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Who vs. Whom: How to Tell Which Word to Use

Jan 11, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

Ward off the grammar snobs in your life by finally figuring out the difference between "who" and "whom." Read more →

Plottr Review: Features, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Jan 04, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

Find out if Plottr is the writing app for you as we break down its features in this review from the team at Reedsy. Read more →

Additional Reviews: Query Critique December 2024

Dec 11, 2022 – Understanding Publishing

Additional critiques from Reedsy's December 2024 query letter session. Read more →

Book Writing Templates: A Writer’s Secret Weapon [Download]

Dec 09, 2022 – Perfecting your Craft

Download 10 free templates to help you quickly shape your book idea into a unique story. Read more →

What is a Literary Agent, and How Can They Help You Publish?

Nov 04, 2022 – Understanding Publishing

What makes a literary agent so valuable to an author? Find out what agents do, how they collaborate with authors, and how they get paid in this guide. Read more →

10 Personal Narrative Examples to Inspire Your Writing

Oct 31, 2022 – Perfecting your Craft

Need inspiration for your next personal narrative essay? Take a look at these ten fantastic examples from recent years. Read more →

How to Make Money by Writing Books: 8 Tips for Success

Aug 30, 2022 – Understanding Publishing

If you want to be an author who makes a living from books, here are eight tips to help you make money as a writer. Read more →

Developing Your Author Brand: 6 Ways to Showcase Your Unique Writing Identity

Aug 08, 2022 – Book Marketing

An "author brand" can be a pretty vague concept. Learn how to successfully develop yours in this post by Harry Bingham. Read more →

How to Make Your Book Newsworthy: 5 Tips from a Publicist

Aug 05, 2022 – Book Marketing

How can you earn media coverage for your book? Book publicity takes some preparation and watchfulness, but it can help your book become news. Read more →

What is an Imprint? A Division of a Larger Publisher

Jun 28, 2022 – Understanding Publishing

We’ve asked three Reedsy editors with experience working for ‘Big 5’ publishers, and compiled everything you need to know about imprints in this post. Read more →

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