Collab: B.W. and Kate Ulrich. Part 2

Submitted into Contest #59 in response to: Write about a character arriving in a place unlike anywhere they’ve ever been.... view prompt


Fantasy Adventure

This is a crossover story by B.W. and Kate Ulrich. It is B.W.'s demi-god series with some new characters, written alternately between the two of us. For Crossover Part 1 and the rest of the demi-god series, go see B.W.'s stories.

They all began to get ready as the monster began to approach them all with more roaring. We won't run from this, we're going to defeat this! We're going to fight it!

"I'm... done..." Meg panted. He shook his head. "How long have we been running from that thing?"

"Long enough," Lia growled. She gripped a sharp bronze knife. "I've known you guys for like twenty minutes, and I already know you aren't fighters."

"I'm a fighter!" protested Meg. Aella held her tongue, though Lia's words made her blood boil. She was a fighter. She had been fighting since she was a toddler, trained by her mother Atalanta, a famous Greek huntress who was granted immortality for her achievements. It wasn't Aella's fault that Meg kept running away, stealing the attention of the Cyclops chasing them. She'd been ready to fight.

"Whatever you guys are doing, I'm going to find Arren." Lia's companion had iridescent wings sprouting from her shoulder blades. They flapped as she started to fly.

"Harmony, wait. The Cyclops was carrying Arren last we saw him. Even if you managed to survive, he might drop him." Lia's tail twitched in agitation. Apparently, she was the daughter of the goddess of wolves. She had a fluffy tail, furry ears, and unusually pointy canine teeth.

Blake spoke up. "I'm not a great soldier. If you need help with Arren, Harmony, I'll do it." As stocky and strong as he was, he wasn't any good at handling a weapon.

"I'll fight the monster."

"No," the three girls said in unison.

"Aella, come on. You know how demi-gods connect with their parents?" He pointed at Aella. "Atalanta. Huntress and warrior." Then to Blake. "Bellerophon. Walking disaster." Blake rolled his eyes. "And I'm the son of Hercules. I've sparred before. I can do this."

"Is he any good?" Lia asked Aella.

Truth was, Aella hadn't seen Meg spar in forever. But he hadn't been bad before. And he could be right about the parent-child bond thing. And he'd throw a tantrum if she said no. Still...

Against her better judgement, Aella said, "Fine." She reached down to her invisible scabbard(a gift from her mom) and pulled out a heavy sword. The hilt was encrusted with rubies and diamonds, spelling out MEGARUS in sparkly, expensive letters.

She handed it to Meg, who grinned. "Dad gave it to me," he said to Harmony and Lia. He lifted the thing high in the air, his arms trembling under its ridiculous weight.

Lia sighed. "Okay. Let's face that monster. You have a weapon?" she asked. Aella snapped out her left arm. A golden shield appeared, stretching from her elbow to her wrist. She clenched her fingers around air and a silver spear shaft grew into her hand. "Yep," she said to the wolf-girl.

Lia pulled two bronze knives from her pocket. "Ready for your first monster?"

Aella nodded.

The Cyclops hadn't noticed them yet. It sat with its back to them, sharpening an ax. A few feet away was a boy with blood on his face, lying with his face toward the ground.

As was the plan, Harmony rose into the air, gripping Blake's hand. They flew behind the monster and landed beside the boy. Lia nodded at Aella. Aella nodded at Meg. Meg ran into the clearing.

"FOR HERCULES!" he shouted, slashing at the Cyclops' back.

The monster jumped to its feet and roared at its attacker. Lia sprang into action, throwing one of her knives at it while Aella ran to tackle Meg to the ground, milliseconds before the Cyclops' airborne ax would have skewered him. "Get up, run!" she hissed. Meg scrambled away while she ran toward it.

The Cyclops was twice as tall as Aella. Its skin was mottled gray, scaly and rough as tree bark. It wore only a loincloth and a silver necklace. Its voice rumbled and crashed at her eardrums. And it had one, mucus-green eye in the center of its forehead.

