Where's the Elephant?

Submitted into Contest #259 in response to: Write a story that includes the line, "Is nobody going to say it?".... view prompt


Fantasy Funny Suspense

Where's the Elephant?

Barry ambled across the park-like grounds of the facility and pulled on the long brass handle to the double doors of the low stacked stone building with the thick columns to make his entrance. He was met by a uniformed personnel member bustling about performing her duties. “Excuse me, I'm look...”

“About time you got here. You're running late. If you want to work here you gotta learn to be on time.“ The worker, 'Buffy' according to her name tag, chastised the new hire. “Grab a bucket and mop from that closet and join in. Great you brought your own hose. I'll show you the routine. Then you'll be on your own for the rest of the night.”

“But you mis...”

“I don't miss a thing and you better watch where you put those clumsy clod-hoppers of yours or you'll knock over my bucket and create a bigger mess to clean up. Like I'm not already overloaded!”

“Sorry, I have two left feet as you can tell. I only need to...”

“You only need to get busy and help schlep out this hallway. Then we'll get to the residents. You've got a lot to learn. Name's Buffy, by the way. Now get out of my way before I ram into you.”

“Name's Barry and I've got thick skin but you really must understand why...”

“Why don't you understand to get out of my way if you're only gonna fill the room with excuses.”

Not wanting to antagonize the rushed Buffy, Barry rolled out the unwieldy equipment and worked his way down the wide corridor reading the posted names above the doorways trying not to get distracted by noises emanating from within. He knew he may have to eventually enter each one to tend to their needs in order to please the insistent Buffy.

'Tapsy and Melon', 'Pipkin', 'Rhinestone Cowboy', 'Diamond', 'Hilary' and 'Potus'. He still hadn't found what he was looking for until the last one. 'Ellie'. Aha, maybe that's the one. The newcomer thought.

“You make this look effortless. How long have you been working here?” Barry inquired.

“Long enough to know when you can talk and when to keep busy.” She shut him down. “That should do it for these tiles. Now for the fun part. You ready? Pick out a favorite yet where you want to start?”

“Really here to see ...”

“Oh, you'll get to see all of them. Up close and personal.”

“Maybe you would show me the safest place.” Barry relented.

“No such thing as safest. Or fastest. Might as well start on one end and work your way down. But stay alert. Especially with Tapsy and Melon. You know how new mothers can be. Get in. Do your thing and get out. Easy-peasy. Not here to win friends or influence enemies. Don't worry too much. They're used to brashness. Not fun for them either. Use the brush, followed by the mop then clean up the floor and put down new bedding.” Buffy used gestures to demonstrate her explanations.

”But what if they want to get friendly? Shouldn't I talk to 'em to keep them calmed down?”

“Well, you might find they'll want to cuddle up to you or something. Don't have enough time for all that. You are probably not their type anyway, Big Boy.” She winked at him.

Barry's jaw dropped. Was she flirting with him?

“Oh, don't get so excited. You are sort of huge. I think it is charming how intimidating they are to one so beefed up.”

“You think I'm beefed up?”

“You're not exactly demonstrating that at the moment but you have potential. Maybe you are a sensitive wild-man but we don't have time to explore that right now. I want to get going while there is still night time wildlife out there. Come on, let me show you.”

And she did. She whipped through the first enclosure then passed the tools over to him. “Your turn.”

He stumbled into the next glass encased cage and was immediately confronted by a humongous specimen. He shook as he performed the obligatory duties. He was visibly upset by the time he emerged but was unscathed.

“See, nothing to it, Barry. You are on your own from here on out. See you tomorrow evening. Be on time.” Buffy had shed her uniform and was looking mighty fine a low cut white tank top with a light-weight jacket slung over her muscular shoulder.

Barry sweated through the rest of the process and was grateful when morning brought the next shift through the door.

Another dark-haired brownie-type greeted him with a knowing smile. “How was your first night with these beasts? Any of them try to get too friendly with you? My name is Milena by the way. Barry, right?”

He nodded, “Nice to meet you. How come the rest of you zoo keepers seem to be on the small side and have no problem with them. But a big guy like me has to worry?”

“Guess you appear more of a threat to them. It will be fine once they know you belong.” Milena assured. “Part of your duties is to help me turn them out now before you leave. Ready for that? It is a beautiful morning.”

“Show me the ropes.”

“Its mostly more automated than that now days. Spring action or something like it. They are so eager to be turned loose they almost could do it on their own. Controls are in this closet. Squeeze on in.”

