
this is honestly my first type of romantic story i'm doing on anything. So this is probably gonna be terrible so sorry. to make it easier to know who's who sometimes here: the parts with Harper will be in italics. the parts with Penny will be regular.

Harper sighed as she stared out into the gym. For the next few days there was a dance in there for couples. She didn't really know why or care that much. But she saw how much people were in there dancing and having fun together. Sure you could go there with a friend and not be together but there were more couples.

At the moment she didn't even see any friends in there. she saw couples. They were dancing and having fun, some were even kissing. she wished that was her in there with someone else.

"Harp? what's wrong?" her friend, Ripley asked walking over. The two of them had been friends ever since third grade and now they were in eleventh grade. she should be able to find out what was wrong easily. "i just...wanna find the right girl..."

Penny lay on the side of her bed, she had skipped out on school today since all that would ever be going on was that stupid dance. why for several days?? why not just for an hour?

She knew Ripley and Harper were still at the school, she felt bad for them. They were to never miss a single day of school, even if it was just a dance that day.

Penny had once been with a boy at a different school, she couldn't fully remember but she thinks his name is ash. She and him had been together for about a month until she felt something different. he never took it to well but he still accepted it and left.

"come on harp! why don't we just leave the gym? their playing a movie somewhere else in the school.." Ripley suggests, it wasn't just a dance, the school had luckily set up some other things for the few days.

"no..." she mumbled. she wanted to see how those couples managed to get together, how come she couldn't find anyone??

unluckily for her though, Ripley had to literally drag her away from the gym and into a different area of the school. "why don't we just watch a movie?" Ripley suggested again.

When they got to what the school was using for the movies and they looked to see what movie was playing. Wow. Romance movies. "come on they won't know lets just leave..."

"can't we watch the movies?" Harper asked, not noticing that the movies were romantic ones. she was fine with them but when she was like this she would always go watch them to try and find out what to do.

Penny decided to go for a walk, she had a long while until The two of them would be back from school. Whenever there was a big thing at the school, such as a dance for some reason the school day was a bit longer.

She left her house and started going for a walk carrying her phone in her pocket. she was walking for around 10 minutes when she then felt it buzz. "Meet us at My place." it was a text from Ripley.

Harper had never been with anyone before, but she knew who she felt about and who she didn't. 3 years ago when she told her Father that she didn't like guys, he kicked her out. Her mother didn't care to much.

When Ripley and Penny discovered this, Ripley let Harper stay with her for a few months. she didn't want to stay to long so she found a apartment and rented it. She didn't want to be much of a bother if she had stayed longer.

Penny walked for about 10 more minutes until she reached Ripley's home and knocked on the door. the door opened minutes later with Ripley pulling Penny inside the house.

"hey! what's going on??" Penny asked a bit startled. she noticed Harper laying on the couch stuffing herself with cheese. huh.

"oh hey..." Harper said with her mouth almost full with all types of cheese. She wanted to try and watch a movie but Ripley had shut the tv off. she didn't know how to turn it on.

"Was she doing it again?" Penny knew this happened for a few reasons. both her and ripley were used to it and always just let it happen.


"why don't we play some board-games then? she loves those." Penny suggests, Ever since they all met Harper was the best at board and video games. The second best was ripley.

-the next day-

While Harper and Ripley were off doing some things, Penny watched a old tv show from the 90's. they were recorded on her tv because an old friend of her's wanted her to watch them. "hey pen?" a voice said.

she turned to see her other friend, jinx standing at the doorway. it looked like he was in a dramatic pose, jeez what was he trying to do? "what do you want? how did you even get in here."

Jinx had an awkward smile as he put something behind his back and into a pocket. "no time to explain that, but i have something planned for you!" he walked over and sits next to her.

"alright...what is it?"

"Harper! i have a surprise" Ripley said as Harper was still at her place eating cheese. Ripley had almost a endless amount of cheese for her.

"lay it on me, nothings probably bad by now..." she mumbled with her mouth half full. she never bothered having manners when she was with a friend, or just at least with cheese. she wasn't sure.

