~17 years ago~
It had only been a day or so after finding the human baby all alone, and they were all surprisingly taking good care of her, Rio was quite sure that the human baby would be scared of one, or all of them. But that wasn't the case.
In fact, she (Rio admitted that he actually thought she was a boy at first) seemed to enjoy and trust all of them. Specifically Solo, and the dragon wasn't sure why. Davina and Rio decided to leave him with the baby, while they both went to go find a few things for the new little member.
Solo sat a good distance away from the baby, who he had brought into Davina's home, and laid her on something comfortable. He kept an eye on her, only turning around when he heard something, but it was almost always the wind. No sign of Rio and Davina yet.
The baby--he wasn't sure what they'd all call her, they hadn't thought of a name just yet, was just babbling nonsense and looking around, taking in her new surroundings. "You having fun...?" The dragon asked, walking closer.
The response he got from the little one was a little smile, which caused him to smile back. Solo backed up slightly and turned around, deciding that he needed something more comfortable to lay on, and didn't want to harm her.
It happened in a matter of seconds as he opened up his mouth, beginning to somewhat charge it up, and blasted fire on the ground in a circle. He walked around it also in circles, occasionally patting a part of it, similar to a dog, before he plopped onto the ground.
Suddenly, giggles erupted from the little human beside him, her smile growing even bigger now. Solo couldn't help but find it adorable, and his smile was even growing as well, he had a feeling that he'd enjoy taking care of the kid.
~Present day~
Rio had fallen asleep on Davina's back, who didn't want to wake him up yet and was trying to go slower. Artio wasn't as tired as him, but did get tired of walking at least, and went back to riding on Solo's back. "C'mon, there has to be something interesting out here..."
Her older sister shrugged the best she could, continuing to be careful, especially after Rio began to move slightly and mumbled something that sounded like gibberish. "I'm sure there is, but maybe we won't find it today or in this area." She whispered.
When Solo felt hands start to wrap around his neck, not in a way to choke him, but so that they wouldn't fall, he turned to look at his little sister. His tail slightly twitched, gently hitting a tree before he asked, "Artio... I know that look, what are you wanting to do?"
"Why don't we both go up? I'm sure we'll be able to see something easier like that, then maybe we could go explore it? I'm sure there's gotta be at least something..." Artio explained to her brother.
Solo paused for a moment as if he needed to think about it, and he started to look around the current area. It doesn't seem too dangerous... He looked back up at Artio, who was patiently waiting while humming something. "Alright, but you need to hang on, okay? I don't want to drop you."
Artio gave him a little thumbs up and began to wrap her arms around him again, but before she could, Rio jumped onto Artio's head. Solo held in a chuckle before turning to look at Davina, whose expression he couldn't read. "You wanna come up with us, Vi?"
"No, I'm fine, just go on ahead and come down and tell me if you see anything." She motioned for him to go up with the other two, which speaking of them, Rio then jumped off her head and onto Solo's head now. "Be extremely careful..." she added.
~10 minutes later~
Davina was just about to start calling for them, she knew it was a big forest, but she didn't even hear Rio. There was some sort of noise that she considered being Solo's wings flapping, but it could have been something else. Just as she was about to call out, Solo landed in front of her.
She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by an overly excited Artio. "Follow us, sis, I think we finally found something! And it seems interesting, come on."
None of them wasted any time trying to get to what they saw, Davina kept trying to ask what it was that they saw, which ended in a few ways. Artio not knowing what the things were called, and then asking Rio what it was, who called it the wrong thing. For Solo, it was on the tip of his tongue, but he just couldn't get it out.
Finally, they reached what Artio and the others had seen up in the air. It was a very small house, at least from what Davina could see, and it was all brown. Except for a few small areas, and she wasn't sure what it was made of either.
There were things on the sides of it though, on the way there Artio at had least said that "Parts of it remind me of a castle, but not really." and there were even some flowers nearby, some were pink, others were red, and few were white.
"So, what are..." Davina started but paused after hearing a pair of footsteps. Human footsteps. And she was pretty sure the only human that they had with them was Artio. "Get behind something, now."
Two humans approached a metal bench which was right in front of the flowers, one was a girl, and the other a boy, who seemed to be just slightly older. The girl seemed to be somewhat annoyed and upset, while the boy was smiling nervously at her.
