Funny Crime Adventure

I exited the World of Coca-Cola at 2:19 p.m. No sweat, no fear. After all, I've stolen from the greatest museums in the world.

That said, my pocket did feel heavier—the one with my phone, which contained a picture of the original Coca-Cola secret formula. Only two senior executives know the formula entirely at any given time. It's that secret. Well, now there are three.

I crossed Baker Street onto Centennial Olympic Park. I scanned without appearing to scan and noticed two men in black suits. I increased my pace without drawing attention to myself. Could they be from the museum? Surely not. I would have noticed.

Over the last six weeks, I've patiently cased the famous tourist trap, working as an electrician, my original calling, before becoming the world's most notorious burglar. I prefer Heist Connoisseur, but the FBI won't use it. To them, I'm just an ordinary thief. It's so hard to build one's brand.

I stopped and sat on a park bench. The suits looked uncomfortable with my sudden inaction. They slowed but maintained their direction. They were following me. My photographic memory flipped through the museum's security personnel, and those two were not there.

I got up and walked to them. We were surrounded by kids playing, lovers holding hands, and walkers listening to mumbled headphones. These two won't make a scene. I, on the other hand, will. It was easier to disappear in chaos.

"I love pizza on mountain roads if it's December," I said, looking in the opposite direction of the startled pair.

"What?" One of the suits said.

"Come on. You must give the counter-response, or I'm out of here."

They both squirmed. I couldn't have shocked them more had I stripped down to my tighty-whities and danced.

"We don't know what you're talking about." They attempted to move past me, but I intercepted them.

"Alright, enough games. Why are you following me?"

They looked around as if trying to find the hidden Candid Camera. "Face recognition. We've been sent to verify."

"Me? Which notorious criminal do I look like?"

"Don Bard."

"The Heist Connoisseur?"

They tensed up. I tipped my hand. Only the FBI and I know that moniker, even if they pretend they don't.

The suits drew their guns. I had already seen two police officers standing near a hot dog cart only a stone's throw from us. I shouted "gun" and pointed at the two suits. The police officers reacted quickly.

"Put the weapons down!" They shouted with their guns aimed at the men in black.

The neckties dropped their guns and raised their hands. In the confusion, I disappeared among several walkers running from the chaos. I never looked back, but I overheard the two suits yelling, "We're FBI!"

I must be slipping. I know better than to allow a big-brother camera to get a full view of my face. Perhaps I'm getting too old for this. It may be time to retire. They say you should retire at the pinnacle of your career. Is there any higher pinnacle than the Coke formula?

The suits and cops should have made peace by now. I doubled back and sat on a bench, never leaving the park. The best place to hide is where you begin - no one ever thinks to look where they lost you.

Now that I could sit peacefully, it was time to get the Nerd working to sell this picture.

"I've got the pic."

The Nerd texted back, "On it."

How much is this adventure worth? Coke's retained earnings are a little shy of seventy-five billion. Imagine seventy-five billion. Now imagine one hundred million. Both are impossible for the average Joe to wrap his brain around. But I've done the math: One hundred million is only 0.133 percent of Coke's available cash—not even one percent. 

My phone vibrated, "Coke says they won't pay."

"Not surprised. Move on to other buyers."

It's a dangerous game Coke is playing. Someone might buy it. If no one does, I'll fling the formula over the web. Nomads in the Arabian Peninsula will make Coke in their tents.

Ten minutes later, "Musk backed out. Pepsi still on the fence."

I once considered stealing the Mona Lisa. Its estimated value is one billion dollars. Coke could buy seventy-five Mona Lisas! But it won't toss me a measly one hundred million.

"Pepsi got cold feet. Afraid of repercussions. Plan C?"


That took me aback. I have enough plans to go through the alphabet twice, but I believed Pepsi would buy it, if for no other reason than to gift it back to Coke as a goodwill gesture. Imagine the free advertising? And on top of that, Pepsi would be seen as the biggest-hearted corporation of all time.

"Apple wants it. Says they're going to make it better," the Nerd texted.

I have my standards—no changing what has worked.

"No. Go to plan D."

What's wrong with that fruity company? And what's up with the bite out of the apple? Is it Eve's apple - the one that caused the fall of man? Now that I think about it, that is a good logo for them.

