All Time Loki Part VI: How-? Forget it, I don't want to know.

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: End your story with a truth coming to light.... view prompt


Adventure Drama

I wasn’t sure what the Fenris Wolf was.

A wolf, obviously, but what kind of wolf? And he was Loki’s...son? I didn’t even want to know.

I just kind of stared at him, an eyebrow raised, frowning.

β€œI know what you’re thinking,” He said. β€œI have a horse for a son as well.”

β€œHow- forget it. I don’t want to know. I feel like this will scar me forever.”

Godly families were messy. You never could know who was your sibling, cousin, niece, nephew, uncle, or aunt, even if they were the same age as you.

Hel smiled, then frowned. β€œThey have sensed your presence. They are coming.”

She disappeared in a poof of yew leaves.

β€œThat was helpful,” Loki sighed. β€œBest daughter ever.”

The floor started to shake.

Miles drew an arrow. 

I made the mistake of looking out the window of the sound booth.

Actually, it probably saved our lives.

The ground exploded in little poofs of dirt.

And then I saw skeletal hands.

β€œUhhhh, guys?” I pointed.

Loki muttered a curse. β€œDraugr.”

β€œWhat. In the gods’ name. Is that.” I said, not taking my eyes off the hands, clawing their way out of the dirt.

β€œWhat we would call zombies.” Miles said.

β€œThere was probably a cairn, a tomb, in this hill. Hel’s presence disturbed them.” Loki said.

β€œThe Vikings were never in Nevada?”

β€œThings change,” Miles explained. β€œThis tomb may have been in Sweden for a thousand years, but as the west grew more popular, they moved. Probably the same with the Olympians. They were in Greece and Rome, but as America became more powerful, the heart of the west moved here. The gods followed.”

β€œThat was helpful,” I said, β€œbut how are we going to defeat these guys?!”

β€œI dunno,” Miles said. β€œJust shoot at them?” He pulled the arrow taut in his bow.

I had never fought these things before, but I doubted it.

β€œLoki?!” I said. β€œThese are your pantheon!”

β€œI dunno! They were alive when I was a god!”

I smacked my forehead.

β€œRun?” I asked.

β€œYes, please.” The boys and Hunter said in unison.


Of course they had us surrounded.

Why wouldn’t they?

We charged out the front door, making a break for the trail, but the draugr formed rank around us and locked shields.

One stepped forward. β€œDoyle Donaldson.”

β€œI don’t know him.” Loki said.

β€œYou may try to lie,” the zombie man said, β€œBut we will see through it. Your silver tongue has abandoned you.”

He swore in old Norse.

β€œA prophecy has been issued by Lord Mimir. We are calling a temporary truce on your kind to deliver it.”

β€œJoy and happiness.” Loki crossed his arms.

The draugr leader (or so I assumed) opened his arms, as if asking for a hug. I really hoped he wasn’t, because it would have been awkward for any of us to turn him down.

Green light swirled around him. The light made his entire being glow. 

In a raspy voice, he spoke:

β€œWhen mischief falls from grace,

The Westward light finds its true place,

When the bonds on the Wolf start to fail,

Daughter of Neptune alone shall prevail.

The only way to rejoin your own

Is to know what it's like to have a home.

Beware of the closing walls,

Or else you will hear the calls.

Ophidian curse, son of Apollo shall face,

Or else, mischief will be replaced.”

β€œAnyone got a notepad to write that down?” I asked.

Miles patted his pockets, then frowned and shook his head. Loki shrugged.

A draugr broke formation and jogged up. He looked younger than his fellow soldiers.

β€œOoh, I do!” He said, waving a legal pad and pen. He spoke with a light British accent. How do zombies get accents from cultures hundreds of years after them?

β€œThanks.” I said, and scribbled down the prophecy.

β€œNow, we must kill you mortals!” The lead draugr screeched.

β€œI mean, I would be fine if we could, y’know, skip that part?” I said hopefully.