The Cyclops was headed for Lia, whose second dagger flew at the monster. The blade lodged in the monster's arm, but that hardly slowed it down. Aella sprinted forward, ducking underneath its meaty hands, quickly stabbing at its side with her spear.

"Meg! I need some help!" she yelled.

Meg stood a few yards away. His face was white as bone. His sword hung loosely from his fingers.

The Cyclops backhanded Aella so hard, her brain shook.

She opened her eyes. Blurry. The trees were waving, rippling as if a reflection in a pond. Someone was in front of her, their body a flowing silhouette.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry, Blake, what do I do? What do I do? I killed her!"

"Chill, Meg. She's fine. See?" Aella's vision began to straighten out. She blinked.

"Cyclops..." she mumbled. She sat straight up, ignoring the stabbing pain in her head. "Where is it? Did it hurt someone?"

"It's all good. Oh, and this is Arren."

"Hi," a new voice said. A boy popped his head up over Blake's shoulder. His face was bloody, but he was smiling. Harmony sat next to him. Aella wasn't sure if this was just her frazzled brain talking, but she thought they were holding hands.


Blake's face went a bit sour. He glanced at Harmony, who shrugged and said, "She ran off after it."

"What? And you all just let her?" She glared at each of them in turn. "She could get killed."

"I doubt it. She's only going to find its lair, and I don't think it'll try to attack us again," Arren said.


"Your friend's horse beat him up," Harmony explained.


Blake blushed. "Uh, you know in the old myths, my dad knew Pegasus?"

Aella knew. Blake's father, Bellerophon, was a hero famed for taming the winged stallion. Did that mean...

"So after the Cyclops beat you up, and he was about to kill us all, I just-I kinda panicked, and then he showed up."

"Pegasus showed up?"

A high-pitched whinny came from above them. Aella looked up through the trees to see a shadow on the canopy, a huge, horse-shaped shadow. Then it crashed through the trees. Branches cracked and thudded twenty feet to the ground, but the horse landed with ease and grace. Lia, though, on his back, looked terrified, and had leaves in her hair and small scratches on her face. "Uh, well, we found the Cyclops' lair," she said, spitting out a small twig.

"We haven't had any real monsters in these woods for years. Did you see why he was there?" Harmony asked.

"Well, no. But, um, we found this." Lia carefully dismounted Pegasus, who nickered and tossed his mane. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the silver necklace the Cyclops had been wearing.

"Jewelry?" Arren's brow furrowed.

Aella shook her head. "Here, let me see." Lia hesitated but handed it over. "Look at the symbol. H. What does that stand for?"

"Maybe it's the Greek letter, Eta," Blake suggested.

"Maybe." She gave it back to Lia. "How far away is the camp?"

"I could see it when I rode Pegasus. Not far."

The stallion was now nuzzling Blake's sweatshirt. Aella smiled. "You must remind him of your dad." Blake awkwardly petted the animal with his palm.

"You should ride him. You probably have a concussion," he said, leading the horse to her. Aella grabbed her spear from where it lay on the ground, sheathed it, and mounted Pegasus, who sniffed her hands as if checking for snacks.

"Arren, you're hurt. Why don't you go with her?" Harmony prodded Arren forward. He took a seat behind Aella and glanced at Meg.

"Meg, you should come too." Aella's friend looked as if he was going to pass out any second. Pale as a sheet, he wordlessly shook his head. "Okay, you can walk with the rest of them. See you at camp." Something was definitely wrong with Meg.

"Hey, your sword," she said. It lay on the forest floor, abandoned.

"Just leave it," he whispered hoarsely. Pegasus flapped his wings and rose into the air.

"See you guys soon!" Harmony yelled, as she waved from the ground.

Soon they were soaring above the trees. Aella clung to Pegasus' mane and breathed in the clear air. Suddenly she gasped.

"Is that-"

"Yep," said Arren. "That's the camp."

"But there's a-"

"I know. That's normal, don't worry."

Aella stared. Of course she wasn't expecting a normal place, but this- this was incredible.

