The Legend of the Triangle

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story where the power goes out on a spaceship or submarine.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Mystery

"Ok, Claire are you sure you have everything you need"? The captain asked nervously. "Yes Bill, don't worry it's just two weeks then I'll be back up with so much new information you won't even know what to do with it," I said reassuringly. Bill gave me a sympathetic laugh and extended the prettiest looking journal I've ever seen. He said, "Here, so you can record all this new information you're talking about." It was really immaculate looking. It had hand-pressed paper and was bound by a nice leathery brown cover. On the cover was a latch and engravings of every sea creature imaginable. I was very touched. With one final hug, I hopped into my new chair and gave Bill an excited wave. He helped me close the latch and said: "Good luck honey I know you're going to do great things." I gave him a smile and with that, I was off.

September 3, 1988

As the descent started all I could feel was a giddy sense of childlike wonder. Even I, a pretty advanced Marine Biologist in my field was completely oblivious to what truly laid at the bottom of the ocean floor. I took my last glance of the surface, miles of choppy turquoise water mixed with a blank sky lay before me. The Submarine took its final gasp and submerged. Water overflowed around the vessel and it finally dawned on me I was alone, a guest in a new unpredictable world. I took control of the panel and pushed downward. A few darting fish passed by me, but I continued forward, focused on my goal of 3,000 meters.

September 7, 1988

My purpose was simple I was supposed to explore the deepest part of the Bermuda Triangle and report back any signs of life or strange occurrences. Despite the Triangle's reputation, I wasn't afraid. I'm convinced there is a perfectly logical explanation for all the mysterious crashings here. Perhaps a certain tidal pattern, a bad weather zone? The water continued to grow darker and darker the deeper I pushed. I switched on my lights and jumped back in horror of what lay before me. As my eyes adjusted I realized it was just a shark, it jerked hard right and swished back to the shadows. I shook myself out, just a little nerves I claimed: "C'mon Claire keep going, there's nothing to be afraid of." I checked my stats, and when I was satisfied with everything I prepared for the final descent.

September 11, 1988

Today the sand floor finally came into view. Abruptly I slammed on the brakes to prevent a giant crash. I repositioned the submarine and looked around, suddenly an iridescent white glow came from the corner. I followed the light and to my surprise found a smack of Jellyfish. It truly was an astounding sight, the way they contorted their bodies through the water almost in slow motion was captivating. It brought a sense of peace and well being to me. They put a show on for me, like a thousand stars shimmering and sparkling in the night sky. I enjoyed this world, I longed to stay forever living life just as a simple observer, but even that was cut short. Suddenly a giant whoosh boomed through the waves. It sent my tiny submarine flying into the sand. The lights flickered on and off, then darkness. I checked myself for any wounds, I seemed to be fine. Quickly my eyes darted to the ceiling my first thought being to check for any leaks. Thankfully nothing, but the silence became overwhelming. What creature could have that kind of power I wondered? As I looked back out my glass portal I noticed a dark figure lurking. With no power, I had no way of identifying it. Quickly I felt a rotation of the boat, then a giant barnacle filled tentacle latched around my window. My eyes bulged at the sight of how massive the creature could have been. And as easily as you could throw a ball I was whipped across the ocean floor. The top of the submarine blew off, I wasn't just a spectator in this world anymore I had officially joined it. I quickly drew my last breath in and hit the SOS button. My last memory was seeing that giant tentacle swim away as quickly as it had appeared, gone from sight, and gone from existence leaving me for dead. The water became blurry and I stopped flapping my way to the surface from exhaustion. My body became steady and the lights went out for good, encircling me in my forever darkness.

I closed the brown wet journal plucked from the waves, intrigued but also horrified. My fingers traced the carvings of the sea creatures, ironically covering the latch was one big tentacle. I wondered if this was actually true, could this monster she described be the culprit of all the mysteries in the Bermuda Triangle? Pulled from my thoughts my sister cried out "Amelia what's that"? Running along the sand to me positioned in the waves. "I really don't know Amber, here." I handed it to her and let her read the entries from September 3rd, 1988. Flabbergasted she closed it and said, "Amelia you've literally found an artifact"! Us locals were aware of the stories of the Triangle since we grew up with them, but this one felt strangely real. She ran back up the sand shouting to our Dad and anyone who would listen. My father glanced down at the journal and immediately a sad expression fell over his face. He ripped it from Amber's hands and poured over the entries. Suddenly he stood up and said, "Girls, this was your mothers." A crowd gathered around them as they read through and decided for themselves if this was myth or fact. Did Bill's belated Claire really discover the answer to all mysteries or was it someone's idea of a cruel joke? I ran back to the water facing that cruel, mysterious ocean and mourning another loss it seems to the Triangle. Vowing to finally unearth the creature that has taken my mother and so many lives.

September 06, 2020 20:57

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Zea Bowman
16:38 Sep 18, 2020

Wow! I really enjoyed reading this story; it was so full of great descriptions, and I loved the way you ended it! I know that right now I'm going to be one of the annoying people that asks you to read my story (or stories), but it would be a big help. Don't feel like you have to :)


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Chris Manders
08:12 Sep 17, 2020

Good read and didn’t see the twist coming!


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