I put down the phone and took in the beauty: trees rustling, squirrels nibbling, birds singing. Of course, cars honking, people shouting, runners thudding, and sirens blaring accompanied the otherwise tranquil symphony.

Buzz, "TikTok made an offer."

"I may be a thief, but I'm a patriotic thief. No!"

I was beginning to believe I'd have to follow through on my threat to release the formula on the web. Then my eyes read the text I was hoping to see.

"Coke called back. Says they will pay."

I remained unaffected on the outside, but fireworks went off inside. I was about to score my largest heist. Who knew a soft drink formula would bring in more than crown jewels, famous diamonds, and priceless works of art combined? Well, me, but I hate to toot my own horn.

"Send the pic. No copy. They will know," the Nerd texted.

My hand was shaking a bit. I pushed send.


It's been over six months since my "Oops." Since then, the three who knew the formula have grown to over eight billion. Coke attempted a campaign to impugn the release as a hoax. However, it failed after people started to taste the formula's results.

I left Atlanta for a mountainous area where there are no big-brother cameras. My piddly few million will have to suffice for my retired years. How could I continue heisting after such a bumbling mistake? I have to face it. I'm no longer fit to be the Heist Connoisseur.

July 13, 2024 02:53

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Daniel Rogers
02:58 Jul 13, 2024

I was unable to remain in Wanowyn this week because there are no photographs in my fantasy world. I'm proud of my 19 week streak of Lady Nimmo stories, but all good things must come to an end. 🤣 I hope everyone enjoys my humorous heist. PS - Lady Nimmo will continue if the prompts allow 😂


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Emily Farr
17:56 Jul 15, 2024

Great read, Daniel. This line really stuck with me: "The best place to hide is where you begin - no one ever thinks to look where they lost you." The Heist Connoisseur and my keys .... :)


Daniel Rogers
22:40 Jul 15, 2024

Thank you, and you've got that right. Keys 😂


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10:20 Jul 20, 2024

Loved this funny story about a life of crime gone wrong, due to a blunder. Laughed a lot. Didn't miss Lady Nimmo with this week's offering.


Daniel Rogers
01:32 Jul 22, 2024

Thank you, I agree, the Heist Connoisseur filled in well for Lady Nimmo. She probably enjoyed the week off 😂


05:00 Jul 22, 2024

Probably not. Too caught up in her indecision.


Daniel Rogers
15:51 Jul 22, 2024

🤣 you might be correct


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TE Wetzel
07:12 Jul 19, 2024

Really engaging story Daniel. I loved it. "I once considered stealing the Mona Lisa. Its estimated value is one billion dollars. Coke could buy seventy-five Mona Lisas! But it won't toss me a measly one hundred million." That passage cracked me up.


Daniel Rogers
22:11 Jul 19, 2024

Thank you, I'm glad it cracked you up 😂


TE Wetzel
22:57 Jul 19, 2024

If you need a wheel-man for the Mona Lisa heist I'm your guy. Wait. Remind me which side of the road they drive in France? I could get us both killed and burn up one of the most precious artworks in history in the process. That would kinda suck. If we do this let's get a big SUV and not one of those crappy little Fiats. If I hit someone during the getaway I want to run right over them. Like Mister White said in Reservoir Dogs, “I don't wanna kill anybody. But if I gotta get out that door, and you're standing in my way, one way or the othe...


Daniel Rogers
02:48 Jul 20, 2024

Destroying the Mono Lisa would kinda suck 🤣😂


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Lavy Shenoy
03:41 Jul 19, 2024

This was great! I love a good gag, and the companies' role in this made me smile. "patriotic thief" for TikTok was the funniest to me. Plus in so few words, you painted a great picture of the main character!


Daniel Rogers
22:13 Jul 19, 2024

Thank you. I appreciate your complement on character. I laughed at the TikTok bit as well, heck, I laughed just now. 🤣


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Lisa Spargo
17:08 Jul 18, 2024

Hahaha. We all have done it. Darn technology! This was a good read.


Daniel Rogers
02:27 Jul 19, 2024

Thank you, tech can be a booger 🤣


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Rose Willows
12:23 Jul 18, 2024

I enjoyed this! Great read.


