Drama Fiction Sad

“My body felt numb. The dirt over my green uniform made me feel sick. The innocent people's blood, stained the piece of fabric the military granted me. Crest of freedom; Homeland crest; for me the betrayal of humans. Do I regret the day I accepted to wear that uniform as an honour? Yes. I should have fought and stood by my ideals, but I was weak. We were all weak for following the rules so blindly. 

Kill or be killed. 

Instead, there shouldn’t have never been that phrase. Don't go, don't fight, don't kill, and we would all live in peace.

My heart was heavy as my eyes were scanning the bloodied and wounded soldiers crying for help on the ground. Calling their friends, their loved ones who they left behind for sake of seeking peace. 

We sought peace, we endured the war. We sought love, we endured pain. We sought hope, we endured despair. That is what war taught me. But I have never thought that it would teach me how to end life. It never taught me how to deal with it; how to not feel pain as foreigners’ blood stings me. 

Foreign man. Distant in my cold heart, in many of the cold hearts on the field stained with impurity. But that foreign man was someone's love of the life, someone's dad, uncle... someone's whole life. I caused someone the pain that never leaves, that nestles in the dark corner of the soul. I made someone cry, scream into the void of grief. How can someone live with that? Me? The killer? The one who grieves, the one who yells into heaven thinking they could bring back the one they have lost? I have lost someone; someone lost me. The war takes from you; it rips up everything you are, leaving just pieces of your past life….

Many people lost their lives, fighting for the land, for the people, for the air that they would never have, ever again. 

Few of us left and many remained. The ground was their grave. The battlefield soaked with nature’s loss, red stains that penetrated the hearts and souls of the living. 

We shall live, we shall forget. My friend used to say on our way here. There is just a cold and unknown presence of him, here somewhere, near me. He lost the fight, he died, in my arms. His eyes seemed strong, his mind was sharp and his spirit was bold, but he lost. We shall live, we shall forget. I couldn’t stop repeating his words as they broke me so hard that all that was left of me made me look like a doll, empty and heartless. 

I still had a heart, but it was cold. It froze even though it was warm. It worked even though it stopped a long time ago. My life had stopped the moment I betrayed nature. I killed the men who only wanted to protect themselves, and they were attacking me while I was trying to protect myself. Kill or be killed. That is what it was. 

There was nothing left for me to do, except to turn my back and go home, to the place where I sought love that I hoped would make me whole. 

I made my way into the truck. The driver promised he would return us home, I believed him. Because I chose to trust and not to betray, but at the same time I broke the trust and betrayed. I broke the trust I made with nature, to never hurt it and I betrayed my kind, I betrayed humankind. 

That was why we all had left from that battlefield were cold hearts.

“You okay?” A man sitting next to me asked me. I barely uttered a word; that is how weak I was. “Yes” was all I could say.

Ten of us were in that truck. My eyes tried to meet theirs, but they seemed lost, looking to the sides not showing their emotions. Bland and dull expressions. Anger, disappointment, despair… all lingered in the air. 

I wanted to look in their faces and not see anything more than what meets the eye, but my mind projected the images of fallen warriors, mutilated faces, blood… I could hear screams and yells.”

“Are you okay grandpa? We can stop here if you don’t feel like continuing?” His granddaughter asked him. He patted her on the shoulder; smiled creasing his skin, and said “It is okay, I want to say more, I want to tell you a bit more of the story.”

She smiled, but she was worried about her grandpa's well being. She could see small tears trying to break through, but he was still holding up. 

“A man you don’t know, a man who has a family, a wife, a daughter, who is a teacher of grade-schoolers, who lives his innocent life in his house far away from you, across the sea from you, cannot be your enemy. The war tells you he is, but he is not. 

I was heavily wounded by someone. I still remember how it felt. A blazing hot metal piercing my stomach. The adrenaline in me skyrocketed. The sounds around me were muffled, bombs exploding, bullets being fired, people, yelling and crying. I was lost. I fell and watched the sky. I truly thought that I was going to die at that moment, feeling the warm liquid under my palms. I was thinking about my lovely wife and our future child. Don’t cry. I would have wanted to tell her if she had been by my side. I was scared of dying alone, but I wasn’t scared of dying in nature, looking at the sky. 

I am sorry. I would have said that too. I am sorry I wasn’t stronger. 

