Gay Fantasy Romance

I watch a girl walk down the hallway to her room. She can't see me standing in the dark corner, covered by shadows.

She opens the door, and grins. I don't move, already knowing who’s in there. He smiles at her, the same way he smiled at me. He pulls her into the room, and I hear the click of the lock.

"Fine, I'll do it." I mutter.

Micheal materializes beside me, smirking. "Thought you would."

"Shut up." I snap. "When does it need to be done?"

"Sunrise, if you do it." He says. "And keep the girl alive, Rez."

I scowl, hating the name they all call me. "Fine."

He disappears, and I sigh. Being an assassin, I've never hesitated to kill someone. But this is different. He was the love of my life.

I go down the hallway, the lights flickering as I pass. I need to calm down. The more anger I have, the more my power takes control.

I walk to the window at the end of the hallway, and open it. It's a long fall, but I've climbed this hundreds of times.

I reach for a branch, swinging to the trunk, and climbing till I find a sturdy branch. I sit there, and pull out my bag, examining my knives.


I wince at the voice in my head. I don’t know why it's there, but it is. "What?"

Are you really going through with this?

"Yes." I reply.

I thought you loved him.

I do. But I also have to do my job. I should've known better then to fall in love. Micheal warned me.

Well, I have an idea. The voice says.

"No." I snap, but it's too late. They bring me into a memory.


"Who are you?" He asked me.

I scowled, and tried to kick him. I couldn't. I was tied too tight.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

I was in a small apartment. The whole thing was one big room, and I could see everything, including my knife on the counter by the sink. The boy in front of me looked my age. He had curly black hair, and light skin peppered with freckles.

I closed my eyes, and let the shadows take over. When I opened my eyes, he was wrapped in them.

A tendril of darkness cut through the rope he tied me with, and I stood, and frowned at him.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He struggled, but gave up quickly. "I'm Carlos."

"How did you catch me?" I demand. I had never been caught before.

"It wasn't that hard. You fell through my window, with a knife in your hand. Then you passed out. I didn't know what else to do."

I had just killed a group of guards. They must've hit me harder then I thought.

"Well, I have to kill you." I said, plucking my knife off the counter.

His eyes widened. "Please don't."

"Why?" I asked, putting the tip of the knife to his throat.

He bit his lip. "I have a family. They can't make money, so they depend on me."

"How do I know you won't tell anyone about me?" I asked.

He shrugged. "No one would believe me, anyway."

"Fine. You can live." I said. The shadows disappeared, and he dropped to the ground. "If you tell anyone, I'll kill you and them."

I walked to his window, but before I could leave, he stopped me.

"Are you ever going to come back?" He asked.

I tried not to smile. "We'll see."


"Why would you show me that?" I mutter, rubbing my head.

You needed to see it.

"No, I didn't. Are you trying to make me feel guilty?"

Yes. Ready for the next memory?

"What? No, don't-"


"Hey, Leo." Carlos said, smiling at me.

I smirked at his pajamas, climbing in through the window. Yes, I told him my name. I trusted him enough.

He pulled me to him, kissing me softly. He stopped short, finding a cut on my neck.

"What happened?" He asked.

I sighed. "Guy fought back."

"Come here." He said gently.

He had a first aid kit in the bathroom. I was convinced it was for me due to how many times I got hurt. I could do it myself, but, even though I'd never admit it, I loved how he cared for me.

"There." He said. He wrinkled his nose, which was adorable. "When's the last time you took a shower?"

"Rude." I said. Then, "A week."

He shook his head, smiling. "Shower, Leo. I'll wash your clothes."

"Fine, whatever." I muttered as he left the bathroom.

When the door shut, I smiled. I really loved him.

After the shower, I put on one of his hoodies, and a pair of pants.

I was tired, but I never fell asleep at his house. I couldn't risk it, no matter how much I trusted him.

I walked out, and he grinned at me. He was sitting on the couch, a blanket over his legs. He held out his arm, and I curled up to his side. He was reading a book, but put it down.

"Will you read to me?" I asked. I had never been a great reader, since it wasn't a skill I needed. I didn't tell him that, but he always read for me.

As he read, my eyes slowly started to shut. I tried to keep them open, but I was tired, and comfortable, and before I knew it, I was asleep.


"You really hate me, don't you." I say to the voice.

