Flicker: Part 1 (Reedsy Cast)

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Start or end your story with two characters sitting down for a meal.... view prompt


Mystery Suspense Thriller

Author’s Note:

I finally (finally!) finished the first part! High five!

*leaves hand up*

Don’t leave me hanging!

*keeps holding hand up until you reluctantly slap my palm*

Guess I deserve that for being SUPER inactive, really sorry about that! Part 2 is now underway! Get ready >:)

Check the end of this story for the links to everyone's profiles who participated!

Note: This story is based on the Roblox game, Flicker! If you play Roblox, I’d suggest trying that game out, it’s super fun!

Thanks for hanging with me through all of that, now onto Part 1!


“Thank you for helping me,” I said, sitting down at the dinner table. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“Likewise,” said the cloaked figure. “It’s time for them to pay, wouldn’t you say?” They held up their glass, and I held up mine.

“To us!”

We clink our glasses, and set them down, waiting for the game to finally begin.


I sucked in a deep breath, and sat up. Blinding lights burned my eyes, but I kept them open.

"W-where am I?" I muttered, half expecting someone to come out from the shadows and give me one of those "creepy and mysterious" speeches, like "Where you belong", or "Nowhere people will find you." Was I kidnapped?

I looked to my right and saw a window. If I could break it, maybe I could escape and go back home. The daunting realization hit me.

Where is home?

How could I forget where my home was? How could I forget my own name? Or who I was or what I liked or what color my eyes were or-

Actually wait, scratch that.

A mirror lurked in the corner of the room, long and tall, but still big enough for me to see my reflection from the bed. Stumbling, I looked at my terrified reflection.

Shining, silver eyes matched the same shade of highlights in my cinnamon-brown hair, inching a little longer than my shoulders. My tanned hand touched my plain face, and I looked down to see I wore baggy clothes.

I trembled, looking deeper into my reflection, begging to recognise myself.

It was as if I was looking at a stranger.

Taking in a shaky breath, I hastily opened the only door out of the room, to find seven other people in what looked like an apartment building.

A boy and girl sat on a couch in front of a small television, in deep discussion. The boy had brown hair, and hazel eyes. On the other hand, the girl had a darker shade of brown hair, and the purple highlights perfectly matched her purple and gray eyes.

“Who are you?!” I shouted, looking for something nearby for me to use in case these people were the ones who brought me here.

“I could ask you the same thing,” the girl grumbled, standing up and crossing her arms.

The boy rested a hand on her arm, and she seemed to calm down. He felt like the kind of person who would keep the conversation on-topic. “Relax, B. I’m Camryn, we woke up here a few minutes ago.”

Ok, maybe they didn’t kidnap me for unknown reasons.

“I’m...” My voice petered to silence, remembering I didn’t know my name.

The boy, no- Camryn, stepped closer and removed a ribbon from my neck, with a name labeled on the front.


I nodded, unable to speak. How could I have not seen that before? The name clicked, and it felt right.

Maybe something in this place will help me remember what happened.

I clung to that small hope, the goal burning itself into my mind.

A sudden bang! Rang, and another girl stepped out of the room. She had black hair, and ice blue eyes. She wore a black jumpsuit, and immediately seemed very intimidating.

“Who are you? Why did you bring me here?” she said, holding her hands out, ready to attack.

“We mean to harm, we were kidnapped too.” I said, holding my hands up in peace. I took slow cautious steps towards her.

“Seriously, how many people are here?” asked B.

Camryn shrugged.

The girl seemed to let down her guard, and went to fidget with her name-tag. “I’m Maddie. You are?”

I was about to introduce myself until four other people walked in.

The first girl had blonde hair (who we learned later her name was Ashlyn), and blue eyes. She wore mainly black clothing, and seemed to be freaking out more than the rest of us were.

The second person to walk in was a boy, and had purple hair. His eyes seemed to be changing every second, from red to blue to purple, as if his emotions were being shown through them. He also wore black clothing. He later introduced himself as Chris.

The third person was a girl, and had short black hair. She had hazel eyes, and wore a colorful hoodie, along with ripped jeans. She seemed to hang back more than the rest of us, and was twirling a strand of her hair. She said her name was Ellie.

The last boy came in a few minutes later, and had messy red hair. His emerald eyes held no emotion, as he looked around the room. He wore a red plaid shirt, and dark blue jeans. He introduced himself as Aiden.

“Ok… so we all don’t remember anything?”

Ashlyn nodded.

“New plan!” Chris said, placing his hands on his hips. “We break one of the windows, escape, look for someone to help us, call 911, and hope the police will catch whoever did this.”