Could he get on board with this? Tight quarters with a hot looking co-worker. Not what he was expecting. How he wished he hadn't been sweating all night as he swabbed the residents! She was bound to notice as close as they got.

“Well, is that all there is to it? I am badly in need of a shower for myself but I doubt I have to point that out to you. Sorry. Are there facilities on sight here somewhere? Buffy came in last night as fresh as a daisy before she left. The work here definitely warrants the need, for sure.”

“Certainly. The employees lounge has some showers. Its close to the front gates. Lockers are available. I am surprised you didn't get that in orientation.”

“Orientation? Look, is nobody going to say it? I don't belong here. Buffy buffaloed me into taking over for her. I'm was only looking for a Ms. Phant. I have a delivery for her. I was sent over by the zoo veterinarian. I am to inseminate her as part of the fertilization effort to increase the elephant herd. I thought it might be 'Ellie' but that cage was empty. Buffy wouldn't let me explain and since she was anxiously expecting someone to relieve her, I helped out as much as I could.”

“Oh, my! Of course. It should have been obvious. We sent Ellie over to the doc to meet a potential mate. That must be you! I can see you are definitely ready to meet her. Lucky girl.”

“Sorry about that. Washing down all these other pachyderms, the tapirs, rhinos and hippos, then squeezing behind your gorgeous bison arse in the closet got a rise out of me. I'll head to those showers now.”

July 19, 2024 20:37

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Jim LaFleur
18:56 Jul 25, 2024

Absolutely loved your story! The humor and unexpected twists kept me engaged from start to finish. Great job!


Mary Bendickson
20:23 Jul 25, 2024

Thanks so much.😁


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11:11 Jul 25, 2024

One thing was certain. I knew he wasn't the cleaner. I worked out it was about animals and not from the title. Afterall, we've recently had this prompt about the elephant in the room. You could have meant it figuratively? No, it was literal. And he didn't get to inseminate Ellie the elephant. Hilarious.


Mary Bendickson
13:26 Jul 25, 2024

Thanks for reading and laughing😜


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14:47 Jul 24, 2024

Absolutely loved the opening. Great way to draw the reader in. I also love the comedy you incorporated. It inspires me to try writing something comedic myself. Great work!


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Tommy Goround
04:42 Jul 23, 2024

Lmao You had me till the end. What a Great beastiality story. Best one I read in a while. (Willie Smith in Seattle had some fun with a spider vacuum once).. Please note for newbys: if you can find a better story about bestiality that is also rated PG and includes a twist and some sexual energy please let me know. The story is *great.* (Why do I have to defend this word? Haha) Clapping


Mary Bendickson
15:00 Jul 23, 2024

Always happy to make you laugh!😜 Have a question. I'm having health issues and a lot of company this week so am short on creative energy. Is it okay to re-enter a previous story? It is one you liked similar to the spider vacuum you referenced and I put a new twist on the ending.


Tommy Goround
22:26 Jul 23, 2024

Umm Are you competing to win or are you competing for your creative energy? I would say that is probably on you Willie Smith should probably never come to this particular website. His material is not rated PG.


Tommy Goround
22:28 Jul 23, 2024

Take a bi. I write stories all the time that I do not post. I also go several weeks without posting anything. We want the fresh stuff from Mary We want that world where you started with the riverboat and all the great characters that really work for everyone. This story will work for most people. It has very good flow it is original it is creative and it resonates with the reader. So you want to stay within this channel as one of your tools You might also be a great dramatic writer. I don't know. I don't often want to read dramas unle...


Mary Bendickson
23:28 Jul 23, 2024

Thank you for the encouragement 🙏. I had a procedure to get me out of A-fib that worked for 4 days but I am back in again so may need a more drastic solution. All very routine they say. Trying to take it easy even with visiting relatives. Maybe will post but not enter contest. I have been saying I need to take a break from here to focus back on manuscript. Thanks again.


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11:20 Jul 25, 2024

I did that to a story once. Hadn't been accepted due to not seeming a stand-alone. Changed the title to a brilliant one, tweaked it to fit a new prompt several weeks later, and put it in. It was loved, approved, and you commented it was familiar! And I've done the same story, different layout etc, new title and submitted but not entered. Trying to win is something different. I never try. (Maybe that's why I don't) I just write a story I hope others will enjoy, in the best way I can. Hope that helps. Sorry for chipping in. Last week I didn't ...


