Crime Friendship

Tsuki let out a wide yawn. Kai turned around and looked at her. 

“Tsuki, you paying attention?” he asked.

“Yes Kai, keep talking. I only yawn when I’m extremely interested in something” she replied lazily. Kai sighed and shook his head.

“I know you’re being sarcastic. Look, I don’t wanna memorize an entire floorplan for a building, but if we want this job to go well we need to be prepared” he explained.

“I know, I know. I just wanna hurry up and get to the assassination part. All this planning is making my head hurt” Tsuki pressed her hand against her forehead and dramatically collapsed onto the couch.

Kai sighed again while enlarging the digital map floating in the air. He stared at the map for a few minutes while Tsuki started to braid her hair.

“Ok! I think I have a plan! I’m only gonna tell you this once so you better pay attention” he said sternly. Tsuki sat up and looked at him while flashing the fakest of smiles.

“I’m all ears,” she said.

“Our target for the mission is Izuko Touka, she’s the CEO of “Perfect Fits”, a fashion company that designs clothes for people with mutation quirks. It’s actually kinda cool what they do, to be honest. Lots of people have complications with clothing because of the wild mutations they get because of their quirks. No wonder the company is so popular…” Kai suddenly started to murmur.

“Hello!? Earth to Kai? You can fangirl- or boy about revolutionary clothing companies later ya dork” Tsuki snapped at him.

“Ah right. Anyway, the price on Izuko’s head is around 32, 900 yen. So the plan is to assassinate her next week when she makes a surprise appearance at some conference thing ok? It’s kinda like a company prank since they’ll be expecting some other guy to make some boring speech. It’s being held at Yasano Hall in the main room, so you’ll have to hide on one of the high balconies to get a good shot ok?” Kai explained

“Kai, I can get a good shot no matter where I am. That’s kinda the point of my quirk” Tsuki pointed out.

“I know but still, you gotta be careful ok? You can’t rely on quirks for everything” he said.

“You’re only saying that because you’re quirkless” Tsuki grinned smugly.

“Am not!” Kai glared.

“Are too~” Tsuki teased “Anyway get on with what you were saying about the job”

Kai sighed and shook his head, wondering how he’d put up with that girl for 5 years of his life. 

“We’re gonna have a partner in this assassination, he’s gonna help us get into the building. Jin told me he preferred to be referred to as Toya. I’m not sure if that’s his real name or not. But anyway, Toya is a young man whose father owns some kinda large business chain. Since he’s all famous and stuff, no one suspects him for anything shady he might do. If he does get caught, he just bribed with hush money” Kai continued.

“It must be nice being able to use hush money on people...usually I just bring a knife to someone’s neck and that’s that,” Tsuki said dreamily, taking her braids and tying them into a bun.

“Tsuki- that’s not the point. Ok anyway, do you think you’re up for this? The assassination has to be discreet because it’s gonna happening at a public event. There’s gonna at least a thousand people attending” Kai asked, concern in his voice.

“Is that even a question? Of course, I’m up to it!” Tsuki exclaimed kind of offended Kai would even think of doubting her.

“Right. I think that’s everything on my part. Get some rest, we have a lot to do tomorrow” Kai sighed and walked out of the room.

“Yeah ok! Just walk out of the room!” Tsuki called back and laid down on the couch once again.


April 1st, 2162

“So...where’s our guy?” Tsuki asked, scanning the crowd.

“I’m...not actually sure. Jin said he might be running late for ‘family reasons’ or whatever. You can’t have a person on the inside accomplice without them having daddy issues can you?” Kai sighed while fumbling with the purple bead on her Pronoun Chain.

“Daddy issues huh? Sounds fun…” Tsuki murmured quietly.

“Tsuki, we don’t use people’s insecurities to bully them!” Kai scolded and shook her head. 

“That’s what you say. But hear me out, teasing people using their insecurities is always fun” Tsuki grinned smugly. If Kai hadn’t known Tsuki for so long, she would’ve been very concerned with what she’d just said. But Kai had known Tsuki since they were children, so she knew how to call Tsuki’s bluffs.

As the crowd around them continued to grow and talk, Kai grew a bit anxious. What if Toya didn’t come? Would they have to carry out the assassination plot themselves? How would they even get inside the building? By force? By sneaking in? 

Kai’s worries started to disappear as she spotted a young man walking towards them. He had platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and dark green eyes. He looked exactly as Jin described.

Kai took a deep breath and approached the man. The man looked over at her and raised his eyebrows.

“Do the sakura petals fall on the river?” Kai asked in code.

“Only in the evening” the man replied.

Kai breathed a sigh of relief and smiled shakily. Tsuki glanced over at them and came over.

“So this is Toya huh? He’s alright, but I’ve seen better” Tsuki commented.

“Hey! Do you know who I am?” Toya clapped back, offended.

“Of course I do dummy, I just don’t care. Now show us where we’re supposed to go” Tsuki started walking away without him. Toya looked over at Kai in confusion. Kai just shrugged and smiled.

“You’ll get used to her,” she said, “Now lead the way”


Toya, Tsuki, and Kai made it past security easily with Toya’s ID. They made their way over to an escalator and rode up. Once they made it to the top, Tsuki pulled off her jacket and started taking out tiny balls from the inner pockets. The balls instantly grew into different guns and rifles. Toya looked in awe and curiosity.

“That’s a lot of guns” he commented.

“I know right? They’re these weird nano-tech guns Kai made a while back” Tsuki replied.

“It’s not weird Tsuki it’s science” Kai groaned.

“Sure, sure. But anyway Toya, if you’re impressed with the guns I should show you my knife collection sometime” Tsuki offered while loading one of her rifles.