The leader put a hand to his bony chin. β€œHmmm. No, I couldn’t do that. We have strict orders to kill you.”

β€œFrom who?” I asked.

For a demigod, it's always helpful to know who’s trying to kill you. Then, you can research them and their weaknesses. I can’t imagine what they did in the ancient times, without Wikipedia.

The notepad draugr raised his hand. β€œOoh! I know this one! It's the sna-”

β€œSilence!” The leader turned around and stabbed Notepad in the stomach. He had been so quick that I hadn’t even seen him draw his sword. That didn’t give me hope for a fight.

β€œIf we could tell you, we would,” Leader Zombie said, β€œBut for now, we’ll have to kill you instead!”


The draugr charged, but Hunter and I were already swinging our swords.

We used to fight together really well. We were a fighting machine, no lie. We know- knew each other's strengths, moves, and bad spots. We were inseparable on the battlefield.

But then…

I don’t like to think about that, just how I don’t like to think about my real mom.

Oma isn’t my biological grandparent. She took me in off the streets, realizing my heritage when she first saw me. She was a godsend.

I don’t mean to complain, but in my fourteen years of life, I’ve been through a lot. More than a normal fourteen year old. But I guess that's the life of a demigod?

Demigods aren’t normal, not by a wide margin. We stand out. We die more often.

Some were on the streets longer than me. I was lucky to have Oma find me.

Well, I guess you’ll want me to spill, either about the beef I have with Hunter, or my real mom.

I’ll choose the one that's the least uncomfortable.

My mother left when I was nine.

Yeah, I know I said earlier she was dead. But honestly, I tell people that because that's the lie that I wish was the truth, as bad as it sounds. My mother wasn’t ready for a kid.

I have a picture of her, folded up in my backpack. She has tan skin, a bright smile, glasses, and bronze hair. I’m a splitting image of her, other than her electric blue eyes and my bright green ones.

She lived carefree as a beach bartender in San Francisco. One day, she charmed Neptune and, well, here I am.

I wonder if she would be proud of me if she knew me now. If she knew all I had done, or all I had been through.

It somewhat ties back to Hunter, actually.

I’ve been wondering lately if my mother would accept me as I am. The hero, and the scared girl. The street smart demigod and the sad teen.

The companion to a god on a quest, and the bi girl who avoids her ex girlfriend at all costs.

I was snapped back to reality as I stabbed Tide through a zombie’s armor. 

β€œLets go!” Hunter called.

We ran down the hill, towards the car, and our escape.

End of Part Six.

May 03, 2021 04:25

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AntMan 🐜
13:44 May 03, 2021

OMB!!! Carolina, you just have me hooked on this series!!!! 😱 This is {once again} A M A Z I N G ! ! !


AntMan 🐜
20:50 May 03, 2021

Okay, I swear... Whoever downvoted you just E I G H T D A Y S before your BIRTHDAY deserves to... well... FACE THE WRATH OF AZAZEL!!! Omb, I'm working with a few others to restore your points πŸ’–


what the... Thank you to you and who you're working with 🧑 i'll come in on my account and Loki's to upvote you 🧑


AntMan 🐜
21:45 May 03, 2021

πŸ˜…No, honestly... this is the MILLIONTH TIME you've been downvoted, from what I can tell, so you deserve it for having so many AMAZING stories! me, on the other hand, have written only like, 20... πŸ˜…πŸ’–πŸ˜ [I'm trying to stay just below the leaderboard for now πŸ˜… I'm saving those spots for amazing writers like you!]


oh, come on, don't sell yourself short! you were actually part of the inspiration for ATL! i loved what you did with felicia! i have 35...which isn't that far from you! stop selling yourself short, you are an AMAZHANG writer!


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oh and btw, this ΰ―Ή is the symbol for a rupee, Indian and Sri Lankan currency :D


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You just make me love Loki more and more each time. I think you've separated yourself from the others, and it's interesting to read each time to see your own image of the myths. Great story!