Mary Bendickson
13:25 Jul 25, 2024

Thanks. I feel fine just trying to keep up on all the doctor visits now🤨 Thanks for tips.


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McKade Kerr
03:38 Jul 23, 2024

Haha, very funny and creative! Great work! I didn’t understand him bringing his own hose until the end, but that was very clever! 😂


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Philip Ebuluofor
18:13 Jul 22, 2024

Learnt one or two English from this work. Descriptive words are so alive. Fine work for sure.


Mary Bendickson
18:33 Jul 22, 2024

Oh.dear! Didn't know it was educational🤔😂


Philip Ebuluofor
18:42 Jul 22, 2024

Yeah, I learnt two or more things from it. Spoken english is not my strongest trait.


Mary Bendickson
19:34 Jul 22, 2024

You do very well. I could never do yours.


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Marty B
04:06 Jul 22, 2024

Talk about the elephant in the room !! This was funny!


Mary Bendickson
05:35 Jul 22, 2024



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Hannah Lynn
02:02 Jul 22, 2024

Lol very clever and fun! Another story showing your great sense of humor :)


Mary Bendickson
05:34 Jul 22, 2024

Thank you.😊


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Rebecca Lewis
23:04 Jul 21, 2024

Hey, I enjoyed reading this scene! You've got a great mix of humor and miscommunication going on. The dynamic between Barry and Buffy is pretty funny. Buffy's no-nonsense attitude is great against Barry’s confused and hesitant responses. The twist at the end is funny and unexpected! The tone is light and humorous, which works well. Keep it up!


Mary Bendickson
23:19 Jul 21, 2024

Thanks. I often put twists into my stories as a lot of folks do so am having trouble coming up on a fresh take.


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VJ Hamilton
21:07 Jul 21, 2024

Ellie Phant 🤣 This was hilarious!


Mary Bendickson
23:14 Jul 21, 2024

So glad you liked it 😄.


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Darvico Ulmeli
08:14 Jul 21, 2024

Enjoyed. Read it in seconds. Nicely done.


Mary Bendickson
12:45 Jul 21, 2024

So glad you liked it 😁.


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Irene Duchess
03:37 Jul 21, 2024

Love it! And the humor, too.


Mary Bendickson
04:19 Jul 21, 2024

So glad you liked it:)


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Annie Persson
18:44 Jul 20, 2024

Lions and tigers and... Elephants? Nive one. I really enjoyed that. I could tell immediately that he wasn't supposed to be the night guard, but I have to say, I'm still not entirely sure what he is. It was an enjoyable read though! :)


Mary Bendickson
19:33 Jul 20, 2024

He was an elephant sent to mate with Ellie. The others were a buffalo and a bison. Common zoo keepers. Don'ta know.😂 I humanized them a bit. Think cartoon animals that wear a shirt but no pants.


Annie Persson
19:39 Jul 21, 2024

Oh, ok! I did think that maybe that was the case.... it's just when you mentioned the clothes I sorta got confused. Thanks for clarifying! :)


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Alexis Araneta
17:09 Jul 20, 2024

Hahahahahaha ! What a riot here ! Poor Barry, though. Hahahaha !


Mary Bendickson
19:30 Jul 20, 2024



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Linda Kenah
17:00 Jul 20, 2024

Very funny! Loved it!


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Trudy Jas
14:56 Jul 20, 2024

listening, the art Buffy hasn't mastered. or maybe just wanted a night off from shoveling ...


Mary Bendickson
15:14 Jul 20, 2024



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Helen A Smith
06:43 Jul 20, 2024

Loved this Mary. I guess the Buffy character has to be strong to get the job done. What has poor Barry landed himself in, and more importantly let’s hope he manages to get in that shower soon. Very funny.


Mary Bendickson
13:21 Jul 20, 2024



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Daniel Rogers
03:07 Jul 20, 2024

Barry was obviously procrastinating. He didn't want to do his "real" job. 🤣


Mary Bendickson
03:33 Jul 20, 2024

He got thrown off his mission I think.


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Kay Smith
23:02 Jul 19, 2024

HAHAHAHA! I love this! Hysterical!


Mary Bendickson
23:16 Jul 19, 2024

Thank you! 😊 Glad you got a chuckle out of it.


Kay Smith
23:23 Jul 19, 2024

I'd say a guffaw! :D


Mary Bendickson
23:25 Jul 19, 2024

Oh, that's good😅


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