Ripley sat down next to her on the couch as she set the rest of the cheese somewhere else. "i set you up...on a blind date!"



Penny had fixed her blonde hair into a ponytail, she wore a short pink and white dress that jinx had gotten for her. she waited nervously at a table, this was her first blind-date she's ever done. who did jinx get for her??

Harper fixed her hair a bit but let it be down, she hated dresses so she just wore a purple and blue cold shoulder. she walked headed inside, looking around for whoever ripley had set her up with. she didn't like blind-dates so much. the person could be a killer.

thats when she saw penny. both of them had looks of surprise as Harper walked over and sat down across from Penny. "hey..."

"uh hey..."

the two of them ordered some food, both pizza, as they began to talk. they were talking about what they've been doing lately, what they wanted to be and even telling jokes to each other. Harper giggled at a few of them.

as they ate and talked, Harper realized that penny...seemed more interesting and she felt...something. Penny did to.

they soon finished eating and went to the exit where Penny stopped Harper and the two looked each other. they both smiled. "that was....fun" Penny said.

Harper smiled a bit more as she nodded, for her first blind-date or really any type of date it went well. even though it was over now, she still had the feeling.

Penny went closer to Harper, the two of them were still near the exit. they needed to leave soon. but the two of them felt something. they had to do something else.

the two of them got a bit closer to each other and looked around to see if anyone was around. nope. they got closer. even more. it ended with a kiss.

this is terrible but lets see what you all think

August 21, 2020 17:55

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Arham Ishraq
23:03 Oct 27, 2020

Hey Blair! I hear your good friends with Raquel, so I just wanted to look at your stories. I read your bio, and whaaaaaat? You are writing four novels?


Arham Ishraq
23:03 Oct 27, 2020

Tell me about them!


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B. W.
23:05 Oct 27, 2020

Yep i am ^^ well one is just for fun so ill never publish it, the rest of the three I WILL publish ^^ if ya wanna know a bit about them go down and look at my Bio because I have a few things for the three novels and then tell me what ya think :) unless you already have seen the description things and ya wanna know some other stuff about em.


Arham Ishraq
17:14 Oct 28, 2020

Oh, I just read them! Ohh now I understand what you and Raquel were talking about (I was reading her threads, I swear I'm not a stalker, she's just my irl friend) that seems great! One thing I might want to drop in is that even if two people really like eachother, it doesn't mean it'll work out. So try to take their relationships slower, maybe even throw in some dramatic scenes, since these types of things are expected in romance.


B. W.
17:28 Oct 28, 2020

Could ya maybe help me with all that?


Arham Ishraq
15:45 Oct 29, 2020

Oh sure! I don't really have an idea for any of the new prompts, so I'll be able to help!


B. W.
15:46 Oct 29, 2020

do ya want me to tell ya about all of my novels so it would be easier or do ya maybe know them all already from looking at our stuff?


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Raquel Rodriguez
20:47 Oct 29, 2020

**you're >:)


Raquel Rodriguez
20:48 Oct 29, 2020

'you're good friends with Raquel'


Arham Ishraq
22:36 Oct 29, 2020

Looks like I've been caught red handed by the grammar police


Raquel Rodriguez
02:59 Oct 30, 2020

You know it :P


Arham Ishraq
13:00 Oct 30, 2020



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Coco Longstaff
00:51 Jan 03, 2021

It’s great to try things for the first time! I’d say this is a solid 9, good job! I like the last sentence, but for the sentences before that, maybe you could do it like: The two of them got a little closer to each other and glanced around to see if anyone was around. There wasn’t. They got closer. Even more closer. And it ended with a kiss. ? Maybe you could try that? I’m no expert on romance, I just read a lot of it soo. Thank you for the story!


B. W.
01:08 Jan 03, 2021

I still suck at romance, but i at least have to say that its better than this one. I feel like this one was just extremely terrible :/


Coco Longstaff
01:12 Jan 03, 2021

It’s okay😁


B. W.
01:16 Jan 03, 2021

I would change it if i could, but the contest for this has been long over for a while.


