LGBTQ+ Teens & Young Adult

There were only about two whole hours left of the year, and I needed to tell her how I felt. A few of my family members had suggested that I do it this way, it seemed interesting.

I could have simply found her already and asked, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" after explaining everything, though that seemed a bit boring. There were more exciting and fun ways to do it, and this was one of them.

There was Ruby's house in the distance and I could very faintly see her sitting on the porch. I'm not exactly sure but she might have a boyfriend, she'd have to be able to help me, right?

No one else in my little friend group has ever really had a relationship, so I just couldn't ask them. While some of my siblings were in a relationship, I didn't want to bother them with thousands of questions.

"Hey, Ruby!"

She did turn to look at me and I could very slightly see her lips move, though for some reason I couldn't hear any words coming out. "What??"

It happened again. Lips moving a bit more, though no words coming out from her mouth. "Ruby, speak louder!"

Ruby quickly got up and started running towards me, luckily it didn't seem like she was about to tackle me onto the hard ground or something. "Cassie, what do you want?"

"Well, I-"

She rudely interrupted me by then saying, "Shouldn't you be somewhere having a new years party? It's almost 2024, go have some fun or something. That's what you even texted to me a bit ago..."

"I should be asking you the same thing! What were you doing just out here?"

"You know I don't celebrate it, its kinda stupid to me. Though anyways...what do you even want?"

"It's kinda with Acela, you know how I've acting a bit strange when we're hanging out with her and all that? I kind"

She then suddenly had these large sparkly stars in her eyes with a large smile, "Oh! You have a crush on her?~"

"Yeah, I was kind of going to ask you if you could maybe help me get with her?"

Ruby didn't speak after that, she just motioned for me to follow her and then started to run off somewhere. "Wait, Ruby hold on! let me catch up, your fast!"

We walked through the town for about fifteen whole minutes, it was usually quite quick to get to places here. Though for some reason felt really slow. Was that just me?

Our town was extremely small and it always has been, there were only about three hundred or two hundred people living here. People have lately started to move away though.

Usually, most of the townspeople were almost always outside during basically anything, even if there was like a blizzard going on. Though not today for some reason.

I've been rambling on about this non-important thing for who knows how long, sorry about that. "Ruby, it feels like we've been walking around for an hour or something, where are you taking me?"

I could hear Ruby clear her throat a bit before then speaking, "Don't worry about that, we're finally here, look!"

She had pulled me over to her side and pointed to the building that we were both in front of. We were outside of Acela's house. "Ta-da! Since you wanted to tell her how you feel, I decided to bring you to her house."

"Won't she just be busy with the new year's party? I thought she was throwing one at her house..."

"Nope you guessed wrong, she decided not to throw one this year."

"So...none of us are even celebrating it this time? That's kinda weird..."

Ruby grabbed hold of my hand and had to drag me into the house, I was kind of zoning out during it. "Acela I hope you don't mind that we just barged into your house!" Ruby called out.

All of us were playing outside of the school, it had been snowing and some of the other kids were trying to have a snowball fight or just make a snow angel.

"Hey, Cassie!"

I turned around just in time to see Ruby's face and then a large heading straight towards me. I could have easily dodged it probably, though I didn't and it hit me directly in the face.

The snow was covering my face as I fell backward into an area that didn't have that much snow, so I kind of hit my head on the hard ground. Ruby was slightly laughing at this and then footsteps could be heard.

Ruby was on my right side and another girl was on my left as she asked while holding out her hand, "Oh gosh are you alright? We weren't wanting to hurt you..."

I took hold of her hand and then said, "Yeah I think I'm fine...who are you? I'm Cassie."

"I'm Acela, its nice to meet you."

I must have been zoning out again when I came to Ruby seemed to be whispering something in her ear. There was a look of surprise in Acela's eyes as she then said, "Oh...really? Huh..."

She gently moved Ruby over to the side and walked over to me. " there something that you want to tell me...?"

Wait, Ruby didn't tell her that I liked her? Then what did she even tell her, was I even going to find that out at some point? Probably not if I'm being honest, it could be a mystery.

"'ve kind of liked you for a few years now...and I was kind of wondering if you....possibly wanted to be my girlfriend?"

She had this look of surprise on her face and almost a small smile, did she feel the same way about me? Maybe we'd finally get together and have some fun.

Though the look on her face quickly faded after a few more seconds. "I'm sorry Cass...but no."

"W...wait what?"

"You didn't know that I already had a girlfriend? I've had one for about three months...."

Posted Dec 24, 2020

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51 likes 156 comments

I really liked the way the entire story flowed. Amazing job! Also, happy (almost) 50th story! I can tell you put a lot of effort into writing all of them!


B. W.
04:15 Dec 25, 2020

What did ya think of the little plot twist at the end? and thanks ^^


Oh, I kind of felt bad for her. I thought it was going to end with both of them being together...but I guess all stories can't end that way. =(


B. W.
04:41 Dec 25, 2020

Do ya think it would have been better if they got together in the end?


