Funny Fiction

"Wow! I met him at last," Hint said.

"Who have you met?" Clue asked.

"I know you are the son of Bobel prize winnerโ€”Bracket," Hint said.

"Yeah, I am his son and what is a Bobel prize?" Clue asked. He was a fairly well built man with sparkling blue eyes and curly brown hair.

"Then I'm honoured to meet you. You don't know what a Bobel prize is?" Hint asked. He was a fat, dark eyed man with a round face and blond hair.

"That is what I asked you now," Clue said.

"Hey, guys. The Bobel prize winner, Bracket's son doesn't know what a Bobel prize is?" Hint announced.

"What a humble person!" the crowd gathered in the small street shouted. Then a small car stopped before Hint and Clue.

"All aboard," the driver said.

Clue struggled not to get in but the crowd pushed him inside. Hint also got into the car.

"It's an honour to have you in my car," the driver said. The driver was a plump man with an oval face, dressed in white.

"Please let me down," Clue requested.

"Hint and I will show you around the city and make you understand about this small city," the driver said.

"Why should I know about this city? I am not gonna live here," Clue said.

But, Hint and the driver didn't acknowledge him.

"Our town is known by the name Thing. This is a stunning city and has an amazing sunset and sunrise. The sun rises in the west and sets in the north," Hint said.

"What a stupid name kept to a city," Clue thought.

"The sun rises in the east and sets in the west," Clue corrected Hint.

Clue had arrived in this city to meet his mother after many years. He went to pursue his education abroad and had returned as a doctor.ย 

"Whatever you say is right, my lord," Hint said.

"Why was this town named Thing?" Clue asked.

"Whoever gets the Bobel prize names the city and this was the name kept by your father," Hint explained.

The driver was watching Clue intently. So, he missed the road. He crashed onto a tree and the car's front part became like a jack in the box.

"Hey, you. What are you driving? You could have killed us," Clue said, rubbing away at his bruises.

"Yes, I was driving the car. When I saw you, I was charmed and wanted to watch you as long I could. We may walk from here to see the amazing monuments," the driver said, still watching Clue intently.

"Don't keep watching me. Like the car crash, you may crash onto a tree. Okay, let's walk," Clue said, mockingly.

"Wow! I have got scoldings from a scholar. This is the luckiest day in my life," the driver exclaimed with happiness.

Clue didn't know where to bang his head against. He became distressed as he was travelling with two fools.

The car driver's phone started vibrating. He attended the call and said, "Hey, Physics. I have met the great Bobel prize winner's son."

And Physics replied something and hung the call.

"Why did you name your son, Physics?" Clue asked.

"Then I would become the father of Physics," the car driver said. This annoyed Clue a lot.ย 

Then, Hint pointed at a building which looked like a cheese block and said, "the name of that amazing monument is Butter."

"Wow! Whoever kept the name should be the greatest fool in the world,โ€œ Clue exclaimed.

"Then that fool is your father," Hint said. At least, Clue was not born in such a foolish city and he felt happy about it.

"Mr. Car driver, you are so fat. What activity do you do everyday?" Clue asked with concern.

"I play tennis, cricket and carrom board daily," the driver said.

"How many hours do you play?" Clue asked.

"Until the battery in my mobile phone runs out," the driver replied.

Clue just rubbed his head in confusion.

"What's a Bobel prize?" Clue asked.

"It's the highest honour given to anyone in this city. It's given for great achievers in this city and your father had done a great achievement," Hint explained.

Then a huge crowd gathered in front of Clue.

"Wow! See the Bobel prize winner's son," everyone shouted in unison.

"Another bunch of fools," Clue thought.

"All of them in this crowd follow your father's path," Hint said.

Clue didn't even know about his father's path. He had not even talked to them for many years.

"You should only open our shopping mall," the crowd yelled.

"Okay," Clue sighed. He certainly had no choice.

