Romance Sad Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of substance abuse.

Author's Note: This story is heavily-inspired by the 1981 song "Golden Brown" by The Stranglers. I don't own the rights to this song or its lyrics.

CW: Allusions to drug use


11 May 2024

Dearest Aurelia,

Just so you know, I played our song at my bar tonight. Yes, “Golden Brown” by The Stranglers, that familiar refrain that makes you break into that certain smile that makes my heart ebb and flow like a diamantine river, permeated --- what else –-- The Golden Brown Bar. Even after six years, I could still clearly picture it: the almost-medieval harpsichord lilt filling the air, the dancefloor lighting pulsating in a warm amber glow, your jade green eyes scintillating and revealing the gold flecks in them, and your mouth stretching into a brilliant, aureate half-moon as you sway in my arms.

Oh, you bet I danced to it. As soon as that first B-flat minor note hit, my feet couldn’t help gliding along in circles to the alternating 6/8 and 7/8 signatures. My core couldn’t help tightening to that regal ballroom posture you’d taught me to carry. My arms couldn’t help stretching out like the leaves of a golden palm. Of course, though, I wish you were here to waltz with me; in my imagination, your gem eyes still sparkled at me whilst your marigold chiffon dress floated with every spin. That goes without saying.

Look, Honey, I’ve been thinking about you again. Yes, the day you walked away from me, you asked me to just forget you, to let all of the memories of us drown in the crystal clear waters of time. What if I told you I just could not let them go? What if I told you that you still shine as lustrously as the rarest of jewels in my eyes? What if I told you that anytime the bright rays of the sun first stream through those large bay windows in the flat, the ones you always loved, I still look for your lunar smile and for your green orbs?

I’m sorry to tell you that like a 24-karat gold ring, my mind has been engraved with you, every single fold now etched with your fluid movements and you beaming at me. Yes, when I think of the colour golden brown, it still makes me recall no one but you.

Golden brown was your hair the day I first saw you at an outdoor music festival. The sunflowers were in full bloom then, their vivid yellow petals and emerald leaves contrasting against a cerulean sky. However, at that very moment, all my soul registered were your luminous waves, the light of your moon smile, and the fluidity of your movements when I observed you dancing two rows from me. I knew I had to seize this gleaming opportunity to talk to you but was at a loss how.

Little did I know that my choice of outfit that day would be the golden key to your attention. I was ruminating how to make that first move, what I could do to go for gold with you when I heard your sweet melodic voice exclaim how much you loved the t-shirt I had on with The Stranglers on it. Before I could even move my mouth to speak, I noticed your jade eyes radiate the light of a million suns as you extended a hand and introduced yourself. Little did I know that you were Midas to me from then on: as soon as we touched, everything in my life turned to gold.

Golden brown was the succulent herb-crusted roast chicken you cooked the day we moved in together. I said to you that you needn’t make supper, that we could just get takeaway since we spent all day decorating the flat. You insisted on it, though. Well, I’m glad that you did. When I bit into my portion, I couldn’t help breaking into a contented grin…which made you flash that selenic smile I love. You responded with a passionate kiss that detonated an explosion of jewel-tones in my eyes. You murmured that it was the least you could do for someone that made you feel treasured.

Little did I know that it would be the first of many moments I’d be flooded, as if I were a bank on a river of gold, by your love. Living under the same roof as you, my Aurelia, I could only gasp every time you bought me a present just because you overheard I fancied it. I could only chuckle sweetly when you gamely leapt into my arms and glided across the kitchen floor when we prepared a meal. I could only whisper a gossamer-like “thank you” whenever I fell ill and you immediately came by my side with a bowl of saffron-infused pumpkin soup. Little did I know that your tenderness would be even more and more like a ruby, glimmering in scarlet passion, as the years went on.

Golden brown were the sands of the Philippines when we took our first holiday together. Honey, how resplendent you were in your crimson sundress under the blazing tropical sun. I declared it then, and I will repeat it now: You looked like a shimmering garnet as you strolled along with me, your delicate, petal-like hand in mine, on the pristine shores. When you asked the DJ at the beach party we attended that night to play us “Golden Brown”, I knew I needed to save every precious second swaying with you in the silver screen of my mind.

