Sad Friendship Funny

"Out of my way!! I'm from Guinness, out of my way!!" The cameras were crowding the bakers, swarming them as if they were sprinkles on a cupcake. They tried to get to the door, tried to sneak their way into the bakery, but the cameras were there too. Eventually, they started throwing cupcakes at the cameras. Through the power of pastry, they banished them to worlds unknown and slunk inside.

"Jeez, all this over a cookie? You guys better prepare yourselves for the big day. I'd suggest bulletproof vests and beekeeper helmets. Of course, that's my preference." Maria, their best friend, as sarcastic as ever.

"We'll need more than that." Stacy groaned, setting down the pounds of cookie dough, made and frozen in clumps for this purpose. "They're like leeches, every one of them." Stacy reclined in her loveseat, letting it hug her legs.

"You didn't even carry half as much as I did, Stace!" Jamie dumped her share of the cookie dough on the table, then proceeded to hoist Stacy out of the chair before plopping down on it himself. "Ahh, why don't we have more of these things? We should at least have two, and then maybe get one for Stacy and you to share." He talked in a teasing way, making faces at Maria and Stacy.

"What the hell, man? You don't own that chair!" Stacy tried to pull him out, but he just laid there and laughed.

"If you can't pull me out of a chair, how are you supposed to cook the biggest cookie in the world?" Jamie swatted at her jokingly.

"Ugh, I need to sleep. Just because we're trying to make the world's biggest cookie doesn't mean we have to be up day and night to bake." Maria was complaining again. Stacy rolled her eyes, but she knew the truth in those words.

"Yeah, the paparazzi sucks, but hey, we knew that going in." Jamie had been baking since fourth grade and Maria and Stacy since fifth. None of them had planned on building the world's biggest cookie. They hadn't even been trying to make big cookies before. Once they discovered the joy of breaking a record, though, they couldn't think of anything else.

"You know what? We're not answering questions tonight," Jamie declared, "but we are going to get some sleep." Maria and Stacy sighed their approval. It used to be so easy to sleep in their quaint little bakery, with the holiday smells always wafting through the air. There were cupcakes around the tables, frosted birthday cakes and gingerbread, all mingling. It was a treasure to behold. In fact, it was a wonder that the three besties hadn't eaten it all already.

"G'night, guys..." Stacy mumbled a reply under her breath and then went out like a light.


It was the big day. The day they had all been waiting for. The day they'd been preparing for for months. Stacy, Jamie, and Maria took turns carting out the pounds of cookie dough. Their arms sank and wilted like dead roses, but they hadn't even spread the dough out yet.

"Mr. Wilkes, Mr. Wilkes! Is it true that you are responsible for all the hard work behind the projects and the girls are for show?" A conceited reporter with a microphone stuck it in Jamie's face.

"What are you talking about? You saw them right now cart dough up the hill, doing the same amount of work as I am, and you have the audacity to call them accessories?" Jamie and Stacy crowded the reporter.

"Why on earth would you think that?" Stacy asked, her words oozing contempt.

"Well... it's... just that... You're girls... and it's a lot of... hard work..." The reporter was stumbling on his words and, upon recognizing his mistake, started stumbling on his feet to get off of the stage.

"Can you believe the nerve of that guy? It was like we weren't even there to him." Maria nodded her agreement, but her main focus was spreading the dough. Her long, lanky arms flexed as she stretched it. Maria was in a hard-fought war against the dough, and the dough was losing.

"Geez, Maria, I've never seen you this energetic!" Jamie was in awe of her grit.

"Well, we have been working towards it for a while, so... Why wouldn't it excite me?" She talked with a gleeful skip in her voice, as if she was a kid going to Disneyland.

"Guys, I want you to know that, no matter what, this experience has been amazing," Jamie spoke only once the dough was all spread out. He truly loved the women. Not as romantic objects, but as equals and friends. They had sweated and got through this together, and they would finish it together.

"3... 2... 1...!" Joining hands, they pushed it into the oven and hugged.

"We did it!!" Stacy was ecstatic. Jamie wasn't far behind. Maria, though, wasn't excited at all.

"Guys, I don't think we did." Just then, fire rose up from the oven, exploding and sending everyone backward. Jamie and Stacy pushed through the rubble, fighting to find their friend.

"Maria!! MARIA!!!" They yelled over and over again, but it was no use. She was gone.


"We are called here today to commemorate the life of Maria Mendoza, a woman determined to achieve her goals against all odds and adversity." The droll of the priest's voice blurred into the background. Jamie was the only one left. He lay there, tears streaming down his once flour-covered cheeks. Stacy was gone. Maria was dead. He had no friends anymore. Only pain.