Well, I guess so. But then it would have been really predictable and there wouldn't have been any plot twists.


B. W.
16:13 Dec 25, 2020

I might try to do more plot twists and stuff


this was such a sweet yet sad story good job


B. W.
00:50 Jan 05, 2021

Did ya have a favorite part or something?


probably the ending
i know it was sad but it was also so cute at the same time


B. W.
01:44 Jan 05, 2021

I think this ending is better than a regular cliche ending


it definitely is the story would have been kinda boring if it ended in a cliche


B. W.
02:53 Jan 05, 2021

Your still checking out the other stories right?


Maya -
17:10 Dec 25, 2020

This was a really sweet story! I don't think it seems rushed at all. The character's friendship was well-developed and the setting you described fit into the story well. Also, I really loved the name Cassie. The ending was shocking and kind of sad, but great. Nice job!!! :D


B. W.
18:36 Dec 25, 2020

Do ya think it might have been a bit better if they did get together in the end or was the ending I have right now good?


Maya -
18:39 Dec 25, 2020

I kind of expected them to get together at the end, but I think them not is good because it is unexpected and more unique. Maybe you could do a part two? I would love to read more of this story.


B. W.
18:41 Dec 25, 2020

Eh. I have a lot of series going on at the moment and I also have a lot of part 2's as well. I think this might be better as just a single thing.


Maya -
18:47 Dec 25, 2020

Yeah, true :)


B. W.
19:23 Dec 25, 2020

I still need to continue my other things as well


Laiba M
15:39 Dec 25, 2020

I loved the story! Sad to see the twist at the end though, haha~ I think it went a bit fast around the confession part, as usually people have a lot of feelings surrounding these kinds of things. Maybe include a part about how Cass froze up and had a rush of thoughts and all that :)
Other than that, great job! I enjoyed your addition of a flashback~~


B. W.
16:16 Dec 25, 2020

Thanks ^^ did ya like the little twist though?


Laiba M
18:29 Dec 25, 2020

I definitely thought it added to the story instead of a 100% cliche story where they ended up fully liking each other :D


B. W.
18:39 Dec 25, 2020

then the little twist was better than the cliche ending?


Laiba M
00:54 Dec 26, 2020



B. W.
01:03 Dec 26, 2020

Hm, so do you think your going to make a new story with one of the prompts?


B. W.
22:12 Dec 24, 2020

I'm sorry, this is probably really terrible.


Nah, its great! Just like all your other work :)


B. W.
02:55 Dec 25, 2020

I didn't really know if it seemed really rushed or something, though I'm glad that ya liked it ^^


Jasey Lovegood
07:53 Jul 29, 2021

When you realise you like a fellow queer, instead of falling for a straight: !!
When said queer already has a queer s.o: ...

Hey, B! Firstly, thanks for the follow, and I've heard you have great stories, so I decided to come to check them out! Secondly, I loved the friendship between Ruby, Acela and Cassie (tho, maybe not Cassie in that department~) and the plot twist ending was very nice.

~ Jasey :D


B. W.
13:55 Jul 29, 2021

No prob ^^ Tbh I thought it would be more interesting if they didn't get together at the end because whenever I was first trying to make this story, I planned for them to get together right as the ball dropped, but later decided to have the twist ending instead. I'm glad you liked this story, I don't really think this is one of my best ones though, I ended up doing this one in a rush. Still I'm glad, and if ya wanna check out some of my other stories, and leave some feedback, why don't ya check out "Her Strange but Loving Family" and then ""A little adventure with family" ? Its one of my new series that I'm doing ^^


17:17 Mar 11, 2021

THE GAYY!!!!! Oh but that ending... too relatable. Great dialogue too!


B. W.
17:43 Mar 11, 2021

I was going to originally have the ending be the two of them getting together, but then I wanted a bit more sad and I guess twist ending and I think its better than what I originally planned to do.


Lerato Moeketsi
01:11 Jan 14, 2021

I feel for Cass, really do. I never thought the ending would be like that. You really know how to keep us hooked. Can't wait to read you next story. Bravo!


B. W.
02:46 Jan 14, 2021

I was originally going to have the ending have them get together, though I didn't like it and thought it would be too cliche, so I changed it.


Akshaya Sutrave
11:58 Dec 30, 2020

Hi B!
This was another great story! I did not expect the last part and though I felt sad for Cass, a plot twist was certainly better than a cliche ending. I also loved the flashback you added in between!
I have a couple of suggestions:
1. In a lot of places, mainly in the beginning and middle of the story, you've added 'or something' to the sentences. Although it is not grammatically wrong to do so, perhaps some of the sentences could do better without the 'or something'?
2. In the dialogue, you have used a fair amount of ellipses. Maybe you could decrease their usage to make the text more concise? In some places, the ellipses look good, like in the last line, but in a few other places, not that much.
3. In the sentence 'I turned around just in time to see Ruby's face and then a large heading straight towards me.' I think you have missed a word between 'large' and 'heading'. Is it 'snowball'?
I didn't find anything else, except that you did an amazing job! I hope I don't sound too harsh. I haven't done proper critique before (I don't think I'm too good at it) and I'm more likely to give grammatical suggestions.
I hope you have a nice day!