“Good plan, besides the escaping part,” said Ellie, throwing a lamp at a window near the couch. The lamp flew towards the glass, and I braced myself for the sounds of crashing glass and…


The lamp floated eerily, not touching the ground. The window didn’t have a single crack.

“What the-” Aiden started, but got caught off by the static coming from the television. We all turned to see a blackened figure on the screen.

“I wouldn’t break anything if I were you,” the figure said, “You do not want to know what happens to people who are insubordinate.”

“Who are you?” asked Ashlyn, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

“No one you should be concerned about. Now let’s cut to the chase.”

The figure paused, waiting for us to settle down.

“How would you feel if I said there’s a murderer among you?”

“Well, then I’d ask you who it is?” B grumbled, clearly annoyed at the stranger’s vagueness.

“You’ll have to figure that out yourselves. Of course, some of you will have to help this murderer with your roles, but you’ll figure out which is yours soon enough.” The screen changed to a list of several roles. I grabbed a pencil and paper, and quickly wrote down the roles.

Evil Team

Murderer: Can kill one person every night.

Mind-Reader: Can read one person’s mind each night to find out if they are good or evil.

Mage: Can block someone’s power once every night.

Mole: Can bug one person per night to find out who visited them that night.

Good Team

Detective: Receives a clue to who’s evil each night.

Mind Reader: Can read one person’s mind each night to find out if they are good or evil.

Doctor: Can protect one person per night from the murderer.

Mole: Can bug one person per night to find out who visited them that night.

“In each of your rooms, you will find a journal. That journal will contain your role, and is available for everyone to read once you have been eliminated. If you read another person’s journal before they have been eliminated, even with their permission, you will be eliminated yourself. Good luck, you’re going to need it.”

We all headed to our rooms to grab our journals to see our roles. I quickly open up mine, and flip to the first page.

Mage- Can block a person’s power each night.

Evil Team.

Write down the name of whoever you would like to block tonight here: _________

I dropped the journal. I had to work with a murderer? Someone who probably brought us all here and erased our memories and is going to kill us?

Could they kill me?

It wouldn’t make sense for them to be able to kill their own teammate, but then they’d know who’s good and who to kill in the end…

Then again, this whole thing didn’t make sense.

I did a silent prayer, wrote down a random name, and hoped, hoped, hoped, that whoever was detective, they would save us all.


Thank you to everyone who participated in my first Reedsy Cast!

Cleo/Cookie Carla: https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/cookie-carla/

Camryn/Chase Dova: https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/chase-dova/



Maddie/Abigail Cross: https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/edbcba/

Ashlyn/Wolf Warrior: https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/wolf-warrior-e4a694/




(You know who you are ;) )


*cough* you know how to find my profile lol

Word Count: 1536 words

June 30, 2021 20:26

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B. W.
17:02 Jul 12, 2021

So I finally decided to read this part, I guess I forgot about doing it earlier, but I have to say that it's really good ^^ I don't think I've ever played 'Flicker' before, but I've at least heard of it. I like everything about it, to be honest, and I also really like how my character just seems to be annoyed the entire time. I know it'll take a while, but I'm pretty excited to read the next part, I have a feeling that it'll be great :) And I think I'm going to give this story a 10/10.


19:17 Jul 16, 2021

Thanks! Heh, I'm hoping to finish it later today or tmr, but we'll see ;)


B. W.
22:58 Jul 16, 2021

Np ^^ Whenever you do finish it, could you tell me? I'll leave more feedback on it n stuff.


23:35 Jul 16, 2021

Ofc! :D


B. W.
05:40 Jul 17, 2021

I'll go check it out as soon as I can ^^


19:43 Jul 17, 2021

K x3


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00:47 Jul 17, 2021

Just published Part 2!


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Moon Fox
23:05 Jul 22, 2021



03:25 Jul 25, 2021



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Esther :)
00:42 Jul 22, 2021

Love your new pfp it’s so cute! This was yet another amazing story! The imagery was amazing! Text me if your cast is open again!


03:23 Jul 25, 2021

Ty! I'll definitely let you know!


Esther :)
05:23 Jul 25, 2021



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19:17 Jul 16, 2021



00:47 Jul 17, 2021

<33 (Part 2 is out btw! :D)


01:01 Jul 18, 2021



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Sia S
15:04 Jul 11, 2021

New story (involving hilarious grannies) ;)


19:16 Jul 16, 2021

Sorry for the late response, on it! >:P


Sia S
07:29 Jul 17, 2021



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B. W.
04:56 Jul 10, 2021

Hey, so I finally made a new story after a while ^^ Could you check it out and leave some feedback? I titled it "Manipulative Reflection."


