#23 Winter Wonderland
By the time the holidays have passed, and the first week of January is in full swing, it's impossible to deny one fact any longer: winter is here.
Shorter days and colder temperatures often mean more time spent indoors writing. This week, we suggest you sit by a window and let the wintery world outside inspire your newest piece of short fiction.
🥇 Winner
⭐️ Shortlisted
Zenobia Harsch Has No Idea She's Dead
Shortlisted for Contest #23 ⭐️
This week's prompts
You go for a walk in fresh snow. Suddenly you realize you're not leaving any footprints.
127 stories
Write a short story that takes place in a winter cabin.
76 stories
Write a short story about someone experiencing their first winter.
31 stories
Zenobia Harsch Has No Idea She's Dead
Shortlisted for Contest #23 ⭐️