September 17, 2020 14:49

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B. W.
17:22 Oct 09, 2020

I also made a new story ^^ could ya check out "Adventure with friends: part 2" and leave some feedback?


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Charles Stucker
02:28 Sep 25, 2020

"They all began to get ready as the monster began to approach them all with more roaring." too much began. Try this, "They readied themselves as the roaring monster approached them." huntress who was granted immortality- I am tempted to say "achieved" rather than was granted. Atlanta did a number of notable things in myth. "I'll fight the monster." - if this is still Blake, keep it in his paragraph or add some identifying tag. milliseconds before the- how modern are these kids? Could out use "a moment" or "an instant" instead of mi...


Kate Ulrich
13:36 Sep 25, 2020

Looking back, your suggestions would have made the story a lot better, if I could still edit the submission. Thanks for the feedback!


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B. W.
19:42 Sep 21, 2020

I know my Demi-god Series on here seem's really good but i want it to be different a bit in the novel version


Kate Ulrich
22:15 Sep 21, 2020

What kind of differences do you mean?


B. W.
22:19 Sep 21, 2020

like maybe a different plot and a few smaller things, could ya help with that?


Kate Ulrich
22:27 Sep 21, 2020

Sure. Are you going to keep the characters?


B. W.
22:31 Sep 21, 2020

Yes don't worry about that, all the characters will be the same ^^ i just need help with the plot


Kate Ulrich
23:22 Sep 21, 2020

Okay. Are Aella and Meg and Blake in it, or just your characters?


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B. W.
21:35 Sep 18, 2020

I think imma try and get others to see this story, i don't really think a lot have and i think you deserve to have a lot of things with your stories


Kate Ulrich
02:27 Sep 19, 2020

Thanks. :) Even if not a lot of people see it it's still one of my favorite stories I've written.


B. W.
02:33 Sep 19, 2020

No problem ^^ i actually wanna try and do a stand-alone story with these new prompts because even though i somehow managed to the crossover one and you might be able to, for my other stories i can't. so could you help me think of some ideas for a new one?


Kate Ulrich
15:18 Sep 19, 2020

Sure- you could do another alternate-universe one, this time where the alternative is a dystopian world?


B. W.
15:24 Sep 19, 2020

I mean it would be a one time thing like i said, but sure ^^ could ya help me with the characters if that's alright?


Kate Ulrich
15:25 Sep 19, 2020

Sure. What were you thinking for them?


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B. W.
15:00 Sep 17, 2020

This was amazing, you did great with it! ^^ You did great with your characters and ya also did great with my characters. i didn't really have a favorite part because i liked everything about it but i did like the pegasus part's a lot and how Arren just sorta casually says "Hi" while he's badly hurt. I'll try to think of what they see though in the next part but i dunno, you think it would maybe a statue or something else? at the moment i don't really have any ideas for it tbh so maybe we could both think of it, though you know what? this was...


Kate Ulrich
15:52 Sep 17, 2020

Thank you!! I had some trouble with it, but it was so fun to write. :) :) Maybe the thing they see is a monster, but a friendly one, or a statue like you said. It would have to be a crazy, unique statue to get the reaction Aella had when she saw it.


B. W.
15:56 Sep 17, 2020

Hm, maybe its a couple statues of some gods and greek heroes? maybe one of the statues was Aella's mother and that's why she reacted like that? is that a good one, if it isn't i could probably think of a monster then


Kate Ulrich
16:04 Sep 17, 2020

It's a good idea to have that at the camp, but I was thinking something kind of more... weird, or amazing, so maybe a monster is best. But I do like the statues idea, so if you want to add that it, that's fine.


B. W.
16:07 Sep 17, 2020

Wait question because i don't know, how old are your characters? i think i've already said my ages for my characters with them being 17 or something


Kate Ulrich
11:49 Sep 18, 2020

I thought at one point you said since it was inspired by Percy Jackson you wanted the characters to be like 12 or 13... I think my characters are all 13/14. If you want them to be older, I think 15 or 16 would be good because they'd still be close in age, but maybe 17 is too much.


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