“Knife collection?” Toya asked, clearly interested.

Tsuki nodded eagerly while finishing up with her gear. She didn’t have much; just a bulletproof vest and her Nanorifle.

“The event’s starting soon, we should go ahead and go to our positions. Thanks for your help Toya” Kai said, looking down at the crowded hall below them.

Toya nodded and headed down the escalator. Kai stood next to her and put on her goggles to scout the event. Just then, a man in a suit and tie walked onto the stage. The crowd murmured and stared, clearly not very interested but not wanting to sound rude.

“Hello everyone! I’m so glad you could come to this event! As you know, Perfect Fits is dedicated to being as inclusive as possible. For this reason, we want to have the community involved in everything we do. So without further ado, please welcome the face of our company, Izuko Touka!” the man announced while the crowd gasped and started to applaud.

“Almost time Tsuki…” Kai whispered.

“I know” Tsuki replied, activating her quirk. Izuko walked onto the stage wearing a bright yellow blazer with a matching skirt over a white blouse. Her brown hair was tied into a simple bun. The crowd cheered and whooped as she took the stage. Tsuki rolled her eyes, she never understood how people could be so passionate about a person they didn’t even know that well.

“Hello everyone!” Izuko started her speech but her voice was drowned out by the roar of the crowd once again. 

“3…” Kai started to countdown.

“Thanks for coming out today! You are the reason we do what we do” Izuko continued.


“Thank you for the overwhelming support. We promised to do our very best to make clothes for everyone here at Perfect Fits!” Izuko proclaimed. Thunderous applause rang throughout the hall.

“1! Take the shot!” Kai whisper-yelled. Tsuki was already on it, she pulled the trigger quickly. The bullet was so small it was almost invisible, just how they needed it. Tsuki watched and tried to suppress a satisfied grin as Izuko suddenly jolted in place before collapsing on the stage, blood spurting from her neck.

“Ok let’s go!” Kai said, walking away quickly.

Tsuki nodded at Kai and turned her Nanoguns back into little balls. She turned around and looked at the chaos unfolding below her.

“Happy April Fool’s” she whispered before giggling uncontrollably and following Kai down the escalator.

April 03, 2021 00:11

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Lily Kingston
02:06 Apr 05, 2021

You have a quick pace to this story which keeps the reader hooked. I like it. Keep up the good work and keep writing!!


Sunny 🌼
02:16 Apr 05, 2021

Thank you!!! :)


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23:23 Apr 04, 2021

Omg, I just read this after reading like an entire mha book about Himiko, and like... vibes. You set it all up wonderfully and made really interesting ‘protagonists’. I just love chaotic main bc characters, lol


Sunny 🌼
01:46 Apr 05, 2021

THERE'S A BOOK ABOUT HIMIKO?! *proceeds to furiously search on google for it* Ok fOcUs, thanks so much, Ethan! I appreciate it a lot! (I have a feeling I'm gonna be writing a lot more chaotic characters in the future it's just so fun)


11:44 Apr 05, 2021

Lol yeah, chaotic characters are so fun!! Also, I think you'll love your character in my reedsy cast :)


Sunny 🌼
15:40 Apr 05, 2021

Can't wait to see it!


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21:27 Apr 04, 2021

:O wowee Sarah, GRATE 🧀🧀🧀job!!!!!! I noticed a few places where you didn't put punctuation at the end (this is very minor tho lol) like here: "“Ok! I think I have a plan! I’m only gonna tell you this once so you better pay attention”" There wasn't punctuation at the end. Noticed that in a few places but other than that, I LOVED THIS!!!!!!! The description of the assassination (oml so many s's) was really good and made it sound like a horror movie ;) Loved this!!! ~ Amethyst


Sunny 🌼
01:41 Apr 05, 2021

Thanks Ame, I appreciate it! And nice cheese pun lol


01:43 Apr 05, 2021

Np! :) Yes XD there’s hardly a comment I’ve left on a story that doesn’t have that pun in it lol


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Amany Sayed
01:38 Apr 03, 2021

Isn't writing about assassinations so fun? Anyway, this was such a good story! I loved your characters and the little fantasy sprinkled in. I want to know more about quirks! Feels like something, if this were a famous book, people would talk a lot about, like 'blank would be my quirk'. I kept mixing up Kai with a character from a book(Lunar chronicles) who is a male and it was very disorienting. I suspect Kai's quirk is something sciency because the nano guns were very cool. Keep writing!


Sunny 🌼
01:44 Apr 03, 2021

Ah yes, assassination is super fun to write about! As for the whole quirk thing, this is actually a fanfic (ish) to a popular anime series called My Hero Academia (10/10 would recommend btw) about a futuristic Japan where 80% of the population has superpowers, called "quirks". Kai's actually quirkless (partially cuz I couldn't think of anything but also we don't see enough quirkless characters in the show imo). Thanks for the nice comment Amany, I appreciate it!


Amany Sayed
01:47 Apr 03, 2021

Oh, cool! My friends have talked about it before. Half my friend group is borderline obsessed with anime, but they have yet to convince me to watch it. Oh, I see! Any time!


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Radhika Diksha
17:07 Apr 06, 2021

Hey can you read my diss track, I hope you enjoy it.


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Uhhh..hello? Wanna chat?Im bored, lol Also new story!


Sunny 🌼
20:40 May 12, 2021

rry I didn't see this I was at school! Hru?


Sunny 🌼
12:46 May 13, 2021



So what do ya got planned for writing?


Sunny 🌼
20:15 May 13, 2021

I'm gonna tRy to finish a story that's actually related to this one. I'm also working on BH/BW Part 5, just don't know when I'm gonna finish and post it.


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