Daniel Rogers
02:27 Jul 19, 2024

Thank you for reading. I'm glad you liked it.


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Kate Winchester
21:24 Jul 17, 2024

I enjoyed your story. It’s creative and funny! I too, like the part about going back to where you begin. It makes sense when you think about it. 🤗


Daniel Rogers
00:05 Jul 18, 2024

Thank you. You know, it really does make sense when you think about it. Funny I've never thought about it until this story 🤣


Kate Winchester
00:18 Jul 18, 2024



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Danielle LeBlanc
21:05 Jul 17, 2024

This was such a fun read, Daniel! Hooked me right from the start :) Great work!


Daniel Rogers
00:04 Jul 18, 2024

Thank you, I'm glad you found it fun 😁


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Laura Lawson
16:46 Jul 17, 2024

Great story, Daniel. I really enjoyed it and as others have noted the humour in "hard to build a brand" and the smart-ass nature of the "Heist Connoisseur". Very entertaining and love the twist at the end.


Daniel Rogers
00:03 Jul 18, 2024

Thank you, I do love a great twist 😀👍


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Martin Ross
16:04 Jul 17, 2024

Gawd, I love a heist, I double-love a comedy heist, and the Coke thing, genius!


Daniel Rogers
00:02 Jul 18, 2024

Thank you. My wife and I visited the World of Coke a few years ago, and I thought back then it would be funny if someone was able to steal the secret formula during one of the guided tours 😂


Martin Ross
01:03 Jul 18, 2024

It works, lemme know so I can book a KFC tour.


Daniel Rogers
03:23 Jul 18, 2024



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Kim Dyas
07:24 Jul 17, 2024

Love it! Great story :)


Daniel Rogers
03:24 Jul 18, 2024

Thank you. I'm glad you liked it.


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J. Rain Sherwin
17:00 Jul 15, 2024

lol. This is great! ("It's so hard to build one's brand.") Ha! I was sad that he didn't get his "last big score"....but still fun stuff!


Daniel Rogers
22:42 Jul 15, 2024

Thank you. The Heist Connoisseur was getting too cocky. He needed to be knocked down a peg or two. 🤣


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Malcolm Twigg
14:10 Jul 15, 2024

This my kind of story, whimsy with a background of good research. Throughly enjoyable. Just one of the tiniest nit-picks: right at the start the reader could assume the protagonist was a senior executive of Coca Cola because of the syntax. Other than that not a word of critique would be worthy. Fine job.


Daniel Rogers
16:10 Jul 15, 2024

Thank you for the read and helpful comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it


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Darvico Ulmeli
12:54 Jul 15, 2024

Still, Lady Nimmo would be proud. Well done, Daniel.


Daniel Rogers
13:06 Jul 15, 2024

Thank you 😀👍


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W. H. Goodwater
12:11 Jul 16, 2024



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Irene Duchess
23:59 Jul 14, 2024

Fun read. Made me laugh. :)


Daniel Rogers
13:07 Jul 15, 2024

Thank you. Love to hear it made you laugh. Me too 😂


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McKade Kerr
22:46 Jul 14, 2024

Awesome! Great story, great character, great humor! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Although I’ll be honest, the ending was a bit confusing for me, haha. Was his “oops” sending it to the wrong person?


Daniel Rogers
22:48 Jul 14, 2024

Thank you. The oops was sending it to the web instead of Coke. I tried to show that by saying eight billion people now know the formula. Sorry it didn't work. 🫤


McKade Kerr
00:13 Jul 15, 2024

Oh, that makes sense! The whole story was very well written, I’m sure I was just being dumb in not seeing that 😂 I also really liked that you branched out and did a different type of story, I thought it worked really well! That being said, I definitely hope to see Lady Nimmo and all of them again soon! 😁


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Heather Rogers
03:44 Jul 14, 2024

Always double check before you hit send! 🤣🤣


Daniel Rogers
22:49 Jul 14, 2024

Always 🤣


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Mary Bendickson
20:01 Jul 13, 2024

So sad. Now there will be no Heinz heist.


Daniel Rogers
22:50 Jul 14, 2024

You never know. He might come out of retirement for that one 😂


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