Romance Teens & Young Adult

Theo slowly folded the blanket over, uncovering Sophie’s disgruntled expression with her brows slightly furrowed together. Strands of hair stuck to her sweating face, she breathed through her mouth heavily, her chest heaving up and down.

With the small portion of moonlight that seeped through window curtains, illuminating Sophie’s face, Theo could make out her frantic eyes moving behind closed eyelids.

He gently placed his hand over her moistened forehead, recoiling it back almost immediately the moment their skin made contact.

“Shit, you’re burning up again.”

He gently tried to scoop her up in a better position, seeing how uncomfortable she was curled up into a ball, latching onto a pillow, with the towel on her forehead leaving a wet spot on the same pillow she was clutching.

Her constant squirming the past hour did not go unnoticed by him, he made sure to check up on her every few minutes, regularly taking her temperature and changing the wet towel folded over her forehead.

He tried to wake her up, only to receive incoherent noises coming from her.

“The beds, we need twelve beds,” She mumbled lowly but seeing how inaudibly she had said it made Theo second-guess what he had heard.

“We’ll buy them tomorrow,” He coaxed her, pulling her up into a seating position.

“No, we need them now,” She pulled herself up drowsily, holding Theo’s arm to support herself, and leaning her head against the headboard, her eyes still half-closed.

He gently stroked her hair, successfully calming her down as he continued to pour sweet words into her ear. “It’s fine, it’s just a feverish dream, Fifi.”

A loud, scratching sound resounded throughout the silent room as Theo dragged the basin filled with water from the bedside table.

Weirdly enough, the scratching sound meshed perfectly with the sounds of droplets from what Sophie could only make out as Theo squeezing a towel into the basin, she slowly blinked herself back into sleep accompanied with the calming sounds, echoing endlessly on her mind.

She could feel herself succumbing into a peaceful sleep, no feverish thoughts over how many pillows and beds would fill their room, when suddenly, like a flicker of a light bulb switching on, her skin made in contact with an unimaginably, piercing cold.

She jumped from her place, pulling herself out of what could have been a dreamless sleep. She recoiled her arm that made in contact with the freezing towel Theo held in his hands.

“It’s alright, it’s just me,” He whispered calmly, returning to what he was previously doing, and smothering her with that damned towel, sending goosebumps down her arms.

He continued to wipe her fevered skin, despite numerous whines and cries from her.

“Theo, I feel fine. Just stop, it’s cold,” She said in a raspy voice as courtesy from all the persistent coughing that had had her exhausted all day.

“You’re not fine, you can barely talk,” He frowned. “And I told you not to put the blankets over your head.”

“It was cold.”

He grabbed the thermometer beside him and pushed it into her mouth, not even waiting more than a minute when it dinged loudly.

“One-Oh-Four, Eighteen. I feel fine, my ass,” He dipped the towel back into the freezing water, wiping her body, starting with her face, then her neck, and chest.

She looked at his focused impression, how gentle and kind he was being with her. With a flat look, Sophie didn’t want him getting ideas. “Hey Theo, remember that time-”

He groaned, irritated as if he’d encountered that start of the sentence one too many times. “Yes, I remember that time when I didn’t finish our school project that happened over seven years ago.” He said dryly, slightly narrowing his eyes, resembling somewhat of a glare.

“Good. Even though you’re being nice to me, I still don’t forgive you for that,”

“Just so you know,” She added with a smile.

“I tried to pay you for that,” He grumbled.

“You were seven years late. All you had to do was assemble a toy car, how hard could it be?” She huffed a breath. “And that way you wouldn’t have needed to pay.”

She plopped the wet towel over her face, pressing it to her face with her hands as it slowly grew warm. She knitted her eyebrows together at the sudden loss of Theo’s touch. “Why’d you stop?”

She kept her face under the wet towel, flipping it over to take advantage of the other side’s coolth. Her body slowly grew warm and uncomfortable.