He was lifted up by the huge crowd and dropped in front of a huge building.ย 

Clue slowly walked near the entrance of the shopping complex.

Instead of a scissors or a knife, he was given a huge stick of wood.

"Break the door, break the door," the crowd chanted.

"But, why?" Clue asked. He saw a man with a small key in his hand and with sheer guessing knew that it was the key of the door.

"It is our tradition to break the door before entering the building," Hint whispered.

"Such destructive thoughts," Clue thought. He snatched the key from the man and opened the door.

"Ooooooh," the crowd went.

When he went into the shopping mall, Clue was shocked.

There was nothing on all those floors. No stalls and no goods. It was completely empty except a large statue of his father. He became completely clueless.

All the people in the crowd looked in awe at the empty building.

"What is this, Hint? There is nothing in this shopping mall, but all the people are watching it in awe," Clue asked Hint.

"This is the most wonderful building ever built in this city. It has completely nothing," Hint exclaimed happily.

Now, Clue had serious doubts about his father.

"What did my father achieve to get a Bobel prize?" Clue asked.

"It was the biggest achievement in the city," Hint said.

"What did he do?" Clue asked, hurriedly.ย 

The driver slowly pronounced,"he did nothing."

September 04, 2020 16:48

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Amogh Kasat
04:55 Sep 19, 2020

This is the new conversation: come online at 7:30


04:58 Sep 19, 2020



Amogh Kasat
12:57 Sep 19, 2020

Hey come online


Amogh Kasat
13:23 Sep 19, 2020

Dhoni is playing a cricket match after 437 days


13:43 Sep 19, 2020

Yeah, I am very excited.


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13:53 Sep 19, 2020

Hey Amogh even Trent Boult is in MI squad.


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14:01 Sep 19, 2020

Hey Amogh, Come online. We have won the toss and chose to bowl.


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13:43 Sep 19, 2020

I have come!


The Cold Ice
13:48 Sep 19, 2020

I think you are talking about ipl. I am supporting MI.


13:49 Sep 19, 2020

Yes. I support for CSK.


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Alkaa Sharma
09:09 Sep 10, 2020

Beautiful โค๏ธโค๏ธ


09:10 Sep 10, 2020

Thanks!!!! (would you mind liking my story?)


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Scout Tahoe
04:42 Sep 10, 2020

Here as you asked, Wow. This is really good. The descriptions are amazing. The beginning pulls you in, and is probably my favorite part. Great job!


05:03 Sep 10, 2020

Thanks!!!!! I am glad you enjoyed reading my story.


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Rebecca Lee
12:13 Sep 07, 2020

Hey As always, your stories are good, and entertaining. What I would suggest, as I see this as a pattern in your writings, is to take a step back, and try to write from the reader's point. I guess what I am saying is look at each story you write as more than just a submission, write is for entertainment, write for purpose. So many of your stories seem to be hurried through sometimes, and you miss so much. You have got MEGA potential. When i say you miss much- think grammar, mechanics and specifically, dialogue. You might hear the st...


12:32 Sep 07, 2020

Thank you for the comment. I am glad you enjoyed it. I will try what you said in my next. Sure, heading there :)


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Bianka Nova
11:00 Sep 07, 2020

Great story! I liked all the names in it, especially Clue and Hint. :) And this part was hilarious: "How many hours do you play?" Clue asked. "Until the battery in my mobile phone runs out," the driver replied.


11:17 Sep 07, 2020

I am glad you liked the names. I am glad you found it hilarious. When I read it the second tim, even I chuckled. Thank you for reading.


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Lily Kingston
22:56 Sep 06, 2020

great story. I like the lead up to finding out what a Bobel prize is. Keep up the good work and keep writing!!