B. W.
17:58 Dec 30, 2020

Thanks, im glad that ya liked the story ^^ I was originally going to have them get together and kiss, but then I didn't want it to almost like every romance thing ever, so I decided to make the ending you see in it now. and thanks again, ill go and try to fix that stuff soon.


Akshaya Sutrave
09:02 Dec 31, 2020

Of course! :)
Yes, making them get together is done many times already, and it would become too predictable. That's why I enjoyed the twist very much, it was several times better than doing the usual thing.


B. W.
09:22 Dec 31, 2020

I also couldn't really find a good way to end it if I did have them get together at the end, because I thought of them kissing right as the ball dropped into the new year, and a few other things, though they didn't seem good.


Akshaya Sutrave
09:24 Dec 31, 2020

That sounds like a good ending too, but the twist was great, though!


B. W.
18:48 Dec 31, 2020

ya think so?


Authoring Studio
13:59 Dec 26, 2020

Hey! How are you?


Authoring Studio
14:10 Dec 26, 2020

I will be deleting my account on Reedsy today. I hope you had a nice time reading my stories. I liked yours, too. Very much😊💜


B. W.
17:43 Dec 26, 2020

Wait what?? Why are you deleting it??


Wirda Bibi
13:20 Dec 25, 2020

liked it =)


B. W.
14:58 Dec 25, 2020

thanks ^^


Wirda Bibi
13:19 Dec 25, 2020

liked it =)


B. W.
14:58 Dec 25, 2020

did ya have a favorite part?


Wirda Bibi
10:31 Dec 27, 2020

Well the ending was not what I thought
But it was good😊


B. W.
17:57 Dec 27, 2020

I didn't want it to be like a regular one where they always end up getting together, so I decided to add the little plot twist ending.


Wirda Bibi
22:11 Dec 27, 2020

that was great idea of yours :)


B. W.
22:11 Dec 27, 2020

It was?


Amel Parvez
13:13 Dec 25, 2020

i thought there would be happy ending but.... no there wasnt.
anyways, liked it a lot. Will you write the second part?


B. W.
14:58 Dec 25, 2020

Nope, this is the only part of the story that I'll make. did ya like the little plot twist at the end?


Amel Parvez
15:58 Dec 25, 2020

Yeah. It wasn't expected


B. W.
16:19 Dec 25, 2020

do ya think it would have been better if they got together?


Amel Parvez
17:12 Dec 25, 2020

no its your choice as it is your story. like everystory doesnt hv a happy ending.
no its fine


B. W.
18:36 Dec 25, 2020

thanks ^^


12:11 Dec 25, 2020

I knew it wasn't going to be a "yes," but that PLOT TWIST. Imagine how Cassie feels. Imagine not knowing your crush has a girlfriend. Imagine building up the guts to ask your crush out and--

"I already had a girlfriend."

I liked this story!


B. W.
14:50 Dec 25, 2020

I had a lot of ideas for this story, and I was originally going to make it end with them getting together or maybe kissing as the ball dropped into the new year and all that, though I decided to do this and think this ending is way better.


21:34 Jan 05, 2021

I agree!


B. W.
21:50 Jan 05, 2021

Why'd you say like 7 of these?


20:21 Jan 07, 2021

oh i thought it didnt show up my bad


B. W.
21:09 Jan 07, 2021

Its fine, I have a lot of other romance stories?


How did you find out about her?
jane plane..


B. W.
05:05 Dec 25, 2020

She talked to me but then it all got deleted, though I assume all the stuff including her account will pop back up later because this isn't the first time its happened. She and the other downvoters are targeting me.


12:12 Dec 25, 2020

wha- what happened?


B. W.
14:48 Dec 25, 2020



Cam I see her account?


B. W.
14:48 Dec 25, 2020

I can't find it again, i would show you if I could


23:22 Dec 24, 2020

This was a nice story! The plot twist at the end broke my heart, I feel terrible for Cass!


B. W.
02:57 Dec 25, 2020

Did you think that they were going to get together at the end?


06:00 Dec 25, 2020

Yea, but then there's always a plot twist sooo


B. W.
14:55 Dec 25, 2020

I'm not sure if you were going to ask this at some point, though there wont be a second part or anything like that.


04:04 Dec 26, 2020

I was thinking not, to keep the ending more, idk, plot-twisty-? Idk the word for it x3


B. W.
04:35 Dec 26, 2020

Even if there had been a second part, what do ya think would even happen in it?


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