He sat on the bench and pointed to the seat next to him. "Come on, hon, I know this hasn't been the best date... whatever you wanna call it, but I can try to make it better, I won't mess anything up, I promise."
"This is like one of those romantic TV shows...I bet they're gonna-" Rio muttered under his breath, and even though he was trying his best to be quiet, Davina still covered his mouth.
The girl had been just about to sit next to who must have been her boyfriend when the next big thing happened. A bird had been flying above them when a feather fell off and landed on Solo's nose, and as much as he tried to hold it in, it caused him to sneeze. Loudly.
The only plus with this was that it didn't make him sneeze fire this time, which would have been much worse, but either way, it got the attention of both the other humans. The boy sighed as he got up and started to walk over, "Hold on, I'll be right back..."
Unfortunately for Solo, the human boy was great at finding things and searched his hiding place first. He would have expected maybe a little bunny, or even a fox, not a huge dragon near his house. Not only that but apparently Dragons are real?!
While the human boy did notice Artio pretty quickly, he couldn't get to her even if he wanted to. Mostly because as he started to get closer, Solo proceeded to let out a low growl, and stood in front of his little sister protectively. Rio and Davina were watching from their hiding place, with Rio having a look of awe.
The human boy almost immediately ran back to where the girl was waiting, who now looked a bit worried. "Is something wrong? What did you see? Should I go get the..."
He held a finger up to her as he took a moment to catch his breath, and he kept glancing towards where he saw the two. "I-I saw...I saw a...a Dragon! There was a dragon over there, and a girl was with it! What if the kid is in danger?"
The girl quickly turned from worried to unamused. "Dragons aren't real, I'm sure you were just imagining both of them. Now, please, let's just finish this..."
The boy shook his head and got a grip on the girl's wrist, although it was gentle, and he tried to drag her over to where he saw them. But unknowingly to him, the group had already left, not wanting something else to happen.
"Come on, just come with me, we have to..."
The girl managed to get out of the grip and started to walk towards her car, with the boy following behind. "That's it. I'm done. I'm never going out with you again..."
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This is a part 2 to another story I did recently called "Her Strange But Loving Family"
Hey, I know you've been inactive for over a year, and I have, too, but I was just thinking about you and signed in again to gather some stories I wrote here. Miss you :)
this is ur sign to be my friend
You know Sapphire? We have a collab coming up on my blog at 04:06 p.m. IST tomorrow (April 14). Do check it out, here's the link (https://djdhwanijain.wordpress.com/)
Hii B.W.!! It's been so so so long since I've been on Reedsy omgg :(( I've really missed talking to you!! How are you??
It's been a long time for me as well, tbh. I guess Im doing alright, though.
I'm so glad you're back! I thought you stopped using Reedsy since your last comment was so long ago :(( How's school and everything, any new story ideas??
This was an awesome story, B! I really enjoyed it and the family dynamic of Artio and the dragons were so sweet. Your use of the prompt was great as well. Keep it up!
Hiii B! It's been so long- how are you??
(Great story btw!)
Hey! Hru? It's been a while x3
I just wanted to let you know I finished my Reedsy Cast! Your character's POV is the final part x3
Can't wait to see what you think of it! <3
I FINALLY got to this!
I really loved the flashback at the beginning, it really shows Solo and Artio's sibling relationship. Great job!
Check my bio, I'm leaving and not sure how to say it.
Thanks for telling me to check this out, I like how you used the prompt, and Rios bit was great. Well done :))
No prob, and I'm glad you liked this part ^^ Did you have any other favorite parts?
I don't know about parts because I liked them all but I liked your recent story "Manipulative Reflection" this is definitely one of your best stories in my opinion :))
This is great! I was not expecting that ending-
I honestly thought Davina was going to scold Solo, but here is this human couple where the poor guy gets dumped. (I honestly love how she just walks away from him, like what led up to this to make her that mad at him? I got questions. LMAO.)
It combined a lot of the things we talked about, while not feeling too forced in any way, so I liked it. The dynamic was there, making this was another great piece.
I'm glad ya liked this part ^^ I was really excited to do the protective Solo near the end, and so I'm wondering, what did you think of that part? Along with the other flashback in the beginning? Also, Davina did end up scolding him, somewhat. Though it was just after they ran away, and we only saw the girl dumping the poor dude. Also, I will say this for the ex-couple, they were just very problematic. I honestly did think of stuff for these two, because why not? One reason was because the dude kept missing out on their previous dates.