Before I had closed my eyes I felt someone’s presence. I didn’t have any idea who it was, but I thought it must have been someone from our side. My vision was blurred so I couldn’t see his face promptly. I firmly closed my eyelids as the pain struck me. I clenched my jaw almost breaking it. „Hang in there, I’ll help you. Stay with me, you hear me?!“ I couldn’t recognise the voice, but when I opened my eyes once again, instead of gazing into his face I looked at his uniform and saw his crest. It wasn’t like mine. 

That was my enemy, helping me survive. He was running through the chaos of the battlefield, carrying his enemy so he could help him, me, he wanted to save me. That was my enemy, a dad, a husband, a teacher, a human. We were all people, just trying to survive. None of us deserved to die fighting for who knows what. Peace? That wasn’t the peace. You can’t get peace with chaos. I never found the peace I was promised because my enemy died trying to save me. His daughter lost her father, his wife lost her first love, his students lost the man who knew how to teach them about life. That man lost his life trying to save mine, and he was supposed to be my enemy. 

A man you don’t know, a man who has a family, a wife, a daughter, who is a teacher of grade-schoolers, who lives his innocent life in his house far away from you, across the sea from you, cannot be your enemy. His words till this day echo in my ears.”

She was crying. She feared he would get upset for remembering the past, but she was the one that ended up crying. “I am sorry. I am so sorry that happened to you. And I am sorry that I made you tell me all of this even though you tried to forget it!” 

“Don’t cry, sweetheart! I should be thanking you for making me tell my story. I thought I would feel better if I were to forget, but I never did and that is why it ate me up from inside. I could never forget even though I have wanted, and I've never told this to anybody thinking that it would save me, but it just hurt me even more. My enemy, no my savior, saved me and I never thanked him by telling someone his story. I believe that now his soul will be in peace and that our cold hearts will be at peace we sought since the war." He cried.

Posted Feb 07, 2021

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60 likes 35 comments

Nainika Gupta
19:28 Feb 12, 2021

So poignant and pragmatic Nancy! Really enjoyed this one - the war that will never really leave a soldier/veteran was displayed amazingly with this and I think that it helped with the flow and pace.
*pants after that long sentence*
The twist of humanity that allowed him to be saved by the enemy?? Amazing, really I have no words.
MIND-BLOWING JOB (wait that didn't make sense XD just..an amazing job)


Nancy Drayce
19:33 Feb 12, 2021

Thank you so much!! I truly appreciate it!! And thank you for taking the time to read it! 💙🌟


Nainika Gupta
19:36 Feb 12, 2021

No problem!! :D


Daniel R. Hayes
16:58 Feb 07, 2021

I loved this one. It was sad and very touching at the same time. I think the effects of taking a life in war has a lasting effect on soldiers. I don't think they ever get over it. You did a wonderful job capturing that moment. I liked the fact that the enemy saved his life even though he killed many of them. Also how talking about his past seemed to help him cope with what he did. Great Job :)


Nancy Drayce
17:31 Feb 07, 2021

Thank you so much!! 💙🌟


Daniel R. Hayes
16:23 Feb 10, 2021

Hi Nancy your welcome, but I should be thanking you for writing such an amazing story. This deserves a win in my opinion. You have a wonderful talent for writing. Also, I know that you have read most of my stories and have enjoyed them. I wanted to let you know I wrote another story that ties together the four horror stories. If you have the time to read it, I would love to know what you think. Thanks and have a good day.


Nancy Drayce
16:27 Feb 10, 2021

Omg thank you!!! That means the world to me!! 💙💙 I've seen it, but I wanted to read it a bit later when I finish studying. I want to be focused when I start reading it, and not be distracted by thoughts of having to study 😂😂


Daniel R. Hayes
16:34 Feb 10, 2021

Thank you Nancy, good luck on the studying, I know how hard and mind wrenching that can be. Take your time studying, and I hope you have a wonderful evening ;)


Nancy Drayce
16:39 Feb 10, 2021

Thank you, you too! I can't wait to read your new story! 😊


09:11 Mar 12, 2021

Vivid description of a war-torn man. At first I thought it might've been better to not tell the story through dialogue, because I was a bit confused sometimes whether he was talking to someone or not. But later in the story when the child enters the stage it turned out pretty good, so well done.

Your language as well I think is great, I couldn't notice a non-native speaker wrote this, so good job on that too. It inspires me to continue writing more in English.



Nancy Drayce
10:38 Mar 12, 2021

Thank you so much! That truly means a lot to me!! 💙🦋


H L McQuaid
21:38 Feb 16, 2021

Hi Nancy,
Some nice writing here. Things I particularly liked:
"We sought peace, we endured the war. We sought love, we endured pain. We sought hope, we endured despair." Great use of repetition.