Little did I know that it would be the evening something would flow in me like molten metal, a fire that burnt so brightly that it could produce gem stones. Little did I know that as you waltzed next to me on the other side of the world, it would be the beginning of a gold-paved path to buying you a diamond.

Golden brown was the sunset when I asked you to be my wife. I had everything prepared, you know. Your colleague Orla would hand you a little note from me with a gold seal. Then, you would open it and find out that the date I had planned for us is a dinner at The Canary Lounge. Of course, by the time you’d have gotten to your favourite restaurant, all of the yellow tulips --- the flowers you’ve always loved – would have been in the crystal vases I bought for my proposal, the photos of our treasured memories would have been hung on the walls.

Little did I know that you were at a meeting with one of your clients at the bistro next door. I was busy putting the blooms in their vases when I heard your familiar lilting voice. I turned to you and observed your familiar jade green eyes take in every single element in that dining area. It was now or never, so I gulped, approached you, took out the box containing a pear-shaped halo diamond ring in yellow gold, and got down on one knee. Little did I know that despite my shiny little ploy falling through, you’d still say yes, still choose to break into that half-moon smile as I slipped on a symbol of our intent to marry.

Everything was golden brown when you were with me, Aurelia. I had you, so I had all things priceless in the world….and I was a fool to trade it all.

Golden brown was the fluid in the syringe that ruined everything. It had been two months since our joyous engagement when I first tried it. I had been stressed out with trying to manage the bar whilst planning the wedding when one of the regulars, the one who always wore a paste emerald ring, came up to me and demanded I try his “anti-stress solution”. I refused at first, but he assured me it would make everything dream-like --- as if the world were all gems. Little did I know that first shot was but a gateway to me craving more, was but the first crack in the diamond of the future I wanted to build with you.

Golden brown was your dress the night you bawled your eyes out after I met your parents. You had been looking forward to introducing me to them, for them to see how much our love shone like a valuable stone. You pleaded with me not to shoot up, but I insisted, was as adamant at feeding the addiction as a prospector searching for a nugget. I showed up at your childhood home with jittery hands and ruby red-streaked eyes. By the time the meal was served, I felt my focus dissipate like water in a dried up river. Little did I know at that moment that inside you, the love you had for me was starting to tarnish.

Golden brown was your suitcase the day you packed your bags and went out the door. Little did I know it would be for the last time.

Look, Aurelia, I’m not going to ask you to come back to me. You are a sparking jewel once gifted to me by God that I didn’t know how to care for. I’m not even going to blame you for moving on with the crystalline waves of life and becoming Alan’s precious pearl (Congratulations, by the way.) All I could ever hope to ask for is your forgiveness for choosing straw over gold. All I could ever want is for you to be happy, to know that the joy you feel is even more exquisite than the most expensive jewelry money can buy. That’s all I want, really.

Oh, and don’t worry about me. If you want to know, it's been a year since I last chased that amber liquid. I hope you're proud of me. Apart from that, I will always have our golden memories stashed away in the safe of my heart. Plus, yes, I will always have our song.

Still thinking you’re more radiant than diamonds,


May 07, 2024 15:22

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Will McAtee
15:56 May 16, 2024

The epistolary form really does lend itself to honesty, and there’s real truth and beauty in this piece. This short story is really strong in its descriptions, its tone, its elegance. This prompt was intended to be an exercise in movement and you employed it thoughtfully.


Alexis Araneta
16:20 May 16, 2024

Hi, Will ! I'm very happy you liked the format of this. I realise I like using the epistolary form for my stories because (precisely that) it gives room for raw emotion. I'm happy you liked the descriptive style too. Thanks for reading and commenting !


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Aidan Romo
09:03 Jun 14, 2024

God.....that somber mood switch towards the end of this piece....you can't help but feel so sad for the mistake that Hugh made with the one he cherished like nothing and no one else in the world. I ADORE how you constantly integrated the "Golden Brown" motif into every piece of this narrative from Hugh's narration/recollection to his lost love. Be it the saddest times or most joyous memories. Commendable job here!