“The water’s warm, I’ll get cold water,”

“No,” She lengthened the words out, wiping her sweat-infused face with the towel.

He sighed, “Do you want me to get you an Advil?”

“Yes please,” She barely uttered out, suddenly feeling drowsy.

She held her arms out inaudibly telling him to carry her. He does so and lifts her up without a hassle.

They headed for the kitchen, with Sophie carrying the basin over her and leaning her head on his chest.

“Were still not done talking about my toy car.” She mumbled quietly.

“I think we are,” He said, trying to dodge another argument about that stupid toy car.

“I want one on our wedding. I won’t marry you without one,” She blinked innocently up at him.

He sighed, “I don’t get why you’re still not over this. I tried to pay you.”

“You paid me seven years late! My dad berated me every day to get you to pay your part of the project.”

“I am this close to letting go of you right now if you talk about that damned car one more time, my arms are the only ones keeping you from falling,” He loosened his hold on me, making me tighten my hold on his neck.

“You won’t do that,” I snuggled closer to him, brushing my cheek across his chest.

“You love me too much.”

“I mean how can you not?” She said haughtily, “I’m basically the sugar, the spice, and everything nice that’s happened in your life.”

“You got spice right,” He narrowed his eyes at her, “You were a little shit.”

She giggled as a memory of a young, red, and crying Theo resurfaced. She remembered that day vividly, she had tricked Theo into eating a chili pepper, as long as she ate one as well, except she faked eating it leading to horrifying puddles of Theo’s vomit.

“You were the little shit,” She giggled more, “I was taller than you were.”

“I really hate you sometimes,” He had a frown imminent on his face, but Sophie smiled and shook her head. She placed herself in between the crook of his neck, her breathing making the little hairs on his nape stand up. “Still better than hating me all the time.”

“But you still love me, right?” He asked her worriedly.

“Mhm,” She buried her nose in his hair, resulting in more goosebumps coming from him as her hot skin came in contact with his.

“You’re turning hot.”

She didn’t respond and laid quietly in his arms, eyes closed, taking comfort from the sounds of his footsteps creaking against the hardwood floor. Unexpectedly, he comes into an abrupt halt, followed by a switch clicking. She groaned at the sudden brightness overtaking her senses, her eyes blinked furiously before getting used to the light and opening her eyes.

He set her down on a chair, opening several cabinets looking for an Advil, whilst he waits for the basin to fill. She gaped at Theo, amazed with how patient and gentle he was with her. His shirt was wet with several spots fully clinging to his skin, his shorts slowly slipping from his hips, and his eyes were filled with dark bags underneath from staying up taking care of Sophie.

He peeled a banana, placing it in a plate and cutting it into seven equal pieces, before embedding an Advil into one of them. He threw the towel into the basin and carried the plate with one hand and the basin on his left.

He placed the plate in front of her, squeezing again into the towel he held for her forehead to cool down. Sophie was slack jawed, the man she was staring at before her, was nothing like the boy she’d met years ago.

She couldn’t believe that this was the same guy that used to steal her food, rummage through her bags, and talk so loud that she could’ve sworn her eardrums had burst.

You would think that Sophie’s cousins or relatives would be the last people she would ever wed with. But no, she couldn’t believe that this man before her was the same man she vowed to never love, let alone speak with.

“Stop staring,” He told her as he wiped her face with the glacial towel he held, but she couldn’t care less, all she felt were Theo’s warm fingers grasping her cheeks.

She gave him a sweet, saccharine smile and kissed his jaw.

He grumbled, not looking pleased. “I told you not to get yourself sick.”

She smiled at him with one thought lingering on her mind; ‘I was definitely sickly in love’.

December 15, 2020 07:08

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Kate Reynolds
23:00 Dec 20, 2020

THIS STORY WAS REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!! It was a pretty creative way to write about the prompt! I only have one suggestion: it was a little bit confusing when the story changed from third person to first (or maybe it was just me..), but other than that it was great!!!!!!!!


