Fantasy Friendship

Nothing seemed to really happen during the day, all I ever did was go and pick the classes that I wanted to be in since I had forgotten to yesterday. Everything seemed quite interesting on the list.

I mostly just stayed in my dorm or walked around a few times, the assistant had told me that I'd start classes the next day. How would that even go through? How would the other ones react to me?

I was going to have to try and figure this stuff out, what monster would I need to be? While I was thinking about this stuff in my dorm, there was a sudden buzzing noise coming from my pocket. My phone.

"Ember!," A loud worried yet angry voice said over the phone "why didn't you answer any of my texts or calls? I thought something terrible must have happened to you."

I'm not entirely sure why she even cares, why is she even putting up an act? Seriously, even in her little texts? Whatever. "Listen, Amber, It was like midnight when I arrived, I was just-"

She cut me off by saying, "Hey, don't call me that you have to call me mother and that's final! Now, honey, this is for the best, you know that right?"

I rolled my eyes and didn't speak to the phone again, instead, I hung up on her. It ain't my fault about any of the stuff ya do or that you made...' father' leave...

Moon had never seemed to be around during the day, maybe it was because she was a vampire? the school was really big though, maybe I was just on a different floor than her.

I did, however, see Blue walking around a couple of times or he was in a classroom, he seemed to just ignore me though every time. Does he not like me or something?

Well anyway, it was close to midnight when I had heard a loud knock on the door. "Ember, you awake?" a familiar voice says to me on the other side. Moon.

I walk over to the door and open the door, where something immediately flew into the room. I was trying my best to see what the thing was, it was flying around the room quite fast.

It of course had some wings, if it didn't why would it be flying in the first place? I could tell that it was something black and that...it was a bat. What was a bat even doing in the school? did a window get left open?

"Is that bubble-wrap on the floor?" Moon's voice asked from somewhere around the room. Wait a minute. Was that bat Moon?

"That's a good choice actually, I've never liked those fuzzy carpets under my feet." Bat Moon says sounding a bit annoyed. Huh, at least she liked it as well. How did I forget that vampires could turn into bats though?

"uh yeah, so what are ya doing here Moon? why didn't I ever see you earlier?"

"I wanna go and take you somewhere, I also can't be out during the day, don't you know that?"

I wanted to ask her where we were going, though she grabbed my hand and began to drag me out of the dorm room. She was still a bat while this was happening, how was she even able to do this??

While I did know plenty of stuff about Vampires and the other monsters, I didn't know exactly every last detail about them. It's not like there were even facts about a Vampires' favorite food or a Werewolves' favorite time of night.

I wasn't about to ask Moon or Blue that stuff either, we all just became friends, I have a feeling that asking all those questions would weird them out.

Or what if it was able to upset them or anger them? I wasn't gonna go and try to get myself killed by one of them. How would they even tell my mother? She probably wouldn't even believe them, I wonder what she'd think though.

Moon was keeping my eyes closed the entire time, while no one was talking I could hear other foot-steps with the two of us. She must have gone and gotten Blue at some point and I never noticed until now.

"Guys?" My voice finally broke the silence between the three of us "where are you even taking me? This better not be a trick to get rid of me or something.." please don't kill me, I'm still way too young to die

Neither of them said anything to me, all I could hear were foot-steps and light breathing. Though the foot-steps soon stopped and Bat Moon uncovered my eyes, we were in a graveyard.

Oh crap...are they gonna kill me and then bury me in here somewhere? Blue just gives me a...strange feeling, I think he'd be the one to do it Moon turned back to normal and leads me to the back of the graveyard.

"What are we doing here..?"

"To have some bonding time." Blue seemed a bit annoyed I bet Moon dragged him along. He seems like the guy to be 'fun' at parties, he probably ruins them. Maybe he's like the Grinch, that would be interesting.

Moon was the first to start telling us some stuff, "My mother went to this boarding school when she was younger as well she thought it would be fun if I went as well."

"Kinda like a tradition thing?"

Moon nodded, "Yeah like a tradition. I think my Grandmother went to the boarding school as well, so your right about that." she smiled, I realized that in the Moon-light sky she seemed even paler than usual.

"Did you...ever run into any other humans?" I just couldn't help it and decided to ask her, I was just curious. Obviously, she was still alive, so if she did run into any humans, she lived through it.

I should be asking her why she's so calm around me instead of the other way around if they attacked her though, I know that there are a lot of Vampire hunters.

"No, My mother did a few times though...they never attacked her or anything though, they mistook her for an actual human because she was tricking them."

After Moon had finished explaining a couple of things, I looked towards Blue. We were all explaining a bit of our story, I think it would be a bit interesting.

Though he never said anything to either of us, he just remained silent. Dang, it. I could also see that he was looking up at the moon, it wasn't a full moon or otherwise, he'd turn into a werewolf.

