It was a dark night, one of those without any stars to look at and a dark moon. Not even the Universe was interested in what was about to happen. There was no spotlight over me nor a guiding light to help me escape. As I ran to my car, one of my heels broke, and I twisted my ankle. I took out the shoes and limped to the door while looking for the keys in my purse. Damn big fancy bags. This whole scenario would have been much easier with jeans and sneakers, but that was not something I could change, and dreaming about better times would not help me either.
My hands were trembling, and I was about to empty the bag when I touched the furry pom-pom I had attached to my keychain days before. I took out the keys, opened the door, and once I was inside, I locked the car. The street was empty; no one was screaming my name or running after me, and I took a deep breath before starting the motor.
When I passed the campus gates, I felt light and smiled. I was free, and I felt happy. Before entering the highway, I stopped at the last traffic light and adjusted the mirror. I could not even remember the last time I touched it, and then, when I lowered it, I saw them smiling at me and waving.
I tried to open the door; I wanted to jump out, but Amir moved his arm to my neck and pinned me to my seat. Ezra moved to the front slowly while I struggled to move or breathe. Suddenly, everything hurt, and I did the only thing I could. I pushed the gas pedal with my foot, and my ankle cracked, making the pain even worse.
Ezra took the wheel while I tried to free myself from the strangling arm, but Amir whispered in my ear:
"This will happen whether you like it or not. I gave you the choice."
His teeth sank into my neck, and as the pressure increased in my skin and the wound started to burn, I felt my life running away from me. The blood spilt over my white dress, forming stains that seemed broken rose petals, and shortly after, my head fell on Ezra's lap, and the car stopped in the middle of the highway.
"Move her," said Amir, and Ezra grabbed my body and threw it to the back seat like I was weightless. Amir sat in the driver's seat, and once Ezra sat by his side, the car started again.
I could barely breathe. The only thought in my mind was how much blood I had lost and how much more was now running down the leather I was lying in. I had no more pain, but I was starting to feel cold, and although I wanted desperately to scream and cry, I just couldn't.
He betrayed me, I thought. He's helping him.
I heard the sound of the radio buzzing and then the music, Sympathy for the Devil.
Really? I thought, and I felt like laughing, though I couldn't. Would he now take the end of his sleeves and take them out of his jacket? What would the sixteen-year-old me have done in this situation? I should have been given an option and not forced into this.
The Sun was rising when I woke up. Everything around me was flooded with orange light, and I felt the warmth as the first rays touched my skin. I did not want to open my eyes fully, but I understood I was not gone-- at least not completely-- which meant I still had the right to see the Sun again. It burned at first, though. Everything hurt, but I did not mind. It was like something else was pushing for me, and my body did not belong to me anymore. I was still in the back of the car, and my dress and the seat were drenched in red—my blood.
How had I lost so much blood? Why was I awake?
I raised my head, and my neck cracked. I never liked that sound, but that day, it was scarier than ever. The light passing through the front window blinded me for a second, but when I got used to it, I saw someone sitting in the passenger seat.
I opened my mouth, but the words did not come out.
"Ezra," I thought, convinced that I still had that power on me, that he would listen to my thoughts, that he would attend my command if Amir were far away from us.
"Ezra, please," but he did not turn.
I moved my arm, I wanted to sit, but I couldn't. My limbs failed me, and the only thing I managed was to grab his arm and fall to the car floor. He moved then, but not the way I expected. I was still holding his sleeve when I saw the blood crossing his arm, the wound in his neck, and his eyes opened, lost, lifeless. Then, someone opened the door, grabbed me by the ankles, and dragged me out of the car. I felt the pain once more, like someone was stabbing me with those expensive shoes I had bought weeks before. When my head hit the floor, I closed my eyes. I did not want to see what was about to happen.
"You complain too much," said Amir, though I knew I was the only one who could hear him. There he was, again, inside my head.
"You are such a romantic," he continued. "He was not helpful, no matter how much you tried to make him. He was not worthy."
"He helped you," I thought.
"He was just a pretty puppet... and the puppets are good to play."
I still had my eyes closed and felt a tear running down my face.