Alexis Araneta
09:34 Jun 14, 2024

Hi, Aidan ! Indeed, I wanted to bring on the feels towards the end. Like I mentioned in previous comments, the inspiration for this is the song "Golden Brown" by The Stranglers, which is about a love interest...and addiction. I kind of wanted to meld the two together, so I came up with this. I'm happy it worked. I loved experimenting with the "golden brown" theme. I guess I have a tendency to pick a theme or two and use it/them throughout a piece. I'm very happy that style was something you enjoyed, Again, thank you for the read !


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Beth Connor
00:32 May 19, 2024

Beautiful, poetic writing. I love that it was inspired by a song!


Alexis Araneta
01:03 May 19, 2024

Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Beth ! I always have a song in my head. Hahahaha ! Seriously, though, music is such a huge part of my life, and I suppose it bleeds in my writing. Glad you liked the style !


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Martha Kowalski
00:14 May 19, 2024

Soooo many things I loved about this!! The alternating start of the paragraphs, the golden theme throughout, I love any reference of jewels or dancing, immediately feels so beautiful. I love all your stories, but maybe this one the most ... (so far) :)


Alexis Araneta
00:25 May 19, 2024

Martha !! That's so kind of you ! Yes, whilst I conceptualising this story, I thought of playing with the golden brown theme. I'm so happy you liked this. (I do too.). Not bad for something that just came because of listening to The Stranglers (I love music from the 50s to 80s). Thanks for reading !


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Darvico Ulmeli
14:46 May 18, 2024

You wrote so well that I could see myself in the story. As it has happened to me. Nice job.


Alexis Araneta
14:58 May 18, 2024

Thank you so much, Darvico ! I'm glad it was vivid for you !


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09:29 May 18, 2024

Very poetic journey you take the theme of golden brown through. Well written and feels true to life, close to a lot of adventure seekers ive known in asia over the years.


Alexis Araneta
10:11 May 18, 2024

Thank you so much, Scott ! Like I mentioned in other comments, this came to me after listening to the song "Golden Brown" (which, according to the frontman of "The Stranglers", is about both addiction and a girl), I'm happy you liked the style and it evoked a lot of emotions. Thanks for reading !


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Stephen Laviera
16:29 May 16, 2024

Forgiveness, grieving, compassion and empathy are superpowers we all possess. The forgotten art of forgiveness. Magnificent prose, though unfortunate as what breaks ones heart. Our currency time is the only thing that can heal it. "One should only look to the past, to see only how far one has come." -Rumi-


Alexis Araneta
16:39 May 16, 2024

Beautiful way to put it, Stephen ! Indeed, all of that makes us...human. It is true about time healing wounds, though. Hopefully, time also makes us more aware of the right steps. Huge thanks for reading and commenting !


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Kim Smith
16:03 May 16, 2024

A devastating loss of relationships, due to addiction. Liked it. And I'm partial to "Golden Brown".


Alexis Araneta
16:36 May 16, 2024

Thank you for commenting, Kim ! Indeed, it is devastating. Thanks for reading and commenting, as usual !


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Mike Panasitti
04:12 May 15, 2024

So relieved the ending wasn’t tragic. I’m now super curious about the song. I hope it’s as great as your story.


Alexis Araneta
04:42 May 15, 2024

Hi, Mike ! Yes, at least, Hugh got over the addiction. It's a lovely song, that one. Very...medieval-inspired. Glad you liked it. Thank you for reading the story.


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Kim Olson
23:20 May 14, 2024

Truly beautiful story. You could feel his love, yearning and heartache. Love the use of "Golden Brown" as a jumping off point to describe everything.


Alexis Araneta
00:06 May 15, 2024

Kim, I'm glad you liked this and that I was able to convey the heartbreak and regret. I quite like employing that style. Thanks for reading !


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17:50 May 14, 2024

What a beautiful story - your descriptions are so vivid, I could almost taste the chicken!! Haha, well done Alexis!


Alexis Araneta
18:02 May 14, 2024

Thank you so much. Natalie ! I'm so happy the descriptions worked for you ! Glad you liked this !


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Rebecca Detti
13:25 May 14, 2024

Just gorgeous Alexis! such richness in your writing. I'd take Hugh back!


