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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2020
Submitted to Contest #63
By the time I stepped outside, the leaves were on fire. Leaves that had fallen off the trees that lined the street and were still showing their colors of every color from light red to an orange that made me think of a fire that firefighter had put out across the street where I live. The fire that had started as a blood-red then turned into the raging orange, black billowing smoke, and people choking on the ground from the smoke’s thickness. The air was thick and the smoke was black as people were yelling “Fire!” The...
Submitted to Contest #62
She stood there looking at Earl and Marvis, she wondered how she was going to ask, tell them what she had just heard about the twosome. Earl would probably call her a troublemaker and punch her directly in the face, Earl had no problem hitting a woman that was spreading lies that would change his life, that would change Marvis’ life was a different story. One guy did and they had got into a yelling match which resulted in a fistfight. The other guy hasn’t been seen since that awful day, a day that changed how she looked at Ear...
The flyer had covered the whole town with the promise of leaving something for the future. Norma could hardly wait for the time capsule to be uncovered, so she could put in whatever she was going to give to the future people. Something to make them wondered what it was and what it was used for was her mission. She could put the blender and say that it was the music from the time or even put a picture of her dog with the statement that is what my husband looked like. She knew that she wasn’t going to put the picture ...
Submitted to Contest #61
Jane sat at her desk wondering how to go about the article that her boss wanted her to write about, he wanted her to write about the women in the late 1800’s like her grandmother. Her grandmother had been born in 1832 and lived her whole life in two homes that she lived in. First, when she was born on June 8, 1832, she lived with her parents, Norma and Joe Taylorson. She was not allowed to go to school since that was taboo in those days and the university didn’t even talk to women who wanted more education. Men thou...
There stood Craig on the busy corner waiting for the light to turn to walk so that he could get across to his building of employment. He was late as it was and these lights were all against him today. He would get lectured from his boss once more and he had told he would get fired if he was late again. What was his exercise going to be this time? He wanted to scream at the lights to hurry up, so they wouldn’t make him any later. What was he going to tell the boss? On this street corner was the first time in a long ...
James was sitting in his parent’s kitchen thinking that he was the luckiest man on earth because both of his parents were well known in the medical profession. His mother, Naomi was the lead project research specialist who would delve into books to find out everything she could about her topics. She was like a bulldog when it came to researching something because once she got onto the trail of something, she never let go of it until the end when she was satisfied with what she found out. His father was a doctor, a specialist o...
Sasha tried to be as quiet as a church mouse as she walked down the hallway of the mansion she suddenly found herself in. Not even knowing how she got there or why she was there, she had escaped from the room she was being held in to see if she could find a way out to the outside. She had been wandering the hallway for an hour now and every door that she tried was either locked or no one was in the empty room. Getting tired of wandering in a dark mansion in the middle of the night, she was imaging she could smell food being pr...
Submitted to Contest #60
They were everywhere. She could feel them slithering up her legs with their little tongue in and out, out and in. They were on her arms, neck, and crawling across her stomach. One of the snakes plopped down on the top of her head and was crawling down her face. They were everywhere. Every inch of her body was covered by their slithering body and she could feel their tongues hitting certain spots on skin. Their slithering body, the scaling skin she could feel touching her body at parts of her body that didn’t make her feel...
Submitted to Contest #59
Norma moved to a new building closer to her place of employment and she had to pay more for rent. She knew in the winter time, she would love to walk the four blocks to her apartment when before she had to walk twelve blocks. She considered herself lucky that she saw the sign in the window reading “Apartment for Rent”. Enjoying the feeling that she would be home soon, she started to look around at the place to eat on her walk home. There were all different types of business that offer everything from A to Z on their menus...
Tyler was wondering how his company could transfer him, the greatest person and salesman that they had employed at the company to this small dinky town. As he carried in his luggage to the hotel, he noticed everyone had stopped what they were doing to look in his direction. He could understand why the ladies were looking in his direction, but it was everyone including the men which had the same look in their eyes. Like they hated his presence in this small one stop town, he knew that he hadn’t done anything wrong yet. So ...
Submitted to Contest #58
Tonight was going to be a long night for the family and they didn’t even know what was in store for them. Their family consisted of the parents which were Thomas and Paula Nelson which had been married for ten happy years. They were the type of parents that tried to give their two children, Pat and Ted, a fun time while having family night. Family night was on Saturday and today was the first time that the parents couldn’t think of any way to enjoy the night with two strong teenage boys that would rather be with their girlfrie...
Terri wasn’t too sure on riding up to the sixth floor in the elevators during the storm that was raging on outside. Lightening was flashing brightly enough to lite every inch of the shadows that existed in her world and she had even thought it was still day time outside when some of the flashes had happened. Thunder was booming off in the distance, but she could tell that it was moving closer to her as the booms were getting louder. She loved her sixth floor apartments which gave her the view of the whole town. She cou...
Submitted to Contest #57
Fred was not very like by any of his family or his so-called friends that seem to come to the hospital for one reason which was to say hello to his millions of dollars that somehow they seemed to think was to become theirs. He would like to be a fly on the wall when his lawyer read his will to his family which was going to go nuclear after hearing how much he didn’t leave them. No one was going to like what he gave to them, but that was their problem after he was gone. There was going to be only one person that was going to li...
Submitted to Contest #56
Harry step out of the glass encased shower in his apartment to dry off his body after having a steamy hot shower to get ready for his blind date with Julia. He started to hum a song that he just couldn’t get out of his head. The lyrics seemed to be firmly planted in the depths of his mind and short of a bomb going off in his head, he wasn't sure how to get the song out of his mind. He stood in front of his mirror looking at himself wondering what he had got himself into with this blind date. From the tips of his reddish hair...
Sarah looked her three friends over as she realized how different everyone was. Michael was the hunk of the group with his blond hair, blue eyes, and soft kissable lips. His body was strong from lifting weights, lean, and tall in the height department. Tyler was the brains of the group and had stopped them from getting into trouble several times. Tyler could be described as mousey with brown hair and brown eyes to match. His body’s height was short and slightly on the husky side. Craig was the rich one who actu...
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