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The Cold Ice
14:28 May 03, 2021

It was very adventurous. Keep writing .wonderful story. I loved it. Well written. Amazing Would you mind reading my story β€œThe book reader”


The Cold Ice
04:26 May 04, 2021



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Sia S
17:34 May 12, 2021

I'm stressed, in the west, and mythology obsessed. that is perfection- *whispers* π˜½π™–π™—π™– π™”π™–π™œπ™– *gasp* Masha and the Bear?


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Delia Tomkus
12:10 Dec 14, 2021

yup okay need more


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Delia Tomkus
12:55 Dec 10, 2021

Gosh I need more! I love this soo much


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Juno Y.
00:44 May 19, 2021

I love this so much!!! I can't wait to see what happened between Hunter and Cai!


thanks! i don't know when i'll be able to write/publish the next part :D I've read Alex Rider, Legend, the first books of Artemis Fowl and the Young Elites, and i'm currently reading Song of Achilles, they are so good!


Juno Y.
01:15 May 19, 2021

Ahhh! I keep getting reminded of my very long reading list. But really, post when you want. According to me, a good book is the perfect cure to writer's block. Good luck and happy writing!


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Nyx :)
17:21 May 14, 2021

Very good! also I love AJR!!!!


Thank you! HELLO NEW FRIEND- whats your favorite song by them? favorite album?


Nyx :)
14:29 May 17, 2021

Hi new friend!!! Maybe 100 bad bays or burn the house down! and my favorite album is Neotheater! hbu?


oooh, my favorite song is My Play or The Entertainments Here, and my favorite album is the Click! who's your favorite brother?


Nyx :)
14:25 May 18, 2021

Cool! And prob Ryan. hbu?


Jack or Ryan probably...i need to get one of the hats before next year :D


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The end of your bio...OIUAHSEDPINUAYSIDYFIAUSYH I always fall for them :'( lol


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Valerie June
15:51 May 11, 2021

Happy birthday, Lina! I hope you have a fantastic day. πŸŽ‰ πŸ₯³


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Aurora Spencer
14:28 May 11, 2021

Happy Birthday, Carolina! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


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Angelina Jeong
18:37 May 09, 2021

I love this storyyyyyyy !!!!!!


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15:21 May 08, 2021

ooh, Loki's in reedsy? Cool, so does Loki know how to make blue leopards fly? My sorsery's too poor for that (dunno which emoji you mentioned cause the emoji files in this thing went POOF! so, can you just imagine that I put an emoji here? (imagine and emoji has assonance! i never knew))


Yes! uh,,,,, i don't think they had leopards the last time he was on earth... thank you!


12:23 May 10, 2021

If he has a (dangerous lunatic) wolf as a son...? so, em, er "Hey Loki! have you ever seen spotted cats called leopards in your GODLY life?!"


12:49 May 10, 2021

...huh? what is a "cat"?


14:25 May 10, 2021

Eh!? you... don't... know what-a-cat-is? ok, okay, I'll explain, ahem!, you know, cats are these... these... majestic magical weapons oddly popular in melee combat... they are pretty easy to obtain by an act of... HONESTY, but are really hard to TAME and fight with, especially when they show excellent craftsmanship, only legendary heroes are said to be able to successfully wield it and you are sure to SCRATCH yourself at least once in the familiarization process... Clear? (and Carol (wait, can I call you that?) what I say is ABSOLUTEL...


21:45 May 10, 2021

weapons? {Cailen here, uh, thats, uh, somewhat true...I would never use my cat Senor Fancypants as a weapon, do you.} ((Lina here and yeah, pretty tru lol))


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15:09 May 08, 2021

Eh... for lack of words..., can I say awesomely awesome? and can ya be in me reedsy cast? please (i mean literally your characters are so awesome!)


12:08 May 10, 2021

Welcome! And Thank you! And sorry? 'cause... this is kinda long Lol


14:25 May 10, 2021

Did you fill it? (not naggin' ya, just can't find it if you did Lol)


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