I stan a protective older brother, that includes Solo.
I like the initial reactions between the two. The smiles shared, the special bonding, it moment was great. It worked to show how he started to admire baby Artio, and can lead the reader to understanding why he was so protective of a human in the first place.
I want to know about the dude, idk why, but it would be funny if there was like a side story of him seeing Solo and Artio fly away and he just flips. Like completely loses it, and then Rio and Artio prank him later, for the cherry on top.
Oh no! I feel like he should have a reason though. He is either A) A massive jerk, or B) maybe he was planning his engagement with the girl. Like their dates kept passing by, because his sights were in the engagement. Maybe it was supposed to be at the park, but then all of *this* happened?
(WOAH, maybe the side story happens right after, and Artio and Rio prank him, and then he cries. Like an ugly cry, making Artio feel horrible and asks him what's up. They talk, and he discusses his plans to be engaged with her later, and she helps him. He, at first, doesn't realize it was the girl from earlier, but then he sees solo help with prep for the surprise engagement, and he flips-again. Happy endings for this guy, unless he is (A) s jerk. XD)
Anywaysss, there is my ramble. Humor me and consider it. (If not, that's cool I am just brainstorming at 11, again.)
I don't think Artio would know a lot about marriage, especially about how to do it, but she just feels so bad for this dude (if he doesn't turn out to be a jerk) and decides to try and learn, just so that she and the others could end up helping him. I could also imagine a scenario of the two talking, like this:
The guy: *Sees Solo nearby, trying to help* Wait a minute...
Artio: What is it?
The guy: You're the two from earlier! *He steps closer, worried.* Are you alright? Why are you with a dangerous dragon?
Artio: First of all, he isn't dangerous. He's my brother!
The guy: WHAT--
There was a story that I kind of still want to do rn and it's with the one about Character A seeing through the eyes of character B--Literally. And I want it to be another Artio story, but the thing is, I don't know how it would even happen, or who it should be with. Like, maybe Artio sees through Rio. Or Solo sees through Artio, etc.
HIIIIII Ri!!!!!!~~
It's been so longgg :(( I've missed you so, so, so much!!!! I still won't be as active on Reedsy as before, but I'll check once a day!! I decided to post a new story and thought I'd check in on the amazing people on Reedsy along with :)) How have you been??
About the story, I really enjoyed it!! Your writing has grown so much and I loved how you incorporated the prompt into the story!!! I really liked reading Rio's parts, haha! Amazing job!!~
I've been missing you a lot as well recently, and I'm glad that you'll be on here occasionally again ^^ I guess I've been doing alright for a while, there's been a lot of stuff going on for me though. Do you possibly remember when I was telling you about how I wanted to become a Voice Actor? Well, I'm actually going to be taking acting classes for it pretty soon, and then I'll have to talk with someone else and get an agent. I've been excited about it ^^
And I'm glad that you liked this story, tbh I never thought my writing would turn out like this, mostly because of how my first story was on here. I've also had a bit of writer's block for a while, but I'm starting to write for some of my series again.
Also speaking about stories, I did notice that you actually made that new one, so when I have the chance I'm gonna go check it out soon. Though I already think that its going to be great ^^
Aww :)) That's really good to hear!! And yes, I do remember and YAYYY I'm so happy for you!!!! I'll keep supporting you as you work towards becoming one and I'm so glad it's working out!!!! Good luck!! Feel free to tell me about how it goes!!
Yess, I really did love reading ittt and I'm definitely glad to see you writing!! Your first story was beautiful, but even still, it's been amazing watching my friend grow!!
Thank youu!! :) Have you picked up any other jokes since I left? I'd love to hear themm I missed them a lott~~
I'm not entirely sure if this would ever happen when I do become a Voice Actor, but I'd honestly love to voice a character in a mythology show. Like voicing a Demi-god character or something. And actually, yeah, I have found a lot of other jokes recently, here: Knock Knock
That would definitely fit you very well!!! I'm sure you'd be a great voice actor with your amazing imagination and passion!! :)))
Yayy! Who's there?
Awww, thank you so much :) Tbh If I was ever in a Demi-god show, I'd wanna voice a character that's the child of Hades, but I'm fine with anything really. Heres the next part: Witches