

The sky was dramatically clouded and smudged the dark colors, as though someone had taken a pom-pom and dotted paint throughout the dark canvas. The sky resigned above a tangle of wild, sitting on its’ throne; the vines curled like snakes around the thick bark of every tree and only fierce predators thrived in their misdts. Speckled across the sky were thousands if not millions of stars, mocking out the moon’s luminous shine. Eva rested in the thinner area of the woods, gazing intently upon her warrior's movements. 

The sword rose and fell in a glittering arch. In this state, he appeared as though he was a wolf, his lush eyes green like snakes and his dripping teeth bared. Eva sat on the tree stump, ignoring the shiny beetles that skittered over her hand, as though it was an obstacle. Her eyes zeroed in on her trainer. Even if she wanted to, why would she even attempt looking at something else? Nothing had his grace, his fluidity, his power. 

At the call of a sparrow, right on time, he laid down his sword and walked toward Eva, panting slightly. His chest rippled under the moonlight as he approached her. 

“Well, hope you got something outta that?” He phrased it like a question and Eva nodded frantically, as if he didn’t already know the answer. He ran his knuckle above his brow and chuckled lightly. 

“Good. Now, you go n’ take the path back to yer little town. Mind the path-” He knotted his brow and peered at Eva expectantly. 

“and head back quickly!” Eva chirped helpfully before grabbing her small satchel and bowing low. Her dark hair combed the soil and it padded against her sides as she dashed into the thicket of the woods, the watchful eyes of her trainer. 


  The sun sank into its crib behind the mountains, but the moonlight provided enough glimmer for Eva to see the path. She paused for a moment to dig through her bag for a snack and her hand curled around a smooth sphere. Eva pulled it out, rubbed the apple on her flowy shirt, and hesitated before taking a satisfyingly crunchy bite. A faint noise emitted from a couplet of small bushes and Eva’s eyes widened. She smacked her palm to her forehead and cursed. 

“I forgot my sword at the training sight!” I’ll never become a hero if I can’t even remember to bring a sword to battle! 

 Eva let this bitter thought pass through her as she bent down and pulled a worn stick that was encased in moss of the ground. Her right foot slid back as she readied herself in a powerful stance and growled slightly, warning the opponent that she was as fierce as she wanted to be. A small flush creeped up her cheeks, faintly aware that whatever was in the bushes was probably a deer or a small critter of some sort. 

“Hey! Y-you don’t wanna come up against me! You’ll regret it!” She puffed out her chest and smiled. That had sounded pretty cool. 

The attacker let out a faint sneeze and a girl clutching an object glides into view. This strange girl had skin the color of sweet caramel and a deep red cloth wrapped around her face in a slight updo. The velvety cloth padded to and fro in the evening breeze, framing the girls face. Her fingers were curled around a stiff brown parcel and her big brown eyes met the Eva’s big gray ones. The neutral colors entwined with each other, like a parade, and both girls blinked at one another. Eva lowered the stick and cocked her hand in a slight wave. 

“H-hello, sorry I thought you were a beast of some kind.” Both girls chuckled nervously at the thought. 

“Same here.” The strangers voice was smooth and nestled in Eva's ears. “My name is Saturn. I’m...not from here.” Her hand curled defensively over the small parcel and her eyes narrowed. 

“You’re not a spy, are you?” Saturn’s quiet words were filled with hatred. Eva noticed Saturn’s eyes drifting down to the shiny apple that rested in her hands. Eva held it out to her and sighed. 

“Here, you can have it. Also, what's a spy? I don’t think I’m one.” Saturn grabbed the apple and took a grateful bite, letting the juice from the sweet pale flesh run down her chin. 

“Thank you. I haven’t eaten in a while,” She looked at the sky and squinted at the stars. “I don’t actually know where I am, and the stars are my only guide right now.” She looked shyly at the ground and kicked some dirt around. Eva stared in wonder at this odd human, whom she had never seen the likes of. Saturn’s smooth voice sliced through the painful silence. 

“So, you’re a warrior?” She had a hint of hope in her voice and a smart gleam in her eye. 

“Warrior in training. Why? Are you thinking about hiring for me?” Eva shrugged indifferently against the wind, not trying to express her excitement. Saturn threw the apple core into the forest and stared Eva up and down. She nodded; Eva nodded. 