"He'll kill me; this all will pass," I thought.
"Don't be ridiculous," I heard. "We have work to do. I don't like to waste talent, time, or blood. You should know that about me already."
After getting rid of Ezra, he lifted my body as if I were a little rag doll and sat me in the passenger seat. The leather was sticky and smelled funny but sweet.
"You'll recover soon, don't worry. You'll be buying new shoes in no time," he said as he started the car and put on his sunglasses.
The car moved away, and as the sunlight warmed my face, I knew I'd have to come up with a better plan to leave that life, that work, and that man.
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I think you did a great job with context. Ezra was the MC's friend. Amir the vampire. Amir turned Ezra into a vampire pawn. They worked together to turn the MC into a vampire. Amir dumps Ezra, but has plans for the MC. Forgive me for answering other comments, but I thought it might be better coming from a reader instead of the author. 😀👍
Thanks a lot Daniel. Indeed, the MC is betrayed by Ezra, who she considers an ally, and it’s true that Amir has plans for the MC, you got it right 😁
You can see the follow up in this week’s contest submission 😊
I liked the atmosphere but the context is unclear...who was helping? why? what is going to happen? why? who are the kidnappers? you have a strong storytelling ability yet you need to iron out the setting.
Thanks for reading my story Kashira. It’s true that not everything is 100% explained but I hope the main idea is there: a surprise, treason, and the need to escape from a really bad situation. Daniel, another reader, gave his take on the story and he got it pretty spot on. In the end, leaving the story a bit open (because it’s short) can help the reader to make it a bit theirs too …
Oh I hope your main character comes up with that plan!
Let’s see… maybe … ☺️
You can see the follow up in this week’s contest submission 😊
I really felt the tension and desperation in your story—those little details, like the broken heel and the sticky leather, pulled me into her nightmare. Twisted hope into something haunting. Wonder where her fight takes her next??
Thank you Dennis, you can read the follow up on this week’s contest submission 😊
I enjoyed this thoroughly, but now that it's been mentioned, the atmosphere/background details could be stronger. However you did excellent with creating a main character with mystery.
I'm somewhat glad I read your follow up first (I'm that weirdo that likes spoilers 😅).
Once again, I was hooked from the get go, really enjoying how your descriptions come together.
Will you be doing more in this series? You've started a wonderful world to build upon!
Hi Nat, if you liked the story you can check the next three in the order mentioned:
279 (the promotion), 281 (becoming) and 283 (job description…) I use this platform to develop stories and since you liked it, here goes a treat 😊
Thank you! I read Human resources first. So I'll get ready the others as well :)
Keep trying, girl! I'm rooting for her next plan of escape.
Working on it 🤩
You can see the follow up in this week’s contest submission 😊
Had to read twice. Still am not sure if Amir was real or not.
Ummm… I wrote him as real but you have quite a nice idea 💡 Thanks for reading!
That's the beauty of reading. Everyone has a different visual on the word meanings.
It’s true 😊
You can see the follow up in this week’s contest submission 😊
I like the Rolling Stones breaking into it for a bit of irony. This feels like the intro for an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Supernatural. Hopefully she works out a way to escape. Is she going to turn into one as well?
Thanks for reading! The Rolling stone’s song was an homage to Interview with the vampire 😅, good catch! Working in the characters right now, this will be part of something bigger 😉
Cool. I look forward to it. Let me know when it’s done with a response to this.
You can find the next chapter in this week's submission :)
The suspense worked well. The MC will have to think up a new plan and soon. I liked that it left things open for the reader to interpret.
Thanks Helen, happy that you enjoyed it 😄
You can see the follow up in this week’s contest submission 😊
Very suspenseful! I hope she has a solid plan to break free.
Working on the plan right now 😄
You can see the follow up in this week’s contest submission 😊
I loved reading this! Best of luck!
Thank you Sampurna 😄
You can see the follow up in this week’s contest submission 😊
Here's to a better plan.
Thanks for liking 'Patrick...'
It's always good to read you :)
Thanks a lot Waeni :)
You can see the follow up in this week’s contest submission 😊