"Maybe next time? Blue is always kind of like this when he meets new people" Moon lightly chuckled after she told me this. No, I'm pretty sure he hates me. I swear that he was giving me a little death stare before he went back to looking at the moon.

"Why don't you tell us some stuff now? If you are a human, why are you here?"

I don't even know why myself, Amber can be an idiot sometimes. Did she ever even look at the thing or did she just pick it randomly? Though I still tried my best to explain to them, "I don't even know why I was sent to this place, Amber just came into my room a bit angrily one day and told me I was going there 'for the better'..."

We all remained silent for what seemed like hours, Blue had even seemed to be paying attention during my explanation. He was even the first to ask, "Who's Amber?"

I dig through my pocket and I luckily had a picture of us, Blue took the picture from my hand and shows it to Moon. In the picture, there was me, Amber, and Blaze. None of us in the picture looked happy, at least he left.

At least he didn't have to be with that thing anymore, I sometimes wonder where he is now. Though I at least know that he's probably happy, maybe he's with someone new.

"Is she your mother?" Moon asked me as she took the picture from Blue, who was still paying attention to this. I guess I got him interested in something. Good?

I stood up and held out my hand for the picture, I don't even know why I had that stupid picture. Amber must have given it to me before I got in the car and left.

Moon was confused, I understood that, though she gave me the picture without saying anything. I walked over to the fence of the graveyard, which had sharp points for some reason.

I tore up the picture. At least just where Amber was on the picture, though it did end up getting a bit torn on me and Blaze. Though that's completely fine..neither of us would want to be in a picture with her, even if no one could tell who or what she was.

I put the picture back into one of my pockets and began to head for the graveyard exit. I could hear Blue say, "Moon let go of me!" which must have meant that the two of them were following me. Moon was probably dragging him along.

As I stood at the exit of the graveyard, I looked back at the two of my friends who were still following me. I was fine with that though, They weren't going to kill me. Though it didn't even matter if they did.

"That thing was never my mother.." I looked ahead of me and exited the graveyard.

October 24, 2020 20:05

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Megan Sutherland
23:32 Oct 24, 2020

Ooh, great story, B.W.!!! I really, really liked this! I honestly have no critique! Great job! Your Reedsy Friend, Megan S.


B. W.
23:34 Oct 24, 2020

thanks, i'm glad you liked it ^^ did you maybe have a favorite part? what did you think of the ending?


Megan Sutherland
23:38 Oct 24, 2020

B.W. It was all amazing. PLEASE JUST LET ME SAY THAT lollllll it was awesome! I love Blue's character tho. Part 3 maybe, letting us know more about why he's so grouchy? XD


B. W.
23:40 Oct 24, 2020

I'm actually working on another story and I'm almost done with it ^^ I have about 600 words at the moment.


Megan Sutherland
00:00 Oct 25, 2020

Ooh, yay!


B. W.
00:01 Oct 25, 2020

yep ^^


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Laiba M
21:28 Oct 24, 2020

Hi, Hope~ I liked the story. I've stressed this so so many times, but again, I want you to use Grammarly. Your writing will improve by a lot! The grammar issues do cloud the plot quite a bit, so I really do think you should try. I'm very busy at the moment, so I'm not going to spend time giving hard critique-rather, just install Grammarly, it gives you all the critique you need before posting it. I liked the story, though, good job.


B. W.
21:33 Oct 24, 2020

I actually do have it, I just keep forgetting to actually use it. But don't worry ^^ I'll use it with my next story or something. Though did you maybe have a favorite part and what did you think about the ending?


Laiba M
00:44 Oct 25, 2020

Oh, okay! Hmm, I liked how you wrote about Ember's relationship with her mother :)


B. W.
00:56 Oct 25, 2020

what do you think will happen in the next part or what do ya want to happen in the next part?


Laiba M
02:05 Oct 25, 2020

I don't know~


B. W.
02:10 Oct 25, 2020

so what have ya done so far with my story?


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15:12 Nov 01, 2020

Yet again, this was an amazing story, B.. Your plot flowed well, and I think this was one of your better trials with grammar. You are definition getting better in that area--just keep practicing. Anyway, overall, I thought this story was magnificent. -Brooke D.


B. W.
17:22 Nov 01, 2020

Thank you, im glad ya liked it ^^ did you maybe have a favorite part?


19:54 Nov 01, 2020

No problem. My favorite part was when Ember tore up the picture of her, Amber, and Blaze. That was intense.


B. W.
19:54 Nov 01, 2020

what do ya think will happen in the next part?


19:55 Nov 01, 2020

I don't know, but I'm excited to find out.


B. W.
20:03 Nov 01, 2020

maybe there'll be a death in this


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