Not Worth It

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story in the form of a top-ten list.... view prompt


Sad Fiction Contemporary

Trigger warning: Suicide, death

Things to do before I leave:

1.   Hug my mother. Say I love you to her, even if I don’t mean it, because I won’t. She never loved me. She always loved her other children more than me. But she tried, I’m sure she tried to love me. It is my fault that I’m so unlovable. It’s my fault that I was always so moody and depressing, that talking to me was more of a chore than a pleasure. I didn’t deserve the same love that my siblings always got, I know that. But I wish I had gotten at least a fraction of it. It’s too late. If you’re reading this Mom, you know I’m being honest. I’m always honest, no one ever believed me when I was alive. But now they will. Everyone believes a dead girl’s last words.

2.   Hug my father. Say I love you to him and mean it because I will. I will hold his photograph and kiss it. I will leave today with it tucked into my jacket’s inside pocket. He knew me, even though he didn’t. I knew him, even though I didn’t. We are the same. He reached the same conclusion as me, knowing that leaving was better and easier than staying. He did it too. I was always ‘the girl whose father killed himself’ growing up. I guess I always knew that I would end up the same way, whether I wanted to or not. It’s in my blood.

3.   Go to all of my siblings’ rooms and take the stuff they’ve stolen from me over the years. All the t-shirts, jackets, sweatshirts, pens, books and ink they’ve taken without asking me at all. I’m going to take it all back. I’m going to smell those items in the privacy of my bedroom, and I’m going to try to see if those smells trigger some memories, at least a single happy memory. If it does, then I’ll return the objects back to their previous positions. If it doesn’t, I’ll stack it all up in my bedroom for them to find after I leave, just for them to realize that they should have asked me when they had the chance.

4.   Eat a filling dinner. I have not been eating very much at all for the past few days, in anticipation of what I’m about to do tomorrow. I realize that if I don’t eat enough, they will put down the cause of my death as an eating disorder. I will not cause them to make such a blunder. My body must be in a healthy condition so that they immediately conclude that I have committed suicide. I am not going to ruin their investigation; I want to help them as much as I can.

5.   Try to talk to my siblings. My older sister especially. She’s always too busy to or has other people much more of her mindset to talk to. It’s not even like I’ve ever wanted to talk to her. Okay, I'm lying. I've always wanted to talk to her, I've never seen anyone more perfect than her. But whenever I even approach her, something more important comes up. This time I’m going to be firm. I’m going to hold a conversation with her and see if anything comes out of it. I want to see if making an effort would change our dynamic, at least for a few minutes. I want to see if I would think about talking to her again. My younger siblings can't be reasoned with. They shun me, even though they aren't even old enough to know what they're doing. They do know, however, that spending any time with me is totally pointless. So they stay out of my way, and I stay out of theirs. That’s how it’s going to be, and I better accept it.

6.   Study a subject I hate. My mind is leaning towards Geography or Physics. I shall decide later. But I must do it, although I’m quite hesitant. I must see for myself, if all the teachers who’ve said that I have the potential to do better were just yapping for the sake of it, or whether they knew what they were yapping about. I want to see – if I decide against leaving – whether I can even begin to learn something from these evil, cruel subjects. I want to see if it’s worth it.

7.   Watch an inspirational movie. Preferably one which makes most people cry. That way, it will make me laugh. I hate the sappy ones, so I’m going watch one of those, not a romance one though. One with a deep message about life and death or some crap like that will be ideal. Maybe it will change me. Ha. I make myself laugh sometimes. But what if it does? What if by the end of the movie, tears flow down my face without my own volition? What if the movie convinces me not to go? How do I stay?

8.   Talk to the girl who sits next to me in class. She seems nice enough. I always get the pity eyes from her whenever I have one of my outbursts in class. But maybe she isn’t pitying me or feeling sorry for me, maybe she is putting herself in my shoes. Maybe she understands me, maybe she feels the same things I do. I need to talk to her, at least once. I need to understand if she’s gone through what I’m going through right now and if she would come to the same conclusion.

9.   Write a will. I’m leaving everything to my father as a practical joke, which I hope is taken the right way. All my clothes, journals and the rest of my belongings, I leave to my father, who is gone too. Ha. I should take them with me. That way, I’ll be able to give it to him directly. I’m leaving everything to my siblings and my mother. I need to give them something. I’m leaving after all. They need something to give company to their guilt. Something to smell, run between their fingers, to cry in, after I’m gone.

10.  Live. Don’t die. Please. Not worth it. I know now.

December 25, 2020 06:57

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Polly R.
12:44 Mar 09, 2021

this is so sweet. i love the end. i love that after they realized how many things there were to do before dying and live for, they knew it wasn't worth it to die. it was perfect. i love the list format. you're so, so good at writing.


Writer Maniac
14:04 Mar 09, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate the compliment!