02:39 Sep 07, 2020

Thank you for reading


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Ryan Lieb
21:54 Sep 06, 2020

This is a clever story! I see you're playing around with wordplay and puns, which is always a fun time. A couple minor suggestions: "The driver was watching Clue intently. So, he missed the road." make this "The driver was watching Clue so intently that he missed the road." "Clue didn't know where to bang his head against." this is a bit awkward, are you saying he's so distressed that he wants to bang his head in frustration? maybe try "Clue searched for a wall to bang his head against." or "Clue was so distressed by the two fools tha...


02:39 Sep 07, 2020

Thank you. Thank you for taking your time in commenting. These mistakes were very silly. I think I should proofread many times before submitting. Actually, Clueless was not the title I kept. It was suggested by Clara D Perry. I named my story," Weird place." LOL Thank you for reading.


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Regina Perry
14:25 Sep 06, 2020

This story is hilarious! I love the names you picked for people. I love the description of the smashed car, and the way the car driver exercised. The line about being the "father of Physics" was hilarious, but there was no way to tell it was the man's son on the phone. I also liked the ending. In such a place, that's the only thing such a prize can be for! Great job! Keep writing!


14:29 Sep 06, 2020

I am glad you loved the names. Sorry I forgot to mention it in a hurry. I am glad you loved the ending. Yeah, true! Thank you for reading.


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Amogh Kasat
15:56 Sep 19, 2020

new conversation for csk batting


15:56 Sep 19, 2020

Okay.. I will join you now


Amogh Kasat
15:57 Sep 19, 2020



The Cold Ice
17:08 Sep 19, 2020

Ambati Raydu 50


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07:33 Sep 20, 2020

Csk won the match! It was very thrilling and hats off to sam Curran


Amogh Kasat
15:23 Sep 20, 2020



16:21 Sep 20, 2020



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09:02 Sep 24, 2020

MI won with KKR yeaterday!


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Clara D Berry
14:19 Sep 18, 2020

Hello again. Yes, it was getting tiny. And I believe you are right that the downvoter is not targeting me specifically but is downvoting my comments that were next to yours that he downvoted. I sent an email to service@reedsy.com saying that downvoting is negatively affecting the community here. I don't know if they check their email or take requests to change the site seriously, but I tried.


14:41 Sep 18, 2020

Hello. Yeah, that's the reason. It was just a guess. Great. Lets wait for the response. Not only me, many are getting downvoted.


Clara D Berry
21:12 Sep 23, 2020

Someone from Reedsy answered me today. This was the reply: Thanks for reaching out. Weโ€™re aware of the recent โ€œdownvoting spreeโ€ some of our users have been participating in, and we are currently investigating the situation and assessing options for addressing it. I appreciate you letting us know, though.


01:14 Sep 24, 2020

Wow! That's great!


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Clara D Berry
16:18 Sep 18, 2020

I know, I keep seeing people complaining about it. I mentioned in my email that some people are losing thousands of points, some less, depending on how many they have so far.


16:20 Sep 18, 2020

Yeah. I am so sad for the whole community here. Orenda was downvoted until she had a comment which was -1. I am curious. What do you teach?


Clara D Berry
16:39 Sep 18, 2020

I teach second grade general studies. Math, reading, writing, handwriting, etc. I have a co-teacher who teaches phonics over Zoom in my classroom. She also meets with me after school to discuss the rest of the school day and help me plan for each new day, since this is my first year teaching. Oh, and one of my students also joins the class over Zoom. After school I go to her house so she also gets to see me in person. (Okay, really I go to my house, but she's my sister.)


22:45 Sep 18, 2020

Great! Is she also in Reedsy(the co teacher)?


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14:43 Sep 18, 2020

Don't take me wrong. But, can you check out my first story and say how I have improved since then? Thanks and I know you are busy on Friday. Sorry and thanks.


Clara D Berry
16:17 Sep 18, 2020

Sure, I would love to. I will try to get to it early next week if I can.


16:18 Sep 18, 2020

Glad to hear that! Thank you for your support and good morning.


Clara D Berry
16:20 Sep 18, 2020

Is it morning for you? I just got up since I had off from school today for a holiday this weekend, but it's shortly past noon here. I've got to get baking.