I'm trying to help you, Leo. I know you don't want to do this.

"Why wouldn't I?" I demand. "He probably hates me."

Do you remember what happened? Really?

"I - yes, of course."

That's not true. I've tried not to think about it too much.



I'll help you remember.

"No, I-"


"What? No, Dad, it's not-"

I woke up to yelling. I sat up immediately.

Carlos was standing in front of me. I looked around him, and saw someone who must’ve been his dad.

“I didn’t raise you like this!” He bellowed. He slapped Carlos, hard, making him stagger backwards. He doesn't look suprised, and I assume it's happened before. That makes me really mad.

A second later, I pinned him to the ground. I scowled, my skin black, and steaming from anger. He screamed, until he didn’t.

“Leo!” Carlos yelled, pulling me off. He dropped to his knees, putting his hand on his dad’s chest. “Is he..did you kill him?”

“He’s fine.” I mumbled, reaching for my clothes, which were on the coffee table. My knife clattered to the floor, and I picked it up, going to the window.

“Leo, where are you going?” He asked, grabbing my wrist.

I pulled away from him. “I don’t know.”

“Wait, please, I didn’t know-”

“Carlos, please. I’ve got to go.” I snapped, opening the window.

I pulled myself up with a branch, and climbed to a thick branch. I covered the window with shadows so he didn’t see where I went. When I looked back, he was crying.


“Would you just leave me alone?” I demand.

You know you don’t want to kill him. You still love him.

“No, I don’t. I hate him.”

 Why would you hate him? You're just jealous.

“I am not.”

You miss everything about him.

“Stop it.”

You think it’s your fault.

“It is!”

But you left because you were scared. You thought he would hate you. But he misses you. He still loves you.

“Why would he love me?”

You were just trying to protect him.

“Shut up!” I shout, gripping my head. “I’m killing him. I don’t care what you do!”

If you hate him, why did you keep his hoodie?

He’s right. Of course he is. I still love him. 

“You don’t want to kill him.” 

I blink. That was the voice, but it wasn’t in my head. I look up, and there’s Carlos, sitting across from me.

“Carlos?” I say. I knew the voice sounded familiar.

He smiles. “Hey, Leo.”

“I - I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I ran, I was scared you would hate me, and -”

“Leo.” He says softly, taking my hand. “It’s okay.”

I shake my head. “I’m supposed to kill you.”

“I know.” 

“I don’t want to.”

“I know.”


He kisses me, and I let him. I missed him so much. I wish I never left him. And now, I agreed to kill him, but I’m not going to be able to do it.

“Break it up, you too.” Someone says. 

It’s Micheal. He’s sitting on the air, legs crossed. He looks bored, like usual.

“Boss said you don’t have to kill him.” He tells me.

I sigh in relief. “Thank you.”

“Whatever.” He says before disappearing again.

I smile at Carlos. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He says. “But I have to do this. I'm so sorry.”

“What?” I ask.

Suddenly, something flies towards my face, knocking me out of the tree. I pass out before I hit the ground.

November 09, 2020 20:08

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Megan Sutherland
00:36 Nov 13, 2020

Hey, Pomona! I saw you on Luke(Litlover)'s page. Pomona Sprout is the Hufflepuff Herbology professor, right? XD personally, I'm a Slytherin. Also, I have read Divergent, and I am a Divergent cross between Erudite and Dauntless. :D


Ari Berri
16:19 Nov 13, 2020

Yeah, you got it! I'm a hufflepuff and Amity.


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Hope Reynolds
19:12 Dec 17, 2020

Hi Hazel, I noticed you liked some of my stories, so I checked your bio out. Same birthday month!! Who is Thalia Grace, may I ask? Also, Alec Benjamin's voice on a live stream singing does not sound that different to him singing in a regular recorded song. Some people might find that cool! I first found out about him because of a classmate who was also my foster sister for awhile. So I still get a song by him every now and then ;)


Ari Berri
19:15 Dec 17, 2020

Thalia Grace is a Percy Jackson. I didn't know that about Alec Benjamin. That's pretty cool. What's your favorite song from him?


Hope Reynolds
19:40 Dec 17, 2020

Hmm....Well these may or may not be my favorite, but Mother's Eyes is good. He did a good job on Must have been the Wind -- the way he speaks-sings what he is hearing, etc.


