Submitted to: Contest #77

π•Žπ•™π•’π•₯ ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕀 π”»π• π•Ÿπ•–?

Written in response to: "Write about two people going sledding for the first time in many years."

Friendship Suspense Fiction

**Thanks, Gigi for helping me get through having to rewrite this 7 times****Please feel free to comment if there are any mistakes and/or what you think should happen in the next books or prequels!


β€œAAIIIEEEEEEEE!” twelve-year-old Annalise screamed, the snow blasting her pale face. β€œShane-if-you-ever-make-me-do-this-ever-again-I-will-personally-KILL-YOU!”

β€œLighten up, Lise!” Shane yelled with equal volume. β€œAHHHHHH!” Before they could stop, Lise and Shane had crashed into a snow-covered birch tree. Annalise flew backward, landing headfirst into a glittering white snowbank. Shane slid off the back, planting his bottom firmly next to where Annalise had landed.

"Ow," she moaned.

β€œWOAH HO HO!” Shane triumphed, standing up and pulling Lise out from the snowbank. β€œThat was AWESOME! Our best one yet, I think. Boy, I sure did miss sledding! We should have done this more often! What did you think, Lise? Wasn't that so FUN?!” 

β€œYeah, Except for the part where we crashed,” Annalise reminded, licking the snow from her dark lips and shaking the snow clumps from her caramel mane. "We could've gotten seriously hurt!"

β€œOh, relax. That’s the fun part about sledding!” Shane explained.

Annalise gave him a pained look and shuddered. β€œNot when you break your head open. Or snap your legs off. Or die.” Shane laughed at the thought, bewildering Annalise. Lise brushed the powdery white snow off of her shoulders and off of her black snow pants.

"I have snow in my boots," Shane declared, pulling his bright green snow boots off and giving them a little shake.

"I have snow in my boots, too," Lise echoed, copying Shane's actions.

"Hmm. Maybe we should upgrade our sled with ROCKET boosters!" Shane suggested. "Oh, and a steering wheel. Duh. Maybe seat belts?"

"Oh, Shane," Annalise shook her head, making her caramel hair swish from side to side.

β€œWanna go again?” Shane asked. He had on his famous grin; it looked as if he had done something naughty.

β€œSure. Why not?” Annalise smiled.


Two hours later, when Lise and Shane finished sledding, the two tweens headed inside. Snuggled in a warm blanket and hot cocoa in hand, they sat in front of the blazing, toasty fire playing Uno.

"Ha! Skip! My turn. Again!" Shane cheered. Annalise rolled her blue-green eyes. Shane placed down a blue four, then a reverse card. "Eeeee! I'm a-gonna win!" Annalise stayed silent, inwardly cursing herself for doing such a bad shuffling and dealing job.

β€œLise?” Shane asked, breaking the silence and Lise’s train of thought. "Lise? Earth to Annalise Joane Alcroft?" Lise cringed at her full name. She wasn't too fond of Joane. What a plain name!

β€œHmm? She replied half-heartedly, discreetly sipping her hot chocolate.

β€œWhat do you think about, ah, sledding to Old Man M-Meyer’s and exploring a bit?” he stuttered. Annalise jolted back to life. Old Man Meyer was a dead man. His house was broken down and there were probably things that were too gruesome or disgusting to even name sitting on the musty floor of Old Man Meyer’s creaky ol' house.

β€œUh uh. No way. Never again,” she shuddered, setting her Calvin & Hobbes mug down harshly with a thump! She hated that old place. Despised it.

"Come on, Lise. You know you want to." But do I? Lise thought.


β€œPleeeeeeeeeeeeease!” Shane pleaded. β€œJust ONE more time?!”

Annalise sat there, still as a lamppost, contemplating what her next move should be.

With a roll of her eyes and a grouchy puff, she said, β€œFine.”

Annalise instantly regretted saying it, because she didn't know and didn't want to know what challenges they would face in the house of Old Man Meyer. She felt like throwing up.

What have I done?


"Lise, come on!" Shane pleaded. They had finally navigated successfully through the woods and were two yards away from the rickety front porch. Shane felt determined. Ready for whatever it would take.

"Tell me, why did I agree to this?" she half-joked- half-seriously asked, a nervous look on her heart-shaped face.

"Lise, get ready," Shane cautioned nervously.

"What do you think I'm doing?" she trembled.

The pair was now even closer to entering. One yard. Two feet. One foot. Six inches.

Shane sighed. Lise shivered. As they stepped up onto the first and only wood step, Shane regretted ever even finding Old Man Meyer's house.

What have I done?

Shane gasped. On the front door, written in bold, black, cursive letters, was a note that read:

π’Ÿπ‘œπ“ƒ'𝓉 π’½π‘’π“ˆπ’Ύπ“‰π’Άπ“‰π‘’. 𝐼'𝓂 π“Œπ’Άπ’Ύπ“‰π’Ύπ“ƒπ‘”. 𝐼𝒻 π“Žπ‘œπ“Š π“‰π“‡π“Ž π“‰π‘œ π“‡π“Šπ“ƒ π’Άπ“Œπ’Άπ“Ž, π“‰π’½π‘’π“Ž π“Œπ’Ύπ“π“ π“ˆπ“‰π‘œπ“… π“Žπ‘œπ“Š.

At that, Annalise screamed like never before. Shane stood there, speechless. Who could have known they were coming? Shane quickly cupped his hand over Annalise's mouth.