And: "You can’t get peace with chaos."

Some ideas for improvement.
This sentence: "Instead, there shouldn’t have never been that phrase. " Is quite complicated with a number of negatives (not/never). Could be something like, "We should never repeat that phrase." or if you wanted it to be passive, "That phrase should never be repeated/spoken/uttered"

Something a bit odd with verb tense here, as most of the story is past tense, but then "were scanning" is past continuous : "My heart was heavy as my eyes were scanning...." I think you could say, "...as my eyes scanned the.." or even "as I scanned" because 'scan' implies that someone is looking (with their eyes, most probably.) :)

I think you mean "properly" here instead of "promptly"? : "My vision was blurred so I couldn’t see his face promptly"

Anyway, it's an interesting story, with lots of promise. I'm glad I read it.


Nancy Drayce
21:53 Feb 16, 2021

Hi, thank you so much for the feedback! I would go back and change it, but I can't now because it is already approved :/
I agree with all of your suggestions, especially with the first one 'cause I knew something seemed off, but I didn't know how to fix it, so thank you for that! It helps me for the future writing!
Thank you once again!! 🥰


H L McQuaid
22:03 Feb 16, 2021

Glad it was useful, even you can't change it now. I look back at some of my stories on Reedsy and really wish I could change a few things, but it's too late. Agggh! haha.


Nancy Drayce
22:08 Feb 16, 2021

Haha, but that's okay, we all make mistakes sometimes! As long as the story makes you feel good and you feel proud about the idea you put out, the tiny mistakes are not that important!


Lisa Mc Beach
19:14 Feb 14, 2021

Lovely, heart provoking.


Nancy Drayce
21:38 Feb 14, 2021

Thank you! 💙🌟


Absolutely wonderful job painting a picture of what our soldiers/veterans go through every day... This was amazing.


Nancy Drayce
23:20 Feb 13, 2021

Thank you!! 💙🌟


Rebecca Cole
16:37 Feb 13, 2021

This is a brilliant story, the way you captured the suffering of these characters is amazing.
I loved how you included flashbacks and I just loved the story!


Nancy Drayce
16:38 Feb 13, 2021

Thank you so much!! 💙🌟


16:27 Feb 13, 2021

It is tragic —what this man had to go through — but I think that you did a wonderful job in portraying it. We can see how strongly he feels about war and the inevitability of death. We can see the anger and the hate and we can feel it surging on.
This is wonderful, Nancy


Nancy Drayce
16:33 Feb 13, 2021

Thank you, Abigail! I truly appreciate your feedback and kind words! 💙🌟


19:21 Feb 11, 2021

Very powerful! The first few lines held so much detail and thought inside of them! It's sure to stick with me for a while!


Nancy Drayce
19:23 Feb 11, 2021

Aw, thank you!! That means so much to me!! 💙🌟


Yvone Mthembu
11:58 Feb 11, 2021

Nancy I honestly have tears in my eyes,this was a very emotional story,all the details of the war zone are in my mind created by your words and they seem vivid and real.I can actually see myself watching Cold Hearts in cinema.Your command of words is powerful and you're able to evoke emotions,take us to the battle zone ,take us to the speaker's childhood and in the aftermath of the whole story and no phase wasn't told in full.This was my favorite read so far.
Keep it up


Nancy Drayce
12:37 Feb 11, 2021

Thank you so much, Yvone!! Your kind words made me emotional and extremely happy!! I don't know how to thank you more! You've just made my day, no, not just a day, a WEEK!


This story touched my heart a lot. It made me really be involved into the story, which is a very good talent a writer should always have. Loved it so much Nancy. <3


Nancy Drayce
18:21 Feb 07, 2021

Thank you so much, Laila!! That means a lot to me! I've just started reading your new story, so I'll leave feedback on it soon! 💙🌟


Your welcome Nancy! Also, aww thanks! :)


13:48 Feb 07, 2021

Wow, this story broke my heart :) It was so beautiful


Nancy Drayce
13:54 Feb 07, 2021

Thank you so much!! 💙🌟


Hi Nancy! Hope u are well:)
This story is so beautiful, tugged my heart away. Super emotional aspects, so great work on that.
I loved the message as well, the ending was my favorite!
Keep writing<333


Nancy Drayce
07:30 Feb 09, 2021

Thank you so much!! 💙🌟


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