The Killer Clown🤡

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Set your story at a party that has gone horribly wrong.... view prompt


Horror Suspense Thriller

My friends John, Sammy, Devon and I are setting up a surprise party for my sister Karin. My sister who is 7 years old and loves clowns. Karin is 3 ft 8 inches with light curly brown hair, ocean blue eyes and is skinny, like myself and my mother. My sister and I look almost the same except I, resentfully have a gray/steely eye color. I myself do not mind clowns but kids her age should not be as obsessed as she is over them. Anyway, my mom is taking her to Hot Topic so we can set everything up. For this surprise party we are going to make our house a haunted house. So far we have the people who are going to scare her when she is walking through the house and we have the clowns. The clowns are going to go at the end, you know save the best for last. All we need now is to convert our house into a haunted house.

3 hours later. We have finally converted our house to a haunted house. My sister and mom are 5 minutes away from our house, so I turn off the lights so it's dark. We go and hide in the closet on the left side of the front door and wait.

I hear the car door open "shhh" I tell my friends. We then hear the front door open. We jump out and " boo!". We scared them so much that they jumped 2 inches in the air. My sister slaps me. "Don't do that Katie you almost gave me a heart attack." my sister said.

"Sorry" I tried to say but ended up laughing again which led to my sister slapping me again. "Hey, I was just trying to surprise you." I said to her.

"Happy Birthday!" My friends yelled. She looked at my friends then looked around the room.

"What is this? It's so spooky... I like it though." my sister said to me. We have made our house look like one of those haunted house that you would go to on halloween.

"I knew you would. Okay, stop talking and more exploring the haunted house." I told my sister. "Go on we'll let you go by yourself so you get the full experience." My sister starts bouncing on her feet because she's so excited. She then starts to walk into the maze of a house we have made. She looks behind her to us one last time and goes into our haunted house.

We hear her screams as she gets scared but as time goes on they get fainter and fainter. When we think she is far enough we go in to scare her one final time at the end of the haunted house.

"Ahh!!" we all scream as we turn the corner. The first scare begins. Even though we are the ones who set this up and expect the scares, they still manage to get us. I love how is gets my adrenaline and other primal instincts going as we walk further and further into the haunted house. We get to the end but no sister in sight nor are the clowns.

"Where is she?" my mom asks. We'll she couldn't have gone far is what I'm thinking right now but where are the clowns? I figured she teamed up with the clowns to get us back for earlier. Good luck with that! Ha!

"She couldn't have gone far, she's probably trying to get us back for scaring her earlier." I told my mom to comfort her. She didn't look like she believed what I had said so I say " Okay, we can go look for her but I promise you nothing is wrong." Or at least that was what I had thought.

We decided it is better to split up into two groups to cover more ground. My mom, Sammy and John went together to search the left side of the house while Devon and I searched the right side. We find red paint drops on the ground as we walk but I don't remember doing that. I look at Devon "Did you put red paint on the ground?" I asked him.

"No I didn't do that, maybe one of the others did it." he replied. I shiver. I can tell that he is nervous or maybe he's scared all I know is that I can't stop shaking. We continue on but more quietly than before for as we do want to hear whatever might jump out at us. We stopped at my sisters room when we heard something walking towards us from behind. We looked back but there was nothing there.

"Okay now this is getting really scary. Either we are hearing things or your sister is really good at this stuff." Devon said as his voice got shaker by the second. It would take us 5 minutes to get back to everyone else since we do live in a mansion and are on the other side of the house.

"Yeah I agree with you. This is really scary. I think we should go back to the others." We turn back and scream as we see the clown standing there with a knife that is caked in blood. The clown is taller than Devon who is 6 ft 10 inches, weights 200 pounds of all muscle! Whether it was real or fake blood we don't know and we are not going to find.

"HELP US!" Devon and I both scream as we go to turn back and run into my sisters room. We shut the door and lock it when we get in there. When we turned around and what we see next would of made me piss myself if my body was working properly at that time. There she was standing there with a knife in hand just like the clown. I know your probably thinking well how can a 7 year old be scary. Well if you were there looking into her eyes or what you thought were her eyes then believe me you would have been scared too.

"Karin this is not funny! There's a clown out there with a knife that is bloody." I said to her. I look at her then to Devon. Devon seems to be in shock. I nudge him with my shoulder. He doesn't move.

"Devon? Devon? You good?" He finally calms down enough to look at me. I can barely see the expression on his face since it is so dark. I think he is scared.