Ari Berri
19:42 Dec 17, 2020

Those are some of my favorites, too. What other singers do you like?


Hope Reynolds
19:52 Dec 17, 2020

I kind of listen to a hodge-podge. But some good artists are Jervis Campbell, Anna Golden, Jamie Grace, and Lion of Judah (he is a British guy -- check out "I am Jonah" by him), Holly Starr - "Sailing On" and "More." Josh Garrels! His voice and music sound....so unique. If you check anyone out, he is one person you should check out. I don't really listen to Needtobreathe, except for a cover, but their appropriate songs are gold. The lead guy has a great voice. I also recently discovered a couple songs by Elle Limebear -- "Seasons" and "Angel...


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F. A.
11:09 Nov 19, 2020

Wow, this is amazing! I sure can see more, you ended the story with a challenge for the readers. And that, I absolutely love!


Ari Berri
15:28 Nov 19, 2020

Thank you!


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Malz Castell
18:17 Nov 12, 2020

Wow, this was really great! Please write the next part soon. I can't wait to know what happens next!


Ari Berri
18:18 Nov 12, 2020

I probably will next week. I'm glad you liked it.


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Ari Berri
19:56 Nov 12, 2020

If there is a good prompt next week, I'll try to.


Malz Castell
06:17 Nov 13, 2020

Can't wait!


Ari Berri
19:44 Nov 13, 2020

I just finshed it.


Malz Castell
20:38 Nov 13, 2020

Thanks for letting me know. I'll definitely read it.


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Beverly Riddle
20:11 Dec 06, 2020

Great story! The ending shocked me!


Ari Berri
12:16 Dec 24, 2020

Thank you! Sorry for answering so late, I didn't see this.


Beverly Riddle
17:04 Jan 25, 2021

It's ok, I haven't been on this for days anyways.


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Beverly Riddle
17:04 Jan 25, 2021

It's ok, I haven't been on this for days anyways.


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Lilliane Wei
19:09 Nov 24, 2020

Wow. This is a really nice story. I really like the mystery and love but I have to admit that a little more context might be appreciated and maybe grammar and spelling proofreading? Otherwise, great job! -Whirl Ps, do you change your name every few hours?


Ari Berri
19:11 Nov 24, 2020

Thank you! I change my name when someone guesses who it is.


Lilliane Wei
19:14 Nov 24, 2020

Hmm...very interesting. Oh! You've read the fifth wave. I've yet to meet someone else who has. Trials of Apollo too? Yo be honest I didn't like that one too much. Wow, you read a lot!


Ari Berri
19:22 Nov 24, 2020

The fifth wave books were great. I didn't like the movies as much. What other books do you like?


Lilliane Wei
19:24 Nov 24, 2020

Harry potter, the heroes of olympus, hunger games, percy jackson, kotlc, the seven realms, divergent, spy school, the selection series, the summoner series, the frith chronicles, maze runners, fablehaven, beyonders, ummm im really drawing a blank now


Ari Berri
19:27 Nov 24, 2020

I haven't read some of those, but I'm planning on reading the selection as soon as I can get them from the libray. Is it good?


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Joel Bedulla
21:58 Nov 18, 2020

What type of name is Micheal? Is it written like that on purpose? (Apologies if this sounds rude)


Ari Berri
22:19 Nov 18, 2020

I don't get the question....


Joel Bedulla
16:41 Nov 22, 2020

I meant is the name Micheal perhaps supposed to be Michael or is it chosen like that on purpose?


Ari Berri
12:13 Dec 24, 2020

I never know the right way to spell it. (Sorry for the late answer.)


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Echo Sundar
20:50 Nov 17, 2020

Wow! Amazing story with a dramatic ending.


Ari Berri
20:56 Nov 17, 2020

Thank you!


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Echo Sundar
19:13 Nov 17, 2020

I love your name!! I saw before that it was Remus Lupin and now it's Lemony snicket. Lemony Snicket has great books!


Ari Berri
19:15 Nov 17, 2020

Which are your favorites?


Echo Sundar
19:18 Nov 17, 2020

All the Series of Unfortunate Events.


Ari Berri
19:19 Nov 17, 2020

Same. Did you watch the movies too?


Echo Sundar
19:20 Nov 17, 2020

No, but I've watched the episodes.


Ari Berri
19:21 Nov 17, 2020

That's what I meant. Who are your favorite characters?


