Thriller Suspense

The Vampire

Freezing earth.

Howling wind.

The air is fresh

And full of sin.

I stalk the alleys.

I know what's coming.

Through the corner of my eye

I see her running.

The child is screaming,

Cold and white.

And now she's fleeing

Through the night.

Not a chance

This small girl has.

I'm stalking her,

And moving fast.

My feet lift up

Above the ground.

And from my shoulders

Two wings sprout.

I'm growing smaller,

Furry and black.

And now I see her

Turning back.

"Oh, where'd he go?"

The small girl stutters

"He must be in my head"

She quietly mutters.

I'm gaining speed now

And gaining fast.

I zoom through the air

I've got her at last.

I change back form

To my human self

The small girl screams

Despite herself.

I grasp her hand

So pale and slim

I bite down hard

My teeth sink in.

The smooth red liquid

Drips down my face

It's pooling up

All over the place.

The girl starts running

With the speed of a car.

She's mine now,

She won't get far.

I turn away.

I see a flash of blue.

I know what it is.

It's victim number two.

It's a boy this time,

That I can see.

What I don't understand

Is that he looks like- me?

Quickly I hide

Behind a door.

I listen

But can here no more.

The Child

Boy, how I love trick-or-treating. It's probably the best way to grab hold of an unhealthy amount of candy without making your parents mad, and just about every kid on the planet knows this. I'm no exception. I won't go home until I've raided every single house in the whole town from all its goodies. I walk up to the next house and knock on the door.

The Vampire

"He must be gone"

I hear myself say

There's a knock on the door

I think 'just go away'.

Shaking slightly,

I open it a crack

The boy is there,

holding a green party bag.


He shouts aloud.

I stare at him,

And give a frown.

The blood-red lips

and pale white skin.

It must be true,

I know it's him.

"Hello my son"

I sharply rasp.

He stares at me

And starts to laugh.

I glare at him

My eyes are ablaze.

Does he really think

That this is a game?


He shouts again.

This arrogant boy

Will soon be dead.

I reach for his hand,

He pulls it away.

I sigh to myself,

It'll be a long day.

I grab again

And bite down hard.

Blood fills my mouth,

Delicious and tart.

He stares at his hand,

in a state of shock.

I stare back at him,

Still a rock.

He starts to cry

Then starts to run.

"Oh great", I sigh.

"Well, this will be fun".

I chase him through

The quiet town

Past parks and alleys

All around.

The wind is whistling

In my ears.

And drying off

The young boy's tears.

He's wailing now,

It's a horrid sound.

I hope that

No one else is around.

He's shaking like a motor

As he stumbles down the road.

"HELP" he calls out,

His voice crackling like a toad.

I chuckle to myself,

Does he think he will be saved?

It's no late for him now.

There's no way he can escape.

The Child

"What. The. Freak." I think as I run down the alley, my legs moving faster than they have ever moved before. Well, this is a total mess that I've gotten myself into. Since when had a VAMPIRE moved into our town? I didn't even know those things existed North of New York, since when had they gotten all the way up to Vermont? Sure, I had dressed up as one for Halloween, but the last thing I had expected was a REAL one to come trotting along and distrusting the serene calm of our small town. Also, did he think I was his SON because of my costume? As I looked around for possible escape routes I thought how nothing looked familiar anymore. The bright sweet cherry trees had turned into ominous giants, and the wide gravel paths had turned into narrow, dark passages. I screamed for help as I ran past my friend's house, but my voice was so streaked with fear that it came out as a weak squeal. I turned around, but the vampire was nowhere in sight.

The Vampire

He's not stopping,

That's not good.

I've chased him around

The whole neighborhood.


I am not quite peeved

I still have one trick

Up my sleeve.

I'm in the process

Of transformation.

It's a vampire trick

Used across the nations.

I'm a bat now,

Small and furry.

Dashing through the air

In a hurry.

The boy is confused

He slows to a walk.

He doesn't see me.

He comes to a stop.

I land on him

He starts to shriek.

I bite him with

My small sharp teeth.

The Child.

I look around for the vampire, but he's gone. Or so I think, until I feel a mouse-sized animal on my shoulder. I want to slap my forehead. Of course. He's a vampire. He turns into a bat. He's a bat-man. WHY did I not think of that before? He bites me hard, and suddenly my blood stops flowing. I can't breathe, it's like he has my in his evil grasp and won't let go. Which, now that I think about it, is exactly what is happening. My brain feels like jelly and I can barely see. My blood is pumping ferociously as if it was trying to escape my body. My head is swirling and my eyes are burning. The last thing I remember as I slip of consciousness is the vampire transforming back into a human, his evil, smirking face is something I will never forget.

The Vampire

Well, that's that.

The end of the game

He's mine now.

He'll never be the same.

