A weird adventure with two friends

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten days.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Friendship

Day 1

I'm not entirely sure how any of this happened, about an hour ago we were on the couch just watching a movie and now we were here.

"Where the heck are we?? Oh gosh, what if we die here?" B then asked from behind me while kind of pacing back and forth. I didn't even know that answer myself.

"We aren't going to die here B, it's alright...though it kinda looks like some of the places from Wizard of Oz and some other movies, that's a little strange..."

"Oh great, let's just hope that this isn't a dream and that we didn't do any of this. Even if I don't really like this...I at least want this to be a bit real."

Oh yeah, that's a stupid cliche. Why does that almost always happen in these types of movies or shows? At least let it be a real thing. "Come on B, why don't we go look around? Maybe there'll be an exit of some sort around here."

"That sounds like a plan..."

We start to walk around the place, in the area we were in it looked like a type of forest. I made B stay right by my side the whole time we were walking though, I didn't want to lose her here.

"I'm sure we'll be out of here in a couple of hours, don't worry B..."

Day 2

Welp, it's safe to say that I was completely wrong about that last statement. Yesterday we had watched the moon appear not long after that, and then about an hour ago we saw the sunrise.

You remember how I mentioned the whole thing about The Wizard of Oz? And yes, I'm talking to whoever ends up reading this story, because why not?

Just imagine if the two of us had ruby slippers just like Dorothy did, I wonder if those would actually work. Or if they'd just send us somewhere completely different.

B then grabbed my shoulder a bit tightly, I turned around to see her pointing up at something a bit scared. Though she never said anything, she just pointed. "What is it B...?"

When I finally looked over to where she had been pointing, I saw the thing that terrified her. It seemed to be a large blue and white dragon. And I know that it had already noticed us by now, it had probably been there for a while without me noticing.

Its eyes turned and looked at us, it then proceeded to let out a low menacing growl. I then proceeded to grab B's hand tightly and then said, "run!" what else were you supposed to do when there was a large dragon, that was probably going to try and kill you?

Day 3

Well, the good news is that both of us are alive. I'm not sure if the dragon had actually been chasing us or not, though I never wanted to stop until I was sure we were safe.

Though here's a weird little fact about this place, the nights and days seem to go by really fast. I feel like every day is just a few hours, along with the nights. Though I'm not exactly counting exactly how many hours they last.


B's frantic and nervous voice suddenly said as she then gently shakes me to try and get my attention. "What's wrong?" I asked a bit confused.

"Well, what isn't wrong here Ori? Though...I can't see anything!" her voice got a bit more nervous as she told me this.

It took me a few seconds from looking at her to realize that she was missing her glasses. She must have lost them at some point while we were running from the dragon.

"Everythings just really blurry...."

"B it'll be fine, just stay with me...maybe we'll even find your glasses later. We should stay in this little cave for a bit longer though, just to make sure."

Day 4

I already had a plan on what we were going to do today, we were going to try and find an exit. We'd been here for about four days and it was already dangerous with a dragon there, who knows what else we'd find?

Though that plan went out the window when I had noticed that B wasn't there with me. Where could she have gone?? I don't think she would have left to go find her glasses, she'd probably end up stepping on them and breaking them.

That's when I then noticed a small note at the entrance of the cage, she couldn't have been the one to leave it so I walked over and started to read it.

There wasn't that much on it though, all it said was, "We took your friend, you probably won't find her!"

Something kidnapped her?! Well, this thing was wrong, I was going to find her, and then the two of us were finally going to go home. This place was terrible.

I put the note inside my pocket and then left the cave to search for her. The kidnappers and B had to be in this place somewhere, they couldn't be too far away.

Day 5

It's been several hours and guess what? It's the next day, I'm not exactly sure but we might have been here for about five days. Maybe six, I'm not sure.

Though that's not really the important thing right now, I still haven't been able to find B anywhere. Where in this place could those things have taken her?

I wasn't really going to give up though, I needed to find her. Who knows what would happen to her if I didn't? To be honest, some part of me does hope that this is actually a dream.

While walking through a bit of a deeper part of the forest area, there was this sudden shrieking noise coming from nearby. "What the heck...?"

That wasn't a noise that B could somehow manage to make, though maybe she was at least with the thing that made that weird noise. It kind of sounded like a mix of several dying animals.

I'm not exactly sure how to describe this thing. It was small and seemed like a mix of several things, though I couldn't really tell what. There might have been more, though so far there only seemed to be one there.

Then I finally noticed B tied up on a tree branch, she was managing to kick small twigs off of the tree and at the thing. That must have been the reason it was making those shrieking noises.

"Ori I have no idea what this thing is, but it looks like an ugly melting tomato!"

"How'd you...nevermind, I think I know how to get rid of this little thing."

"And what is that?"

I walk up to the weird little thing and it doesn't seem to notice me, it's still just making those shrieking noises at B who just seems bored now. Then, I simply proceed to kick it and it disappears.

No, it literally disappeared after I kicked it. There was a strange noise and then it disappeared in green smoke.

Day 6

"So what exactly happened B? Do you even know why that thing took you?"