Polly R.
14:20 Mar 09, 2021

of course! where'd you get inspiration for this idea?


Writer Maniac
14:24 Mar 09, 2021

When the prompt was to write a story in a top ten format, the first thing that came to my mind was a to-do list. But then I needed to think about something interesting to write for a to-do list. So I decided to write in on a hard-hitting topic like suicide, and really delve into the head of someone with suicidal thoughts. I hope that makes sense :)


Polly R.
14:31 Mar 09, 2021

that's really cool! i appreciate you included a trigger warning for everyone!


Writer Maniac
14:32 Mar 09, 2021

It's my responsibility :)


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Kate Winchester
02:54 Mar 05, 2021

This story definitely elicits all the feels. When I saw this prompt I thought it would be too hard, so I didn't do it. You made it look easy lol. It flows really well. It was a sad story, but I'm glad it ended with the narrator deciding to live. :)


Writer Maniac
03:01 Mar 05, 2021

Aww thank you, I really appreciate it! I tried my best with it to make it as natural as possible, so I'm glad it turned out okay :)


Kate Winchester
03:07 Mar 05, 2021

You're welcome :)


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Writer Maniac
03:03 Mar 05, 2021

Also, I got downvoted by over 2000 points and the downvoter is still going at it :(((


Kate Winchester
03:07 Mar 05, 2021

That's awful!


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Valerie June
03:06 Feb 27, 2021

I’m so glad that you changed the story around to end it in a happier note. Sometimes, writing feelings down on paper (or on a screen) is the best way to tackle problems. You had many lines that I thought went pretty deep, and I actually needed to pause to think about them. I also liked how you added bits of humor to the dark context which helped express the girl’s personality and took away some of the dark thoughts. You are quite the talented writer, Writer Maniac (love the name by the way.) I'd love for you to read and comment on one of m...


Writer Maniac
04:05 Feb 27, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! This was a very emotionally exhausting story for me to write, so I'm glad it turned out okay and raw enough :) I will be sure to read the story you've recommended :)


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Eva Bhalla
03:24 Feb 26, 2021

Amazing! I was so shocked at the ending-through out the story was detail. I hope to see more of your work. :)


Writer Maniac
03:26 Feb 26, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I would love your feedback on 'Game Over', a story that is relevant to the times we're in right now :) Here you go:


Eva Bhalla
03:33 Feb 26, 2021



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Siobhan Mulalley
11:13 Feb 25, 2021

Another powerful story. I worked in a women’s prison for 16 years and dealt with a lot of people who were suicidal and/or self harmers and this really rings true of some of the conversations, you had with those who perhaps said they wanted to kill them selves but were not sure. Wanting to make sure nothing was left undone, but sometimes also seeing the humour, I think quite often that is a sense of how ironic they see things. Not always though. Through the humour you can also see the anger/frustration your character has with her family bu...


Writer Maniac
13:44 Feb 25, 2021

Thank you so much, your words really mean a lot to me! I can only imagine how exhausting and difficult it must have been to have listened to so many conversations of this kind. I'm glad that this story resonated with you in a way. I thankfully don't know those many people who are suicidal, but I tried to do it in the most relatable and realistic way, so I'm glad it turned out okay :) I would appreciate some feedback on another hard-hitting piece of mine called 'Game Over', which I wrote in about 45 minutes after the prompts came out. It was ...


Siobhan Mulalley
14:16 Feb 25, 2021

No worries, to be fair the hard part of dealing with people who are possibly suicidal is not what they are feeling at the time, it is listening to the reasons why they have got there in the first place. A vast majority of the women I dealt with have long histories of abuse from childhood, and I often heard the full story. It puts people in prison in a new light. But hey, let’s not get too depressed here!


Writer Maniac
14:29 Feb 25, 2021

Yeah, I can understand. It really is quite enlightening how different people have gone through the worst kind of trauma and the different ways in which they deal with it too.


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Charlie Murphy
19:18 Feb 23, 2021

So, she changed her mind? Good story, anyway!


Writer Maniac
02:08 Feb 24, 2021

Thanks! I would appreciate your feedback on a story of mine called 'Remember that Night' :)


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Grace Lawrence
04:32 Feb 19, 2021

Hey Mania! I finally had a bit of downtime today, so I came over here to check out the stories you recommended:) And I'm so glad that I did! This one absolutely blew me away - very simply, yet powerfully written. I feel that I got a very deep look into your MC's life despite the fact that there were no names, no interactions with other characters, etc. And the ending! Just so, so good:)


Writer Maniac
04:42 Feb 19, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! This one was close to my heart, just because I know too many people who have suicidal thoughts, and this was kind of me getting into a person's head and unravelling their thoughts, I'm glad you liked it! Before you check out the other ones I recommended, I would appreciate feedback on two of my latest stories, 'Remember that Night' and 'Still Have Each Other' which are quite different from what I usually write :)


Grace Lawrence
04:48 Feb 19, 2021

Sure! Heading over there now:)


Writer Maniac
04:48 Feb 19, 2021

Thanks :)


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Rebecca Cole
17:20 Feb 13, 2021

This was beautiful, the way you crafted such sadness is wonderful yet you were able to balance it with humour. I really liked it, keep writing!