Danny -
23:05 Dec 20, 2020

Oh which part?? I really didnt notice, I may have gone from third person to first in between breaks lol. And thank youu so muchh :))


Kate Reynolds
23:08 Dec 20, 2020

Ofc! Its the part where you say: “I am this close to letting go of you right now if you talk about that damned car one more time, my arms are the only ones keeping you from falling,” He loosened his hold on me, making me tighten my hold on his neck. “You won’t do that,” I snuggled closer to him, brushing my cheek across his chest. “You love me too much."


Danny -
23:10 Dec 20, 2020

Oh thank youu for pointing it out <33 I didnt even notice it, but im glad somebody else did :D


Kate Reynolds
23:10 Dec 20, 2020

Welcome! :D


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Kate Reynolds
23:09 Dec 20, 2020

Btw, when you post a new story please tell me!! I'm looking forward to reading other stories that you wroteee!!


Danny -
11:55 Jan 01, 2021

Of course! I didn't notice right away that your comment was back from Dec. 20, happy new year, btw :)) I've read some of your stories as well, I loved A Christmas resolution in particular, it was sooo sad and sweet and I LOVE ITT. I'll also be looking forward to reading more of your stories, you write really well making them soooo enjoyable to read.


Kate Reynolds
17:12 Jan 01, 2021

Awww thank youuuuu!!! And you too!!!!!!!!!!


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Sapphire 🌼
16:36 Jan 07, 2021

updated my bio :D (*wink wink*)


Danny -
01:08 Jan 08, 2021

Wow I- thank youuu, you're so kindd and probably my first friend here :D You were the first person to comment on my story as well! I mean- I'm speechless 🎊New friend celebration whooo🎊


Sapphire 🌼
16:03 Jan 08, 2021



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Sapphire 🌼
18:58 Dec 18, 2020

AAAAAH THE ROMANCE! THE DESCRIPTIONS! THE WRITING! THE PLOT! AMAZING! Oh my gosh this was so spectacular great job!


Danny -
00:25 Dec 19, 2020

thank you :)) you're flattering me sOOooooOo much. let me shower you with my upvote


Sapphire 🌼
00:55 Dec 19, 2020

Im so sorry I just saw this now! You're so kind! I will also shower you with upvotes!


Danny -
00:58 Dec 19, 2020

No need to apologize, i've replied after a day you've posted the comment (time zones are soo confusing). but thank you again :)) i'll shower, shower you with upvotes


Sapphire 🌼
01:35 Dec 19, 2020

hahahah thank you so much! I'm going to upvote you as much as possible, since you seem new to Reedsy, you don't have too many comments! Thank you again! Gonna follow you!


Sapphire 🌼
01:36 Dec 19, 2020

JUst realised these are your first comments and I already upvoted you lol XD aaaah stahp upvoting me I don't deserve this much!!! Thank youuuuuu!


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Frances Reine
13:18 Jan 06, 2021

Oh WoW, this was amazing! Just one part that was kind of confusing: “Good. Even though you’re being nice to me, I still don’t forgive you for that,” “Just so you know,” She added with a smile. I was a little bit unsure of who said the first thing and then--correct me if I'm wrong--I realized Sophie said both things. I think you could keep both things sentences together without using another quotation mark but this story was TRULY AMAZING :)


Danny -
00:47 Jan 07, 2021

Thank you :)) ...I'll keep it in mind next time


Frances Reine
13:14 Jan 07, 2021

sure no problem! :D


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Sapphire 🌼
19:50 Jan 04, 2021

aieeeee I need more storiesssss from youuuuuuuuuu XD


Danny -
00:49 Jan 05, 2021

you're soooo kind, i'll make more storiess soon, probably including the weird dream that i had the other nightt loololol


Sapphire 🌼
16:00 Jan 05, 2021

lmao I CAN'T WAITTTT!!! WEIRD DREAMS ARE THE BEST!! (well not the fact that they are INSANELY weird)


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Var .
10:05 Dec 31, 2020

The story was amazing. Great Work!!!