19:16 Jul 10, 2021

Ok! I'll check it out soon!


B. W.
20:41 Jul 10, 2021

Thanks ^^ I think I'm going to finally start making more stories on here again.


19:12 Jul 16, 2021

Yay! Cant wait to read them! :P


B. W.
22:55 Jul 16, 2021

Speaking new stories and all that, what do ya think of the new prompts?


23:34 Jul 16, 2021

I think they're pretty cool, I really like the one about the character noticing some sort of repitition. Wbu?


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Sia S
10:22 Jul 01, 2021

This was awesome! I used to play flicker a lot!! I also have a reedsy cast too, and I'm planning on continuing it in a while. Could I be in yours?


19:53 Jul 01, 2021

Ofc! Here's the link: https://forms.gle/E6dLJyqR4z25sBvZ8 The roles are already filled out (besides innocent and twins, although I removed those to give everyone a part to play), BUT I CAN give you the role of either Savior (the role that can bring anyone back from the dead) OR assassin (the role that can kill someone once, and their attacks are inevitable) that I haven't included yet, so just lmk if you want to be either of those, or something else if you can think of anything :P


Sia S
02:26 Jul 02, 2021

Okay! Thanks though!


04:24 Jul 02, 2021



Sia S
04:29 Jul 02, 2021



20:10 Jul 02, 2021



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00:47 Jul 17, 2021

Part 2 of my Flicker Reedsy cast is out!


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Sia S
02:30 Jul 02, 2021

*sAviOuR* lol


04:24 Jul 02, 2021



Sia S
04:27 Jul 02, 2021



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02:24 Jul 01, 2021

Wowwwww I love this! Short and sweet and mostly dialogue, which made for a quick and smooth read. The overall plot is super coool…these people are kidnapped and ooh! There’s a game! (Which seems kinda fun to play hehe.) So yuh can’t wait for part two ;D Also I know this is random but I love this description: “On the other hand, the girl had a darker shade of brown hair, and the purple highlights perfectly matched her purple and gray eyes.” Awesome jobbbb


02:50 Jul 01, 2021

Thanks! :D


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00:48 Jul 17, 2021

Part 2 is out btw!


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TJ Squared
01:43 Jul 01, 2021

Oooooooooooooo I like where this is headed! The plot is very interesting and cool in general! Super great job with this!!!


01:49 Jul 01, 2021

Thanks! :D


TJ Squared
01:51 Jul 01, 2021

:DDDDDD really excited for part 2!!!


02:16 Jul 01, 2021

Glad to hear it! (I believe your part sHoUlD br next, but I could be wrong)


TJ Squared
02:29 Jul 01, 2021

:DD (it's alright, still would be excited if it was anyone else's part XD)


02:50 Jul 01, 2021



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TJ Squared
21:23 Jul 03, 2021

hmmm fav time of day and why?


21:26 Jul 03, 2021

The evening, mainly because it's just so beautiful, not too dark, but not super bright and early either. You?


TJ Squared
21:32 Jul 03, 2021

nice! My answer is nearly the same, but I'll go full on night because I like darkness cause it's better to see stars with :)


19:15 Jul 04, 2021

Ahh ok, nice! Yeah, the stars are beautiful!


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TJ Squared
18:35 Jul 04, 2021

also, 2 new stories if you have time...


19:15 Jul 04, 2021

S P E E D (soon I hope :'()


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20:51 Jun 30, 2021



20:56 Jun 30, 2021



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Lilliane Wei
07:29 Dec 30, 2021

Hey! This was such an interesting story, I really like the plot and the way you were able to involve all the characters especially with it being a Reedsy cast. The roles remind me of a game I've played, Werewolf or Mafia, do you know it? It was great how easily you were able to trickle in character descriptions so I wasn't overwhelmed by the sheer amount of character traits I had to try to remember. Amazing job, looking forward to reading more!!! -Olivia


22:56 Dec 30, 2021

Ty! That game sounds vaguely familiar, but im not too sure on what it is. Sounds really fun tho! Again, thanks for dropping the feedback, much appreciated :D


Lilliane Wei
23:02 Dec 30, 2021

Ofccc :D


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Unknown User
20:13 Jul 05, 2021

<removed by user>


20:04 Jul 06, 2021



Unknown User
20:09 Jul 06, 2021

<removed by user>


02:12 Jul 07, 2021

Mhm! The ending is just pdtiousrkudtkxyrkzyr ugh i NEED book 9 nOw x3


Unknown User
03:21 Jul 07, 2021

<removed by user>


16:30 Jul 07, 2021

So any theories on who's Sophie's dad?


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