Coco Longstaff
01:18 Jan 03, 2021

Ohh yah I understand though its ok🤩


B. W.
01:19 Jan 03, 2021

You could maybe check out some of my other better romance stories if ya want?


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Ok so, you executed this very well, you just have to keep writing and practicing. You shouldn't sell yourself short. Us writers all come from a long way. We all go down the same journey. You are doing good, but as you continue to write and write you'll feel more confident about your writing and trust me, it's an amazing feeling. I'm still growing myself. You are awesome writer, don't give up. I'd rate this 8/10.


B. W.
01:55 Aug 22, 2020

I don't really know how to do romance that well and since its my first time, but i'm glad you sorta liked it at least. Still think my other ones along with the other one before this one was better though. What do you have to work on though? a bit curious, everything your doing along with some others always seem really great. but thank you still i'll keep writing


Thanks! I usually have problems with dialogue. But I practice a lot till I get what I think is best. I rewrite and review my stories a lot before posting them, but I still like getting feedback on how to better myself because I can continue to grow. I get what you mean about starting for first time with the romance topic, I have a hard time writing comedy because what I’m might think is funny may not be funny to the reader, so writing my story ‘it was a good day’ was challenging. You have great potential so to don’t give up!


B. W.
02:26 Aug 22, 2020

no problem! i don't think for me its with the dialogue, i think its probably the comedy part because i don't really think any of my stuff is funny. not even really with my friends tbh. and i guess its also that i might be scared that with whatever story i make people are all just gonna hate it. I get a lot of ideas as well and make or try to make stories a lot, i guess it would also because i feel like it would be annoying to others for me to keep making a ton of stories and then i go to tell them about it.


02:33 Aug 22, 2020

I think for me it’s just not having a lot of confidence. Because everyone I meet tells me I’m funny. I have self esteem issues that could be my problem. Now you did a great job with comedy it was authentic. I myself struggle With that on dialogue, that’s the only problem I have in that area. But overall practice makes perfect😊


B. W.
02:36 Aug 22, 2020

what comedy? tell me the comedy in this that you liked i dont think i ever did much comedy in this. And besides the comedy would you have a favorite part to this?


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Raquel Rodriguez
20:49 Oct 29, 2020

Great job, I didn't know you submitted a new story, I give this an: 8/10! :)


B. W.
20:51 Oct 29, 2020

first love...isnt a new story?? this was an extremely old story, what do you mean??? my newest story was "he isn't real...or is he?"


Raquel Rodriguez
20:52 Oct 29, 2020

Oh, okay, oops! Lol, I was just looking at Arham's comments, y'know, not creepy at all, lol ;)


B. W.
20:53 Oct 29, 2020

why did ya even like this story though? i think it sucks :/


Raquel Rodriguez
20:55 Oct 29, 2020

Oh, it's pretty good for a first romance story! :)


B. W.
21:09 Oct 29, 2020

it isn't, i suck at romance


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Raquel Rodriguez
20:56 Oct 29, 2020

I think, just a few punctuation fixes, capitalization corrections, and this story would be 10/10! :)


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Avery G.
19:22 Aug 21, 2020

Hi! No, I don't think this was terrible. Uhh...it was interesting with the romance part, though. But, you did a good job! P.S. Interesting in a good way, though.


B. W.
19:24 Aug 21, 2020

i'm glad you liked it then, this is the first romantic type story i've ever done tbh to me its half and half. though still thank you im glad you liked it. did you have a favorite part?


Avery G.
19:26 Aug 21, 2020

I liked the part when their best friends put up the surprise for them! Friends always do that! :)


B. W.
19:33 Aug 21, 2020

yep i know other people could set the blind date up by themselves (i think, i barely know much about blind-dates) but i don't think harper or penny would have done that so i went with the other two setting it up for them, did you also maybe have a favorite character?


Avery G.
22:57 Aug 21, 2020



B. W.
18:40 Aug 22, 2020

i made another one if you want to check it out and tell me what you think :) "what did you do?"


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