Danny -
11:24 Dec 31, 2020

Thank youu :))


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Kendall Defoe
02:57 Dec 31, 2020

Not bad, sir...


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Sunshine (:
20:01 Dec 21, 2020

This story was really good! I loved all the descriptions and the dialogue was great. Maybe you could've explained a little bit more about what was wrong with Sophie/why she was sick, or why she used to hate Theo. Other than that, great job!


Danny -
23:16 Dec 21, 2020

Thank youu. Explaining how she hated Theo was the hardest bit, I couldnt really tell what people were understanding from their perspective lol. I'll try to clarify more next time I make something similar. Thank you again for pointing it out :))


Sunshine (:
07:01 Dec 22, 2020



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Maya -
01:07 Dec 20, 2020

Terrific story!!! I really enjoyed reading it! :)


Danny -
01:11 Dec 20, 2020

Thank you so much :))


Maya -
01:21 Dec 20, 2020

Of course!


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06:35 Dec 22, 2020

Ikr theodore chipmunk hahahahahagagagag (P.S this was a joke what did I ever do to yall)


Nicole Of 2022
22:32 May 18, 2022

LOL I am so confused XD


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Sapphire 🌼
16:39 Jan 08, 2021



Danny -
22:20 Jan 08, 2021

Thaankk youuuuu, yours look sooo minimalistic. I LOVE ITTT!!


Sapphire 🌼
22:25 Jan 08, 2021

Thankkkk uuuuu :DDD


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Coco Longstaff
09:13 Jan 05, 2021

Hewo Thanx for following me btw! I really appreciate it! I loved this story especially because it was based on romance! The descriptions are good. The last sentence was wonderful; it made me smile. Good work!


Danny -
09:14 Jan 05, 2021

Of course! Come by if you ever want me to read some of yours, I'm always up for new storiess :))


Coco Longstaff
09:40 Jan 05, 2021

Oh thanks! Maybe could you read my Frozen hearts story orrr my Criminal story please? Thanx


Danny -
09:42 Jan 05, 2021



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00:14 Jan 01, 2021

Hey Danny!! This was just- amazing!!! I loved it! I love romance especially romance that is uniquely different! I loved how you made their romance not exactly cheesy but us, the reader could tell they truly loved each other. It was really just a sweet tale! Wish I could write like this! Another thing, I know everyone already pointed out the 3rd person to first thing(I made the same mistake ahaha..). But I kinda liked it, I liked how it just changed from 3rd to first. It was noticeable but it flowed and I think thats all that matters (for m...


Danny -
01:08 Jan 01, 2021

Thank you! Wow, I don't know what to say, but I'm glad you enjoyed it :))


01:25 Jan 01, 2021

Of course!


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07:57 Dec 31, 2020

My goodness, Danny Glipo! What a rare find!! I deeply enjoyed reading every word of your story. I loved how you gave the narration meaning beyond just what the characters were doing in the moment, but also explaining their connection that led to it. The narrative was just so natural and easy! It flowed like water and felt completely realistic. I loved the imagery and visual details of fever and sickness. It was palpable how much Theo cared about Sophie and how she gradually fell for him. There is a jarring shift to first person in the middl...


Danny -
08:12 Dec 31, 2020

Thank youu so much! It's nice to know that somebody enjoyed it :)) and lmaoo same, I barely noticed I shifted POVs until Kate Reynolds pointed it out


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Sapphire 🌼
00:17 Jan 13, 2021

maybe it's just me being lazy but another thread woop!!! So question. What sounds more dramatic: "The Diamond Sword" or "The Diamond Blade"


The diamond blade heheheh ♦️


Sapphire 🌼
15:56 Jan 13, 2021



Sapphire 🌼
16:12 Jan 13, 2021



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Danny -
00:21 Jan 13, 2021

the diamond blade sounds fancyy~


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AntMan 🐜
14:15 Jan 11, 2021

This is an amazing story!