She sort of shrugged while holding onto my arm a bit to make sure she wouldn't get lost. Or I guess worse, I wouldn't want her getting kidnapped again.

"I'm not really sure if I'm being honest...they sort of just took me in the middle of the night and tied me to that tree. I don't know why, though I'm glad you saved me...for a while I thought they were going to kill me."

"You seemed really bored though while being up there."

She shrugged again and then spoke, "That thing just kept shrieking at me for the past few hours and the other things disappeared, I figured it would be a while until something sort of...interesting happened with them."

The two of us finally reached the cave again and got inside, I'm not even sure how we got back here. Though I'm glad we have some sort of shelter again.

It didn't even take us a few hours to get back to the cave though, and previously it took me several hours away from the cave to save her. That's a little weird, but there are much weirder and dangerous things here.

While I was laying on the cold floor of the cave for about thirty more minutes, B seemed to be making something. Though I was a bit tired and didn't bother with looking to see what exactly she was doing.

The noises stopped just as I was about to ask what she was doing and then she walked over to me. "Come on Ori, look what I made!"

I sat up and saw that she had somehow managed to make a large metal door and set it in front of the cave entrance, how in the world did she do that? Do I have to question this?

"I made this and locked it so nothing would come in and try to take one of us again."

Day 7

This was a really short day if I'm being honest and nothing really happened either. After about thirty minutes of waking up, the sun already seemed to be going down.

B didn't want to leave the cave, and she didn't want me to leave it either. "You shouldn't, what if something bad happens to you??" she had asked nervously before hugging me.

If only one of us left the cave, the person who left would probably be the most in danger while the other one would just be alone. Though if we both went, we'd both probably be in danger.

B then asked after a few moments of silence, "Do you think the others know we're missing...? and if they maybe miss us or not...?"

"I'm not exactly sure about that first one, but of course they'd miss us B! they're our friends!"

Day 8

When I woke up this morning, B hadn't been in the cave with me again. So I was thinking of trying to find a note because maybe they left another one?

Though that's when I finally heard her voice from outside of the cave and decided to check out what was going on. "Hey B, what are you....what the fu-"

There was a dragon outside of the cave, though it wasn't the same one from earlier. This one seemed a bit smaller and was instead purple and white. The strange thing is, B seemed to be riding the dragon.

"B, what are you doing?! That might be a little dangerous!"

I managed to hear her say, "I have no idea why or how this is happening Ori, though this is fun! Maybe you should try to do it as well."

The dragon flew down with B on it's back, it lays down in front of me. "Come on Ori, maybe it could help us get back home? It's also just faster than walking..."

Day 9

I'm not exactly sure how B even managed to convince me into doing this. Though here both of us were, in a weird land while riding a dragon.

Though she had been right about that one part earlier, it was must faster than just walking around the forest and probably getting kidnapped again.

B then proceeded to ask me, "Hey Ori, Do you think we could keep this dragon? It's adorable!"


Where would we even keep the dragon if we did end up keeping it? I didn't want it to start trying to attack or kill people, what would we even do if that happened?

"I'm gonna name it, Axel!" she said cheerfully as she pats the dragons- or should I Axel's head.

After a few more minutes of riding through the sky on Axel, we could all suddenly see a large and bright light ahead of us. He then proceeded to start flying into it.

Day 10

The two of us ended up waking up in the living room, I was halfway off of the couch and B was just on the floor in a weird position. "What the heck...?"

B sat up, and then she seemed to have a mix of a confused and upset look on her face. She then asked, "Wait was that a dream?? Axel isn't real then...dang it this was so cliche!"

I nodded a little bit in agreement. "Well, at least we're both back now at least, right?"

December 26, 2020 20:24

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I already read this but I never posted a comment. This was really good! You improved a lot!!


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I already read this but I never posted a comment. This was really good! You improved a lot!!


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17:44 Dec 27, 2020

50 submissions! On the road to 100!! :D Nice story! Favorite part was when they woke up and realized Axel wasn't there with them.


B. W.
18:05 Dec 27, 2020

Thanks ^^ I'm kinda surprised that I'm already at 50 stories/submissions, I kinda thought i'd be somewhere way below that.


18:42 Dec 27, 2020

I'm not too surprised, you write a lot of stories (which is really cool, I rarely write tbh-)


B. W.
19:06 Dec 27, 2020

How long do ya think it'll take for me to get to 100 stories/submissions?


21:30 Dec 27, 2020

Hmm, since you write about 1-2 stories a week, I'd say by mid next year, but idrk


B. W.
21:33 Dec 27, 2020

A few times, ive actually written 4-5 stories in a week, but I don't do that much anymore.


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Riddhi Shedge
22:09 Dec 26, 2020

Great story, B.W.! Happy 50th :D


B. W.
22:13 Dec 26, 2020

thanks ^^ did ya have a favorite part?


Riddhi Shedge
22:20 Dec 26, 2020

Loved the plot twist!


B. W.
22:21 Dec 26, 2020

isnt it a bit cliche though?


Riddhi Shedge
22:29 Dec 26, 2020

Well, yea but at least you said that it was cliche in your story, so it wasn't too bad.


B. W.
22:30 Dec 26, 2020

Oh, alright then ^^


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