Eventually, when the time came to make his speech, he forced his limbs to climb up the steps. He forced himself to face the pain. Jamie clung to that podium as if it was the only thing that kept him tethered to the Earth. When he let go, Jamie would have to find something else to hold on to. That was how pain works, though. You process it by holding on to what you can when you can. Jamie was almost out of things to hold on to.

"I... was trying to make the World's biggest cookie. We were, actually, Stacy, Maria, and I. We had been friends forever, and always together. Maria was one of my favorite people in the world, and I knew she felt the same about Stacy and me. We were her family. Do... do you know what it feels like to lose your family. I lost her. I can't change that. I wish I could but I know I can't. I know that it might seem selfish that I want her back, but I do. I don't care if it's selfish, because I'm wishing it anyway. She didn't deserve this. She doesn't. I'm going to take comfort in the knowledge that she is still alive in me and Stacy, wherever Stace is right now. Unless you want to keep her memory alive, you are no relation of hers."

Jamie walked off the stairs and held his breath, all the way until the ride home. He didn't... couldn't breathe. When he got back to the bakery, his eyes warmed.

"What're you waiting for, Jamie, we saved you the loveseat!" Stacy was patting him on the back and munching on a cupcake.

"He's not taking my spot. You may have saved him a seat but I certainly didn't." Maria was there, sarcastic as ever.

"I thought you guys left me." He choked on his words, like a pill that was too big to swallow.

"We'll never leave you, man. We might not be next to you or even on the same continent as you, or may even be dead. But we'll never leave you."

Posted Dec 04, 2020

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81 likes 133 comments

I really loved this story! :)


. .
00:23 Dec 05, 2020

Thanks!!! I tried to make my sad emotional style fit the prompts!


Well it definitely worked out! :)


. .
00:51 Dec 05, 2020



Kate Reynolds
15:49 Dec 06, 2020

Wow that took an unexpected (but really fitting) turn! I loved this story, it was so emotional! Great job =)


. .
15:49 Dec 06, 2020

Thank you so much!!!


Kate Reynolds
15:52 Dec 06, 2020

Of course!!


. .
15:53 Dec 06, 2020

I'm going to upvote you and get you to 100+


Kate Reynolds
15:56 Dec 06, 2020

Omg thank you so much!!! This might be a really dumb question but how exactly do you upvote? Cause I still am not sure how to do it lol


. .
15:57 Dec 06, 2020

There's up and down arrows next to everyone's comments, an up arrow press is one karma point and down is downvoting or making it negative. Click on those. Also, post more on here so I can upvote the comments!!


Nainika Gupta
19:06 Dec 04, 2020

Whoooo!! This story was so unique!!! Awesome Job!! I loved how they all had brought their share of the dough - that was great!! Working on my submission(s) ;D


. .
19:07 Dec 04, 2020

Thanks so much!!!!! I can't wait for yours! I didn't like these prompts because I love sad stories with a lot of emotion, but I'll make do!!


Nainika Gupta
19:09 Dec 04, 2020

Haha, thanks - yeah, I'd prefer like darker and more like....menacing??? prompts, but you made the prompt work with your style!!


. .
19:09 Dec 04, 2020

Thanks!! Yeah I thought so too!!


Nainika Gupta
19:10 Dec 04, 2020



. .
19:11 Dec 04, 2020



Phebe Emmanuel
22:25 Dec 06, 2020

Lol, look at your points (it might change by the time you read this, but it was 2020)!


. .
22:30 Dec 06, 2020

I know I saw that!! It's so funny!! But maybe I should get it to 2021 cause this year was horrible!


Phebe Emmanuel
22:36 Dec 06, 2020

Yeah, I'll give you a boost. Maybe a few years in the future the world will be a little more sane.


. .
22:37 Dec 06, 2020

Yeah. Hey, I wanted to run an idea by you: Should I start to create a new language for some of my stories?


Phebe Emmanuel
22:42 Dec 06, 2020

Oooh, like what?


. .
22:46 Dec 06, 2020

I'm trying to look into ways to make a naming language, and to use it in my writing, maybe to add a basic dictionary. That's basically it so far.


. .
22:39 Dec 06, 2020



Phebe Emmanuel
22:42 Dec 06, 2020

Np! You've been a great friend!


. .
22:43 Dec 06, 2020

Awwwwww so have you!!


Akshaya Sutrave
16:14 Dec 05, 2020

Hi! You wrote a fantastic story! I loved the meaning of friendship you conveyed, and the witty dialogue between the characters. It was sad, but at the same time, interesting to read.
Keep it up!


