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Mystery Fantasy Indigenous



I regretted it as soon as I took off when I positively replied, immediately after he has asked if I could take care of Wapi. I have said that big ass fat “Yes, I’d be happy to” so obediently that I’ve realized so much later. What I am I supposed to do with this creature now. Of course, nothing! 

All the neighborhood has already been illuminated for about like two weeks ago. There were annoyingly merry children was making so much noise with their joyful songs on their mouths. Everyone has a plan somehow for now except me. Even this little creature has a plan “to spend his holiday with the next-door neighbor.” I was very disappointed. 

When the doorbell rang and I saw him, I thought he was going to ask me out. It was the best thirty seconds of all my life time. However, the only thing he said was “I have plans for a week with a friend for a holiday. I was desperately thinking to whom I should trust, and then suddenly I remember you have mentioned you had no plans for the holiday when we were in the elevator. I mean... If you still don’t have any plans, will you take care of Wapi. You know, he is so important to me. I could offer this to someone else but I thought of you”

This Wapi thing happened just because that “I thought of you”. I am the most stupid woman in this city. He is not even in to me. Wakey wakey silly Sally, he is not there and will not be. My brain sighed . Yes my brain sighed because I am that stupid and even my own brain sighed because of me.I don’t even like parrots I said to myself loudly. I was laughing to myself and crying to myself. That was the first time he talked. And said with his interestingly weird piercing sound:

-I am not just a parrot. I am the Grey Parrot. 

I was shocked undoubtedly. I mean, who would not? I didn’t even know he is capable of talking as though a human. Not like human, human. But you could thought easily a person is talking. I asked with the skeptic feeling of sound:

-Do you understand me?

I was going to ask “Can you talk?” but it sure seems like an awful question for someone—sorry for an animal that you clearly heard he could talk. However, it was still a question that I could ask easily which surprised me how did not I ask, yet his reply was as though he can read my mind because he replied as:

-Yes, I can talk and I can understand you. 

That was the second shock for me. Now all the tears and pain has gone quickly. The only thing in my mind was to figure this parrot out. While I was analyzing him as if I was a littl girl, he continued with a full confidence:

-The only thing you are right about is that he is not into you. Yes, you are right, he is not. But you know what? You should be cheer up woman! You are so lucky because he is not into you.

I’ve been awestruck. I sat in front of his cage with my mouth open. I was listening to him as though he was mentor but a mentor with a lot of feather. 

-I do not like him. I hate him. You should hate him too. He is not a good person. The only person in this world he loves and likes is himself. He does not even love me. I am just a living object in his house to seduce all those girls. When he come back do not give me back to him please. 

I started to think I am seeing and hearing hallucinations. I don't even know if hallucinations can be heard, but somehow I was sure I was hearing hallucinations. I have seen parrots that can talk but this was a lot. He was talking as if he is a conscious being. What was he even he is talking about . I didn’t know what to do because I was scared. Only an hour has passed and we had a week big week ahead of us. I rushed to go to the bedroom and I locked the door unconsciously. I thought to call him to say to come back and take him with you too and I did too but his phone was not working so I texted him more than once. I mean, okay, maybe more than thirty. I was sort of freaked out.

Since no-one was answering back, I accepted the situation and I embraced it wholly— as it is said by those spiritual, awakening, life coach kind of people. It was just a bird and he was in fact in a cage. He was just talking and since he is a parrot, it is not something to be freaked out, I told myself. Now things appeared to be more rational. When I talked to myself loudly, things seemed more logical. What the hell have I been doing here with my door locked and scared. 

I unlocked the door with a loudly sound of click, and slowly went to the living room where he was in. He was standing-still in the middle of the cage on one of those branches. We have replaced his cage in front of the window not to bore him. As I checked now, his head was turned towards the window. I sat in the couch as if nothing has happened. Indeed, it was the truth that nothing has ever happened. 

I started to talk softly without being afraid:

-Well... I’m sorry that I overreacted. But you can understand me I suppose since this is my first time seeing a parrot like you. Let me introduce myself to you—

While I was finishing my words, I’m surprised to be cut off by him:

-You don’t have to introduce yourself to me Belen. I know you. I know who you are. I know where you are from. I know your job. 

