Adventure Drama Thriller

Susan’s mind obsessively repeated the opening phrases of her presentation.  She walked at a brisk clip through the corridor, her sensible pumps making light taps on the tiled floor.  She knew her work, she was prepared with a stellar presentation.  She knew she was going to impress the board with her findings.  Research was her thing.  She was good with numbers and graphs and correlating meaning into the results.  Her most recent work with the Biotech group had been intriguing and highly successful.  She was pleased with herself and anxiously excited to share her findings.  As she neared the elevator she noticed a well dressed man already patiently waiting.  He had carefully coordinated colors, perfectly trimmed facial hair and excellently manicured nails.  Just the hint of the most expensive cologne teased her nose.  

“Marcus.” She said nodding in his direction.

“Susan.  Lovely to see you this morning.” He replied equally assessing her attire from head to toe.  “Going up to the top as well?” He eyed her handbag, heavy with computer and files.

“Yes.” She stated simply.

“Well, well.  I see we’re riding up together.” He returned with a smug smile.

Susan let her colleagues' insinuations roll off her back.  She knew she had something good this time.  She knew she had a presentation of a lifetime. She allowed herself to gaze back evenly with a pleasant smile pasted on her face.  

He gracefully bowed and motioned for her to walk inside as the doors opened.  Irked by his overly polite attentions Susan hesitated long enough to be passed by a young woman wearing a white lab coat.  Her dark curls were held back with a colorful sash and her brown eyes framed by dark rimmed glasses.  She quickly pushed the button for the parking lot at the base of the building.

“Honey, we’re going up.” Stated Marcus matter of factly as he stepped inside followed by Susan and pressed floor 10.

“Sorry, it’s an emergency.” She replied politely, the doors already closing.  

Susan glanced at the girls badge grinding her teeth.  Gemma.  She would remember that name.  The elevator slowly glided downwards. The number of the floors lit up on the top of the door: number 6 then 5.  Susan shifted her weight and braced herself as the elevator came to a sudden halt somewhere between floors 5 and 4.  The lights flickered and shut off.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Shouted Marcus pulling out his cell phone.  The blue screen shining light on his irritated face.

Susan followed suit fishing in her bag for her new iPhone 11.  She had just purchased it with her most recent raise.  Marcus was already yelling into his phone at some poor 911 dispatcher.  But Gemma had disappeared. Susan looked around and found her huddled into the recesses of the back corner of the elevator.  Her arms were wrapped tightly around her waist.

“Hey, are you ok?” Asked Susan.

“I need to get out of here.” she replied.  Susan observed the shallow breathing and heard the strain in her voice, hinting at panic.

“It’s going to be ok.  Marcus already called for help.  They will be here soon and get us out of this.”  Susan’s attempt at soothing came out clipped and annoyed.  She wasn’t used to being warm and friendly.  She understood the signs and symptoms and certainly didn’t want someone having a panic attack in the middle of a small elevator, but her social skill set was not the greatest.  At least that’s what the last boyfriend had made very clear to her.  What was it he had said?  She was an ice princess?  A vast wasteland of desert?  An emotional vacuum?  Well, whatever, not all women are born lovey dovey and why should they be?  She was smart, successful, moving up the career ladder and quite attractive to boot.  He was just a loser that couldn’t handle the competition.  And with that she dismissed him from her mind.  Wiped him clean out, never to be thought of again.  At least for a little while.

Marcus angrily hung up. “They can’t be here for at least another half an hour or more.  Can you believe that?”  He reached for the elevator phone, pulling it out from behind the metal door.  

“Don’t do that.” Said Gemma from her corner.

“Young lady, you can stay huddled in that corner, but I am going to get out of here.” he replied stiffly, lifting the receiver to his ear.  He listened for what seemed an eternity, then silently hung up the phone.  “No answer” he stated.

“Ok, I’ll get you out.” stated Gemma determinedly lengthening her long legs to a standing position.  She turned and placed one foot on the hand rail, pressing firmly to lift herself into the air and catching her balance by placing the other foot along the other wall, her hands braced against the ceiling. 

“What are you doing?!” Susan demanded, startled by the sudden change in demeanor.

“There’s a door on the ceiling I just need to open it and we can climb through.”

“Brilliant!” Marcus clapped practically dancing on his feet.

“No Marcus, that’s not brilliant.  She could hurt herself.  We just need to wait until help arrives.” interjected Susan irritably.

Gemma had already worked the latch open and was leaning on Marcus’s outstretched hand.

“Ok, just give me a boost up.” She directed him.

He made a hammock with his hands for her foot and pushed upwards as she used her upper body strength to lift herself through the opening.  Marcus turned to look at Susan indicating for her to place her foot in his hands as well.

“No thanks.  I’m not the adventurous type.”  She stated, crossing her arms.

“Alright, suit yourself.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders.  “I’m sure the board will understand if you’re late.”

That did it. Susan swung her satchel firmly across her chest and placed her foot in his hand.  It wasn’t nearly as graceful as Gemma had made the process look, but she somehow pulled herself through to the top of the elevator.  Gemma was already clinging to the wall of the elevator shaft and digging her fingers into the elevator door to force it open from the inside.  Susan fished through her bag again for the long silver letter opener she knew she had.  Placing it in her teeth she grasped the metal rings of the inlaid ladder on the shaft wall to climb up to Gemma.  

“Here” she said, extending out the letter opener with one hand. 

Gemma looked down and managed to reach the offered tool.  “Thanks,” she replied.  Using the letter opener she was able to shimmy the thick doors open and push them out all the way with her hands.  Susan followed her through the doors with Marcus not far behind.  Strangely, the hallway on level five was dark as well.  

“This way to the stairwell.” Stated Marcus heading off down the hall using the light of his cellphone to show the way.  Just as they were nearing the door marked ‘stairs’ a guard burst through breathing heavily like he had run up from the bottom floor.  

“Well finally!” Exclaimed Marcus. “We were the ones stuck in the elevator, but we’re out now, no thanks to you.”

Gemma had backed away and was looking frantically around.  As she turned to look down the hallway another guard was heading in their direction.  Susan saw the calculations behind her eyes.  She knew how quickly the mind could size up a situation.  It only took an instant before the decision was made.  Gemma turned to Susan lifting her hand out for a handshake.  Susan found herself lifting her own hand in response and clasping Gemma's smaller slender palm.

“Thank you so much for helping me.” Said Gemma.  “You are a good researcher, I’ve read your work.  I think you’re also a good person and would do the right thing.”

Susan felt something hard and small pressed into her hand as Gemma's other hand came up to hers in a double clasp encouraging Susan's hand to close over the item before she was released.  Susan saw something in Gemma's eyes that made her stay quiet when the guards identified Gemma and took her away.

September 07, 2020 02:08

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Randolph Pierce
03:19 Sep 18, 2020

interesting to say the least. Leaves me wondering about Gemma. And why the guards took her away like that. Quite a nice tale


06:00 Sep 18, 2020

Thank you so much Randolph!


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Jade Young
06:24 Sep 17, 2020

This is a well written and enjoyable story😉


23:49 Sep 17, 2020

Thank you Jade!


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Dan Alvizo
04:56 Sep 13, 2020

I want to know what happens next please, fantastic story btw.


05:38 Sep 13, 2020

Thank you!


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