22:44 Sep 18, 2020

Sorry it was night for me. So, I thought it would be morning for you. Then get baking.


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23:47 Sep 15, 2020

This is a very witty story. I love the names and your storytelling style is fluid and skillful. : )


02:57 Sep 16, 2020

Thank you!!!!!(would you mind liking my story? Thanks)


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Alwyn McNamara
05:01 Sep 15, 2020

What a funny story. Well done.


06:03 Sep 15, 2020

Thanks!!!! (Would you mind liking my story? Thanks again) :)


Alwyn McNamara
09:37 Sep 15, 2020

Oh i thought I did....sorry! Will do it again now.


09:49 Sep 15, 2020

No problem :) Thank you! ๐Ÿ’ž


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Josh C
01:01 Sep 15, 2020

Came to read as you requested. It's an...interesting story. I feel like I must have missed a lot of it, or perhaps I don't 'get' absurdist humour very well. Probably it would land a lot better with someone who is into that kind of humor. On a technical level the wording and grammar is all good, but I found it very confusing switching between characters. All of the characters speak with a very similar manner, which makes it difficult to know who is speaking at any given time. I would try and mix it up, instead of just dialogue tags try to ...


02:07 Sep 15, 2020

Thank you for taking in your time in typing such a long comment. I understood what you said and I will follow it in my next... Thank you for reading.(would you mind liking my story? Thanks)


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Hi Keerththan! This was really good and funny ๐Ÿ˜‚ Keep it up


02:07 Sep 15, 2020

Thanks!!! :)


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Doubra Akika
08:53 Sep 14, 2020

This was so funny! You did an amazing job with this. Such an intriguing piece. And the ending was lovely. Hope you're staying safe!


10:00 Sep 14, 2020

Thanks!!!!!! You made my day!๐Ÿค— Hope you are staying safe too!


Doubra Akika
10:04 Sep 14, 2020

My pleasure!!! I am thanks!


10:10 Sep 14, 2020

Glad to hear that! I am too, thanks and I love your stories too!


Doubra Akika
10:21 Sep 14, 2020

That's great! Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoy them๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜Š.


10:22 Sep 14, 2020

My pleasure!


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Princemark Okibe
08:03 Sep 14, 2020

Wow, funny, really funny. What an unexpected ending. You surprised me. I do have a question and it concerns paragraph 29. The part where the driver recieved a call from physics. In your story, you did not explain how clue knew physics was the driver's son. How did he know? Since clue was just meeting the driver for the first time. That part confused me.


08:05 Sep 14, 2020

Glad I surprised you. Yeah, that's a flaw. Sorry, I didn't find it while proofreading. Thank you for reading.


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Barbara Eustace
10:16 Sep 12, 2020

Ha-ha, left Clue-less after that one. Loved the one about the father of Physics


13:46 Sep 12, 2020

I am glad you loved that one. Thank you for reading.


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Sam Kirk
03:12 Sep 12, 2020

I enjoyed the humor in this story. "the father of Physics" and playing sports on the phone were my favorite parts.


03:32 Sep 12, 2020

I am glad you enjoyed the humor in this story. Thank you for reading.(would you mind liking the story?)


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Michele Duess
23:46 Sep 11, 2020

That's funny. I might change the verbs a little. For example, "he struggled not to" could be just "although he struggled, the crowd forced him into the car." I also wonder why he hasn't talked to his father in many years. Apparently he didn't live in Thing? But I liked the humor.


03:01 Sep 12, 2020

Yeah, I need to change it. Glad you liked it. He didn't talk to him because, okay no such reason. Just for the story. Thank you for reading.(would you mind liking my story?)


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Tim Law
22:18 Sep 11, 2020

I love it! Such craziness and yet at the very end it all made strange sense. Very clever indeed ๐Ÿ‘


02:59 Sep 12, 2020

I am glad you loved that. Thank you for reading.


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