"Yes, I'm good but I don't like what's going on. I think there is something wrong with your sister. She's like possessed or something." He said with a little more strength in his voice.

I totally agreed with him, my instincts were telling me to jump out the window that's right next to us but instead I said "Nah, she's just messing with us. I bet you she got that clown to dip his "knife" into the red paint that we have in the garage. Now she's acting like a demonic person because she thinks it's funny. Which by the way isn't funny at all! You got mom upset. Come on, we have to go Karin."

She doesn't move, she's still staring at us like she isn't actually looking at us but through us. It's really creepy, I now have goosebumps and my body is screaming run or go hide behind something. I go to look at Devon but then my sister starts running at us with the knife still in her hand. We go to run but run into the door and we fall down. My sister who is now standing over us, says something but I can't hear what she's saying. I don't even think it is english. She lifts something and then brings it down. I don't remember feeling anything. It's dark and cold. Next thing I know the lights turn on and there they are standing in the middle of the garage covered in blood.

May 12, 2021 16:22

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Alexia Jimenez
18:57 May 17, 2021

I really like this story. It has a lot of suspense which really does keep me wanting to know if she is possessed or just trying to get them back. I laughed a lot when she slapped her sister twice because she scared her. One thing i would suggest is to maybe clarify the ending a bit because i did get a little confused. Over all I really enjoyed this short story. And I hope to read more of your amazing writing.


Chloe McLellan
19:10 May 17, 2021

Thank you so much. For the ending I want you the reader to imagine what happens, instead of telling you how it ends. I like it like that but I do get how it can be confusing. I'm glad you thought it was funny. My sister read it and didn't like so I thought it would come out horrible.


Alexia Jimenez
18:36 May 18, 2021

The story came out great ! And thank you for clarifying.


Chloe McLellan
20:09 May 18, 2021

No problem, I love answering comments.


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Alexia Jimenez
18:36 May 18, 2021

The story came out great ! And thank you for clarifying.


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Alexia Jimenez
18:36 May 18, 2021

The story came out great ! And thank you for clarifying.


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Chloe McLellan
17:50 May 17, 2021

Thank you so much. I didn't think it was good but I'm biased. Yeah good thing the house was pretty big otherwise that clown would of had to take the ceiling out just to get in. I try to get as much descriptions in as possible but I sometimes forget to get the small stuff.


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Chloe McLellan
17:13 May 17, 2021

Thank you. I thought I'd do something creative. I've read so many stories about libraries I thought I'd change it up a bit.


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Kathleen `Woods
17:53 May 17, 2021

I was judging Karin up until I remembered that I was comfortable sleeping in the back of a ford focus at 9, so it's not that tragic to be that short.


Chloe McLellan
18:04 May 17, 2021

Really? I guess I can't say anything because I think sleeping on a rock outside is comfortable at 6 but it was fun. Till I woke up and had tons of bug bites on me.


Kathleen `Woods
18:10 May 17, 2021

You were much less finicky than me, I respect that. I was just recognizing my height at various ages.


Chloe McLellan
18:12 May 17, 2021

Honestly, I'm a whooping 5ft 3 1/2 inches tall. I shouldn't complain seeing as my mom is only 5ft tall. I got lucky is all I'm say.


Kathleen `Woods
18:15 May 17, 2021

lucky! I'm one inch taller than my mom. Everyone involved with my creation was short.


Chloe McLellan
18:20 May 17, 2021

Oh, that's gotta suck. I would like to be two inches tall but I'll take what I got.


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Kathleen `Woods
18:11 May 17, 2021

I didn't start beaning myself on freezer doors consistently until I was 11.


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Kathleen `Woods
17:43 May 17, 2021

that clown is too big, 7+ sorry, you gotta burn down the house. :)


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Kathleen `Woods
17:40 May 17, 2021

I love the solid judgment of the child's clown obsession, as an occasional clown designer.


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Samantha Roman
17:35 May 17, 2021

cool story


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Kathleen `Woods
17:32 May 17, 2021

I like that while Karin is the only one who has a specific age, everyone else is easily clocked for their age in relation.


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Kathleen `Woods
17:28 May 17, 2021

I liked that you managed to settle on any physical descriptions at all.


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Kathleen `Woods
17:04 May 17, 2021

okay, I'm all the way here for murder clowns.


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17:50 Dec 12, 2022

this is awsome.


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