“Okay, I need the protection anyway, I’m already on an expedition and I don’t have any protection.” Saturn stuck out her hand and Eva eagerly grasped it. 

“Let me go grab my sword from my training post.” Saturn nodded and followed behind her as Eva sliced at the vines with her sword. At an attempt to make conversation Eva asked where Saturn was from. 

“Look, I know we are partners now, but I don’t feel comfortable exposing myself right now. All you need to know is that it was painful, and this package is the most important thing to end a great deal of treachery that’s going on now.” Eva smiled and shook her head. 

“That sounded rehearsed.” 

       “It was NOT!” 

“Whatever you say, you’re the leader.” Both girls giggled at each other and Saturn suddenly leaned in and placed a quick kiss on Eva’s cheek. Eva let out a soft squeal of surprise and flushed but felt warmer inside. 

“I can’t wait to learn more about your past.” We both smiled and cast our gazes at the speckled opal sky above. 

April 30, 2020 15:36

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That Asian Creep
10:35 Apr 14, 2021

hey Izzie! sorry, it's been a while... I just read your bio- YOU'RE LEAVING?! sorry to hear that... if you need anything I'm here for you :)


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16:41 May 06, 2020

Same with me!


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TJ Squared
03:12 May 18, 2021

so, are you really gone? I miss having random convos with you and stuff. Idek if you'll see this, but still


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Angel {Readsy}
03:32 Apr 28, 2021

I am a nightingale; I read and sing your stories in the flowering garden and all birds, firefly, fairy and flowers are smiling and very thankful to you for writing such an excellent story.


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Damian Nowacki
17:13 Jul 08, 2022



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Cookie Carla🍪
13:16 Apr 16, 2021

Congrats!! Varsha Vimal asked me to shout you out in my bio so I did. She also said that you are one of the best authors on Reedsy...


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Sia S
06:21 Apr 12, 2021

Gurl no.


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Keya M.
18:37 Apr 10, 2021

Izzie, I read your bio, and I'm heartbroken. I'm going to miss you so much!! You're so sweet, and such an incredible writer. I've loved all the conversations we've had. They've been so fun and empowering. I wish you happiness, and success in whatever you do in life. Love, always, K <3


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18:36 Apr 08, 2021



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17:09 Apr 08, 2021



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Damian Nowacki
14:11 Apr 07, 2021

Don't leave!


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Sia S
08:54 Apr 07, 2021

No. You're not leaving. No-de-doo


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TJ Squared
04:31 Apr 07, 2021

awww, sad to hear you're leaving :((( We've talked very little and I guess that won't change now :( if you ever want to rant out about it, just let me know <3


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Jasey Lovegood
21:38 Apr 06, 2021

Hey Izzie! I saw that you’re leaving. I’m gonna miss you and our funny little conversations. ~ Jasey <3


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Radhika Diksha
15:34 Apr 06, 2021

DOnt even think of going, like take a break. But don't dare to delete you story. Ok, these stories are my babes.


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TJ Squared
00:14 Feb 21, 2021

Great story! I liked the details, I always do XD. I could see myself in your story and the two girls meeting was cool. I like your Eva character, a warrior. Good job!


Izzie Q.
02:36 Feb 21, 2021

aww yes! I totally love warrior girls lmao XD if you could be REALLY GOOD at weilding a weapon (probably just useful for a party trick haha) what would it be? Mine would totally be throwing knives hehe they're so ~asthetic~


TJ Squared
03:53 Feb 21, 2021

mine would be probably the bow and arrow because they always look so easy in movies and i think it would be cool.


Izzie Q.
04:56 Feb 21, 2021

oooh i bet you'd rock that!!


TJ Squared
05:14 Feb 21, 2021

yeah. hey, have you checked out the song that is in my bio? If not, you should. Let me know what you think if you want.


Izzie Q.
14:33 Feb 21, 2021

oooh i really like the band We The Kingdom though I haven't heard that speceifc song before! I'll totally check it out and get back to you!!


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Blane Britt
12:25 Aug 20, 2020

Great story.


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Melisa C
15:38 Apr 30, 2020

I was here as soon as I heard you posted something!


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