Alexis Araneta
13:28 May 14, 2024

Rebecca ! It's been a while ! I'm so happy you liked this story and the style ! Hugh is indeed repentant...what about Alan, though ? 😄 Thank you for reading !


Rebecca Detti
17:51 May 14, 2024

I know how are you? Oh but is Alan quite the poet? 😂 x


Alexis Araneta
17:58 May 14, 2024

I could imagine...he is. I think he must be for Aurelia to be in his world. Hahahaha !


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Scott Taylor
01:45 May 14, 2024

Emotionally moved? Yes... At least Hugh managed to escape his fate. I knew too many who could not and are no longer with us. Keep it up.


Alexis Araneta
02:46 May 14, 2024

Hi, Scott ! I'm happy you liked this story. Yes, indeed, it is indeed sad when people throw away something lovely for addiction. I'm chuffed you were moved by my little tale. Thanks for reading !


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Stevie Burges
09:45 May 13, 2024

You are a lovely writer. Great adjectives that painted a vivid picture. I held my breath as the story began to unfold - I knew it was going to go wrong but just not sure how - I should have read the title! Thanks for sharing.


Alexis Araneta
11:00 May 13, 2024

Thank you, Stevie ! I'm so happy you enjoyed the style. Like I mentioned in other comments, I wanted to marry the two meanings of the song "Golden Brown", so I came up with the concept of a pure love ruined by addiction. I'm glad I was able to build the sense of dread. Thanks for reading, Stevie !


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Asia W
06:44 May 13, 2024

Alexis! This was so completely gorgeous, your use of description is breathtaking. So so vivid and moving.


Alexis Araneta
08:25 May 13, 2024

Thank you so much, Asia !! I'm so happy you like my descriptive style. Thank you for reading !


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McKade Kerr
18:17 May 12, 2024

Wow! Great story, great descriptions, amazing use of colors throughout! It was very engaging to read. As someone who works with addicts for a job, I’ve seen many people go through the same type of thing Hugh went through. It’s sad, but it’s real, which is why your story is so good. I’m glad to see Hugh is in recovery now, even if he did lose the gold in his life.


Alexis Araneta
18:30 May 12, 2024

McKade, this means so much coming from you --- not just as a brilliant storyteller but also as someone who deals with people with drug addictions. Indeed, it's sad to see it. Unfortunately, Hugh had to lose the love of his life over it, but yes, he's on the road to recovery. Glad you liked it ! Thank you for reading !


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Ryne Wemhoff
11:46 May 12, 2024

I love the "golden brown" touch to everything High remembers, like its all an old photograph, tarnished only by time. Through your descriptions, I felt like I was watching an old movie, like a short reel from my grandparent's stash of home movies that required an equally old projector to enjoy. Thank you for sharing!


Alexis Araneta
13:45 May 12, 2024

Oh my !!! What a lovely, poetic way to describe it ! I'm so happy you liked it, Ryne ! Indeed, that's how memory is if the person who entered your life is a gem. Thanks for reading !


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00:56 May 12, 2024

Lovely descriptions here, as always! Very powerful piece - well done!


Alexis Araneta
00:57 May 12, 2024

Oh, Melissa !! Thank you so much. Glad you like m'y descriptive, sort of lyrical style. It's not for everyone, but eh. Just happy you appreciate it ! Thank you for reading and commenting !


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Marty B
19:38 May 11, 2024

Hugh had gems in his hand, golden hued like his honey, until he met the golden dragon and it ate his dreams. The descriptions stood out to me, and the interconnecting colors, stories and steps of the relationship. Thanks!


Alexis Araneta
20:39 May 11, 2024

Hi, Marty ! Precisely that. Like I mentioned in other comments, sometimes you could have an earnest gem of a person fall for you, but you are clumsy with their heart. I'm happy you liked the descriptions. Thanks for reading !


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Annie Persson
13:52 May 10, 2024

Wow, the colour-related memories really brought this to life. Wonderful read! :)


Alexis Araneta
14:59 May 10, 2024

Thank you so much, Annie ! Happy you liked it.


Annie Persson
15:30 May 10, 2024



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