Writer Maniac
17:27 Feb 13, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!


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Renee Avery
09:53 Feb 13, 2021

A dark but interesting way to respond to the prompt! My favourite part was #9 with the strikethrough text - funny!


Writer Maniac
12:35 Feb 13, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!


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Palak Shah
15:11 Feb 08, 2021

Great story. I loved all of it and this presents an amazing message. :)) Well done !!!


Writer Maniac
15:15 Feb 08, 2021

Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked it!


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15:34 Feb 05, 2021

I enjoyed this (even if it is quite sad). It was a good use of that prompt. I liked how you included bits humour throughout the whole piece. It feels as if the main character is finding it difficult to write and needs to cheer herself up. I especially liked the bits about the sibling stealing her stuff. I felt that maybe the orders should have been reversed? The first one is very personal and deep and I feel she might have left it for the end? Just a thought. Well done!


Writer Maniac
15:46 Feb 05, 2021

Thank you so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it! The order is still a matter of confusion for me, even I kept changing it up before it got approved 😁


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Beth Connor
17:08 Jan 28, 2021

Hi Manic! I commented on another one of your stories, and you suggested reading this one- turns out I had! I struggle with critiquing this one. As it hits really close to home. I will say you did a beautiful job humanizing the story. The sorrow was wrapped with a glimmer of hope. Great job.


Writer Maniac
17:13 Jan 28, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!


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Izzie Chan
19:11 Jan 26, 2021

I loved this story! “Go to all of my siblings’ rooms and take the stuff they’ve stolen from me over the years” made me laugh, haha. At the end, I loved how she realized just how much she would miss if she killed herself. It was a really powerful story. Great job!


Writer Maniac
02:23 Jan 27, 2021

Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it!


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Maggie K
15:32 Jan 24, 2021

WOW that is amazing I'm feeling so many things right now. I don't know if to laugh or cry great work.


Writer Maniac
15:35 Jan 24, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!


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Jexica Marcell
17:37 Jan 22, 2021

Heart breaking. the first paragraph roped me in. So amazing. Love, Cass


Writer Maniac
03:23 Jan 23, 2021

Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked it!


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Shea West
17:33 Jan 22, 2021

A line that stuck with me: He knew me, even though he didn’t. I knew him, even though I didn’t. There's a big weightiness there. When we are kids and evolve into adults we hear, "Uh, you're just like your father!" It takes until we are older to know what the hell that means right? But this take is far different especially when we know the stats. That children of parents that die by suicide are twice as likely to also die by suicide. He sees his father pain, because it's in his DNA. I really liked that connection you made.


Writer Maniac
03:27 Jan 23, 2021

Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it! I wanted to make the reader understand that the reasons for the narrator's suicidal thoughts ran deeper that we could have imagined.


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Zahra Daya
03:47 Jan 22, 2021

Wow! I really enjoyed reading this story and it had quite a depressing aura which was quite fitting I think. I loved the twist at the end and I think this could honestly be a great opening for a novel. Great job!


Writer Maniac
04:50 Jan 22, 2021

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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Llind Kam
18:34 Jan 21, 2021

Hey, You asked me to read this one. I felt for the narrator and their misery. You seem to have fleshed out characters in your stories. I would be glad if you could check out a few of my stories. Do you want me to suggest a few?


Writer Maniac
02:35 Jan 22, 2021

Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it! Sure, please suggest the stories you would like me to read :)


Llind Kam
15:18 Jan 22, 2021

Sure. I like 'A moist Midah afternoon' and 'Guilty or not. Guys on Reedsy seemed to enjoy 'Cookie monsters'.


Writer Maniac
15:21 Jan 22, 2021

I'll be sure to check them out when I get the time!


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Nancy Drayce
14:44 Jan 18, 2021

Excellent... such a well written story. I could see from the start that a lot of thought and care was put into this story. I was reading and rereading because I wanted to take it all in. This story is so important because it shows the reality. Her thoughts and her wish list is such a good concept for a story. And the ending... wow... it gave me chills!! I am truly amazed, amazing Writer Maniac :)) 💜🌟


Writer Maniac
14:44 Jan 18, 2021

Thank you so much, I'm glad it resonated with you!


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Parul Srivastava
04:35 Jan 17, 2021

This is so satirical!! The love-hate relationship she shares with her family is very well brought out. Clearly she is very lonely and that's why the step. And then the instant regret. Again, very well written!!


Writer Maniac
04:37 Jan 17, 2021

Thank you so much, I really appreciate your comment!


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