It was tense. It was highly tense...When he turned her head to me and our eyes met, I got the shivers. These didn’t even bothered him so he continued:

-All I could say for now, just do not be scared of me. I am not someone to harm you. I mean, even if I would want to, I could not. Don’t you see this cage. It is designed for me to keep me in. 

After his last sentence, I was terrified and since he must have realized that I am so terrified that he tried the comfort me:

-No, no! Not because I’m harmful, but because I am not harmful.

-And this supposed to make me calm down? I replied sarcastically. I still couldn’t believe that I just replied “sarcastically” to a “parrot”. 

-Yes, please, do not be scared of me. I am the victim here. 


-Yes! I am the victim.

-How come?

-Did he give to you the key of this cage?


-See! He’s afraid even of you to steal me. 

I was bewildered like hell. What the hell this bird was talking about. 

-Trust me!


-Trust me!

-Look! I got it. You understand me and I don’t understand you obviously. The only thing I know we have a big week ahead of us to spent time together. Just let’s make this easier for both of us and create some rules for the week. It seems like you have some kind of animal instinct-like imagination within your tiny, little, cutie brain. I don’t understand a word. Maybe it’s because you’re crazy or maybe I’m so limited compared to you. But the only thing I get it, yes, I don’t even have a key and this cage seems pretty safe for both of us. Therefore, there’s nothing to be afraid of.

I sighed after this realization of not having a key and a big chain. Yes it sure seems weird for someone who pet a parrot to be caged with a big chain, but maybe he also think Wapi is scary, who knows. I continued with confidence:

-For this week, we need some rules, yes. And the first rules is “I don’t want to be bothered. He cut me off again and made me angry:

-This is not a rule this is just a desire.

-Okay, listen to me bird—

-Wapi, corrected me with a knowingly voice.

-Listen to me Wapi the bird, the first rule is “Belen will not be bothered.”

I got a paper and a pen and started to write down the first rule but he warned me logically:

-If you are writing down the rules to make yourself remember, it’s cool. But just letting you know that I can’t read.

-Huh... we just found something that you can’t be smartass. 

I put the pen down without being obvious that I’m annoyed. 

-I will feed you and I won’t bother you either. These two rules will make us survive seven days living together.

Now, the look of sadness was clearly seen on his face. But I couldn’t help myself.


I opened my eyes to the scratchy sound of him. He broke the rule number one even from the second day! I woke up and went to the kitchen prepare the breakfast. I got to be full in order to feed him. We are said even in the airplanes “first yourself then your kid”. 

I was still trying to ignore his scratchy voice while I take the last sip of my green tea and the last bite of my veggie omelette. It was a pain in the ear. I sighed and went to where he was waiting and talking to himself. I came in and said

-You broke the first rule.

-I didn’t meant to.

-Yeah, really? 

-Do you know problems can be solved by communication.

-You are a fucking bird, for god’s sake!

-If you ever listen to me for once, you will understand that I am more than a bird. 

-Look, I’m busy today, okay?I have to translate an article for tomorrow. So, I need a quite environment. 


I was surprised he didn’t insist on this time but it seems that it will work in my favor, so I didn’t dig into it and accepted while I turned my around to the bedroom. I opened my Mac and started to do my business with a cup of coffee and a piece of brownie. I was so focused that I translated thirty pages in an hour. Before so long, I heard a scream-like voice. Therefore, I put my head up to the door to check on his cage, I leaned... and I saw the empty cage far from my door. I swallowed with fear. I slowly walked to the window. Still there was nothing. I called out “Bird?” there was no answer. “Hey?”.. still nothing. “Wapi?” I was getting closer with the idea of “It’s supposed to be in the bloody cage” but still there was no any voice or the bird himself. When I got close enough to see the cage, I saw him. He was stuck in that cage. I take a deep breath with a comfortable feeling. 

 -What the hell happened

-I can’t get my claws out of it. 

-I can clearly see that. How did you do that?

-I was trying to get out of here.

-Are you idiot?

-No, I am trying to survive.

-I’m not trying to kill you here!

-Not you, him!

-Maybe he thinks that you want to kill him, different perspectives, huh?

-You don’t get it. That is the last time for me to escape from him. 

