dec 03, 2020

Brooke!!! You changed your name?!?! That's kinda funny!! I was actually wondering where you went, until I just pressed this name out of curiosity and found out it was you!!! So funny!!! Anyway, nice story!!! I loved it!!! I haven't read one of yours in a while, and this was good!!! Great job!


21:25 Dec 03, 2020

Brooke? I apologize, but I'm Hermione. It's nice to meet you, though, Avery G.. Thank you very much! I will read one of yours in return.


Avery G.
21:52 Dec 03, 2020

Ahh, yes, I see. How is Crookshanks?


22:01 Dec 03, 2020

Crookshanks is doing fine, thank you for asking. He is still chasing rats around whenever he can (luckily they're not Scabbers anymore).


Avery G.
14:49 Dec 04, 2020

Yay!! Oh, right, that's true.


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