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BlogReedsy News

Posted on Jun 01, 2017

New to Reedsy: Author Website Services

Hi! It's Matt from the Product Team at Reedsy. We're pleased to announce the launch of author website design services on the Reedsy Marketplace. Some of the finest author website designers and waiting to collaborate with you to improve your web presence, or even build your site from scratch.

Authors in 2017 simply can’t do without a website. And for independent authors, that goes double! If you want people to learn more about your current and upcoming books, where do you send them? If you need to build a mailing list, how do you do that? If readers, fans, or agents and publishers want to get in touch with you, where should they go?

The answer to all these questions is — you guessed it your wonderful author website!

Our illustrious web designers have been handpicked from the absolute cream of the crop. It takes just a few minutes to request a free quote from professionals who have designed sites for both first-time authors and household names like Stephen King, Anthony Horowitz, Darren Shan, Cassandra Clare, EL James and Hanif Kureishi.

Here are a few of the sites designed by Reedsy professionals:


(David Gilman's website, designed by Liam Fitzgerald)


(E.L. James' website, designed by Julie Olson)


(Cassandra Clare, author of The Mortal Instruments. Design by Joelle Reeder)

As with all the services on Reedsy, we make it easy for you to create a brief that lets our professionals know what you need: whether it’s a complete website from the ground up, or simply updates and the addition of features like newsletter signups or lead magnets, or a re-branding for your blog. Once your brief is complete, you can request quotes from up to five designers at a time!

Web design services offered by Reedsy professionals include:

  • Updates to your existing website
  • Branding and design
  • Website hosting and domain setup
  • Newsletter signup and lead magnet
  • Blog
  • Contact forms
  • Image galleries
  • Social media sharing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

To see what goes into creating an effective author website, check out these author website tips from our designers. Also, head to our author website design page to learn more about collaborating with our awesome professionals.

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