      -You crazy bird! I clearly said that I don’t want to be bothered since I’m busy, do you remember?

-Yes. That’s why I didn’t ask for any help to get out of here.


-Yes. Now I need help.

After I saved him from where he stucked, he thanked me and continued:

    -I know I should be quite and not to bother you but please just for five minutes, listen to me. And after that I swear I will not talk to you unless you want.

His words hit me somehow and I accepted to give him a chance.

    -Please, do not be scared of me but I have to tell this to you. Just know that I’m not dangerous. I am not an ordinary Grey Parrot. I am not from here. I mean, not from Earth. 

I sarcastically asked:

-Really? Come on!?

-Yes and also I am not from this dimension. I have been captured by his grand grandparents and for years I’m his family’s slave. After his father’s death, I became his slave, I mean, literally. 

  My eyebrows went skyward:

-You’re serious!

-I am indeed. I am the luck itself. I came here when the Natives were the owners of these lands. They named me as Wapi which means lucky. I bring luck to those whom I am around. Grey Parrot is not my real look. I am more marvelous than how you see me. I was thinking I can’t be tamed on Earth, but his grand grandfather found a way that I even didn’t know it exists and I became a Grey Parrot and they captured me and put me in this cage. After so many years, this is the first time I am with someone else but that massive and vulgar family. Therefore, I need your help. By the way, if I can get out of this cage, you will no longer have to work. I will take care of it. 

I stayed still, couldn’t move at all. This was too much for a parrot. But this existential thoughts and speeches seems he was talking the truth. I accepted and asked what should I do for him.

      -You should go in his house and get the—

      -Wait wait! I can’t break into someone else’s house.

     -You don’t have to break in, the password is “636126”. Look for a blue spoon-like key. It must be under the sink in the kitchen. Don’t ask why. He’s an idiot. 

      -Okay, and then what’s gonna happen?

      -We’ll go together.

      -He’s gonna kill me and never want to be with me ever.

     -Don’t you see? He doe not care about you. All he does is to go out with countless of different women every single night. You are just a pawn for him. He knows that you always do whatever he wants just because you’re in love with him. But think wisely for once. Have you ever been to his house? He is not just into you! Moreover, he is the one and only son of those villains that tamed me. 

     -I’ve never seen him that bad. Maybe you’re wrong about this. Not saying for the father and the grandfathers.

    -You’re brain is out of order. You’ve started to believe in me and what happens now? I am the luck itself and you will own me and since you have such a soft heart, we’ll be great friends and you won’t need to work to gain things or you don’t have to search for the one but he is not the one. I know who he is. 

     -Okay. Wait there I mean what could go wrong, he’s out of the city. 

I went there and looked for what he was mentioning and indeed found nothing but a messy dresses, house and the other things. I embarrassed for believing in a bird and broke into someone’s houses even though there was nobody. However, when I turned my back to the door to get immediately out of this house I’ve seen that specific and obviously unique object he was talking about. For a moment, I just stand there and looked for it. I wasn’t tall enough to get there. I looked for a stair but there was none so I tried three of those chairs around the dinner table instead. Finally, when I reach for it, I fell so bad and realized later that something cut my leg up pretty bad. I was thinking nothing but to go out of this house immediately and I did. I was in a rush to do all those things what he has mentioned and now I was there, in front of him and he was waiting happily for me to make him free. I did. I made him free and then something special thing happened after he got out of his golden cage. He just took wings and flew away. That was the time when I woke up out of my dream. Now his eyes all on me, speechless. Very quietly... I’m checking my leg and see nothing. I’m checking my house and nothing has changed. I am convinced now it was all nothing but just a dream. Then, I hear a notification sound from my phone now, from him. It was written “Where are you? I can’t find you both for about a year! Why would someone kidnap a bird for god’s sake!” I’m unconsciously looking in front of the mirror where his cage’s supposed to be but I see nothing. The only thing I see is an oceanfront mansion with a lovely man with a golden retriever waving at me and calls my name “Belen, honey, we’re waiting for you, come on!” 

December 24, 2020 17:00

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1 comment

21:41 Jan 13, 2021

I really liked “WAPI”! The fantasy twist was really cool. Keep up the good work!


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