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Nainika Gupta
18:43 Nov 17, 2020

I loved how intense the details were and how they brought the story together, making me invested in the story all the way through. Well done!!!


Ari Berri
18:51 Nov 17, 2020

Thank you! I'm glad you like it.


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18:36 Nov 15, 2020

I really enjoyed your story. It kept me interested and the internal struggle of your character helped drive the narrative and slowly fill in the details of what was happening. I look forward to reading what comes next.


Ari Berri
20:01 Nov 15, 2020

Thank you! I'm working on it now.


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Menen Joseph
07:51 Nov 15, 2020

i m m a c u l a t e writing your words are so wellt thought and i would 10 out of 10 read a full book


Ari Berri
19:59 Nov 15, 2020

Thank you! That means a lot.


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Very good job! I love it...keep writing!


Ari Berri
16:23 Nov 16, 2020

Thank you!


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J F Teller
13:23 Nov 14, 2020

This story is amazing!!! I love how things are slowly revealed to you and even then, with a hint of mystery. The balance between the character's emotional struggle and actual actions is so absolutely well written. LOVE IT.


Ari Berri
16:20 Nov 16, 2020

Thank you! I'm glad you like it!


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Crystal Lewis
11:55 Nov 14, 2020

Hey Remus. You liked my story and your name drew my attention so here I am (p.s. has nobody really figured out Remus Lupin is from Harry Potter yet? Only the best werewolf professor ever.) Well, I can't believe you and I had the same prompt and ended up with a similar plotline about tragic love (at least so far - I assume you shall be continuing yours). I liked the hints of magical involvement with the shadows, the voices and the disappearing. Definitely piqued my interest. The story is quite well paced and could easily stand on its o...


Ari Berri
17:59 Nov 14, 2020

Thank you for the feedback! I'll try that next time. I'll definitly check out your story!


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Jexica Marcell
17:10 Nov 13, 2020

hey I loved this story It was fricken amazing! You are a great writer! Could you read on of my stories and tell me what you think? Thank you and keep writing, your amazing!


Ari Berri
17:14 Nov 13, 2020

I'm glad you liked it. I'm actually working on a second part now. I'll definitly check out your stories. Thanks for the compliments!


Jexica Marcell
17:38 Nov 13, 2020

of course!! i cant wait for your next one!


Jexica Marcell
18:54 Nov 13, 2020

i loved how you paid attention to details!!!


Ari Berri
19:43 Nov 13, 2020

Thank you! Also, I just finished it.


Jexica Marcell
20:10 Nov 13, 2020



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Jexica Marcell
19:22 Nov 14, 2020

i just finished mine too xD


Ari Berri
19:27 Nov 14, 2020

I'll check it out.


Jexica Marcell
19:29 Nov 14, 2020

just read the comment first so u understand why its rushed


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Lauren :)
01:37 Nov 13, 2020

WOW! You've written 36 stories!? That's awesome! Keep writing! Lolo


Ari Berri
16:19 Nov 13, 2020

Thank you!


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. .
18:26 Nov 12, 2020

I just saw you how has no one figured out your name, Four? Lol! I love Divergent soo much, and I'm still an Erudite after everything Jeanine did. Could you read my stories?


. .
18:26 Nov 12, 2020

Wait lol you already did


. .
18:26 Nov 12, 2020

Still how has no one seen that?


Ari Berri
18:29 Nov 12, 2020

Yes, thank you, you got it. I'm Amity. And, I don't know how nobody else could tell. Also, I'll definitly read your stories.


Jexica Marcell
17:10 Nov 13, 2020

lol, I got Amity, Dauntless and Erudite


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. .
18:42 Nov 12, 2020

Can you see if you can guess my emoji puzzles? I'm going to try those.


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. .
18:55 Nov 12, 2020

Bruh now you're grover from percy jackson


. .
18:55 Nov 12, 2020

Too easy.


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Booker Bogan
19:18 Nov 10, 2020

can we get a sequel?!


Ari Berri
19:22 Nov 10, 2020

Probably next week. Glad you enjoyed it!


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Ari Berri
16:22 Nov 16, 2020

I'm not sure if you know or not, but I finished the sequel, it's called, I will always love you.


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Unknown User
01:45 Jan 24, 2021

<removed by user>


Ari Berri
02:48 Jan 24, 2021

I seriously don't know.


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