Danny -
23:37 Jan 11, 2021

Thank youuuu


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00:59 Mar 20, 2022

I seriously love this. It's so sweet, and I find it engaging. You should make a part two!!!! Also, thanks for following me. Means a lot. :)


Danny -
14:15 Mar 21, 2022

Thank you so much, I appreciate it! I thought of that but I posted this so long ago I've already forgotten what the original idea for part 2 was :') Thanks for checking it out though Also a lil sidenote, I read your bio, what are your favorite books? :)


16:10 Mar 21, 2022

Most definitely books by Kiera Cass and then the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. The best. :) What about you? What are your favorite books?


Danny -
23:50 Mar 21, 2022

Oooohhh yessss I heard they were good, they've actually been on my tbr for a while now. Most recently probablyyy Before I Go To Sleep, I forget by whom


00:12 Mar 22, 2022

Cool. :)


00:14 Mar 22, 2022

Also, how was your day(not trying to be creepy or anything, just wondering)?


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02:20 Mar 18, 2022

This is the besttttttttttttt Romance is my favorite genre, and some are better than others, and this is most definitely one of those!!!!!!! I love how sweet Theo is, he's probably everything someone would want in a boyfriend/fiance. :)


Danny -
14:12 Mar 21, 2022

Thankyouuu <3 Definetely though, but you wouldn't ever want to see what my original character for Theo was (such a real heartbreaker for moms all around the globe </3)


16:10 Mar 21, 2022

Well, I like him how he is. Sweet guy. :)


Danny -
23:51 Mar 21, 2022

He says thanks then haha :)


00:12 Mar 22, 2022

Ooohh, wish I could talk to him!


18:56 Feb 22, 2024

Just reread it again, and I love it just as much as I did the first time <3 It's great. You're such a good writer :))))


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Chloe Nicole
21:11 Mar 02, 2022

This is so good!!! I just recently joined here, was planning on submitting a story but seeing how good everyone’s is I’m not sure lol my writing is no where near as good. I loved this! <3


Danny -
00:08 Mar 03, 2022

Welcome to reedsy! How are you liking it here so far? I'm sure what you've written turned out amazingg, lots of people here would be interested in what you'd have to share. There's no harm in submitting a story, I say go for it :) Best of luck~


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22:56 Mar 03, 2021

Holy crap you have a talent! This story was so fricking good!!!!! It could not have been written a better way.-CJJJJJJJJJJJJj


Danny -
22:58 Mar 03, 2021

Thank youuu :)))


23:02 Mar 03, 2021

You're welcome!!!!!!! :))))


Danny -
04:10 Mar 04, 2021



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Maggie K
18:12 Jan 24, 2021

Awww so cute!


Danny -
00:40 Jan 25, 2021

Thank youu <33 I think your story's on my library, can't wait to read it :)


Maggie K
08:22 Jan 25, 2021

Thanks it's my first one it's not amazing though


Danny -
08:28 Jan 25, 2021

I read it, it's amazing for a first story! Lolllolll my first story here was soooo cringyyy, I'm glad I deleted it.....hiding my shamee Lol I'm getting second-hand embarrassment from my old self just by typing this


Maggie K
08:50 Jan 25, 2021

Yeah that happened to me when I wrote something a few years back and I reread it I was like wow this is total crap I can't believe I ever thought this was good.


Danny -
08:56 Jan 25, 2021

IKRRRRR SAMEEE, probably because of all the compliments, but this is what constructive criticism is for, I guess.. Lol we should start normalizing cringyyy stories young us made.....likee lol so we can all cringe in harmony


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