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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2020
It’s not easy. It’s not easy to do many things, actually. Most things are hard, because that’s just how the world is. Okay, from the top. “Hello y’all!” No, y’all’s too...No, a more formal, a more, a more…A better one… “Hello people,” Good enough for now, I think. No, probably not. This is an important speech! Come on, you can do better. Much, much, MUCH better than just hello people. The world is cr...
Her and I were talking on the phone, laughing about our silly jokes and giggling from crushes. We were having a good time, her and I. I listened carefully to her, and mentally wrote down each small detail, wanting to keep this moment in my mind forever. This call was not like any other calls. The calls we used to have were boring, bland, plain. This call was lively. Her and I were in the middle of talking about Jonasin, the snobby guy, when suddenly...
We were always close. We always had our backs, and we never talked about each other behind our backs. We were loyal to each other, and took the blame for each other. We helped each other and stood up for each other. We were inseparable. *** “Oh dear, oh dear. I’m worried I’m going to fail this test!” Olive exclaimed, pushing her glasses up her nose. Her glasses were too big for her, but her mom claimed that she would grow into them. Olive was ...
“What’s the magic ingredient Mummy? How’d you make this soup taste so good?” “It’s a secret. Hush. I’ll tell you one day.” “Please, tell me now! I want to cook this soup when I get older.” Isabella begged. Her Mummy smiled, and shook her head. “One day. Remember.” &n...
Down to the earth, down to the little state, Manalis, there sat a library. In the day, the library was a warm place. Sunlight peered through the windows, enlighten the laughing children that were listening to a funny story in storytime. The reader would smile at the sight of happiness rising in the air. Small clusters would form into study groups. Those study groups were always quiet, but they’d occasionally have a small talk, or perhaps the thud of a book dropping. If there was any noise, a shh rose simultaneously from the...
This is dedicated to all the people who's being downvoted. Do you know what "666" means? No? Oh. Alright. I suppose my story didn't get out everywhere.Basically, the meaning of "666" is to summon "The Beast." Or "The Devil."Is it true?No.Duh.They could've picked any number-111, 222, 333, 444, 555, but they just picked 666!Why?Well, if you look closely at the 666, it does look a bit like a monster.The "666" monster has 6 heads (what else did you expect?)In the Bible, 666 is the number of Adonikam's descendants who return to Jerusale...
Warning: This has content that may scare people. Please do not read on if you are easily scared. It was just a normal day, on a normal- Wait, no, nevermind. It was April Fools Day. Do all people do pranks? Erm...No. Do you think Apple will? Probably not. Well, guess what! Apple will do a prank. You think Apple is just an all serious company with no humor? Well your wrong! This year, Apple has decided to prank people-big time.&nb...
Dedicated To Celeste. “Ugh...Alexa, what day is it today?” “Good morning. Today is April-” “April?!” I jolted straight up in my bed. “April?! Yesterday was March...Which means…”It dawned on me. Today was April the 1st, April Fools Day. My family and friends would be out for revenge. I pranked them real bad last year. “Good morning mister!” My sister, May skipped right on in. “Get up!” I yanked my covers up, bracing myself for May’s prank. Nothing came. “Whatcha doing down...
NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PROMPT! Dear Devaki, (Side note: Devaki may not be the only downvoter with her 8 accounts. There’s probably others.) New’s has been out that your the downvoter. I’m not being mean, but I’d like to understand why you were downvoting. You claim to say that you were downvoting because you wanted friends. Downvoting does the exact oppisite. You’ve downvoted a lot of people. Leaving Reedsy will not gi...
Copy and paste to spread the message (with signature.)Dear Reedsy,I've emailed you endless and endless times, however, you ignored. I NEED you to reply, please. It's all about downvoting. "Oh, this is just a thing about downvoting, B-O-R-I-N-G!" And skip.This is an important message, Reedsy.My friend Ari Reynes, has been downvoted from 4,600 to 1,000. This is unacceptable and the hard-worked for points are gone-poof. This isn't a threat, but a lot of people are taking breaks from Reedsy.I, myself, plan on leaving Reedsy for t...
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. Author’s note: This story is dedicated to Lone Wolf, who was the first to request to be in a story. They didn’t request a person to be with so there will be a Mom & a dad. Also, this story is not meant to be racist towards anyone. One of the fictional characters is just quite...Sassy. “Chop chop, hun. It’ll be alright. Just a quick move.” Mom tsked and beckoned to me. I groaned unhappily. ...
I took in a deep breath of the wonderful smell of… Garbage. Pee. Gas. Typical New York. Smelling of homeless people’s pee, garbage littering the floor. But it was my home. I couldn’t help but grin as I passed by the Chip-Hop frozen-yogurt store. Memories rushed back to me. *** It was her giggle that made me giggle. “Ho...
Author's note: I used people from Reedsy in this story. I'll put the links to their profile's in the comments! It was inside a dark space when it happened. A bright flash igniting the dim bunker. “What was that?” A first voice whispered. Silence. A groan split the silence. “W-where am I?” A soft voice asked. “This is Bunker 910.” A third voice confidently said. “I’m Celeste, and I’m the leader here.” Celeste held out her h...
The piece of kelp was nothing more than a piece of kelp. It was a kelp color, kelp shaped, and had a kelp personality. There was nothing else to describe it. Just kelp. On this particular day, the piece of kelp got washed away from its stem. The ocean was quite mad on this day. Unfortunately, the ocean spotted this particular piece of kelp and banished it from the ocean. The kelp flew through the sea, wondering what was going to happen to it on this particular day.&nb...
Submitted to Contest #81
“Rina, when will you ask?” “Uh, ask what, Cynthia?” I asked dreamily. “For Ry-” “Don’t mention his name!” I hissed, getting up from my position with my face on my hands and elbows on the table. I lunged forward and smacked my hand over Cynthia’s mouth. “Mrf?” Cynthia’s voice was muffled as she spoke. “Feffe mo!” I translated that to: What? Lemme go! I slowly allowed my hand to drop to my side, as if I were talking to a giant and dangerous animal. “Why...
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