"What if there's someone in there that heard you?" he quickly asked in a timid whisper. She stopped screaming, so Shane took his hand off of her mouth. She was breathing frantically. We are definitely going to be late for supper, Shane thought hungrily. I wonder what we'd be having. He pushed that thought aside and turned to face Lise's striking blue-green Killer Eyes.

"Who...who could have known that we were c-coming?" Annalise trembled. "And they? Who could possibly be they?"

"Or what could they be," Shane added.

"Stop! You're scaring me."

"Sorry, Lise," Shane squeezed her arm. "I don't think we should leave."

"Well, duh, you dolt. We just talked about that," Lise rolled her eyes. She looked frightened. Pained. Petrified. Panicked. Scared. Afraid. Terrified. Shane almost felt the same way, but a voice in him told him this was a chance to prove himself. To finally earn Lise's full respect, considering she really never took him seriously.

"We might as well just go in," Shane whispered. "But for good luck, Lise-" he picked up two sharp-looking sticks from nearby-"take this stick."

With a sigh and several runaway tears, Shane and Annalise stepped onto the front porch and, with an aching stomach, opened the front door.

Comment below what you thought! <33

Posted Jan 19, 2021

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81 likes 27 comments

User 34258u92
15:26 Feb 03, 2021

keep on writing


User_2443 0967
15:27 Feb 03, 2021

Sis... thanks


User 34258u92
15:25 Feb 03, 2021

thx for thxing me its really good wait not REALLY GOOD ITS AMAZINGGG


I love the easy relationship between the two characters. I don't think they were supposed to be siblings, but their chemistry really matches, and I can kind of see myself in their friendship!


User_2443 0967
13:44 Jan 28, 2021

Baha, tysm!


I really liked the characters’ relationship! It felt like a sibling dynamic, and I loved their easy relationship. Great story!

Um, are you/ did you write a part 2? I really need to read it now lol.


User_2443 0967
17:41 Apr 15, 2021

Nope, no part 2. Yet. Tysm! <3


Izabel C
09:50 Mar 04, 2021

omg we need a part 2! Great story idea and I particularly adore the relationship between Shane and Lise, it's so cute!


User_2443 0967
12:16 Mar 04, 2021

Lol tysm! Yes, depending on next week's prompts AND AGH I'M SO EXCITED TO WRITE PART TWOOOOOOOO


Yellow Lemon
04:27 Mar 03, 2021

timber!!!! desperate for part 2!


User_2443 0967
13:20 Mar 03, 2021

Ahah, maybe next week!



Yellow Lemon
14:41 Mar 03, 2021

I can't wait :(


User_2443 0967
18:13 Mar 03, 2021

lollll sorry u'll hafta waiiit for next WeEk MwAhAhA


User_2443 0967
19:39 Feb 24, 2021

hehe right


Jeni Conrad
09:58 Jan 21, 2021

Vibrant story and a fun relationship. Keep writing!


User_2443 0967
13:44 Jan 21, 2021

Awe, thanks!


Jasey Lovegood
22:51 Jan 20, 2021

Hello, there! I loved your story, Shane and Lise’s friendship was very wholesome, and the suspenseful cliffhanger was great (and slightly cruel). Awesome work!
(Also, thanks for the follow!) :D


User_2443 0967
23:29 Jan 20, 2021

Haha, no problem. Tysm!! <33


User_2443 0967
23:32 Jan 20, 2021

I 100% agree that Shane and Lise’s friendship was very wholesome, and the c-h was cruel!


Jasey Lovegood
23:43 Jan 20, 2021

No problem! Can’t wait to read the upcoming stories :)


22:52 Jan 20, 2021

Haha, very nice. Cliff hanger indeed. I liked the pacing and the characters seemed very fun and lively. The details you have about brands on a mug etc made them also attaching and we can easily picture the type of teenagers that they are. The style is easy to read and really fun. The only thing (but this is only my opinion) is that the different fonts and looooooooooong letters can be distracting. I wonder if there'd be a way to say "emphasizing every vocal, as she liked to do when she was bored" or something to avoid this - but that's only a suggestion for maybe other readers are fine with it. For some reason, the story had a Tim Burton vibe (the old man, the snow, etc) and it was very nice to read.

Also, I saw you like baking shows - I have written a story about a bakery (Little something I and II), I'd be curious to have your views on how realistic it seemed and if anything could have been added to make it juicy for gourmets. One of the main characters is named Liz just like yours. And she is also in a story (Ay de mi lorona) that has a Tim Burton vibe. Feel free to stop by and let me know your thoughts.

In any case, good work and keep it up!


User_2443 0967
00:38 Jan 21, 2021

Haha! Tysm for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I really like to explain things in great detail, as you stated. Yes, I admit the long letters and different fonts was a bit distracting. I'll definitely check out your baking book! Ofc. Her name is Lise, btw :))
tysm for the feedback! -Timber_wolf <33
If I haven't already I'll for sure follow you! <3


14:03 Jan 20, 2021

Cliff hanger!!! Please write more!


User_2443 0967
14:07 Jan 20, 2021

Of course I will! There's gonna be, like, 2 or three books in the series.
I'm so excited!


15:17 Jan 20, 2021

I love your name, btw! I can't wait to read it all!


User_2443 0967
16:09 Jan 20, 2021



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