October 29, 2020 13:08

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Arham Ishraq
15:57 Oct 29, 2020

I LOVE WHAT YOU DID WITH THE PROMPT! I wasn't really here for this prompt bc I'm not into crazy vampire and werewolf stuff. But the poem idea was really great and I never really thought people did poems, but now that I think of it, writing a poem is allowed! I love this, it has a simple flow and the POV switch is very cool!


Wolfy 🐺
16:01 Oct 29, 2020

Thank you! I once read a book called Because of Mr. Terupt (you should read it, it's really good) and ever since then I have loved the idea of pov switch.


Arham Ishraq
16:30 Oct 29, 2020



Wolfy 🐺
17:16 Oct 29, 2020

Yeah, same! I loved that book, it was sad but so gooooooooood.


Arham Ishraq
17:23 Oct 29, 2020

Yeah I really liked how dramatic it was lol. The whole Alexia thing and then Peter and then Daniella and then uj9fw0egpo


Wolfy 🐺
17:35 Oct 29, 2020

Wow I felt so bad for Peter.


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Arham Ishraq
16:50 Nov 03, 2020

H e n l o


Wolfy 🐺
19:46 Nov 03, 2020

Hi lol :)


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Arham Ishraq
16:50 Nov 03, 2020

You also never break through your rhyme scheme, it goes at a very steady rhythm


Wolfy 🐺
20:06 Nov 03, 2020

I was afraid that the rhyming would cause it not to make sense. Like, sacrificing clarity so I could rhyme.


Arham Ishraq
20:26 Nov 04, 2020

lol yeah that happens a lot in poems


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Arham Ishraq
16:49 Nov 03, 2020

I like how the whole thing isn't a poem, it makes it stand out


Wolfy 🐺
20:05 Nov 03, 2020

Honestly, I was going to write the whole thing as a poem, but the date was getting really close and I knew I couldn't finish a poem in time. That was the main reason I did it lol.


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Avery G.
14:43 Nov 03, 2020

WOW!!!!! This poem was beautiful! I really enjoyed this! I loved the POV switch; it seems so creative! Great job!


Wolfy 🐺
15:59 Nov 03, 2020

Thank you!


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Raquel Rodriguez
01:39 Nov 04, 2020

Nice, I love this! Good job, I loved how you turned your story into a poem, it was very creative. The vampire is definitely my favorite character, he's so sly and he keeps tricking these children. Good job! :D


Wolfy 🐺
13:43 Nov 04, 2020

Thank you! Hey just wondering for the future: did I sacrifice clarity for rhyming or does it still make sense?


Raquel Rodriguez
14:23 Nov 04, 2020

Clarity was fine, and your story makes sense, so good job :)


Wolfy 🐺
16:39 Nov 04, 2020

Ok, thank you!


Raquel Rodriguez
17:57 Nov 05, 2020

No problem! :)


Wolfy 🐺
18:07 Nov 05, 2020



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Raquel Rodriguez
17:56 Nov 05, 2020

Hey Aine! Arham asked me to upvote you, and I saw that you upvoted me, so I looked through your comments and stories and everything for stuff that I didn't already upvote :P Hope you enjoy your new points, but I couldn't find enough for you to get to 100, so I'll keep looking.


Wolfy 🐺
18:07 Nov 05, 2020

Thank you Raquel- I think Arham misunderstood, I wasn't asking for more votes, but thank you anyway! Also- you are moving up the leaderboard FAST! Keep it up!


Raquel Rodriguez
18:12 Nov 05, 2020

Oh, lol. He said you had a down-voter and everything, so yeah. Thank you so much, I really want to get better at writing, because I'm definitely not as good as Zilla, but I'm trying, so thank you! :)


Wolfy 🐺
20:21 Nov 05, 2020

sure thing, you're a great author!


Raquel Rodriguez
20:53 Nov 05, 2020



Raquel Rodriguez
20:54 Nov 05, 2020

Lol, rn my number is 3535


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B. W.
22:14 Nov 03, 2020

this was a really great poem/story and I hope that you will continue to make more stories on here ^^ ill give it a 10/10 :)


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Wolfy 🐺
15:49 Oct 29, 2020

From now on, I'm just going to go around upvoting people's comments because I appreciate them! Thank you!


Arham Ishraq
14:28 Nov 03, 2020

Thanks! I can try and help you get more comments for more points?


Wolfy 🐺
14:31 Nov 03, 2020

Sure! tysm!


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B. W.
07:25 Nov 08, 2020

Hey, so i made a new story ^^ could ya maybe check out "Otherworldly repairs" and then leave some feedback on it?


Wolfy 🐺
12:43 Nov 08, 2020



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Ben To
22:36 Nov 16, 2020

Great story! Smooth rhyming and perfect clarity throughout. It was a cool idea to use this poem/story style for a thriller, lets you read at a breakneck pace.


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