. .
16:17 Dec 05, 2020

Thanks so much!!!


Akshaya Sutrave
16:18 Dec 05, 2020

Of course! :)


Mira Caplan
17:24 Dec 04, 2020

...I am truly astonished by this. This-this was SAD. Good job. I really loved the whole plot of it, and especially that scene where the reporter was stumbling over his words after insulting Maria and Stacy.


. .
17:47 Dec 04, 2020

Thanks! I didn't do very well with this!!


Mira Caplan
17:47 Dec 04, 2020

Nooo, you did AMAXINGLY!


. .
17:48 Dec 04, 2020



Mira Caplan
17:48 Dec 04, 2020



. .
17:48 Dec 04, 2020

U too kind...


22:40 Dec 26, 2020

Hey Luke!!

Sorry it took me so long to read I was busy!

But I finally got to it! This was a very sad but sweet story! Their friendship is so heartwarming and Maria's death was just heart wrenching! I liked the end, it was really sweet!
Although I do think this story was a little fast paced, I think maybe try to slow it down some. But the ending leveled everything out so it was still great!

Great job Luke. keep writing!!


. .
22:43 Dec 26, 2020

Thanks so much!!!! You too!!


Lucas Zhou
04:14 Dec 17, 2020

love it


. .
15:29 Dec 17, 2020

Thanks dude!!


Llind Kam
17:28 Dec 12, 2020

This started out very differently then took us for a wild ride: a very unexpected one.


. .
17:31 Dec 12, 2020

Thanks so much!!


Phebe Emmanuel
01:13 Dec 06, 2020

This was great! It's a tad bit creepy how they come back at the end, but that doesn't matter!!! *cough cough* Honestly though, it's amazing!


. .
13:30 Dec 06, 2020

Thanks so much!! I didn't feel as confident in this one as with my other ones, but everyone tells me it was good!!


Phebe Emmanuel
20:21 Dec 06, 2020

It is!


. .
20:22 Dec 06, 2020



A. S.
18:42 Dec 04, 2020

Great job! One thing I noticed is when you first introduce Jamie you switch back and forth between she and he. Other than that I didn’t notice anything.


. .
18:46 Dec 04, 2020

That was between stacy and Jamie


A. S.
19:02 Dec 04, 2020

Ahhh... ok. That makes a lot more sense.


. .
19:04 Dec 04, 2020



Mira Caplan
18:00 Dec 04, 2020

Hi! Me, again. (This story is totally amaxing, just had to say it again.) Heaven by Ailee is amaxing, too. Her range... the chorus... wow.


. .
18:08 Dec 04, 2020

Yeah it's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mira Caplan
18:14 Dec 04, 2020



Mira Caplan
18:14 Dec 04, 2020

She's one of the best vocalists I've EVER heard


. .
18:22 Dec 04, 2020



Mira Caplan
18:23 Dec 04, 2020



. .
17:47 Dec 04, 2020



what?! it sounded pretty darn good to me!


. .
17:53 Dec 04, 2020

Thanks maybe it's just me!


Jasey Lovegood
01:32 Dec 29, 2020

The only thought that was running through my head the entire time was, "Baking cookies are harmless, this is going to be a nice, happy story." (I was oblivious to the 'sad' category).

[Their arms sank and wilted like dead roses, but they hadn't even spread the dough out yet.] This description was my favourite part, and I really loved the ending (I think I just like all your endings, period.). Wonderful work, I still haven't decided a favourite story :/ but I will get there, eventually! :D


. .
12:35 Dec 29, 2020

Ha lol!!! I know, that's true, and I kinda wanted to make it sad bc that's my thing. Thanks so much!!


Jasey Lovegood
22:16 Dec 29, 2020

Np! :D


Avery G.
19:05 Dec 04, 2020

YESS!!! THIS WAS AWESOME!!! But sad!!! But you did an amazing job of conveying the emotions!!! It was sad...and yet happy!! It was really good!!! Great job!


. .
19:06 Dec 04, 2020

I love them sad songs. Thanks so much!!


Avery G.
19:54 Dec 04, 2020

You're welcome!!


*Mor Sniffing*
So sad and yet happy....


. .
18:46 Dec 04, 2020



. .
18:55 Dec 04, 2020



Cookie Carla🍪
20:40 Jan 08, 2021

I LOVE THIS STORY (And not just because my name is Cookie)!!! It was beautifully written and so dramatic. Amazing job!!


. .
21:40 Jan 08, 2021

Thanks so much!!


Cookie Carla🍪
14:06 Jan 12, 2021

No problem!!


. .
14:09 Jan 12, 2021



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